General => Research Needed => Topic started by: TrishaRoseJacobs on September 08, 2005, 01:21:36 pm

Title: canadians here?
Post by: TrishaRoseJacobs on September 08, 2005, 01:21:36 pm
One of you may want to look into this. I got an email from a guy at Kamloops Correctional Center in BC (

Here is the email:

We run Sweats at our Correctional Center. My question to you is this. Is there a set temperature that the rocks must reach before they are placed in the Sweat?

? ? ? ? ? ? ?  Thanks

Jim Schneider
Program Supervisor
Kamloops Regional Correctional Center

Here is my reply:
Hi Mr. Schneider

- My question to you is - if you don't know the answer to that, do you
really think you should be running Sweats?

Trisha Rose Jacobs

And his reply, which is hard to tell on the net, but seems like it could have been snotty:

Thanks for your help.
     Good answer.
     Very Educational
Title: Re: canadians here?
Post by: PATRICK LAVALLEY on August 27, 2010, 03:49:31 am
My stepfather is a Pipe Carrier who has conducted Sweatlodges within the fences of correctional facilities in Ontario since the late 1980s. From the sparse information above, I gather that there is NO legitimate conductor for this ceremony otherwise, as TrishaRoseJacobs is correct in responding '...if you don't know the answer to that, do you really think you should be running Sweats'? It also leads me to belive that the Kamloops Regional Correctional Center is receiving funding to keep ceremonies running. I would also hazzard to guess that the inmates (probably from across the country) have absolutely no say in who is allowed to perform such ceremonies. It is possible also that there is a back story which we are not privy to as to who the corrections facility recognizes or even the closest native community recognizes. I see a potential death by misadventure at the hands of ignorant Corrections Officers who obviously have no clue what they are doing. I also know from person experience that convicted prisoners have received weekend passes in Ontario specifically to attend Ceremonies. I know this because I have awoken many a morning on my reserve with a convict sleeping on my bedroom floor before ceremonies.
As my stepfather's helper I have been the Doorkeeper at many Sweats in my neighbour's backyard. I am no Traditional Corrections Officer, but as Oshkabewis preparing the lodge and collecting the Mishomis. The preparation for the ceremony has a routine which followed correctly will conclude at the same time the Sweat is to begin. I have NEVER seen a Lodge Conductor check the temperature of the Grandfathers before bringing them in the Lodge. That's just proof they don't know what they are doing.