Author Topic: POW WOW in Germany  (Read 8246 times)

Offline rolf nisch

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POW WOW in Germany
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:21:43 pm »

there is a pow wow near munich

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 04:37:00 pm »

The hobbyist club organising the Munich Powwow, the Southernstars e.V., has been mentioned in the thread on the abysmal 'docu' on Cynthia Ann Parker, as several of their members participated in the film re-enacting ndns:

One of their members is Manfred Jobst aka Wacha Nabi who still is a plastic shame-on and seller of ceremony:

Southern Stars also have a new member – one Wolfgang Schäfer, whom we also got a thread on:

This is his profile at their site:
His intro:

„My name is Wolfgang Schäfer, and I am a fairly new member in this great club. Used to be a hobbyist mayself, now sheer outdoorsman. Friends call me „den oid'n Zausel“ [translator's note: old buffer]  and this is the name of my FB project site, „Zausel's Herbal Sundries“. I am glad to support the Southernstars e.V.
This is my facebook site: "

He is already asking for money again:
Zausels Kräuterallerlei
June 9:
"Since I want to finance myself and most of all would like to get my Herbal Sundries started – this simply is my life dream -, I would like to introduce my work. I paint and write on stones for your herbal or plant beds, flower-boxes, or just as a special gift for your friends. Every stone is unique and I can do several sizes, it's all selected stones from the river Isar. I don't want to have fixed prices but leave it up to you depending on what the stone or stones are worth to you. Then there are also costs for packing and postage which depend on the size of the stone/stones. I will show you a few examples in my comments. I'd love to answer your requests, if not my site admins will do. Please share my heart's desire widely … thanks very much."

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2014, 04:42:03 pm »
of course its fake.......cmon...."powwow in germany" says it all

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 04:43:16 pm »
wouldnt it be nice to dress in SS Nazi regalia and march around as german hobbyists? "but that was a long time ago, we are HONORING you dude"

Offline rolf nisch

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 06:24:34 pm »
they invated some natives, but i don`t know who comes.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2014, 11:36:56 pm »

The event's full name is „Indian and Trapper Festival“. They represent a variety of re-enactment chiefly connected to the American West. There is a trapper's and trader's camp, they've got Country & Western concerts and line dance shows and workshops, etc. The 'Indian camp' and the Powwow come on top of that.

However, the event did raise criticism as they accept sellers of alcoholic beverages at the premises, and the Powwow grounds are not separated, as far as I can see from reports online.

Another aspect is the annual show of prey birds, as these include owls.

post by: gast66 Di, 18. Jun 2013, 11:43
Last year, of course alcohol was sold and nobody did anything about it when people brought their beer close to the dance lodge. Many postings in the internet suggest that the organisers looked the other way. After all, the event is also financed by selling alcohol. I think the Indian guests took all this with Indian calmness and were good guests. This does not mean it was okay.
It is quite a bit of audacity of the organisers to call this a „Powwow“ and it is an enormous embarassment for the Powwow scene. What a pity that so much lack of respect is met with approval.

Posting by guest66 Mi, 14. Aug 2013, 12:43
I did not count in the paid token Indians who were there.

Another aspect and not quite in line with the theme of the American West is that they also accept Civil War re-enactors – there are photos on the ITF site taken during the ITF 2013 showing people wearing uniforms of the Confederate army. It is no secret here that the Confederate states stood for a society based on inequality, disfranchisement, and exploitation of the majority of the population in favour of a small privileged class.

There are two videos here (scroll down a bit from the top) – the first one done by a person from the audience, showing the parade which starts the festival, and a long sequence taken during the powwow. The second video is the promotion video done by the organisers. While in the first video I didn't see any ndn participants, only whites dressed up, Indian guests appear in the second one. They also point out that organisers will gather donations which will go to two projects: a children's hospital in Bavaria and to the Lakota Winter Project. The site explains the donations were passed on to Andrea Cox during a Powwow in Frankfort later in 2013.

Offline earthw7

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Re: POW WOW in Germany
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2014, 02:13:57 pm »
this hurts my heart such a misjustice of our culture allowing alcohol on a dance ground
In Spirit