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Frauds / Re: Jacob Chansley AKA Jake Angeli AKA Q Shaman, QAnon Terrorist
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 25, 2024, 11:15:08 pm »
just wondering......has chansley ever tried tying his "shamanism" in with ndn spirituality?
Frauds / Re: Michael Higgins (Michael Edward Higgins) — Rainbow Thunderbird
« Last post by penelope on January 03, 2024, 12:53:51 am »
Hi! I am the widow of the late Cree Elder, Don Cardinal. I was with Don when he first met Michael Higgens at our Farm in Eastern Manitoba. I cannot go into great detail about Michael's battles with mental illness as that would be breaking confidence - but I will say that Don did not train Michael to be a healer. Instead, Don worked with Michael to help Michael find his healing. Don did not teach Michael extensively about herbs, nor was Michael at any time a healing apprentice to Don. As far as I know, Michael did not fully complete four years as a Sundancer - there were a few years where he was not able to complete the four-day ceremony. Michael did help chop wood and tend the fire as did many of the young men who visited our property and participated in the sweat lodge ceremonies.

A few years after Don's death, Michael showed up at my house. He said he was in Manitoba to Sundance and shared with me all about the "healing" he was doing in Europe. I saw him one other time after that and have not talked to him in years. Unfortunately, Michael Higgens is not the only person who has misrepresented their relationship with Don to further their own "careers." It's very upsetting.
Frauds / Re: Tommy Priester
« Last post by penelope on January 02, 2024, 11:41:05 pm »
Hi. I am the widow of the late Cree Elder, Don Cardinal. I knew Tommy Priester (and his partner, Karen) while Don was alive but have not spoken to them since Don died in 2008. Tommy participated in sweat lodge ceremonies conducted by Don in New York (Long Island and Saugerties). Tommy and Karen may have travelled up to Canada once or twice. However, I would not consider Don one of Tommy's primary teachers. Don may have shared some basic information about certain herbs with Tommy as he did with the rest of us who were part of the lodge family, but Don did not formally train Tommy. Tommy did not spend more than a few days at a time with us in ceremony - certainly not the time needed to be formally trained by a healer of Don's calibre. And Don did not pass any of his major medicines to Tommy Priester.   

Once, I did ask an Elder from Norway House Cree Nation about Albert Tait - the other Cree herbalist who supposedly taught Tommy. (I am not comfortable sharing her name but she was a trusted friend of my husband and myself) This Elder did receive herbal training from Don and was given his blessing to prepare and dispense the herbs to others. When I mentioned to her that Tommy Priester claimed he was trained by herbalist Albert Tair from her reserve, the Elder looked at me and said it was news to her that Albert knew anything about herbs and he was not considered an herbalist by her or anyone she knew.
Frauds / Re: Heather Principe
« Last post by penelope on January 02, 2024, 11:24:04 pm »
Hi! I am the widow of the late Cree Elder, Don Cardinal. Although this thread is old, I recently saw it and would like to share information about Heather Principe. Yes, Heather Principe knew Don Cardinal. She participated in sweat lodges with him, fasted under his guidance and (at least once) travelled with him. She also assisted him in putting people out on fasts/vision quests. Heather met Don when he lived on Long Island (in New York) and knew Don for several years before I met him. However, Don and Heather split ways - Don said she never completed her training to run a sweat lodge and should not have been conducting them alone. In addition, he was concerned that she was "bastardizing" his teachings by adding new-age stuff to them. Also, he did not pass on ALL of his teachings to her.
NOTE: I will comment on Michael Higgins and Tommy Priester in the threads started for them.
I agree. I couldn't find any sign of abusers who were trained by her or claimed to be. The center seems gone. Seems much of the harm she did ended with her passing.
Archive No. 1 / Re: Kasmira Ann McCann & White Lotus Seed Center
« Last post by Sparks on December 23, 2023, 10:48:35 pm »
Her LinkedIn.

That profile has disappeared. There is another one with very little information:
Dr. Kasmira McCann
Specializes in 'Integrative Medicine & Spiritual Development Counseling'

The White Lotus Seed Healing Center, LLC
Manchester, New Jersey, USA

Integrative Medicine and Healing Center

Of all the previous links in this topic, seems only her Facebook Profile is intact: [Kasmira Ann]

No activity since November 2021, and no wonder, because she passed away two years ago:
Kasmira A. McCann, age 65, of Manchester, New Jersey passed away on Tuesday, December 21, 2021. Born in Paterson, NJ, Kasmira lived in Howell Township, Hillside and then Manchester for the past 36 years. She worked as an Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Shaman, Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, Accupressurist. Kasmira was always learning and always doing something and furthering herself. She taught classes in Herbology, Reiki and Journeying. As far as hobbies, Kasmira enjoyed a drum making drumming circles, looming, weaving, knitting and sewing; painting and drawing, reading wood carving, writing. Her activities she enjoyed included cycling, kayaking, backpacking and camping. Kasmira was very musical and creative.

I suggest this topic be moved to Archive No. 1, As "NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN".
Frauds / Re: Jacob Chansley AKA Jake Angeli AKA Q Shaman, QAnon Terrorist
« Last post by educatedindian on December 22, 2023, 09:33:28 pm »
And it gets stranger.

....The TV personality also attracted attention for a photo she posted of herself posing alongside Jacob Chansley, also known as QAnon Shaman, who became one of the most prominent figures in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Responding to the photo—which Barr captioned "New couple alert!!"—a detractor wrote: "Roseanne Barr solidifies her place as a disgusting person in history and will not be remembered for her c***** jokes, but will be remembered for her downward spiral and how she stood on the wrong side of American history."

"Thanks hun!" Barr hit back in a tongue-in-cheek response.

Roseanne Barr and Marjorie Taylor Greene posed with the QAnon Shaman at Charlie Kirk's Christian Nationalist "AmericaFest" this past weekend...
So go ahead and enjoy this 2018 investigation:

The next day Kim TallBear commented:

Culture is more than genetic markers
TallBear said the case is egregious, but suggested all DNA companies are taking advantage of a growing curiosity in ancestry research — while neglecting complex questions around culture, race and government status.

DNA tests are not valid for determining Indigenous affiliation, First Nations or tribal identity, said TallBear. The tests don't satisfy the requirements for Canadian status or band membership.
Etcetera / Re: Buffy Sainte-Marie denies she misled public about Indigenous ancestry
« Last post by Sparks on December 15, 2023, 06:29:56 am »
In her Wikipedia article these developments are referred to in the Personal life and Indigenous identity paragraphs:

The last of these two paragraphs has been expanded and is now named False claim of Indigenous identity.
This video came out recently.

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