Author Topic: Clifford Alford  (Read 41767 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2013, 06:55:56 pm »
The bizarre saga of thr crackpot racist/shaman/dr/do it yourself abortionist/satanic expert takes an even weirder turn. Alford is on this site, balding, fat, entirely nude and utterly ridiculous in fake feathers and bright pink skin. Though it certainly takes either foolishness or courage to expose the world.

Very NSFW and I wouldn't recommend going to the link unless you have a really strong stomach, and maybe eye bleach, also.

Notice he also claims to be teaching Tibetan Bon shamanism too.

Offline MattOKC

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2013, 08:57:43 pm »
On his website, he claims he tried to submit refutation to this forum and was denied. I doubt that's true, but let me just ask--did this wackjob ever try to write in? I'd be curious what he had to say.

I sent this email to him over a week ago, but have received no reply yet:

"I was intrigued by your website--and let me honest, a bit amused. You mention that you tried to unsuccessfully refute the "New Age Fraud" website, and that you regard yourself as a "half-breed" who faced discrimination from Whites on the basis of being Indian. I'm not gonna lie, you look like a 100% full-blooded white man to me. So I must confess to being incredulous about your self-stated identity as a "half breed" (incidentally, nobody uses that term anymore) or your description of being rejected by White people--considering that you look like pretty much every white Okie I ever saw, and would never be mistaken as a Native. But at the same time, I'm fair-minded enough to just ask you directly, so here goes: are you enrolled in a federally-recognized tribe as a citizen with 1/2 Indian blood? Given that you sell items that you specifically market on the basis of your claimed Indian status, do you have enrollment that complies with the requirements of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act?



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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2013, 12:25:26 am »
Clifford Nelson Alford, born 1955, Tarrant Texas.

I know I have the right Clifford because our guy has boasted about his exact birth date, claims the numbers are special. This from a doc on his site in .pdf   Gematria: How to do Kabbalistic Numerology for Yourself By Sir Clifford Alford and Diane McCarty:


Birth date: 03/03/1955 = 3+3+1+9+5+5= 26 = 2+6=8

More from his site:

Prajna Shiva Kalidasa was born as Clifford Nelson Alford, and was apprenticed in Cherokee Medicine from the age of five by his maternal grandmother for fourteen years.

Actually his maternal grandmother is Texan, white. His parents are Texas people, white.


Name:    Clifford Nelson Alford
Event Type:    Birth
Event Date:    1955
Event Place:    Tarrant, Texas
Gender:    Male
Father's Name:    Clifford Winford Alford
Mother's Name:    Mary Virginia Moon

Obituary for his mother

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2013, 05:49:38 pm »
On his website, he claims he tried to submit refutation to this forum and was denied. I doubt that's true, but let me just ask--did this wackjob ever try to write in? I'd be curious what he had to say.

I sent this email to him over a week ago, but have received no reply yet:

Alford is either a poor liar or too technically challenged to figure out how to contact us. No such "proof" ever came to us.

We always welcome any reply from people we take a look at. In part because they almost always hang themselves further, and sometimes can be truly entertaining.

In rarer cases where not much is known, sometimes the person truly is not fraudulent and replies often clear the matter up. But there's so much already known about Alford, not just from us but from the SPLC, feminists, pagan groups, all the people he's lied to.

I have a hard time imagining what he could say or produce that could prove him truthful. "Yes, trust me, I really am a Cherokee witch/abortionist/expert on Satanists/racist vigilante who is totally believable. Just one look at me in my naked glory and spaceman antenna/tiara should tell you that."

We'd happily post anything he sends. Enlighten us ye of the impressively bloated bright pink belly and equally small wiener...

Offline MattOKC

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2013, 05:56:03 am »
"Yes, trust me, I really am a Cherokee witch/abortionist/expert on Satanists/racist vigilante who is totally believable. Just one look at me in my naked glory and spaceman antenna/tiara should tell you that."

That was fantastic!

Addendum: he replied!

I am born into the Ani-Waya of the Tsalagiyi Nvdagi. We are one of three Native American nations who have never surrendered to the white government, and we never will. As such, we are not under the genocidal laws of blood quantum even though some of our people still act like it. And, in the surrendered nation of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma I have friends who are supposedly 100% Tsalagi by blood quantum, and yet they have blonde-haired, blue eyed children with pale skin.
I am enrolled with my nation and have no need of white approval for what I do, And, we have no need for the approval of those of you who have surrendered either. We have fought this through the US Supreme Court and won, and are willing to do so on the field of battle as well. We are Native by birth, and not just by white man's law.
I don't know what e-mail you sent this to before, but it was not mine.
Awohali Ehlawei (Silent Eagle - my childhood name)
Dr. Clifford "Stone Heart" Alford
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 12:00:22 am by MattOKC »

Offline MattOKC

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2013, 12:04:23 am »
My response back to Mr. Alford:

Thanks for your reply! I'll share what you wrote to me with the NAFPS website, since you said you hadn't been able to submit info to them yourself. For what it's worth, the admins there say they never received any correspondence from you, but would gladly post your comments there any time. That might be a good move on your part, in order to counter the discussion taking place there.

So what I take from your reply is that, no, you aren't a member of a recognized tribe. The trouble  I think you'll encounter with that answer is that fake "Cherokee" tribes are a dime a dozen, and leaves you without any means to verify your claim of being a "half breed." I'm not an admin at the NAFPS site, but I anticipate that they'll have difficulty reconciling your claims of ancestry with the public records that establish your parents (Clifford Winford Alford and Mary Virginia Moon) as white, non-Indian. The problem is that ANYONE who's a total white guy can claim that his non-Indian parents really WERE Indian, they were just Indians from a secret, unknown, unregistered, and therefore unrecognized Cherokee splinter group. See the trouble? They say right on their low-grade, bad clip-art amateur webite that the criteria for enrollment is a mere $10 donation. At that standard, I could register my pet cat as a "Cherokee." I'm sorry, but your "nation's" way of conducting business SERIOUSLY undercuts your claim that being an enrolled member gives you any sort of bona fides as an Indian.

I know this comes off as antagonistic, but I'm trying to be fair enough to you to actually seek your feedback. Your claim of being a half-breed who could be recognized as an Indian by fellow white guys (and discriminated against for it) remains rather obviously implausible. The facts of genealogy seem to suggest thorough non-Indian ancestry, and the lack of any standards for enrollment in the Tsalagiyi Nvdagi add nothing to substantiate claims of Indian blood.

Got anything else?