Chuck Spezzano is definitely not First Nations, he appears to be targeting first nations and their healing money.
spezzano mentioned in a nafps post under a fraud named Philip Young, Spezzano is mentioned in the last entryon this posting. Spezzano has been targeting First Nations in healing money in British columbia, Canada,
some of the targeted money was meant for Residential school survivors The Aboriginal Healing Foundation and fn's village band councils band funding are some targeted funders that have given him money for rss survivors
Spezzano's healing model is based on A Course Of Miracles, which is a recognized cult in the U.S.A.
To become an "advanced Trainer" in his organization you have 100 plus days of his "training" and to join or become a "oneness dheeksha blesser".this is also a recognized cult in the U.S.A.
I am wondering if someone will help to research and verify that Spezzano's and his Psychology Of vision is indeed a high demand group and is harmful to first nations people because his 100 day grads that he turns into "advanced trainers" lead the public and the funders to believe that they can fix peoples minds, targeting residential school survivors for money meant fot their true healing spezzano is chucks wife and the inventer of "joining" does spezzano have any licensed academic accreditation/basis and recognition to his business in the U.S.A. ? he leads the public that he is highly successful and that he is an accredited psychologist.
is he licensed ?
his 100 day grads are uncredited to practice psychology,yet they to promote themselves as such, again preying on vulnerable residential school survivors,
what makes this organization scary and threatening to first nations is that his "teachings" seem to be about commercializing power,dominance and control so the participants are better than others (the ones that don't get it)
capitalism and materialism seem to be his idea of success, this is a scary concept to peoples cultures when native traditions and beliefs are changed to suit what the participants ideas to get what they want
is this the same chuck spezzano with California superior court charges against him that is coming to canada and holding workshops in other countries?? If there is fraud to money meant for others and theft of the money to be spent on themselves and their group,this is a criminal act and is not healing,spiritual,or enlightened behavior
Hopefully others will research and share both good and not so good opinions and information about Chuck Spezzano and his spiritual business called Psychology of vision.