Author Topic: Nonhumans/Aliens Relationships  (Read 9783 times)

Offline kitekite

  • Posts: 8
Nonhumans/Aliens Relationships
« on: August 27, 2020, 04:03:15 pm »
Hi all, I am an Oglala artist and student and I am trying to write about Native relationships with the paranormal, especially extra-terrestrial nonhumans. I have gone through the forums and found different people with varying amounts of woo woo non serious/fraud-y vibes.

I have a feeling this is like a spectrum, where we are very serious about our spiritual relationships, and it's possible to have those relationships with nonhumans, but then some beliefs cross a line?

One thing I keep coming across when Indians tell UFO stories is how matter of fact the storytelling is. If you experience something, you experienced it, period. If you didn't, ok fine.

Anyway, if you have any opinions about this, let me know, if you have heard a good story or good rumor, also super interested. If you have a LOT of opinions about this I'd love to interview you. Philimayaye! hope you are all in good health.

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 398
Re: Nonhumans/Aliens Relationships
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2021, 05:12:46 pm »
you should interview dr chuck ross (ehanamani)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Nonhumans/Aliens Relationships
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2021, 06:09:33 am »
you should interview dr chuck ross (ehanamani)

Mentioned several times in the forum, about 20 times (including quoted posts) in this thread, starting with reply #32: [Santee of South Carolina??]

I see you know him:

hey debbie...i first heard word from john too.....he did my initiation ceremony along with chuck ross when i entered dance arena......i dance southern straight

Mentioned in the first two posts of this thread: [Sanctimonious Lectures from Truthteller]

Two books mentioned in the forum are on Amazon: (Author site)

He has a website, where he gives a short oral presentation of his contacts with spirits and people from the Pleiades:  (Copyright 2016 - Dr. Allen Ehanamani Ross / Videos and Images Courtesy of Original Proprietors.)

Dr. Allen 'Chuck' Ross, culturally known as Ehanamani ('Walks Among' or 'Ancient Walker') was born in Pipestone, Minnesota (USA) near the Flandreau Indian Reservation ('home' of an Isanti Dakota band). Dr. Ross was raised on Flandreau, Rosebud Indian Reservation, and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - all located in the US state of South Dakota.

After graduating from Todd County High School on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, he joined the U.S. Army serving in the 505th Paratrooper Brigade of the 82nd Airborne while additionally serving as an MP (Military Police Officer). Subsequent to that, he was encouraged to receive a college education. Ehanamani's mother was a teacher, and engaging in a classroom was not a new concept to him. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Black Hills Teachers College in South Dakota. Later, he attended Arizona State University in Arizona to receive a Master of Arts degree. To complete his academic journey. Ehanamani relocated his studies to Western Colorado University in Colorado to complete his Doctoral degree in American Indian Studies and Education Administration.

Dr. Ross worked in the Education for 27 years before retiring having served as a Superintendent, Principal, College Dean, College Professor, and preCollege Teacher.

Based on his Doctoral dissertation, Ehanami authored his first book, MITAKUYE OYASIN, for publication which earned him a prestigious Top Book Award at Europe's largest Book Fair. He is the author of five books and continues to lecture on his favorite topics in Native American History, Native American Culture, and Native American Spirituality (in which he compares with other scientific disciplines).

When opening the HOME page of that website, before he starts speaking, there is a reference to "Lakota Star Connection to Pleiades"— DR. ALLEN ROSS — That website is now defunct, but I found a snapshot of it here:

Turns out there are threads about that website and its main person, Chief Golden Light Eagle, in the forum:  [Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico]  [Loren Zephier / Golden Eagle / Galactic Federation of Light]

As for Allen Ross and the Pleíades, he is mentioned on this New Agey-like Hopi Prophecy, Bible & Jesus, etc. site (my bolding of the last two paragraphs):

Pleiades, Lakota, and Hopi — what is the connection?

Is the Star cluster Pleiades where the Human Race originated?

My good friend, Dr. James Gillihan, a Cherokee man who was raised by the Lakota, shared wonderful Lakota traditions with me. Also, my good friend and mentor, Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, enlightened me about many of the Cherokee and Hopi traditions. I was very blessed by both of these friendships.

The Lakota and Hopi both have oral traditions related to their origination from the Star cluster Pleiades. When the Hopi see the seven stars overhead (seven stars of Pleiades?) then the members of the Two Horn Society begin to sing their creation songs.

Dr. A.C. Ross, in his book, "Mitakuye Oyasin: We are all related”, shares with us some information about the Pleiadians, and their similarities with the Lakota Sioux. He said that the Pleiadians communicate mostly through mental telepathy, and the Lakota also communicate through mental telepathy especially during ceremonies.

I will end with an encyclopaedic reference, where both the Hopi and the Lakota are briefly mentioned:

Offline kitekite

  • Posts: 8
Re: Nonhumans/Aliens Relationships
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2021, 05:01:25 pm »
Thanks for the info super interesting