The Truth about my Family Ancestry
January 7, 2012
The Truth is that I am indeed related to many Outlaws, Law Men, Card Sharps, Gamblers, Shady Ladies, Military Leaders
Native American Leaders and Founding Fathers.
I am releasing the Records a little at a time, as it takes a little while to gather the records.
These are being done just a little at a time and will be released at least once per year, to allow me the time to gather the records.
There are a lot of records.
I would not say it if it were not true.
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The TRUTH about why I am Pissed, Ticked and Torqued
January 7, 2012
What is Really pissing me off, is that I am being Internet Stalked and Physically Gang Stalked by Creeps from, who have seen fit to continually laugh at and Attack me for Every aspect of my life; past, present and future.
They feel that they are THE LAW and my Conscience, Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Because of this, my Attorney has advised me, that these Creeps are indeed Above the Law, Untouchable and that my only hope for getting RID of them, is to take the Law into my own hands.
These Creeps are virtually Immune from Prosecution.
They feel that they have the Absolute Right to do the following to my Family and I:
1.) Steal from me and my Blogs (This one has finally become ALL about THEM), as much as what they want, with the expressed desire to twist Everything I say or do, to make me look as if I am the Bad one.
I am simply Dark, Not Evil.
2.) To use my Information to tear me, my life, home, family, possessions, marriage and Business to Shreds.
3.) To “Occupy” and throw me Entirely Out of my own life.
4.) To Destroy All of my Efforts every time I try to get back up after an Attack or if I attempt to earn an Income Living by my own hands.
5.) To Badmouth, Insult, Denigrate, Degrade, Stalk and Harass my Family and I both on and off line, until we are to the point of moving again or to Homelessness, Never allowed to stay in one place more than 5 years (we have already been Homeless twice, the last one nearly killing me), or into Prison, where they can have us Brainwashed into Oblivion.
6.) To drain my Family and I of Millions of Dollars, attempting to fight or Escape them.
7.) To drive me from the Internet Entirely, Including Any and All Social Networking, Websites, Blogs or Forums that actually belong to me (even some that don’t), Hacking my Skype Account and attempting to Steal Private Information.
8.) To Force me under a Strict Sharia Law System, Locking me away inside my own home.
9.) Do All of our thinking, feeling and Mental Processes for my Family and I, Not allowing us that Right.
10.) To try to Force me to give up my Cat, farther Isolating me, even accusing me of the Worst kinds of Animal Abuses, which is a LIE! A Complete and utter Fallacy!
11.) To attempt to make me look Crazy, so that they can succeed in getting me Locked away, against my will, to Force me to Meds that I Don’t Need, also against my Will.
I am Angered at them for the following above!
All of this Started, I believe, over a piece of Family History (That I Still hold as Truth), that apparently, I was supposed to know Nothing of, nor ever attempt to find; as well as finding the knowledge of my Family Interitance, the Abilities with the paranormal and the Unknown (Sorry, still the TRUTH)!
If you Burn me at the Stake for All of this, Never will I EVER Renounce Any of it!
Meds would only serve to Cloud my Abilities.
I Don’t appreciate having Every aspect of my life gone after Viciously and interfered with on a regular basis!
If you had 9 1/2 years of your own life gone after and interfered with in such a manner, I believe that anyone would be so justifiedly Angered!
Yes, there have been Plenty of times that I have wanted to End it ALL because the Abuse is More than I can stand to deal with any farther.
I have a Box Full of Documents Proving my Story and my Case against these AOTN Perverted Creeps.
I have lost Thousands of Friends, Family and Associates, my own Websites and Blogs (Tore this one down, made it ALL about the AOTN Creeps), had to shut down my Aura, Chakras and Abilities for 4 months in 2010, again in 2011 for 8 months and I fear the next time, Permanently.
Things are slowly coming back, but Not to the point they were 3 years ago; but a little at a time.
I am Not rushing the Process, but am allowing what wants to come back, to do so.
I had to do this to cope with the Enormous Stress that the AOTN Creeps put on me.
I am Irate that Law Enforcement, Attorneys and others have Refused to do anything about Any of this, nor have even lifted one single finger to put a Stop to any of this, so I can go on with my Life.
The Reason the AOTN Creeps likely won’t let up anytime soon:
a.) They ARE the Law.
b.) My Body Weight (Biggest Reason for their Abuse against me).
c.) My Gender (They treat Women like 10th and Lower Class Citizens).
d.) My Ambitions.
e.) My Knowledge.
f.) The Mistakes of my Past, that they Refuse to let go of.
g.) So I can Never have any Future Successes.
I have Not been Physically well from this in quite some time, Sleep Problems, Nightmares, No appetite or too much of one, Rashes on my legs due to Overwhelming Stress.
We own 2 Guns (Fact, NOT Bragging), so that we can Protect ourselves, our home, possessions, Freedoms, Marriage, Family and Businesses.
We also have both front and back doors Deadbolted, due to their past Threats against me and my Home.
What would ultimately Devastate me and End my Life Permanently, Rob me of my Will to Live, would be to Lose Everything, as the AOTN Creeps are attempting to do.
They are Extremely, Sickeningly Obssessed with me, that they will stop at Nothing to keep the Harassment and the Pressure on me to Conform to their Ideals.
These Creeps have made Threats against my Cat (I have this Record in Writing), to keep me imprisoned within my own home, to the point where I Refuse to leave the house for more than an hour, maybe two, to Protect her from harm.
These Creeps have also Illegally Recorded my Phone Calls (Have this in writing, a FULL Admission by them) from their own Hate Blog about me; Both my Friends and I have Record of “Beeps,” Clicks and other interference that shouldn’t even be there.
This is the TRUTH!Senora C’s Bio
July 28, 2012
Age: 36
Kids: No
Pets: One Cat, Jukebox
I was born in Santa Monica,
CA in 1976.
At age 3, I began to have experiences that I just didn’t
understand at the time; after a serious injury and illness as a child.
As I
got older, the experiences intensified.
At age 14, I discovered my Family’s
link to Native American Heritage and a deep, rich Heritage of Mystical and
Metaphysical Abilities.
I only recently found out that by Cultural Definition
(Non Practicing), I am what is known as a “Shaman Witch.”I have continued to
find out even more.
I come of a long line of Mystics, Psychics, Mediums,
Healers, Shamans and Church Clergy.It seems these Abilities, well utilized
to Senora C, got passed down to me from my very earliest predecessors.
don’t claim to be anything extraordinary or super.
I am as I am – Nothing