Author Topic: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona  (Read 25388 times)


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Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:39:20 pm »
She's been very active in the Sedona and beyond Nuage scene for about 30 years now.

 Her claims are all over the place: Havasupai Spiritual Emissary,  "Sioux, Choctaw-Cherokee and Scottish heritage", Lakota with a great grandmother named Little Dove, "avowed descendent of Pocahontas and adopted daughter of the Cape Cod Wampanoag tribe".

Sakina says different tribes had different traditions about medicine wheels, which were essentially prayer circles like outdoor chapels. Some people say medicine wheels were not used by the local tribes in Arizona and are not appropriate here. But this Sedona area was sacred to ALL tribes of Turtle Island and everyone was welcome to worship in their own way, says Sakina. People came from all directions to seek their vision.

Sakina traveled extensively with Cherokee Elder Thunder-cloud on the East Coast, doing ceremonies and teachings. They did the opening ceremony at a medicine wheel for the World Peace Prayer Day in Amenia, New York, with 6000 people attending. When Grandfather Thundercloud came to Sedona, he and Sakina did a medicine wheel ceremony on Rachel's Knoll by Long Canyon where a Peace Pole was later installed.

Appearance of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman, Wonders of Ancient Greece, Reincarnation, Shape-shifting, Space-ship contact, The Magic of Sedona, Arizona…

It is a combination of family memoir and messages received from the spirit of her Great Grandmother, Little Dove, a Lakota (Sioux) who married a Choctaw-Cherokee, and their daughter, Sara.

Twenty Years after the Civil War, Little Dove, her husband and their daughter Sara toured England, Scotland, France, Italy and Greece. Sara delighted the Greeks with her knowledge of Ancient Gods and Goddesses, especially Athena and her compliment Ashtar.

I cannot prove my Native American heritage. They didn't take a census before the Cavalry killed off Little Dove's entire village; and as we 'passed for White,' to prevent us from being taken on the Trail of Tears, I am not on Cherokee rolls, though our blood-type is different from others.

It was prophesied: the Ancestors said they would play a trick on the Red Man; they would come back in White bodies!

Enlightened beings such as Dhyani Ywahoo, Jamie Sams and her grandmother Twylah, Sun Bear, Wallace Black Elk and others have shared their wisdom with us, and we are grateful.

Samples of her book Little Dove, Lakota Ancestor

She claims that her grandmother Sara Gillespie was a daughter of a Lakota woman Little Dove.

Sakina does indeed have a grandmother named Sarah Emma Gillespie. Sarah's husband was Rev. Isaac Dougherty Borders. They both were educated at the University of Mississippi. For all census they are listed as white.
On Sedona: Has Sedona Gone Mad???

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 12:31:11 pm »
Epiphany, where did you find her legal name?

So she's claiming the Trail of Tears also happened to the Lakota...
That the cavalry wiped out whole villages of Cherokee during the Trail of Tears...
That a Lakota, who lived in the area from Minnesota to Montana and Wyoming, somehow met and married a Cherokee in N Georgia...
That Ishtar, a Babylonian goddess, somehow becomes a Greek god...
And that a Lakota somehow is related to Pocahontas, a Powhattan in Virginia.

And long time members know full well the "adopted by a whole tribe" bit is nonsense.

I think only in Sedona or in Europe could someone get away with such incredible ignorance for so many decades. In most of America outside of Nuage circles she'd be laughed at. I noticed most of the sites on her are in German.
Her bio on her supposed ancestor also is "intuitive," supposedly channeled.

She's been a ceremony seller and spreading false ideas for decades, an associate of a long list of frauds, and one of the Melchizadek cult.
I think the only associate of hers not familiar to most of us is "Grandfather Thundercloud" a supposed Cherokee elder who did medicine wheel ceremonies and used faux Lakota phrases. ::)
Moved to Frauds, and long overdue that we have a thread on her.

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2013, 02:02:03 pm »
Lakota are still in their homaland we never were forced to move from our homelands.
I dislike people who make up history for their own personal gain
In Spirit


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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2013, 03:04:26 pm »
Finding her birth name took several days, many hours, never found an obit or an easy lead. Her Sedona records are under her name of Sakina Blue Star.

Those records did give me an address though so I worked with that. Clues from a free sample of her Little Dove book helped, she gives the first name of her son, first name of a sister, and the name of her claimed ancestor.

Eventually found a possible married surname, address is the same, went from there. That gave me married surname, age, and a prior residence location. Then was able to find marriage record, census, and continue on. As I worked on her genealogy using I kept in mind her claim of a Sara Gillespie of Mississippi.

Google books research helped, info on Sarah Gillespie's husband Rev. Isaac D Borders can be found there, along with the info that both of them were university educated.

Everyone in Sakina's family is white in census, Mississippi/Missouri born.

I'd put the research aside a few times because many hours were going into it and I wasn't finding a surname. But I was determined. I knew she was a fake, I knew she'd been at this for decades, and this bit particularly angered me:

Sakina says different tribes had different traditions about medicine wheels, which were essentially prayer circles like outdoor chapels. Some people say medicine wheels were not used by the local tribes in Arizona and are not appropriate here. But this Sedona area was sacred to ALL tribes of Turtle Island and everyone was welcome to worship in their own way, says Sakina. People came from all directions to seek their vision.

So she's been told that what she's doing is not appropriate, not welcome. But she declares in her own Nuage entitled arrogance that her visions tell her that it is fine for everyone to rip the area off.

Speaking of rip off, she owns mining rights in the area She and her partners may not be able to exploit this for now, but the intent is clear. (later thought on this: I don't know the motivations for having mining rights in this case, my guess could be wrong)

I believe this is her husband who passed away before she came to Sedona (right name, location, time frame) - don't know if she had anything to do with these activities.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 10:50:45 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2013, 04:06:00 pm »
I also checked the Library of Congress, sometimes alternate names for authors can be found there, didn't find anything helpful this time.

Arizona corporation search , didn't find anything.

In some states voter records are public, in Arizona they are not as accessible

Arizona court records is where I found Sara Cross Comins, then worked on the middle name Cross as a possible birth surname.

Also once the research started falling into place, I could see that her family has naming patterns: shared names, along with use of ancestor surnames for middle names.


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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 05:45:13 pm »
The image posted earlier is from Native Spirit Regional Land Conservancy, added for research.

Adam Yellowbird DeArmon is in there, along with others who might be of interest.

Another photo of her is here on a related group site This group led by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi, who is also mentioned here

Offline onceuponatime

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 09:46:24 pm »

I knew I had seen the name somewhere.  She is a past speaker at one of the Star Knowledge Conferences with Loren Zephier, Chief Golden Light Eagle

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 07:06:13 pm »
First part of her book about supposed ancestors can be read as a preview on Smashwords. I included only what deals with her ancestry claims down below. Most of it reads like what it is, a Nuager's fantasy of what NDNs lived and talked like, hokey, written at a third grade level, clumsily sprinkled with modern dialect and Nuage buzzwords. But of course what's offensive is her writing herself into the Trail of Tears and massacre at Sand Creek.

And check out the ludicrous harlequin romance style description of sex at the end. Keep in mind it's her supposed relatives she's imagining and writing about for all to read...

Good news is she's been trying to get it published for 12 years and failing...

My sister Mallory, however, did find some family records that seem to corroborate our Scottish-Cherokee ancestry: "Four Gillespie brothers came over from Scotland and settled in Georgia (in Cherokee country), and established the Black Hawk Trading Post there. Three of these Scots-Irish brothers eventually went north, and the other moved to Mississippi." That's where my grand-mother Sara Gillespie (Little Dove's daughter) grew up. Mallory said we also have a strong connection to the Keetoowah band of the Cherokee Nation, who are currently attempting to get back to their ancestral lands in Arkansas.
The film 'Dances with Wolves' showed how we lived, but it was the movie 'Little Big Man' that showed how we died. "My God!" I thought when I saw it. "They finally told it the way it really was!" That was in the Cavalry slaughter scene where no-one survived but Little Big Man (Dustin Hoffman) and Grandfather (Chief Dan George), who thought he was invisible.
On the Cherokee side, we were able to 'fake it’ -- to pass for White – partly because of a Scots-Irish grandfather way back.
I thanked my seer friend Sandy for enlightening me about my ancestors. "Well, your grandmother came into the room," she said. "She wanted you to know!"
Soon Planet Earth, and the pure-hearted ones, will shift into a higher realm, into the 5th dimension, I believe that most of this story is true, although much of it has come from the realm of spirit. It is a combination family memoir and information received through inspiration. Some things have checked out to be accurate, and some have not. It is hard even for me to delineate just where the fine line is between fact and fantasy. Perhaps some of it is how it might have been. But some persons who have checked out certain chapters for accuracy have received many of those `shivers' that tell that a truth has been told.
In any case -- it is my story! I hope you enjoy it.-Sakina Blue-Star, Sedona, Arizona * June 1997

Genii Townsend, a Puppeteer, and her partner Charles Betterton were delighted with my little mini-museum, part of my vast collection of artifacts and dolls of all Nations, honoring all Peoples. Genii wrote a book about a Crystal City manifesting in Sedona, and was intrigued to read an article about me telling of Sedona being called "The Crystal City of Light" in ancient Lemurian times. Charles said he could help me get my book out, with the intention of generating income for my 'Inter-Cultural Museum and Learning Center', in conjunction with Rev. Mary-Margareht Rose's nonprofit church and Earth Mother Father Foundation, A Healing and Learning Center. I spent a year working on getting the book in shape, going through a couple of computers. Charles lent me his when mine died. But then he went off to California, and I gave up again.
In 2010 Glenn Molinari came along. He liked my story about Little Dove, my Lakota ancestor. He went through the process of getting it properly copyrighted. I had re-typed the manuscript (originally written by hand) for clarity, but he re-formatted on his computer and added the artwork and photographs. Glenn came over to my house many times to help me with my computer - it's not my language!
My friend, Rev. Mary-Margareht, a spiritual teacher and healer, said she would help through the Earth Mother Father Foundation, a non-profit spiritual and healing Center. Proceeds from the book are to go to a Learning Center and Inter-cultural Museum.

Sedona, Arizona is a magical place! Native Americans have long come to these Sacred Mountains and Canyons on pilgrimages to seek their vision – to know what the Great Spirit wanted for their lives. As in the Bermuda Triangle, where remnants of Atlantis are said to be, this Arizona Mecca, this vortex-energy area can easily propel receptive ones into other dimensions.
In this town full of psychics, Sandra Bowen is one of the best. Co-author of ‘Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed’, she knows how to listen, telepathically, to these members of the crystal kingdom.
When I visited her in January of 1995, I was wondering what was coming up next.
"Hold this crystal," she said to me, handing me a small, palm-size quartz point. Then she took it and held it, closing her eyes and focusing with her inner vision. She told me about several possibilities that might be coming up, and also about some past-life connections I knew to be accurate.
"Thank you!" I said, feeling that the message was complete. Then, as an afterthought, I asked:
"Oh. Do I have any Native American heritage I'm not already aware of?" I knew I was related to Chief PO-ha-tahn (as he is called by his tribe), and his daughter Pocahontas, but that was back a ways.
"Yes," she said, focusing. "Your great-grandmother." I was startled! My great-grandmother? Why was I never told? "On which side? My mother's, or my father's?" "Your mother's side!"
I was amazed! My grandmother had grown up on a plantation in the Mississippi Delta; my mother had always emphasized the importance of proper Southern lady-like behavior.
"What tribe?" I asked. Pause. "Sioux." "Her name was Sue? Oh…." I laughed. "Lakota. Of course."
I knew about Jackie's Native American heritage, but until my reading with Sandra Bowen in 1995, I did not know about my own -- except for being related to Pocahontas, but that was way back. And, on the East Coast, I was adopted into the Wampanoag family and tribe of the elder, Princess Evening Star, as they called her; sister of Chief Wild Horse.
I knew that the Spirits of the Ancients would speak through me, but I did not know why. I only knew that they would speak, or sing, or dance, through me; ever since I had gone up onto a Sacred Mountain near Sedona many years ago, raised my climbing staff to the skies, and made a dedication to the Great Spirit:
"Eh-YO! Use me! As long as it is in the Light, and to help!", I cried out -- but in an ancient language that I had not learned in this lifetime.
Jackie was staying with me in Sedona in January of 1995, and her husband Stan came up from Phoenix to do some of the portraits of the Spirit Guides that he is famous for. He toured cross-country for some 40 years, often appearing on TV, in newspapers and in magazines. In his traveling ministry, Rev. Stanley Matrunick did over a quarter-of-a-million Spirit portraits, along with messages from guides, guardians, teachers and Masters in spirit.
He taught me how to do Spirit portraits, shortly after I had moved to Sedona in 1983, and I have been doing them ever since. But besides his ability to do pastel portraits of what some might call guardian angels, he can draw recognizable portraits of loved-ones-on-the-‘other side’....
"What else do you see?"
"Women scraping hides, drying meat on racks, men coming back from the hunt. There's a stream on the right, and a forest on the left."
"What are you called?" he asked.
"I am called 'Girl Who Loves the Forest'. I love to go into the forest, and talk to the birds, the rabbits, the raccoons, and the deer. Sometimes we have to kill the deer, but always we say 'I know that your life is just as important as mine; but if you will feed us now, then we will feed your children when we go back to the earth. And every time I pass this way, I will honor your spirit!' In this way there was balance."
"Okay," said Frank. "Now advance five years. Where are you now?" "Inside a tipi." "Who else is there?"
"My husband, and our little son. I love my husband very much -- he is strong and brave, and he is a good hunter. He loves me too; but he does not say so, because he is a man!"

"Okay. Now go ahead to the end of that lifetime." I gasped! "Oh, NO! I can't!" I felt horror at the scene I was seeing. "The Long Knives got me! I fell on top of my daughter; I was trying to protect her…."
I saw clearly the vast plains I had been running through after all of the people of our village had been slaughtered by the U.S. Army, and the two cavalry-men galloping along. One of them skewered me by thrusting his sword through my back, jerking it out, and riding on. I saw my body, which covered that of my daughter, getting smaller and smaller on the empty plains, as my Spirit rose high above....
"It's okay, it’s okay," said Frank quickly; "Now go forward three days. Is anybody there now?"
...Eloise Halsey was a Lakota Sioux woman of great wisdom. She is now in spirit, but she was my dearest friend for many years. Eloise, or Shining Blue Star, grew up on the Rosebud Sioux reservation in South Dakota, where she was very close to her cousin, Traditional Lakota Sioux spokesman Wallace Black Elk.
Wallace was her protector, her best friend, when they were growing up. But when she grew up, she married Henry and moved to Phoenix where he worked at the Indian School for 40 years. My husband Sundance and I drove down from Sedona to visit her one day.
As we sat there, she said, "Oh, Sakina, you'd be surprised at what's on your lap!"
I looked down, surprised all right. All I saw was lap.
"It's a turtle! It's dancing around in a circle, kicking up its little arms and legs. You were called Turtle Woman, when you were a Sioux Medicine Woman."
'Wonderful!' I thought. It felt right. She turned to Sundance. "And you had a bear" she told him. "You raised him from when he was a cub."
"I remember," he replied. "I’ve always loved bears." Sundance had a teddy-bear I had given him, which he called 'Grrr.' It reminded him of the one he had cherished as a child, which had been his only friend....
It was interesting to realize that my grandmother in this lifetime would have been my granddaughter in that other time. The Hopi believe that we come back in the same family, as a grandchild, niece or nephew; and the Lakota (before the White Man), believed in many earth-walks also.
My vision continued: I was seeing my brother disposing of my body, and doing an honoring ceremony; then taking my Little Dove, who was 9 years old at the time, to a safe place high in the inaccessible reaches of the Teton mountain range. There he gave her into the keeping of a Medicine Woman elder, who lived in a cave, and who taught her the ways of healing, with herbs, crystals, and with guidance from TonKAshila, the Great Spirit.
As she ascended the mountain, she turned to watch a pair of eagles soar around a lake far below her, and settle into the tall trees. A good sign! A dove also appeared, and circled her three times. It was her special totem creature, the winged one who had come to welcome her at her birth; the first thing I, her mother, had seen then: symbol of Peace, and Spiritual Purity...
Mother Emma told Grace about her ancestors. "You'll have my heritage now, my family history and stories, since you don't have any of your own."
How wrong she was on that! thought Little Dove, now called Grace. But she would save her stories for her own children.
"My ancestors were French," Mrs. Gray told her. "Huguenots. There was a great religious persecution, and my family was lucky to escape with their lives -- for many did not. They took our lands, our liberty and our lives, because we did not believe as they did. We suffered greatly."
Little Dove, as she still thought of herself, could relate to that.
"Their name was Pochet (Poe-shay), and it was changed to Pochey when they went to England, where they lived for several generations. Then, still seeking freedom – to believe as they chose -- they came to America, where they are called Posey. Here they can worship in their own way, without fear of persecution."
"Do you think that I will ever be able to worship in my way?" the Indian girl asked quietly.
"But your way is pagan, dear. You worship trees." "We honor life in all things. We worship Creator."
"Huguenots were Christians -- but they were Protestants. They were persecuted because they were not Catholics, like the French rulers of that time."
There was such a difference, really. She hoped the girl could understand that.
Eventually she got used to being called Grace. It was a sacred name, after all; and people of her tribe often went through name-changes as new circumstances warranted them. And she loved school -- at last she had something else to read besides the Bible, and she was always hungry for knowledge.
Grace was 16 when she and her family were invited to the Jamboree. The dance was to be held in the stable, down by the Missouri River, as that was the only place big enough for a lot of people to get together and kick up their heels. There was to be a picnic beforehand.
She had become a good cook, and she brought a basket of roasted chicken, corn and other vegetables from the garden, and pie she had made with blueberries picked that morning.
She had many friends now, and they enjoyed exchanging food and gossip.
"Who is that tall man over there, who looks like a wild man, just out of the woods? I haven't seen him around here before," said her friend Rebecca. "Yes, look at him! All lanky, leather, leggings and fringe," Celia observed. They laughed.
"Might be an Indian." "He's got blue eyes, though, and a reddish tint to his hair when the sun shines on it." "Maybe he's a half-breed," said Rebecca.
Grace studied him carefully. Those words, "Might be an Indian," made her heart beat faster! She remembered seeing him back at the fort. He would bring them game sometimes, that he had hunted or trapped along the streams. Sometimes he had been asked to scout out a new territory, or show them where the hunting was good, to supply fresh meat for the soldiers....
They walked down by the river, and watched a stern-wheeler coming up-river against the current, with smoke billowing out of the tall stacks. She had never seen one before; this was something new -- and it was a marvel! Passengers, some coming up the Missouri from Westport Landing or St. Louis, lined the railing: Elegant ladies in large hats and capes over their long dresses, and gentleman in top-hats, frock coats, and trousers, which not so long before had replaced knee-britches and hose.
"I am called Long Bow," said the tall man walking beside Little Dove, "because I prefer to hunt quietly. I save the powder for bear."
Bear, she thought. Walking on two legs, he is sacred to my people. But sometimes he would offer his robe to The People, that they might be warm and fed. She no longer spoke of these things, however.
They sat beneath a willow tree and watched the paddle-wheeler churn the waters before it rounded the bend and went out of sight....

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2013, 07:07:12 pm »
Pt 2
They were both surprised at this poetic turn of his. Although in his mid-twenties, he had not had much contact with young ladies; he found them frivolous. He preferred to be in the forest, with the animals. He hunted in the old way, the way of the Native people; apologizing for taking the animal's life, only killing when necessary for food, and only trapping to exchange for what he needed.
"Tell me about your mother," she said.
"I'll start with my father, and my grandfather -- who was a Scotsman. There were clan wars, between my ancestors, the mountain Highlanders, and the Lowlanders, who raised the longhaired cattle. But when the English soldiers came -- they were truly brutal! They took over our lands, and they violated our women. When we protested, they killed off our men, and burnt whole villages."
Little Dove knew about that.
"My grandfather Gillespie and his brothers worked their way across the ocean on a clipper ship, from Scotland to America, in search of freedom. It was shortly after our war of independence from England, our Revolution. They landed in New Orleans, long before it became the Louisiana Territory. New Orleans was full of pirates, ruffians and thieves at the time, and the slave-trade was flourishing -- something offensive to my grandfather, who did not believe that one person could own another. The brothers established the Black Hawk Trading Post in Georgia, in Cherokee country, and Grandpa later moved to Mississippi, where he homesteaded some land.
 Along the way he visited in villages of the local people: the Natchez, the Choctaw, the Creeks, the Cherokee. Some of them were what they call the 'five civilized tribes'; highly intelligent people who live in harmony with the natural world. The Cherokee would 'sing up Grandfather Sun' every morning, helping him to rise until the White People laughed at them, and they stopped doing it. Now they greet the Sun quietly, those that still do."
Little Dove's eyes grew wide, as she listened to these words. She did not know of these people he spoke of, but some of their ways were akin to her own.
Long Bow paused, amazed at himself. He was not accustomed to speaking more than a few sentences at a time, and he often spent months in the forest or on the plains talking to no-one but the animals, the birds, the trees. But it seemed important for him to tell her his story.
"Grandfather preferred the company of these people to the ones from Europe, where there had been powerful lairds, serfs, and not much in between, save the tradesmen.
"Many of the folk who came to this country were those who were released from prisons across the sea. That way the gentry could get rid of the 'undesirables', the criminals; and get them to do the hard work of building a new land. But the ruffians brought their evil ways with them. Instead of learning from those gentle souls who dwelt here already, at peace with their world, they killed off anyone who got in the way of their greed for gold or for land. The Native people of the South of Turtle Island are being moved forcibly from their sacred lands, such as the Great Smokey Mountains, and others, to a barren place called Oklahoma. It is thought to be worthless land. This removal has turned into a death-march. The People are calling it the Trail of Tears. Thousands have died along the way. The Seminoles, led by Chief Osceola, have fled East to hide in the alligator swamps of the Everglades, where the white soldiers cannot get them. They would rather die than surrender. My grandfather Gillespie married a Cherokee woman. Some of the Tsa-LA-gi, as they called themselves, had lived in log houses for decades, and they showed him how to build one. They helped him plant corn, cotton, beans, watermelon and other things that grew abundantly there in the rich soil beside the rivers in Mississippi, on land that he cleared. He raised a family, and they thrived. My father married a Choctaw-Cherokee girl. I have four brothers and two sisters. My father, half-Scottish, insisted that I learn the ways of the White Man -- it was important for survival, he said, to know how to deal with them. So I studied at their school. But my mother taught me the most important things: How to bring the rain, or send it away. To see the Light in all beings, knowing that we are all One. How to listen to the Ancestors, and to speak to the Star Nation."
A shiver ran through Little Dove's body, as this man who sat beside her quietly spoke these words that touched a chord deep within her. The drum-beat of her heart changed to a faster pace, as it began a sacred dance. She knew that there was something very special about this man, this meeting. A quiet joy filled her heart.
"Look deep into my eyes," said Long Bow, "and tell me what you see." He turned to her and took both her hands into his. Again, a shiver shot through her.
She hesitated. She knew that the light of a person's soul could shine through his eyes, and it could be too strong. A person could be controlled in this way.
Still -- she looked. They stared deep into each other's souls, beyond the beyond. She saw them journeying together; higher, higher, back to the beginning of time. She saw them both on a star-ship, looking down upon the globe of earth; seas rose; and islands, continents, disappeared, re-appeared in different form, and then were gone again.
Now Turtle Island formed; Florida forming one leg, Baja California another, its tail going down south into the land of the Olmec, the Toltec and the Maya, its arms reaching northward. They stood on the ship, with the Wise Ones in council, and agreed to come back in human form to help to heal the rifts that were forming on Turtle's back.
Their reverie was shattered by a harsh voice calling out, an angry voice.
"EMMA GRACE!" they heard. "You come here this instant! I‘ve been looking all over for you: I thought you'd fallen into the river and drowned!"
Grace was startled. She jumped away from her companion as they sat on the grass. It was dusk; perhaps Mrs. Gray had not noticed their hands had been touching.
She was not accustomed to being reprimanded. She had never done anything to call for it,
"I will marry you if you'll have me,'' said Long Bow in a low tone, as Little Dove got up and walked away from him. She hoped that this had not been overheard.
"Forgive me, Ma’am,'' she said with dignity. "We were watching the boat with the big wheel, and the gentleman was telling me his ancestor-story; about his grandfather who came from a place called Scot-land."
"He's not a gentleman, dear; he’s a woodsman. And there were several gentlemen who were asking after you -- even officers! -- with you looking so lovely in your long dress, and your ribboned hair. But you were nowhere to be found! Land sake!"
Emma had high hopes for her daughter. The girl was 16, but that was certainly marriageable age on the frontier. Native people, in tune with natural cycles, would have paired off even earlier,
"One gentleman was particularly dashing," said Mrs., Gray. "A Cavalry Officer. I told him that our ancestry was French, and was Spanish on your father’s side -- that my husband was descended from a Spanish Conquistador."
"Mercy!" Mrs. Gray exclaimed. "What did you do?"
"I had been taught to be brave, but many were the tears that rained upon the earth, and onto the body of my mother. I implored Great Spirit to allow me to follow the spirit path of my mother, Turtle Woman, and of the people of our village. But the spirit of my mother appeared to me, and told me to be strong, to have courage: That one day all would be well, and that I had an important mission in this earth-walk. I was to bring understanding between peoples. To bring love.
"I could not believe she meant that I should go among the feared Wasichu, killers of my people! I did not know then of people like you, who have a tender heart.
"My mother, Turtle Woman, was a Holy Woman of our tribe, a healer, honored and loved by all. She was always praying for The People, doing Blessing Ceremonies."
"But what happened to you?" Mrs. Gray asked.
"After three days, my uncle came and got me. My mother's spirit went to her brother and told him where to find me. He took me to two wise Elders high in the mountains, and they taught me the ways of The People. They told me that I would be captured, but I must allow it -- because the blood, the spirit, of my people must continue. For one day, the child of my child's child would return, to share our teachings of Oneness -- of honoring all life -- with the Rainbow People, the ones of all Nations, all colors, at a time when it would be needed."
Mrs. Gray was without words. It was a lot to take in. Finally she said: "Why have you never told me these things?" She dabbed at her eyes with her embroidered handkerchief.
"I did not think they would interest you. You did not seem to think that what happened to ‘pagans' was of importance. And I did not wish to hurt your heart. You have taken me as your own daughter, and you have shown me many kindnesses. I do not forget this, and I am grateful."
"My dear, dear little Grace," Mrs. Gray said. "How strong you were to keep your sorrow to yourself. We have been worlds apart, and you never let me know!"
The Captain's wife gained a great deal in understanding that day.
A month and a half later Captain Gray was sitting at his desk in the parlor looking over some reports when a knock sounded at the door. As the womenfolk were out in the kitchen preparing dinner, he rose to open it.
A tall young man stood before him. He wore a short gray top-hat, a high collar with a wide black bow-tie, a double- breasted coat, and trim grey trousers. He removed his hat.
"Good evening, sir," he said respectfully. "I've come to call on your daughter."
The Captain was surprised.
"I wasn't aware that you knew my daughter!" he replied.
"Yes, sir. We met at a dance. "
"Ah -- of course. Do come in."
Little Dove looked up from where she sat at the kitchen table, shelling peas. She could not see who came in -- but she sensed a special energy.
"I wonder who that is," said Mrs. Gray, "and if we need to set an extra place." Grace seemed to have a special glow, she thought; a secret smile. Interesting. Perhaps it was that trapper who came to call. He was the only one she'd shown any interest in. But how would she know it was him?
In the parlor, the Captain was looking him over. "Seems to me we might have met before, but I can't place where?"
"I am George Gillespie, son of Robert, of Clan Gillespie of the North of Scotland. My father owns a plantation down in Mississippi, at the junction of the Yazoo and the Tallahatchie rivers. Many acres planted in cotton, corn, beans, melon... A large house, and many small cabins."
"Slave quarters, I expect."
"For the field-hands, yes."
Mrs. Gray wiped her hands, took off her apron, smoothed her hair, and went into the parlor. Grace followed.
"Why, good evening! And who might this be, Captain?"
"This is Mr. Gillespie, dear. He was just telling me about his plantation, in the state of Mississippi."
"My family's place, sir."
"Indeed. You've a familiar look to you, George; it's haunting me," Captain Gray mused.
Gillespie glanced at Little Dove, who of course knew him immediately. She smiled. 'He certainly doesn't look like an Indian,' she thought! 'But then, neither do I. We’re both pretending. We wear masks, like ceremonial dancers.'
"Yes, sir, Captain; we've known each other. I used to hunt, to supply meat for the regiment. And scout some."
"Long Bow! Of course! Didn't know you, all trimmed up and dressed like a gentleman! You kept our company from hunger, many a time, and helped us find our way through the pass when the blizzard came. Saved our hide, you did. The men always spoke highly of you. Honest, quick-witted and dependable, they said. Knew your way around the wilderness."
Well, this was an interesting turn of events! -- thought Mrs. Gray. He looked respectable after all.
"And what brings you here, Mr. Gillespie?" she asked.
"I’ve come to call on your daughter, Ma’am."
"You'd like to court her?" she said.
"I'd like to marry her. With your permission."
"Oh, dear! My lovely daughter... You wouldn't be taking her away, would you?"
....She joined Long Bow at the circle of stones that he had prepared, praying, with a sprinkle of tobacco, as he placed each stone on the grass. Invoking the Spirits of the place to join them, he called them in, with rattle, drum and song, honoring all the beings in turn.
Little Dove was thrilled to be part of such a traditional ceremony once again! Though her husband's tribe was from the South, he had dwelt among the People of the Plains as well, and he knew their language and their ways.
They entered the circle from the East, where he had placed a yellow stone -- to represent the morning light; beginnings. In the South, a red stone, representing the blood of Mother Earth; growth. The West -- black. Sun-gone-down; a time of vision, dreaming. To the North, the direction presided over by the Sacred White Buffalo, the place of the Elders; wisdom.
On the center stone, the altar, Long Bow had placed his chanupa, his Sacred Pipe. Unassembled, it lay still in its fringed and beaded pipe-bag, with a pocket on the outside for a tobacco pouch, and an antler-tip, to tamp the tobacco down with. Little Dove laid her Medicine Pouch next to it, containing her sacred things: Small bones and feathers from the claw of an eagle; tobacco, for offerings; a crystal given her by Oldest Grandfather, who had taught her how to use it. "You place it inside your head-band," he had said, "in the center of your forehead, when you go into vision -- that you may see more clearly what Spirit is showing you. And it will make stronger the loving thoughts you send out to the children of Mother Earth. It has great power; you must use it with wisdom."
Long Bow lit a bundle of sage and cedar, placed it in a large shell (representing the waters of the Great Mother, from which the world was birthed), and they cleansed themselves with the purifying smoke. He wafted it first toward himself, that he might be pure; then toward her, with strokes of an eagle feather. This would protect them from any malevolent spirits. He then lit a strand of braided sweet-grass, to call in the friendly spirits, for Blessings.

He sat cross-legged upon the ground. Holy Ground, for they had consecrated it. Long Bow took tobacco and put it into the red pipe-stone bowl of the chanupa, which he had carefully fashioned into the head of an eagle. Each carved feather was clearly delineated, and the spirit of the eagle was present.

....As they came around a bend in the path, she cried out in delight: "Oh! A tipi! The lodge of my people! How good it will be to lie upon Mother Earth again!" He had erected it while she was preparing their meal.
Inside the tipi, they stood facing each other for a moment, and then he took her gently into his arms. He could feel her body trembling. He stepped back, and held her face between his hands, drinking in her exquisite beauty. Being 10 years older than Little Dove, he had had experience of man-woman things, but he knew that she had not; that she had only had years of being repressed, in her time since coming of age. He would be very gentle with her.
Untying the thongs at her shoulders, he slipped her dress down over her arms and let it fall to the ground. She stepped out of it, as he removed his shirt and leggings, but still wearing his breechcloth.
He guided her to a soft pile of furs, and laid down beside her. Gently, his hand caressed the length of her body; he softly kissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, throat; then her breasts, her stomach, and down her legs. He kissed her toes before he began his progress back up the length of her trembling body. He suckled her breasts like an infant, and was caressing her hips, which began to writhe involuntarily. Every nerve ending of her body came alive at his touch.
"What is happening?" she cried out. "Why do I shake like this? I do not understand!" Her wanting seemed to have a terrible intensity.
"It's all right, beloved one. It is our time of coming together. Becoming One." He removed his loincloth -- and it seemed that they exploded into each other!
His many years of alone-ness, and hers, were ended.
After the first frightening thrust, their love-making carried her to great heights of ecstasy. The fireworks took them out among the stars -- she was sure she could hear the wings of hummingbirds, eagles, or perhaps angelic beings! They made love again and again, until the golden fingers of dawn's light crept into the opening of the tipi at the top, and under its sides, between the poles.

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Re: Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2013, 08:04:32 pm »
Horrible, ridiculous and racist. No understanding of history. Someone would have to be really ignorant of history, let alone the cultures she mentions, to fall for this b.s.

While some of the Scottish and, much later, Irish people who came to the colonies had good relations with the Cherokee and other "C-tribes," the "Scots-Irish" (who were Lowland Scots and English, not Irish) were already involved in colonizing Northern Ireland, then the US, in a much more aggressive manner. They were a different culture from the Highland clans and the native Irish. For every Scots-Irish ancestor who married a Native person, there were hundreds who happily hunted down, raped, massacred and enslaved people.

Recently I've been doing more genealogy research on the colonies. Sadly, it's pretty common for liberals (and exploiters) descended from colonial Indian-killers to try to rewrite their history and give themselves NDN ancestors. But anyone with experience spots this: you'll have a bunch of well-sourced info on the white people, then some alleged NDN with no data, no source documents, and the clincher: a stereotypical name in English. Like "Mourning Dove," or "Rushing Stream," while the only real NDNs in that area at that time have names in the relevant NDN language.

It's shameful stuff, and I've seen some ancestor-stealers try to steal established Scottish clan lines along with fabricating fake NDNs. A few people have tried to do it with some of my ancestors, and we're calling the cousins and doing something about it. We don't claim these liars, either.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 09:27:25 pm by Kathryn »