Author Topic: New year blessing  (Read 3173 times)

Offline LittleOldMan

  • Posts: 138
New year blessing
« on: January 01, 2009, 05:32:23 pm »
A tradition from my great grandmother each new years day Numbers 6:24,25,26. "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace" I so do hereby pronounce this blessing on us all. "LittleOldMan
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Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: New year blessing
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 07:45:58 pm »
and now for the REAL New Years day....well a Native New Year.

March 11/12th MIDNIGHT begins the New Year Day according to the native "Aztec Calendar". 

This Year is now 10 HOUSE .

This Calendar belongs to all natives. And if your nation does not have a traditional calendar, never had a traditional calendar, or has lost all knowledge of their traditional calendar, you are welcome, as we are all related natives, to use this one. You do not need some kind of blessing or approval from any aztec or mayan descendant or our elders. It doesn't matter if you are a 'person of distant ancestry" , hell it doesn't even matter if you are not native. BECAUSE this calendar is the most accurate of all the time keeping pieces in the world, no one can own TIME, only keep track of it. IF you would like to keep a real good eye on our times, then study this piece of indingenous ancestry.

This calendar is not a new age device. ALthough new agers and hippies and weirdos would like to make it look so. Ignore all that and get down to the nitty gritty of it , the truth of it. There are plenty of good books out there if you do not know a mexica teacher. Mexica teachers are not against the use of books or the writing of them when it comes to this calendar. HOWEVER, watch out, be careful of the book you do get, there are some real screwy ones and new age ones out there to make your search difficult.

This calendar uses a system of words similar to the asians, like 10 HOUSE , reminding us of years like The Year of the Rat or Dragon.

So to all of you , since March 12th MIDNIGHT , HAPPY NATIVE NEW YEAR !!