Author Topic: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"  (Read 61444 times)

Offline educatedindian

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More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« on: November 03, 2005, 06:52:30 pm »
I started a new thread on them since the old one is long enough that it's become a lot to wade through. I'm keeping it under Research Needed because they're not ceremony sellers and they seem more lost than anything else, but they are potentially a dangerous group.

(New Note: see below for why this thread was moved to Frauds)

Some new developments:
Their leaders, the Edwards, tried to convince me the threats they were accused of never happened. So they invited me into their yahoo group, CKYBeginnings. Their claims was that the threat was not in the Messages section. But no one had ever said it was, it was supposed to have been in Files. And the entire Files section was not in the group, while several messages did mention "files."

Here's the message I sent to another current member of the CKY who wishes to remain anonymous. I also sent it onto the Edwards, describing what I found in their yahoo group.

I don't think you're going to like what I have to say, but I urge you to listen and consider it carefully. I feel I have to tell you this, because of liking you as a person,that I need to be honest.

I spent about two hours going through the posts in there and came away pretty appalled. Robin and Charlie Lame Deer appear to be the only ones who talk like skins. The rest sound like whites playing Indian, and the Edwards are by far the worst of them all. Jerry Edwards appears incapable of speaking a sentence except in TontoSpeak or OldChiefSpeak. He's seen "I Will Fight No More Forever" too many times and read and been brainwashed by Nuage books.

The group is saturated throughout with Nuage beliefs and ideas. Believing Cherokees are from another planet or from Atlantis, talk of "shifts" "vibrations" "bliss" and "ego". Hundreds of posts obsessing over totem animals and "meditate to pick your clan" followed by Edwards' arbitrary decision to move people into three clans.

Not only that, but you are relying on one Nuage book or leader after another for your sense of what you falsely think Cherokee traditions are. Not just Fisher/Yawahoo, but also Thomas Mails and Morgan Maez or "Eaglebear", who one of your members cheerfully recalls "I know all of you know him." I know about "Eaglebear" all too well. He's yet another imposter, this one a fake posing as the great grandson of Geronimo who tells people they have to have sex as part of a fake ceremony. Edwards also mentions relying on Forrest Carter's "Education of Little Tree". Carter was one more imposter, not just a fraud but also a KKK leader suspected of several murders, and best known for writing George Wallace's "Segregation Forever" speech.

Outside of knowing some Cherokee words and the names of the original clans, I don't see any sign whatsoever of knowledge of actual Cherokee ways. In all my years of knowing many Cherokee people, including some pretty knowledgeable Cherokee scholars like Steve Russell and Joyce Kievet, none of them are anything like any of you. I'm sorry, but it seems like virtually all of you are people with distant ancestry who are very lost and without a clue about your roots.

As you say, perhaps the only thing good to be said about your group is that there is no ceremony selling. Well, it's also a good thing that you are a far smaller group than I had thought, 31 members and perhaps half of them living far away.

I don't think you are part of a cult, at least not yet, but you certainly have the potential to become one and many signs you are all on that path. Edwards' talk of the end of the world ("shift") and how anyone who is not part of the Burnside is "dead inside" and "yonega" (ironic since ALL of you, without exception, seem to be white as well as NDN) and not to be trusted.

This is classic cult tactics, "we are the chosen and the rest of the world is not to be trusted".

As far as Robin, I don't see any sign of the instability or contradictions you claim. I do see lots of instability in the Edwards, and an enormous amount of lying.

As far as the accusation of threats, the circumstantial evidence points towards Robin's story being right, not yours and certainly not Edwards. The threat was alleged to be part of a File or Photo, not in the Messages sections. Ms Edwards claims there was no such File, but posts in the Messages do mention "files". So it seems the whole File section was deleted.

I wish you well, and I wish all the members of the Burnside group well, even lost and deceptive and potentially dangerous people like the Edwards. I just hope they don't lead you to a terrible end. I made a comment to Edwards several emails ago about poisoned Koolaid. In all seriousness, if you all continue on your present path, that sort of end is a real potential danger.

I strongly urge you to get out of Edwards's group, and I would urge that for any and all of you, not just to avoid being misled and fed lies, but also for nothing less than your own safety.
Please take care,

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 07:10:12 pm »
And posts from CKYBeginnings showing all their Nuage beliefs:

Message 1459
From: "Yonv" <yonv777@...>
Date: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:57 am
Subject: Unole
Osiyo Sidanelv ale sunale osda,
It is on the wind, all that is to be. It has been set in motion eons ago by the Ancestors, through the Will of Yehowah, (Creator)....It is as the great in breath and out breath of Creator. Please, I know that is Buddhist, I am making a point.
....I am saying that we are now approaching that point where it is the in-between time. I know there are those who will crucify me for using some of what Trox has said, but the information is solid, so, it is called the Untime, Time/Untime. it is the moment when all things come to rest and the Universe and all creation come to rest and pay homage to the Source from which it sprung....It is the combination of the Counter Rotating Spirals that maintain the balance of all things. As above, So below.
....I do send my love, even to those who would walk on it. it has endured more than a few disgruntled souls down through time.
Dohi, (Peace)
Uku Yonv

Message 3
Morning Rain <ozzmaga@...>
Date: Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:36 am
Subject: Some Not so Simple questions and explanations
....The Aniyvwiya are 'Old Souls" who are here to help humanity make it through the coming Shift. If you don't know what that means, it is time to do some study. Chief Yonv is excellent at explaining the shift....Our people were crystal workers and dealt with vibrations. Did they call the body zones Chakras? I doubt it, but they worked with stones, gems and crystals just the same. They knew that to 'Shift' their vibrations had to be very high. We call ourselves Starseeds....
Ask questions about the Shift, about how we fit in and what our responsibility in that time is....
~Clan Mother Morning Rain

Message 20
fakry132" <fakry132@...>
Date: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:54 pm
Subject: welcome and clan info
Osiyo to all who have come her to learn.
First, I would like to welcome you to your journey of self-knowledge.....
I would like to reiterate something Clan Mother MorningRain siad in her post about not confusing animal totems and animal guides with clan affiliation....
So, let's get busy and get people placed! It's important to know where and how you will fit in, and know what will be your aprt at the time of the shift.....
Clan Mother Wolf Woman Watching

Message 24
yonv" <yonv7@...>
Date: Mon Jun 14, 2004 10:23 am
Subject: Chiefs Clan Mothers
....First, Jerry Funderburk is the Red Chief, that is the War Chief. He is also considered the Red Priest, so, when addressing Jerry Funderburk, out of
respect, you address him as Chief Giga Tali....
My name is Yonv, pronounced, (Yoh-nuh) which means Bear in Cherokee., I am the Principal Chief, the White Chief, the White Priest, I am considered
the Uku, Pronounced, (Oo-koo) . I will talk more about that later. I should be addressed as Chief Yonv, or Uku Yonv, or just Uku.
You Clan Mothers are,
Clan Mother Morning Rain, she is the Wild Potato Clan Mother
Clan Mother Nokwisi, she is Paint Clan Mother
Clan Mother Wolf Woman Watching, the Wolf Clan Mother
Clan Mother Red Sky, the Blue Clan Mother
Clan Mother Running Wolf, she is Wind Clan Mother
The Clan Mothers are always addressed as Clan Mother, as in Clan Mother Running Wolf.
We are still waiting for the other two Clan Mothers. Creator will provide....
Uku Yonv

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2005, 07:10:57 pm »
More Nuage messages in their group.

Message 26
ufcndta" <ufcndta@...>
Date: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:01 pm
Subject: Paint Clan
The Paint Clan, AniWodi, is where many of the medicine people, conjurers, shamans, and sorcerers came from, although none of these terms are really accurate. I don’t care for titles or labels in that respect, and so I especially like the reference made in “The Education of Little Tree??? when Grandpa introduces Little Tree to Willow John, saying simply, “he has the Magic.??? some circles the Paint Clan (because it was a place of conjurers and energy-workers) has become a popular ideal – but it is not the place to brag about being a “medicine man??? or “medicine woman??? – or a shaman, wizard, witch....If you feel the need to tell everyone you are a Shaman or Medicine Man, then you are not - yet.
....All clans worked with plants and crystals, but with different aspects of the same things....So just using plants or crystals doesn’t necessarily make one Paint Clan. Working with unseen energies and Spirits- might.
Paint Clan people have a working kinship with the unseen energies of all things. They are adept at communicating with and “bending??? energies shamanically, to perform the “magic??? and get the job done.
....Each paint clan person will have their own area of expertise. Some work with shamanic energies....
To be continued!
ClanMother Nokwisi

Message 150
CrytalWindWalker <crystalwindwalker@...>
Date: Wed Jul 28, 2004 6:38 am
Subject: Introduction
I am Deborah, (CrytalWindWalker) and am new here. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska for almost 20 years now....
I definetly have a mystic call which would seem to indicate Paint Clan....
I'm not sure what to say or if I should do so in regaurd to the things which happen when I am on Blessed Mystic Walk....
I will "see or hear" things when I'm on the Blessed Mystic Walk....Wado for your help.
Creator's Love, Peace and Blessings to all, Deborah ~CrystalWindWalker

Message 239
CrytalWindWalker <crystalwindwalker@...>
Date: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:28 pm
Subject: Re: [UFCNBeginnings] Question Regaurding The Children of The Sun
....I understand that the Children of the Sun are Adam/Earthing and children of the Adam experiment.... its something along the lines that the Annunaki were "black"/dark skinned, and that therefore they are "the children of the Gods" or Star Children and perhaps not really Adamma/earthlings....
is it correct to say that we, AniYvwiya, Star Children, are just simply in Adama bodies? Or is it something more along the lines that there is actually a *difference* however slight, between the Adama bodies and our bodies, hence, we have what some would term "humanoid" bodies? I know.... I'm going in circles again :-)
I am also aware that by reading some of Zecharia Stitchin and others' books, the answers to these questions will be made more apparent to me.....
Dohi, Deborah

yonv <> wrote:
Osiyo Sister,
They were the people who were inhabiting North America that were the children of the Adam Experiment. They were the descendents of the original Earth Man. That is what Adam or Adamma means, Earthling. The were Sun Worshipers. There are two types of people on the Earth Mother, those that are indigenous to Earth, and Starseeds, those who came from the stars.
Uku Yonv

Message 448
jd mcdermott <avila2go2@...>
Date: Sun Jan 9, 2005 11:52 pm
Subject: Re: [CKYBeginnings] Question about Directions
....The Red Man, living in the East, is the spirit of power, triumph, and success. The Black Man, in the West, is the spirit of death. The shaman would invoke the Red Man to the assistance of his patient and consign his enemy to the fatal influences of the Black Man. According to Thomas Mails, in his book, "Cherokee People,"....
Elisi Gule disgonihi Utsetsi (Smiling Dove)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2005, 07:21:28 pm »
Still more, they made hundreds of these types of posts, the groupi is just saturated with Nuage ideas, though I think most ofthem are just clueless.

Message 511
Yonv" <yonv777@...>
Date: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:45 pm
Subject: Honor and Respect
....we migrated North out of South America, out of Atlantis and went North into our sacred mountains after a long journey.....
Uku Yonv

Message 513
Yonv" <yonv777@...>
Date: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:09 pm
Subject: Perspective
....we are working towards our part in the Shift of the Ages, the movement into the Sixth World.
It is told by the Old Ones that we are at the End of an Age. It is the Shift back into Unity consciousness.... We are a Star Nation, the Bird People, one of the Bird Tribes.
....we are here to assist in the Shift of the Ages.
We are a conduit through which the Divine energy may flow.
....What that is, is an awakening to the essence of who your are....
Uku Yonv
Anitsisqua (Bird Clan)
After spending hundreds of posts and over a year urging meditation on which clan to join:
Message 583
Yonv" <yonv777@...>
Date: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:17 am
Subject: Council/Important/Read
Osiyo Sanelv ale Sunale Osda,
....our decisions are unanimous and motivated by the Spirit of the All that Is....
we are pairing down to Three Clans here in the Cherokees of Kentucky Chickamauga. We have tried for five years to manage all seven Clans. It has not worked. The Three Clans that will be here in the CKY are, Wolf, Bird, and Wild Potato.
People who are in other Clans will be placed....
The People in the Paint, Deer, Wind, and Blue Clans will be moved to one of the Three Clans that we are maintaining.
....this is a major shift in how we do business....
Cherokees of Kentucky-Chickamauga, Council
Uku Yonv

Message 584
Yonv" <yonv777@...>
Date: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:03 pm
Subject: Sweat

iyo Sidanelv, We are getting ready to do our sweat lodge in an hour or so. Those of you who are NDN, who are really Cherokee, who are True Human Beings, please join us in prayers as we take the Family into the lodge.....
I want to see who is NDN and who isn't here....
How can we pray together without acknowledgement on the stupid boxes....
This is not to beat you up, it is to stir your spirit. Cherokees, that is who is supposed to be here, are you?
The Lodge starts about eight tonight eastern time. Join us.
Uku Yonv


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2005, 08:23:33 pm »
Wow, wish I could just pull a clan membership out of thin air. I had to grow up without one. Lots of people do without - and theres no shame in it. But there is a great deal of dishonesty in claiming a clan you *don't* belong to. Don't these people understand that if you claim a clan you are claiming all of the responsibilities that come with being someone's relative that way? I see alot about special "powers" and "rights" in these posts and not a word about responsibilities to their supposed relatives.  And they wonder why no one trusts them or their motives.

same ole selfish presumption from the -and this is the only word for it - wannabe crowd.



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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2005, 12:56:35 am »
Thank you for taking the time to go through these files and finding out the truth about the Edwards and the fact the group is small is a relief. I have been doing research Daishin and the "tribe", "bands" I have run across has been overwhelming, What is the fantasy,delussions that appears to be in the minds of these imposters. It seems to be the "in" thing to be "indian" but as was said you don't pull that out of the air and mix all religions,newage ect. and say we are cherokee, lakota ect. perhaps these people have no identity and must create one at the cost of others.
I am so glad to be part of this group and see how all work together to  research these people.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2005, 03:46:06 pm »
I was hesistant about posting information about Cherokee Clans. However, a person does not chose their Clan based on thier personality traits. If this were so we would have a whole new category for many under the Comedy Central category.

Since there are some here who may not know, if a person is Cherokee thier Clan affiliation is passed down through thier mother.

Many of the traits that have been sadly attached to the  Clans have not been done so by Cherokees but rather non-Indian writers, etc. So many write that the Wolf Clan is the warrior/hunter clan, but I can assure you that neither my mother nor greandmother were warriors or hunters in the sense that they talk about.

Also, it is the Long Hair Clan that many have assigned as the Clan that medicine people came from.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2005, 05:42:05 pm »
The latest from their would be keeper of tradition. "Softspeaker" Star claims to be Cherokee and Seneca, but believes in Atlantis, "shifts", and that NDNs are space aliens.

My words have >>>


Softspeaker40 <> wrote: sad you feel the need to attack me in some way or another at all times

>>>"Attack"? Are you kidding?

.I teach spanish and have lived in spanish countries and have never been accused and criticized but then there was no reason for them to be so discouteous. It is true I have never dealt with homeless Mexicans so I may not speak at that level.

>>>Now you're making even less sense than before. What do the homeless have to do with anything?

Do you twist everyones words?

>>>Once again, you must be kidding.
>>>No need for you to get angry at me because you don't speak very clearly, and twist my words.

I do not have anything to hide.  

>>>Yes, certainly, I believe you. That's the reason you choose to be part of a group living far from their (alleged) Cherokee people. That's the reason none of you have any contact with them and rely on Nuage sources. (That's sarcasm. Just making sure you caught that, before you made some other bizarre misinterpretation.)

I wanted it clear that I was no doing this to defend the family that requires no defence.

>>>Sure Star, sure. That's why you and the Edwards have spent several weeks and perhaps fifteen emails between you defending your group.

>>>That's why the Edwards deleted the Files section in their group.

>>>That's why two of the three CKY groups are dead, with no discussion or dissent allowed.

It is your opinion regarding newageness

>>>The surest sign of a Nuager, claiming "everything is just opinion."

>>>Sorry Star, but no Cherokee anywhere but in your little group thinks you are anything but Nuagers.

>>>See for yourself, what your group does with clans is closer to Dungeons and Dragons than Cherokee tradition. Joseph Stands With Many is a traditional storyteller, and he finds what you do comical and ridiculous.;action=display;num=1131043950

I feel sorry that whatever you experienced in your life has made you so judgemental and suspicious of people.

>>>I truly feel sorry for what you are experiencing now in your life. You have been so misled and wasted so much of your life on lies.
>>>Just how many Nuage tactics can you pack into one email?
1) Pop psychology diagnoses
2) Attacking the messenger and avoiding giving actual answers
3) Thinking "judging" is a negative word. I feel sorry for anyone like you, Star, that fails to use their brain to judge right from wrong, tradition from obvious lies.

Paranoia is difficult to live with.

>>>Yes, and the tiny group of you living alone on an isolated compound will only worsen your "the world is out to get us" mentality.

Wishing you knowlege, compassion and the joy of living in a diverse world that promotes peace for all people.

>>>Wishing that you someday quit fooling yourself, and learn what your people's actual traditions truly are. Here's a hint: Atlantis came from a Greek named Aristotle, not Cherokee tradition.

>>>After all, once the "shift" doesn't happen, what will you do? Go into Scientology, or the Moonies?

>>>I only hope the Edwards never make you drink the Koolaid, and that you all stay away from sharp objects and high places.

Offline raven

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2005, 08:59:04 pm »
In regards to softspeaker. I want you to know that I am not your enemy. You came across as a gentle kind person, that I felt you have much more to give to real people than those that intentions are not as well meaning as you think.
I wrote one post to you about the mayan calendar and such to see where your head is. That is why I also asked you about if you know the traditional stories about how the mountains where formed, how the first fire came to the people. That is where I wanted to lead you, to the real traditional stories.
You live in an area where you are surrounded by real native peple with real tradtions. There is the Indian centers, go there, you would be amazed on what you can learn from elders. I am here in IL and I know 2 elder cherokee women from OK.  Since I no longer have any blood family these grandmas they look as me as one of their kids.  I take them to pow wows when they want to go, I visit with them, if they need something I get it for them. What I get in return is wonderful stories of when they where young women, they help me with my language since I have no family to converse with. We sit together at the kitchen table, we bead, we tell stories. They grade me on my bead work somedays an A somedays I get a C. They help remind me what is important in my life.
We don't sit around and talk about shifts or calendars. We talk about what is important in our lives. Our children, our grandchildren, what we want for them in life. We cook together. This is the real deal not what is written in those books that many are out there reading.  The door is open to you to know real native people and real tradtions.
You and I live a lot closer to each other than you do to those in Ky.
You have my e mail address what you do with it is up to you. I just want you to know that my goal when I went in there was to just reach one person.
And to see what kind of mess was going on down there.
When I wrote to you and to the "chief's" wife that if I had to follow protocol with the traditions of calling certain men by a title ,I was very serious when I wrote then if I am to follow real tradition the
n the men were to go through my husband if they had something to speak to me about, this is not a made up tradtiion and I could take you to elders that still practice that tradition. There are reasons why this is done. I don't come from family that has chiefs or medicine people. My people were hunters, farmers, and some were warriors. They were the salt of the earth, nothing mystic about them, nor myself. I grew up with grandparents that picked cotton, so we went where they could work. We ate beans and cornbread everyday. Most of the homes we lived in was tar sheet homes with a wood burner in the middle of the room. My grandfather carved wood. My grandmother weaved baskets. We fished in the streams. We didn't go into caves, but we went to homes in the winter for booger dances. I still have my grandfather's mask made from a hornets nest, gourd and black bear. My grandmother was a shaker, I have her shakers that she made from milk cans. This to me is what real native people are about. Not having naming ceremonies on the internet, nor in caves.
The opportunity is here if you want it. But there's no books, nor crystals.

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2005, 03:15:43 pm »
The latest: This thread was moved to Frauds because of the C of KY using some pretty desperate tactics. They seem to be a dangerous enough group that everyone should be warned away in the strongest possible terms.

The latest tactic is what looks to be a forged letter made to look as though it came from a lawyer's office, aimed at Robin in an effort to intimidate her and get her to shut up.

Why do we think it's forged?

1) The letter came in an envelope that was printed from a computer not a typewriter.
2) The envelope was post marked from southeastern KY, not Lexington where the law office is located.
3) The envelope had a prepasted stamp not a prepaid envelope.
4) The letter threatens to have Robin ordered into pysch testing. I've never heard of any civil litigation lawyer having any "right" to demand someone being psychologically tested.
5)The letter claims copyright violations for reposting posts from their yahoo group. The Edwards have no standing to claim copyright infringement, we can repost anything online under the Fair Use laws.

Not to mention all the posts reposted were ones I got on my own, after the Edwards sent me an invite to their group.

And the greatest irony, the Edwards are themselves violating copyright laws by posting from Fisher/Yawahoo's book on their C of KY website, without attributing the words to her.

6) The letter threatens to sue for "slander." It can't be "slander". Slander is the spoken element, not the written one. Even a first year law student should know that.
7) It can't be either slander or libel if it's true. Truth is an absolute defense against either.
8) The letter threatens to sue Robin for urging others to go to the police. Urging people to contact the police is not "slander" if you believe a crime is being committed.
9) And the way much of the letter is worded makes me actually wonder if they might have stolen a letterhead from his office and typed it up themselves. No lawyer (or at least one who knew his business) would get so emotional in a cease and desist letter. No good lawyer would use terms like "deluded and false". That's something only someone with an emotional grudge would say.
10) Finally, they gave a PO box as an address, and not even the address of the law office.

Robin has contacted the law office to see if it did actually did come from them, and not a forgery using stolen stationary. We'll keep everyone posted on this.

Offline raven

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2005, 12:23:19 am »
I am sitting here trying to keep from laughing as I type this post.
I have read a pretty funny fabricated story.
For the record to all those who care to know the truth.
1) My husband is not Apache, never said he was.
2) My husband is not abusive nor problomatic.
3)I can write or talk to anyone any time I like, I am a grown woman that can do as she pleases.
4) Mental health problems, doesn't apply to me either. If I had them, then I wouldn't discuss it with the likes of any of you, I would do it with a doctor or therapist.
5) As far as the sun dance up at White Earth, well
first off people don't advertise it, second off they don't tell outsiders about them. Third and last I will gladly give to Al all the names, address, ph. # of all the sun dancer brothers, sisters, sun dance chief and mother.
6)I never said that I cook and serve as "necessary" I support my husband, big difference from doing something out of nesessity.
I believe that I have been mistaken for someone else, well actually it is a blend of out right lies and something in between the twilight zone.
None of you scare me, nor does threats of lawyers, or lawsuits.
Keep the lies coming it's making your hole bigger, and all those things that you have accused me of, well none of it applies to me. Haven't done any of it and can prove it without a resonable doubt. So you need to think twice before going down that road with me with all these lies.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2005, 01:29:20 pm »
I have been in the cherokee community for years and never have i ever see/heard of such a vicious attack on one person. I just don't understand what the Edwards hope to gain by thier vicious attack on Raven. Raven mentioned in a previous email about cooking the feast after a sweat for all those who do and inipi and this is  traditional for women who do not sweat to prepare the feast. I believe whoever spoke those things stated in the last posting knows Raven and has a vengful spirit against her or she is accepting what someone has told her as being the truth. What you said reveals who you really are and I am sure I know who you are.
All these accusations being hurled at Raven and threats of law suits ect. are rediculous. There are so many who have written evidence to the contray of what the Edwards are saying, well if it were me I would't want to go down that road.
I will say I am curious as to why uku is now calling himself Yoni??
When one has the TRUTH and KNOWS the TRUTH We Cherokees always know the path to go down.

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2005, 11:38:26 pm »
Let me add some other pretty funny errors the Edwards and "Softspeaker" Star keep making:

The Edwards accuse Robin of being the source of the posts reposted in here. Sorry, NO, not one single one of them.

The true source for these posts is...The Edwards themselves. They let me into their group with an invite.

Robin is also far from being the only source for information on the C of KY. I count at least seven different people who've spoken to me, both former and current members. That, plus there are at least four other sources easily available.

That, among many other reasons, is why their comical attempt to get Robin to stay quiet is doomed. All it's doing is making them look petty, vindictive, small-minded, controlling, obsessive, and very un-Indian and unspiritual.

Offline raven

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2005, 03:46:57 am »
I would like everyone to know exactly what I am being accused of by the Edwards.

1) I am being investigated of serious false and defamatory allegations through the internet against them.
2) They have evidence that I have engaged in slander per se in my deluded and false allegations of improper conduct with minor children.
3) Making claims of contacting the FBI and other law enforcement agencies relating to my false allegations.
4) Conduct a criminial record background check.
5) Intend to ask the court to order a psychological and psychiatric testing and counseling due to the nature of my conduct and actions.
6) They have evidence that I have engaged in copyright infringement of proprietary copyrighted material.
7) They intend to execute against all assets, all property, all acounts and all wages that I have in the state of ILL.
8) Will seek damages for defamation in their legal action without the necessity of proof of the elements of a defamation action.
9) Criminal perjury charges
10) Criminal charges for wire fraud through the use of the internet
11) Criminal harassing communications

These accusations are all lies, can be proven and if anyone should file a lawsuit, I believe that I should be the one doing it which I could add a few things in on it.
There is no law anywhere that says I can not speak on what I am being accused, I have the right to discuss to anyone what I am being accused of. This threat of a lawsuit has not scared me, in fact it has done the opposite. I won't back down from speaking what is truth. The accusations here speaks volumes of what kind of mentality these people really have

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2005, 07:36:51 am »
 Hi i have been following this and other webs for a long time and have also been a victum of fraudulant ndn, being ojibwa myself. I also was following the cky open message board as i found it to be way out there on another planet.have always been under the understanding, that unless stated, that this can not be copied or a copyright is noted , there is no infringement.
I work untill 12am so always like to ckeck certain sites out , hear whats going on. A lot of times I copy to file what interests me. so what i have to say may be of some importance concerning the above postings. I do have a lot of Chief Yoni, labiso and others who posted messages, I do have the 360 page with lobiso and softspeaker on it , which was on the beginners board, but not for long ,and I also have a copy of a message posted by lobiso stating that someone with gossiping moccasins sent an email within 2 hours of it being posted to Bluestar woman, it was pulled of within a very short time and yes if you cliked on to a certain point it gave the map of where Blustar lives, I know this I have a copy. So I assuming this is what the chief and his wife are saying they didn't do, I have postings by yonvi about gossipers, liars ect, and how he hates them. well with all I have read and all the info I have in front of me i would have to say Jerry you really need to look in the mirror and give a lot of consideration about this deal with Robin.
Robin if you want me to down load this info and send it all to I will be honored to. Just post and email. There is nothing in them like the Edwards are indicating and in fact much to clear you of these lies.                                God Bless and be with you all.