Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 700793 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #645 on: November 01, 2008, 05:43:48 pm »

She's still promoting herself as Native. She's just gone vague - no Nations named:

"White Eagle Medicine Woman is an internationally renowned shamanic healer, teacher, ceremonial and performance artist of Native American and European descent. She is the founding director of the International GrandMother Drum Peace Project and the DrumKeeper of the seven foot Grandmother Drum, the largest crystal inlaid medicine drum in the world."

And her partner in crime is now also claiming to be Native:

"Tymoreye’ Elliot  is a Visionary and Ceremonial Artist of Native American and European descent..."

and it looks like "Tymoreye" is getting in on the Lynne Andrews Shield scam:

"... Through Dream Mandalas and Medicine Shields, she guides students in visualizing their dreams into a living art."

So the only change from when we first found her is she's gone from describing herself in this particular commercial as "Seneca and Celtic" to the more vague "of Native American and European descent." And she's still wearing her fake regalia in the pictures.

Checked her website, and it's still an appropriation horrorshow:
Her official bio still claims "Seneca and Celtic":
And the press release is still working the "From a vision of indigenous grandmothers" angle:

Unrepentant, without honour, shameful, appalling fraud.

Offline mtig49

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #646 on: January 01, 2009, 07:07:22 pm »
its a new year and she still up to her old tricks.
"Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have."

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #647 on: January 16, 2009, 07:49:14 pm »
Looks like she is steering clear of the states.

See List of Events


March 13-23, 2009 Igniting the Rainbow Fire

Opening of the Rainbow Fire Mystery School,

Kalani Oceanside Retreat Center, Big Island, Hawaii

to register go to Mystery School link on this website or call 907-745-5636.

March 20, 2009 GrandMother Drum Prayerformance 7pm.
Kalani Oceanside Resort, Pahoa, Big Island, Hawaii

$20 advance $22 at the door. Children under 16 free

For tickets call Jared at 808-965-0468 ext 107

April 5- June 30, 2009 Israel MORE DETAILS SOON!

for more details

Dvora: +972 (0)52 652 3355

June 19-21, 2009 Grandmother Drum at LIVE H20 Prayerformance, Great Pyramids, Cairo, Egypt. Concert for the Living Waters. For detail go to Contact Leonard Horowitwitz, Producer

June 24, 2009 Hug Around Jerusalem, Israel
or more details contact:

Dvora: +972 (0)52 652 3355

November 6-13, 2009,  MEXICO

WILD Foundation Ninth World Wilderness Congress, Merida Mexico. Contact: Kat Haber, Trustee, WILD Foundation, Collaborator WILD9 Youth 907-299-2363



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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #648 on: January 16, 2009, 07:51:47 pm »
Spends a lot of time in the Middle East.  Didn't she do that last year also?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #649 on: January 16, 2009, 07:53:07 pm »
Looks like she is steering clear of the states.

Easier to fool gullible people in other countries, who know even less about NDNs than do nuagers in the US.

Spends a lot of time in the Middle East.  Didn't she do that last year also.

Maybe she'll have a "vision" and declare herself a rabbi.

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #650 on: January 17, 2009, 06:13:07 pm »
I believe that she did go to the Middle east last year...

Maybe she will stay there and NOT come back.... but  she's raking in the bucks still obviously....did a check on her site and she is running online courses and all sorts of fluffy stuff for a hefty fee... Karma;)

Offline anne

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #651 on: January 26, 2009, 08:22:27 pm »
PLEASE tell me what to do. I live on kauai, far away from the big island she is coming here, to a place called "Kalani, whatever/ run by ANOTHER FROUD called Serge Kahili king. We shamed him off this island, and he turned tail and ran to the big island. Now she is coming there with some sor tof "fire thing. This insults our grandmother Pele who lives there, and is quite alive to many of us. How do we fight TWO Fouds?.. she is charging $THOUSAND DOLLARS for this retreat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Offline anne

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #652 on: January 26, 2009, 08:26:50 pm »
We have another froud, serge Kahili king...way worse than this lady. BUT the two are going to join forces on the big island in march. please tell me what I can not on the big island, im on kauai, far away, and i dont have money to get on a plane and tell her off. we ran serge king outta here, and now the two of them...omg its just horrible. She is doing some sort of fire thing, where our pele lives, our living breathing godess. This is an insult. It may make things very bad over there, cause trouble with the halemaumau, the volcanic home of pele. this is a true beleif. its bad enough serge is over there. please email me at

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #653 on: January 27, 2009, 02:40:37 am »
Hi Anne. I like your dedication. Please read about the people who've worked to stop her. Try using the same approach they used and getting in touch with them. See who else on the island can be there to confront Holzwarth and King about their lies and exploitation.

I don't think you meant any harm, but anything about Holzwarth or King belongs only in the threads on them. I'm deleting the posts, except for what was not mentioned on the thread already, which I'll add to the thread.

Here's what you wrote in other threads, reposted here. Duplicate writing left out.


please help us to shut down, both Serge Kahili King, liar, bs artist, and all around FAKE AND FRAUD, and WHITE EAGLE WOman, whatever her stupid name is, as they are JOINING forces in Hawaii march 2009. she is charging $ THOUSAND DOLLARS for her "fire earth Mysteries", onm the place where our mother nad grandmother Pele lives, breaths. We beleive that Pele is a living, breathing thing, and anything that angers her can hurt our poeple. The volcano has been particularly active this year, and caused heavy vog all over the islands. she is not in a good mood. we DONT need her any more angry right now. PLEASE...make these poeple stop....Hawaiians over here, have just given up, andnsold out, what can I say. Its really bad. But maybe since there are more of you there, im too far away on kauai, opposite end of the chain. STOP THIS WHITE EAGLE feather woman lady watever, Suraj person, and this FRAUDULANT serge "Kahili" king and his HUNA crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! us stop the HUNA FAKE HAWAIIAN RELIGION, and WHITE EAGLE MEDICINE WOMAN from joining forces in hawaii in march. They will destroy our islands, as I am sure that Pele will rise up out of anger against them. WE beleive this, those of us who really do beleive in this kind of things. this man we ran off our island, but he has millions of dollars from his fake books. I used to try to stop him, by "converting" poeple back to reality at the hotel I worked at where some of them were staying. NOW he has joined forces with this WHITE EAGLE medicine lady and she is going to be doing some sort of FIRE NOT mess with Pele here. I cannot beleive this,.. and i am frightened about what might happen if these IGNORANT jackasses stat messing with our MANA here. we beleive some of us, that the gods and godesses still live here, like the old ways. we RESPECT...but so many hawaiian bloods SELL OUT AND APE FOR THESE POEPLE...well, ya gotta eat, but this is VERY VERY VERY BAAADDDDDDDDDDD, so please can u help?

HOW TO GET RID OF THESE POEPLE> SERGE is a millionaire, we ran him off of kauai, but I am too far away from big island to do anything. she is bringing some sort of fire mystery school thingie what the hell is that? the big island, where our sacred godess, pele lives and breaths, in the pit called halemaumau on Kilauea. Our hawaiian bloods are selling out to put food on the table, and letting their mana be used and sucked out of them. HELP...much more of you tha  us...i am in fear for the land, and if our Tutu (grandmother) gets mad if they try to do some wacko ceremonies, the volcano has been extremely activce and unstable this year. I am afraid this will cause a disaster.

 She is wearing those clothes, and the drum and everything else, and serge is a FREAKING LIAR PERIOD. THey are going to mess with Pele, the godess many still worship, (for real, like legitimately), as grandmother, and mother. She lives in the pit of halemaumau of the volcano. I dont know how to stop this. I am fdar away on Kauai we ran serge off thisisland, but now he is even richer on Big Island. these two cannot join forces, very bad vor everyone.

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #654 on: March 17, 2009, 12:11:13 am »
Protect Native Culture


We began this site to squelch the actions of a specific plastic, self-styled, self-proclaimed medicine woman but upon doing so, we found (though it has always been known) the issue is much, much larger. Thus this site has expanded to take a stand - using the power of the internet age and this medium of Myspace specifically - to unite all nations! It does not matter what path you walk, from where your blood comes, we are gathered here to STAND UP FOR AND FIGHT TO PROTECT THE NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE! NATIVE SPIRITUALITY IS NOT A COMMODITY - IT IS NOT FOR SALE! Those who would steal a ceremonial song from here, a dance from there, charge for lodge, charge for ceremonies and charge to pray are not spiritual people! They are charlatans and theives and this site is dedicated to join the fight against such people and their actions in a peaceful, respectful yet STRONG way ~ SOLIDARITY IS OUR STRENGTH!

UPDATE: Rachel/suraj Holzworth has claimed before witnesses in Michigan to honor the requests and demands of the First People of North America. We will continue to monitor her actions very closely...

What happened to this site? It's gone. Why?


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #655 on: March 17, 2009, 12:18:05 am »
If you are talking of the MySpace site, it states  the user either cancelled their membership or the account was deleted.  Who was the owner of the account?

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #656 on: March 17, 2009, 04:12:35 am »
If you are talking of the MySpace site, it states  the user either cancelled their membership or the account was deleted.  Who was the owner of the account?

Cat Carnes and a friend of her's started that myspace not long after the incident in Weymouth last spring. There were several name changes, finally becoming Protect Native Culture. While the space originated to fight Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum, it was maturing into a site to combat all attempts to steal Native American spirituality. As their objectives stated: "STAND UP FOR AND FIGHT TO PROTECT THE NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE! NATIVE SPIRITUALITY IS NOT A COMMODITY - IT IS NOT FOR SALE! Those who would steal a ceremonial song from here, a dance from there, charge for lodge, charge for ceremonies and charge to pray are not spiritual people! They are charlatans and theives and this site is dedicated to join the fight against such people and their actions in a peaceful, respectful yet STRONG way ~ SOLIDARITY IS OUR STRENGTH!"

Wonder why they deleted it? Isn't this something worth fighting for? Isn't the theft and/or misappropriation of Native American culture and spirituality that important anymore? Maybe they got busy doing other things.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #657 on: March 18, 2009, 10:14:51 pm »
She's baaaack:   

But, uh, you know, she's, uh, only here to, um, HEAL you.

It's really offensive; not only what Ego Fraud has to say, but also the other guy who speaks. Now she's claiming she's going to heal NDNs of "anger and negativity" and "release their souls" and "heal our stories" or something. The usual nuage bafflegab. Horrible.

Another offensive thing is that the largest part of the video, the second half, is an interview done the day before with someone who they say is a Native Hawaiian woman. That interview has nothing to do with Ego Fraud. But of course Ego Fraud, who speaks for less time than the Hawaiian woman or the white man, is billed as the star of this thing. Weird. I believe they said the Hawaiian woman is named "Aunt Emily" (?) I don't recall having heard of her, and haven't been able to find anything about her online, so I don't know if she's a known community activist and cultural worker, or if they just found someone to tokenize (or both).

Went back over the video to look at the subtitles: I think the woman is Hawaiian councilwoman Emily Naeole

But again, there is no indication that this woman has any connection to Ego Fraud. It seems clear she's being used in an effort to legitimize what they're doing, but it's unclear whether she's actually involved in organizing this thing or being tokenized.

This is the website for the concert advertised in the video: Apparently they're trying to do simultaneous events around the world.

They say Bill Miller is slated to play at the L.A. event (uh, maybe someone should ask him if he's actually listened to what these people have to say about NDNs...). 

I am assuming that once again Ego Fraud has talked her way into a gig by misrepresenting herself, and the organizers need to be informed of just who and what they've hired.

Oh dear. This is some of their promo text:
Live H2O: Concert For The Living Water           June 19th - 21st, 2009 Summer Solstice

Friday, June 19th, 2009: Magnificent miraculous water featuring world leading experts.

Saturday, June 20th, 2009: Grand performances in the musical matrix of creation, featuring artists tuned to lOVE (528Hz)

Sunday, June 21st, 2009: ‘A love experiment’ for the global spiritual renaissance. featuring world leading elders & holy persons.

How much you want to bet which category Ego Fraud has convinced them she fits into?

According to this press release: Dr. Leonard Horowitz (the white guy in the video who also says appalling, offensive stuff) is the organizer of this thing. Maybe we need a thread on this entire event.

The press release also claims the Hawaiian councilwoman wants to use money raised by the concert to buy land in Hawaii "to build a Hawaiian cultural village to serve children with a history lesson, and tourists seeking to learn the wisdom and ancient ways of native Hawaiians."
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:15:41 am by Kathryn »


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #658 on: March 19, 2009, 01:29:46 am »
Looks like spending most of her time in Hawaii, Israel except for Sept and Oct, may be in Prescott Arizona and Sedona.  Then Mexico.                     

Offline outershell

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #659 on: March 31, 2009, 03:16:45 am »
If you are talking of the MySpace site, it states  the user either cancelled their membership or the account was deleted.  Who was the owner of the account?

Cat Carnes and a friend of her's started that myspace not long after the incident in Weymouth last spring. There were several name changes, finally becoming Protect Native Culture. While the space originated to fight Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum, it was maturing into a site to combat all attempts to steal Native American spirituality. As their objectives stated: "STAND UP FOR AND FIGHT TO PROTECT THE NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE! NATIVE SPIRITUALITY IS NOT A COMMODITY - IT IS NOT FOR SALE! Those who would steal a ceremonial song from here, a dance from there, charge for lodge, charge for ceremonies and charge to pray are not spiritual people! They are charlatans and theives and this site is dedicated to join the fight against such people and their actions in a peaceful, respectful yet STRONG way ~ SOLIDARITY IS OUR STRENGTH!"

Wonder why they deleted it? Isn't this something worth fighting for? Isn't the theft and/or misappropriation of Native American culture and spirituality that important anymore? Maybe they got busy doing other things.

The account could have been hacked, or deleted. or maybe Cat got sick..... could be anything.
those on the edge, can protect the center