Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 700668 times)

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #630 on: September 16, 2008, 06:32:36 pm »
Hey everyone we found the evil one on myspace today here are her links... notice her photo album with her Eagle Feathers in her pictures etc.. I think I'm gonna be sick.. she is like a plague...


here are the links...


She has no friends hardly but on her main profile there are hideous pictures.. including her fake regalia etc... So we feel that these sites bear watching...

Offline Mia

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #631 on: September 17, 2008, 01:03:53 am »
Hmmm, this was on her main profile...

Sep 5 2008 11:58 PM

The Rainbow Fire Mystery School with White Eagle Medicine woman opens March 13-23, 2009 on the Big Island of Hawaii! contact us for details.

I wonder if that's a prayerformance or it means she's actually leaving the mainland to start some sort of scam over on the big island?

Offline Nakin

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #632 on: September 17, 2008, 08:37:01 am »
I have read much on this forum, and have hesitated to register or take the time to post anything. I tend to stand back and observe before confronting issues. My father is Oglala, my mother is white and Kikapu. I was raised as a Catholic, and never sought enrollment with any tribe, nor will I. I'm very disconnected from my family because my parents split up when I was a child. So that is a bit of history about me. Eventually I hope to meet my relatives, simply to get a chance to know who they are/were.

I find the appropriation of different tribal cultures, disgusting in every way.

In the mid 90's I met my fair share of new age twinkies, "master reiki healers", non indians carrying feathers, using crystals for their healing sessions, and many others play indian. I have met people who hold "shaman ceremonies" and pretend they can talk to these crystal skulls. I met one woman who goes by Star that does "activations" with max the crystal skull and would babble as if speaking in tongues. I asked her what she was saying and she said she didn't know, but was speaking with the star people and the aliens. I ran into a group of women in the latter part of the 90's who were holding these Lynn Andrews book reading sessions in their homes, then would go out and hold their own ceremonies in the woods playing indians. I always felt people were instantly drawn to me as their token indian because I look indian, and they wanted some indian's supreme guidance. I told some of them once if they wanted to know what a real indian is, go up to some reservation and talk to those people. It's really something how white people want their token indian when doing their version of bastardized ceremonies. It's been a journey for me, as a woman disconnected from my family for most my life. I always knew in my heart that these people were wishing they were something they are not. I used to tell them "Be who you are".  I see there is a thread about Brooke and I got a tale about her too. I wanted to talk to her once to see who she was. She told me she didn't "talk to people" she only did these "consultations" and that you had to pay. Anyway, on with my story about Suraj.

I met Ms. Holzwarth, years ago by accident while I was in AZ visiting friends. She was holding a "ceremony" outside of a unitarian church. I decided to walk over and see what the whole fuss was about. There must have been a crowd of about 100 people or more. I knew this was a twinkie event soon as I saw the funnel cake booth set up across the way, and that it was a show being ran by a white woman. I was surprised to see other indians there supporting this. I could not tell you what she was doing, as I have only been in inipi one time in my life as a baby with my father.

She was dancing around in a mask. She was making noises I can't describe. Some other woman had a crystal skull (probably not a real deal) in her hands and was dancing around. One woman was white with dyed black hair in a jingle dress dancing. None of what they were doing made sense and I was just a spectator. The whole thing stank though. And when her bit was done, she laid on the ground and held her chest, and said something was coming through to her, and it got the crowd all woo woo. The woman holding the skull came and put the skull against this woman's head and they all spoke some jibberish.

But that was not just the most disturbing part of that. Afterward, she said they needed to go for an hour and would be back for the "Mayan Fire Ceremony". They came back out and some man who wore braids with feathers and dressed in what looked like a white karate robe came out holding a fire pot and was addressing the four directions and so on, and the drumming began. They instructed everyone to take a bit of tobacco, put a prayer in it and toss that in that pot.

I had enough and walked off in tears. I'll tell you why I was crying. I had been down to Guatemala and seen the real deal. What these people were ripping off as a fire ceremony was nothing like the fire ceremony I had seen performed by Mayans.

And don't get me started on people like Aluna Joy and Mary thunders, who has their token Mayan shaman or day keeper, and they run these mystery schools and charge people monies for these mucked up teachings.

It's one thing to go down to the Yucatan and see the real thing, a sacred ceremony being held by the people, then come back and see these people playing Mayan. It's so unsettling to me and to be honest I see no way in stopping them.

There are SO many many many people who are playing indian on their lands, holding sweat lodges and sun dances who are ignorant to what they are doing. Then they go back to their cushy homes, flat screen tvs, computers, and all their material goods and call themselves a 'grandmother' or a "shaman" or "medicine" person.

I was told a long time ago that a real medicine person does not live that way. And if so, please correct me. From where I stand it looks odd.

Offline Nakin

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #633 on: September 17, 2008, 08:56:21 am »
A little more:

I met one woman who claimed she was a "reiki master healer" in the "Karuna and Usui" healing methods. But she also claimed she was a "shamanic healer" who could channel angels. This woman went crystal digging each year and had these huge chunks of crystals all througout her dining room which she had turned into her "healing den" or "the mother's womb" so she called it. She said that gem stones sung to her and would use rocks for healing people with. She kept rocks in her window over her sink and said they were her "talking rocks" and would get messages. Also said the crystals sung and talked with each other like families.

She kept a large expensive statue of Quan Yin, and claimed she channeled that Goddess too. She was a white jewish woman, who tried to tell me that in her past life she was indian, and that she knew she was pocahantas I kid you not. And people belived in this woman. This is the same person holding the Lynn Andrews book group. They had a lynn work book that taught women how to do these studies. Like make prayer arrows, and hold ceremonies. Or make tobacco ties, etc.

The worst thing out of all of this was, she was facilitating a "shaman woman healing group" each week in her home and she was claiming she had healer powers. A desperate young mother whose son was having seizures was bringing her child to the group for healing. They told the woman to take the boy off of his medicine because he was healed by their powers.

Then once a man with HIV came and they all claimed to have healed him too.

It's the crack pots like these, I see as extremely dangerous. When they start to claim they healed you in their home with their channeled powers. When they tell people to stop seeing their doctors or stop medications.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #634 on: September 26, 2008, 01:30:49 pm »
Upcoming date this weekend in Alaska.

Have a visit at her booth  ;)

September 27-28, 2008 Alaska Whole Life Festival

Anchorage Coast International Inn, Anchorage

come visit our booth at the festival and support our 2009 upcoming tour. 11am-6pm. Come listen to White Eagle's free lecture, Renewing the Body with Healing Waters.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #635 on: September 29, 2008, 07:30:06 pm »
Thanks for telling us what you've seen and how you feel about it. A lot of us feel similarly, as I'm sure you know. I agree that these people claiming to heal the desperate are very dangerous; that's what first made me look into all this a few years ago.

I've recently got to know someone who has not been well for a long time; she's been abused by various local frauds and fantasists in her efforts to get well. She 'does the medicine wheel', believes that 'you create your own reality', etc. I'm angry with those people who have her believing she made herself ill and that's it's her fault that they have failed to make her better.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #636 on: September 29, 2008, 08:03:06 pm »
I agree that these people claiming to heal the desperate are very dangerous;

Yeah, been there, done that. Sadly, I also speak from experience.

I think many of us here got started as fraud-fighters after being burned, or seeing loved ones harmed.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #637 on: October 14, 2008, 06:10:46 pm »
Hartman has posted about his experience confronting White Ego Fraud (Rachel Holzwarth) last spring in Plymouth:

Hartman is one of the protesters who was attacked, pepper-sprayed and arrested, and the one whose blood Ego (Vampire) Fraud stole and rubbed on her drum.

It's good to hear more details on what happened. Other good news is that the case has been continued without finding, with no time served and no guilty verdicts.

Though the protestor's aim of destroying the drum was not achieved at that action, I think it was the brutality shown by the cops and the "peaceful" nuagers, as well as Ego Fraud's chilling blood incident, that really got the ball rolling on this. Hartman and his crew are my heroes for their bravery that day, and I'm relieved they haven't had to serve any time for it.

Thanks to their confrontation, word and outrage spread, so it was a success.

May it continue to spread, till the bloody fraud drum is destroyed and Holzwarth is forced to find a new career.

Edited to fix URL
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 06:38:15 pm by Kathryn NicDh? na »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #638 on: October 16, 2008, 04:40:14 pm »
Here's an update on one of her "schools".  This time being put on in Hawaii.  Staggering cost.  Definite elitism in this one so she can get pictures of her and her instrument in front of a volcano.  Notice how the prices don't include the airfare.  Last I checked it's not very cheap to fly to Hawaii.  The minimun price for JUST the workshop WITHOUT meals and lodging is $2,111 and then it goes up from there. 

Who's got contacts in Hawaii??  They may want to know about this one.  More than likely she'll be attempting to exploit Hawaiian culture as well.


Beloved Family,

The Whirling Rainbow Foundation and the GrandMother Drum Project is thrilled to announce the opening of the Rainbow Fire Mystery School with the First Initiation: IGNITING THE RAINBOW FIRE on the Big Island of Hawaii SPRING EQUINOX March 13-23, 2009 at Kalani Oceanside Retreat.

At this unprecedented time on Earth we are being given the keys to unlock the mystery teachings and Akashic Records of the Four Directions and the Eight Great Powers, revealing a map and a spiritual legacy given to earth's people to awaken the dream of oneness, The Golden Age of Peace. The Rainbow Fire Mystery School is for healers, teachers, dreamers, peace workers and all spiritual seekers who long to deepen their conscious union with the Divine and to passionately manifest their Sacred Dream, fulfilling their Higher Purpose on Earth.

Join us on this dynamic ten-day program on the Big Island of Hawaii and let the power of PELE at the Heart of the Mother Earth's "Ring of Fire" ignites the Dream that lives within you!

This program includes:

Van shuttle transfers to and from Hilo Airport, Big Island
All Lodging and Gourmet Organic Meals at Kalani Oceanside Retreat
All Coursework of First Initiation" IGNITING THE RAINBOW FIRE
Individual and Group Coaching to Help You Manifest Your Dreams
Morning Attunement Meditations of Sound, Breath. Light, Dance and Movements
Hikes along the Lava Flows and craters of Volcanoes National Park
Igniting the Fire Activation Ceremony at Pele with GrandMother Drum
Other optional activities at Kalani include: Yoga, Meditation, Kirtan, Hula, Drum Circles, Ecstatic Dance, swimming in the ocean, sunrise and watching the dolphins, Watsu Pools, Massage, Tai Chi, Volleyball, sunset hikes to the lava flows and More!


Alaskan Dividend Special if you pay in full by November 1, 2008:

$ 3,300.00( Lodge Room private bath)

$ 3,200.00( Lodge Room shared bath)

$ 2,900.00( camping)

 Off Campus price $2111.00 ( daily onsite Kalani pass, all coursework and materials, no meals or lodging.)

Register at:


The prices are even higher if you don't take advantage of the "Alaskan Dividend Special"

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #639 on: October 16, 2008, 06:11:55 pm »
Here's an update on one of her "schools":
Join us on this dynamic ten-day program on the Big Island of Hawaii and let the power of PELE at the Heart of the Mother Earth's "Ring of Fire" ignites the Dream that lives within you!

I sort of hope they try to mess with Pele. She's been known to stomp on those who mess with Her.

I see they also offer "kirtan" now. Great, rip off Hinduism some more. This is just nauseating. Maybe we can find some Hawaiians who can meet them at the airport with leis of garlic. Or whatever repels demons in Hawaiian culture.

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #640 on: October 19, 2008, 02:42:39 pm »
Maybe we'll get lucky and PELE will deal with her..   and the blasted drum rofl

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #641 on: October 20, 2008, 02:41:26 am »
I have no doubt Pele will deal with her....I alerted a respected elder friend of mine who lives on the Big Island about this. If my woman gets anywhere near her Pele won't have a chance to deal with her as there won't be much left.

Offline bonestyx

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #642 on: October 25, 2008, 07:40:20 pm »
When I read Jay Fulton's account of this woman's nonsense and the debacle that ensued when folks showed up to protest her exploitation, I found myself sickened and outraged at the part about rubbing the guy's blood on her hands and on the "Grandmother Drum".

To me, this is the kind of behavior you would expect from a psychic vampire, and someone who dabbles in the dark side of the occult. It would be one thing - in my mind - to make a sacrifice of one's own blood, but to take that of another without willingness or permission on their part - especially considering the circumstances under which it was shed in this instance - is just sick.

This woman is evil and must be stopped. An example needs to be made of her.

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #643 on: October 29, 2008, 04:30:16 am »

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-------------Original Message-------------10/25/2008 06:32 PM CONTACT REQUEST FORM SUBMITTED ---- Subject: Report Abuse - Imposter Profile Body: this person is a total fraud stealing from all she meets please reveue her history not a noprofit as reported evedence here ---- 

Offline Mia

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #644 on: November 01, 2008, 05:12:08 am »