Author Topic: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba  (Read 138084 times)

Offline Diana

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2011, 12:43:48 am »

Her story of how she ended up in Tonasket:


      Now for the longer story, with some news many of you may already have heard: Due to the greed and meanness of our partner’s children, we were forced to leave our beautiful Earth Heart retreat home in Montana in May.

(stories about looking for land near Mt. Shasta, Williams Oregon, Oroville Washington etc.)

Coming off the mountain in a tired and sad place to visit our realtor Patti again, we were shown a place that didn’t meet our wilderness requirements yet she felt inspired to show us. And it has, surprising even us, become our home! It is a couple acre home and orchard in a little hamlet set in a tiny ranching / fruit-growing valley near Tonasket and the radiantly abundant Okanogan Valley. (The fruit many of you eat probably comes from this area.) Our FLOWERSONG home has grapes, apples, apricots, cherries, plums, nectarines, peaches, pears, hazel nuts and berries in overflowing abundance, plus plenty of space for big gardens. Neighbors offer us more walnuts and almonds than we can pick. The nearby lakes are renowned for many varieties of fish. A large herd of bighorn sheep are the “totem” of the town, and wander freely, their hooves clicking on the downtown streets. Deer often join them.

@Epiphany, sorry for my laziness. I tried to click on the link earlier and it wouldn't work. I don't know if it's me or the link. Anyhoo, thank you for the info.

Lim lemtsh,



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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #61 on: April 14, 2011, 02:47:37 am »
Diana, definitely no need to apologize, Brooke's stuff is hard to plow through in the best of times. I just happened to be digging away in her site and came across that. I hope I didn't sound like I was scolding or something. :)

I notice Brooke has a different spin on why they initially had to move than the report given earlier in this thread from the actual victim.

Offline snorks

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #62 on: April 14, 2011, 02:47:46 pm »
This is from her site:
over the past five years, I experienced shattering losses in family, community, EarthHeart Retreat, finances, and every other aspect of my life....I looked more closely into my history and realized that the bowl had been ‘cracked’ through intensely traumatic pre-natal and childhood experiences.

It really stuck in her craw the loss of EarthHeart.  Also she fails to acknowledge the abuse that she does to others by sucking them dry of their resources.

This is what she says about Sunny:
There was much to learn, especially from the verbal, emotional and spiritual abuse I experienced in my past relationship. Having been around violence and physical abuse in my childhood milleau, I felt that words and feelings should not hurt me, but only degrade the life of the perpetrator. I was very naïve, and suffered greatly from the kind of mysogeny that happened. I am now writing about this and planning to put something on the website soon, to help others not fall victim to this kind of terribly debilitating and rampant abuse.

If you watch the videos of him and her, you can see that he is bored out of his mind when she does her rituals.

This is her new victim:
As an elder with no children or family, it is a great joy to have more young people in my life, especially my now Hunka-adopted daughter, Shannondoah.
....spent November weeks in San Francisco and N CA with Shannondoah and her family, plus a growing group of FlowerSong supporters; it feels like my old home Bay area is becoming a second home again, for myself and for FlowerSong.

This Shannonhoah is a 23 year old white woman who grew up on Long Island, and tried to become a part of the Native community there.  She was rejected even though she maintained that she had Native ancestry.  This information came from her blog.  Where she firmly believes that she is Native, although she can't identify the Tribe she is from.

Offline snorks

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #63 on: April 14, 2011, 03:03:02 pm »
This is just for the record - From reading her books -- yes I did that....

She and her family leased a ranch on Crow land.  They lost the ranch and she moved to town when she was young.  That is the Crow connection.

She says that her father's family is really Nez Pearce who ended up on the Crow reservation.  Her mother's family was Lakota who was adopted out.  The father's relative enrolled as a Crow as did her mother's family.  Yes, I know very odd and nonsensical.

From what I can piece together, her father supposedly married a Cheyenne woman, whose family let Brooke be a part of Cheyenne rituals.  At least that is what she writes.  I think she got any information from books.

From what I can see, she was one of those spiritual tourists who read a lot of books, and used the ideas of the books to form her mishmash.  Her books cite these books as reference - a lot of biographies of famous Natives such as Chief Joseph.

She does unconsciously admit to not being Crow by writing how she and her mother wrote to their "Lakota" relatives for money.  Apparently, it didn't occur to her to ask her "tribe" for money.  She explains that the Lakotas (not mentioned which Nation of Lakotas) *did not* recognise her or her mother.

Her motif of the Cherokee is deep ancestry - in short we are all related to each other if we go back far enough.  In short, a White woman who capitalises on her great knowledge of things and surrounds herself with people less knowledge and do not have their radar out for a con.

Her writings portray a cunning woman who uses people, and sponges off them.  She goes from person to person offering ceremony for food and shelter.  She couches the whole thing in "doing great things for the Mother Earth".  She met Baba on the rebound of another long-term relationship that ended.

Anyway, I hope this info is useful.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2012, 10:45:33 am »
Brooke Medicine Eagle is listed as one of the Board of Advisers for a rather dubious (to say the least) organisation called Women of Wisdom Foundation

The full list of advisers is as follows:

Elena Avila
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
Sandra Ingerman
Charlotte Sophia Kasl
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Judith Orloff, M.D.
Gabrielle Roth
Nicki Scully
Sobonfu Somé
Susun S. Weed
Cris Williamson 

I'm pushed for time but here are some fairly dodgy goings on in relation to some of the women involved in this organisation and I will start a new thread on it when I have a moment.


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2013, 01:21:42 am »
Her mother's obit:
Nelle Edwards
DEAVER, Wyo. - Nelle Edwards passed peacefully into spirit on May 29, 2009, surrounded by friends and family. She was born in Thermopolis, on Dec. 22, 1913, to a large ranching family; her father, known as 16 Mule Johnson, hauled
oil out of the Casper fields by wagon.

She is survived by her children, Tom Edwards of Lovell and Brooke Medicine Eagle of Tonasket, Wash.; and her only remaining sibling, Mary Jane Stoddard, living in Texas.

She was married to Lee Edwards and homesteaded on the Crow Reservation, where the family ranched for years. She home-schooled her children before taking them to Bridger, Mont., to go to public school. After divorcing Lee, Nelle helped her children ranch in both Montana and where she and Tom currently lived in Deaver. For most of her life she worked to support her family as well as gardening, sewing, and doing beautiful crochet and quilt work. She was a strong
woman with a pioneer spirit who was devoted to her children.

Per her request, there will be no memorial service. May she rest in peace with the light and love of Spirit around her.

Nelle Edwards - Billings Gazette - (Jun/7/2009)
Brooke's mother was born Nelle Johnson, Nelle's father was born in Denmark, mother Wyoming. In 1920 and 1930 these family members were listed as white.

Brooke's father Francis Lee Edwards is listed as Indian in federal and US Indian census rolls, Crow. Francis' mother, Emma Phelps is listed as 1/4 Indian in the 1932 Crow Agency, Montana census. Francis' father listed white in 1920 federal census.

Census records of course can be inaccurate and what is most important is Brooke's behavior.

According to John Pretty On Top, traditional Crow sundance chief and the officially designated Cultural Director and Speaker for the Crow Tribe, Ms. "Medicine Eagle" is neither a traditional medicine woman (contrary to her paid advertisements) nor an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe. Rather, Ms. "Medicine Eagle" is a profound embarrassment to traditional Crow People, says Mr. Pretty On Top:

"The book she published is so far away from Crow spirituality she's not recognized anywhere in our traditional ways". Mr. Pretty On Top has expressed concern for the harm to the reputation of legitimate Crow spirituality that inevitably follows from the prosperous charlatanism of imposters like Brooke Edwards and he urges non-Indians not to support Ms. "Medicine Eagle" financially or otherwise.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 01:23:54 am by Piff »


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #66 on: August 13, 2013, 01:39:32 am »
Gotta love this:

You need to have any issues about mother and authority worked out; I’m not interested in playing those games. Neither am I interested in sarcasm, righteousness, and  judgement. I offer and expect sharing, loving kindess, wise discernment, cooperation and open communiation.

That quote is tucked into her detailed solicitation for basically unpaid labor.


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2013, 06:50:19 pm »
Brooke's father:

Francis Lee Edwards (Tosha Wa Fhita), 89, passed away Feb. 6, 2008, in Billings.

He was born in Billings on Sept. 8, 1918, to Emma Phelps and Albert Edwards, and grew up on the Crow Reservation. He married Nellie Johnson and they were later divorced.

Lee is survived by a son, Tommy Lee Edwards of Deaver, Wyo.; and a daughter, Brooke Medicine Eagle of Darby. He is also survived by cousins Don Phelps of Newport Beach, Calif., and Verba Phelps Valentine of Billings; and a half-sister.

No services are currently planned.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #68 on: August 18, 2013, 12:03:54 am »

Brooke's father Francis Lee Edwards is listed as Indian in federal and US Indian census rolls, Crow. Francis' mother, Emma Phelps is listed as 1/4 Indian in the 1932 Crow Agency, Montana census. Francis' father listed white in 1920 federal census.

Census records of course can be inaccurate and what is most important is Brooke's behavior.

According to John Pretty On Top, traditional Crow sundance chief and the officially designated Cultural Director and Speaker for the Crow Tribe, Ms. "Medicine Eagle" is neither a traditional medicine woman (contrary to her paid advertisements) nor an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe. Rather, Ms. "Medicine Eagle" is a profound embarrassment to traditional Crow People, says Mr. Pretty On Top:

"The book she published is so far away from Crow spirituality she's not recognized anywhere in our traditional ways". Mr. Pretty On Top has expressed concern for the harm to the reputation of legitimate Crow spirituality that inevitably follows from the prosperous charlatanism of imposters like Brooke Edwards and he urges non-Indians not to support Ms. "Medicine Eagle" financially or otherwise.

I'm surprised she has any ancestry at all, esp since in old photos she used that bright orange tanning makeup and had that goofy "tribal certificate" that seems to have come from Kinko's.

BME's BQ is far too low at 1/16 to be enrolled with the Crow. Her grandfather would've been the last member of the family eligible.


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #69 on: August 18, 2013, 03:07:09 am »
The 1920 federal census Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn, Montana shows 3 generations of BME's family in one household. I've uploaded a clip of the family group and then the entire page that shows more info on them and their neighbors.

BME's father Francis Lee Edwards, grandmother Emma L. (Phelps) Edwards , and great grandfather Charles M Phelps are listed Indian here.

In the 1900 federal census Crow Agency, Montana, Emma, her siblings, and her father Charles are all listed Crow, her mother white. Their dwelling is noted as "movable" as opposed to "fixed". (This extra info can be seen towards the bottom of the page in the "special inquiries related to Indians" section.)


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #70 on: August 18, 2013, 03:17:25 am »
BME's paternal grandmother Emma L Phelps married her grandfather Charles M Edwards and then Ned Bailey. Here is a 1932 census that lists Emma as enrolled Crow, 1/4.

Offline Diana

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #71 on: August 19, 2013, 06:30:11 am »
I'm surprised she has any ancestry at all, esp since in old photos she used that bright orange tanning makeup and had that goofy "tribal certificate" that seems to have come from Kinko's.

BME's BQ is far too low at 1/16 to be enrolled with the Crow. Her grandfather would've been the last member of the family eligible.

Hey Educatedindian, some Tribes have descendancy cards for IHS purposes and Tribal matters. I believe they are given for only 2 generations after last eligible enrolled parent. This could be what BME is touting??  :P

« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 06:40:22 am by Diana »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2013, 04:44:42 pm »
I'm surprised she has any ancestry at all, esp since in old photos she used that bright orange tanning makeup and had that goofy "tribal certificate" that seems to have come from Kinko's.

BME's BQ is far too low at 1/16 to be enrolled with the Crow. Her grandfather would've been the last member of the family eligible.

Hey Educatedindian, some Tribes have descendancy cards for IHS purposes and Tribal matters. I believe they are given for only 2 generations after last eligible enrolled parent. This could be what BME is touting??  :P


This is what she used to post on her site.

A "certificate" that's just supposed tribal council stationary with a notary's signature, but not their stamp. Supposed signatures of the tribal enrollment secy, but on tribal council stationary rather than enrollment office, and with a supposed BIA employee's signature too.

I'm guessing she realized all the red flags this stationary-posing-as-certificate raised weren't helping her case and so finally took it down.


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2013, 09:39:25 pm »
The lineage claim is through her father Francis Lee Edwards, his mother Emma L Phelps, her father Charles M Phelps. That is reflected in census.

But in 1880 Nebraska Charles and his parents are all listed white in the federal census. 1870 white in Iowa. Other people's genealogy work on this family claim that Charles' grandparents were born 2 in NY, 2 PA. Ancestors that are known all being white New Englanders.

Charles Phelps is the ancestor that BME says was related somehow to Chief Joseph. Don't see any evidence of that.

Census and other records can be inaccurate. Maybe people worked up the genealogy incorrectly. Still, personally I wouldn't be comfortable saying that BME might have enduring NDN heritage unless a professional genealogist does a report on Charles M Phelps' parents. Maybe this has already been done. But from what is otherwise available - I wonder if this all has to do originally with land.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 09:45:06 pm by Piff »


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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #74 on: January 26, 2014, 07:30:06 pm »
Brooke’s lineage is an amazing rainbow, and she has always identified with the richness of all humanity, rather than any one tribe or people. She has ancestors in six native tribes (Crow, Nez Perce, Lakota, Cree, Peigan and Cherokee) as well as European blood from Scotland, Ireland, and Denmark.
She is a non-traditional member of the Crow Indian tribe in Montana, where she grew up in a half breed rancher family homesteading in the beautiful high country of the reservation.

From her site

In response to a query on this, which included specific family names and questions, Brooke wrote back:

My cousin has been working on all of this, and finds very little - so many orphans, and so little information passed on, especially since i didn’t ask for more names / info when my grandparents were alive. Family tradition and personal information gives me this knowledge and some details but not much. 
I simply honor my ancestors and let it be.   Thanks for your interest. 

This sounds to me like she does not know and does not really care, or does not believe her genealogy can be worked up. Yet at the same time her family story is important enough to be a major part of her marketing.

Brooke offers indigenous spirituality, shamanic healing, trauma release, women’s mysteries, counseling, & more. 

She is busy in Sedona this year. She is also scheduled to do something with the Red Tent movement, Midwest Women's Herbal Conference, and the Fairy Congress "Presence in Unity: Co-Creation and Deep Soul Nourishment".

About that Fairy Congress:

"The Fairy Congress is not a New Age forum event. It’s about Doing, Joining, Sharing, looking to the future. In a collapsing world economy, Fairy Congress gives us an idea of another way of living, another way of thinking. Some of it comes from ancestral wisdom, some from new human visions of departing from the greed of commercial modernism. Fairy Congress is an Idealist event, a Visionary event, and an event buoyant with hope and friendship." -R.J. Stewart, Celtic teacher