Author Topic: Tata Pedro and Nan Maria Faviana - Maya'n Elders & spiritual leaders?  (Read 5132 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1423
These people are leading a number of ceremonies in Oslo, Norway this fall. Who are they, actually? Seems they toured Scandinavia first time in 2011, and are now back again. There are good photos of this couple at the top of the Facebook events I link to. Googling their names, I cannot find any reliable information, all links were about their ceremonies in Scandinavia.

And what about their Cocoa Ceremony (also Cacao Ceremony) and Fire Ceremony? Does anybody know anything about these ceremonies and their origins? (I tried Google, everything that came up led to New Age sites.) (Not to mention "Maya'n astrology" …?)

Sacred Fire & Cacao-Ceremony - Maya'n Elders

In association with the Heart-people, we welcome you to a Fire Ceremony performed by the Maya'n Elders.

We are little uncertain exactly when we start and end the ceremony.
10th of September is "12 K'at" - the day of The Spider. This day is associated with the force of fire and the sun. A day of abundance. The net unites the one with the other. It is a good day to let go of what does not serve you and connect with what matters. A day in particular for new connections.

During a Mayan Sacred Fire ceremony, the Aj q'jab (shaman) speaks his old K'iche language and invoke cardinal directions, the sun and the moon, stars and planets, ancestors, rain, elements, villages-places and 260 energies from the calendar. They offer miscellaneous clean objects such as flowers, seeds, copal-incense and much more through the Sacred Fire. The ancient rites are performed according to the tradition. The offerings from participants are given to the Sacred Fire through this ancient rite as a Thanks to Mother Earth for all she has given us. The sacred ceremonies work as “acupuncture” on Mother Earth, stabilizing human and nature.

Maya Sacred Fire Ceremony integrates human in harmony with nature and cosmos. The values promoted by the Aj q'jab (shaman) are to live in harmony with surroundings and anchor qualities such as respect for Mother Earth and appreciate family and nature in its fullest beauty.

In relation to the development of cultural exchange, and even for society, the heritage of the ancient wisdom traditions has much to teach, give and guide us, through these fragile times where we are in as humanity, departing from nature, each other and even from ourselves.

Suitable for all ages.

During the first Sacred Fire Ceremony the Maya'n Elders had in Oslo in 2011, 2000+ persons participated. Many have since been touched and inspired, both in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

What to bring:
Bring something to sit on, a cup of tea and little snacks to share.

You must bring a offering to the Fire Ceremony as a gesture of appreciation to Mother Earth! Examples are precious stones, ghee, good butter, fruits, dried fruits, insence, copal, sesame seeds, medicinal herbs or plants, chaga, rice, honey, cacao, mustard seed, barley, lentils, wheat, sticks, flowers and candles in different colors. The offering is important for connecting you.

Pressence and intention is much more important than cuantity!

We are thankful for donations, but it is not a need. Bring offering as a gesture of appreciation to Mother Earth for the Fire Ceremony!

Cacao Ceremony - With Maya'n Elders
Cocoa ceremony - Unity Senter

Maya'n spiritual leaders Tata Pedro and Nan Maria Faviana invite you to a rare opportunity with a meeting with the heart of their culture through a cocoa ceremony.

Cocoa Ceremony strengthens the connection between heart, mind and emotion - in harmony with family and friends.

The cocoa used is clean and organic from their local environment, it is delicately been heat treated and free from normal industrial production. It is good to prepare by eating healty food and beverage before the event. Please do not take any substances as tobacco, alcohol or other stimuli. The spirit if the Cocoa carries a powerful medicine - and will work for 13 days from the Ceremony.

The ceremony is suitable for everyone, especially families and close friends.

Adult NOK 300,- / Youth 200,-
In addition to the cacao ceremony, we will have a short lecture about the Maya'n astrology.

Astrological consultation can be arranged closer to those who have a strong wish or want advice. For processing, name, place of birth and date of birth are required in advance. Donations are received in this context.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1423
Re: Tata Pedro and Nan Maria Faviana - Maya'n Elders & spiritual leaders?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2017, 01:59:03 am »

The video at this site shows their full names to be Tat Pedro Celestino Yac Noj and Nan María Faviana Cochoy Alva. (Does not help much in my Google efforts!)

That 2008 video is also here, and there's also a follow-up (both in Spanish only):  [Mayas 1ra parte.mpg]  [Mayas 2da parte.mpg]

They are both mentioned here:

The woman is mentioned here:

I spent considerable time in Latin America more than fifty years ago, and had a working knowledge of spoken Spanish. By now, I don't really comprehend what they are talking about.


  • Guest
Re: Tata Pedro and Nan Maria Faviana - Maya'n Elders & spiritual leaders?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2017, 12:07:27 am »
And what about their Cocoa Ceremony (also Cacao Ceremony) and Fire Ceremony? Does anybody know anything about these ceremonies and their origins? (I tried Google, everything that came up led to New Age sites.)

Google Scholar is much more helpful with this. I  tried search variations on cacao, religion, ceremonies etc. Then google on the author name to check out their credentials. Some of the items might be found online, other through library request.

This is just one example:

Although cacao no longer is used as frequently in Maya rituals today, it continues to function as a marker of important life events such as birth and marriage, and in agricultural ceremonies such as those documented among the Ch’  orti ’  Maya of Honduras [ 94, 95].  It is also an important component of the ceremonies involving offerings to the Lacandó n  Maya “ g od pots, ”  where it is characterized as a melding of the female (represented by cacao, because it is prepared by women) and the male (represented by a fermented drink called  balch é ,  made by the men) [ 96].  This mirrors its use in feasts 1500 years ago, when it was also prepared and frothed by women, as illustrated by Classic period artists portraying life at royal Maya courts on ceramic vessels  [97] .
Cacao use in Yucatan among the Pre-Hispanic Maya, Gabrielle Vail

Same type of research for fire ceremonies: lots of reading, learning the academic lay of the land, learning how to judge sources etc.

I wouldn't attend the events mentioned in this thread because they are charging $, sounds Nuage, out of context, and I don't know if the "spiritual leaders" are being exploited, or if they themselves are exploiting.