General > Frauds

Frauds in the UK

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Mike Chirobokow - I spoke to this person's wife(the phone number was on the web site) who when I asked if I could speak to the man in person several times either avoided answering me or said he wasnt there(not true)...I questioned her about his selling of ceremony - her answer was that they didnt, they only charged for the "special stones" used for the sweats...uh huh..yeah right! I have a mind someday to take a little trip to Wales -pretty part of the country... 

Roy Littlesun - he is a dangerous person - not just deluded but dangerous to women. I believe we have a thread somewhere in the archives here on him. Barnaby - would I be correct in saying that?

To add to these, I've had the name Bear Cloud come my way a few times recently. All I know so far he seems connected to a group in Wiltshire, possibly in the Swindon area. Claims to be NA but thats all I know at the moment.
From what I've heard he's connected to a group, mainly females, and they do The Medicine Wheel and sweats. The lady who was talking to me about this guy was surprised when I said that she shouldn't attend when in the moon cycle. She had no idea what I was on about, but did admit she had attended when she was at that time.
What the group is I haven't found out yet, or if they charge. He might even be genuine. But my intuition says not.

^. .^


--- Quote from: crazyeagle on April 09, 2008, 03:45:31 pm ---Mike Chirobokow...

Roy Littlesun...

--- End quote ---

There are several threads about both of these people. As to whether Littlesun/Steevensz is dangerous to women, I guess he's no more or less dangerous than any other tinpot fantasist/cult leader.

I know this is a really old topic, but I still needed to post something about these two (Ross Heaven, and Peter Aziz... the latter claiming all sorts of nonsense but both initiated by a priestess of Haitian Vodou)

Both Kanzo'ed (kanzo is the term for the two week long initiation process) under Mambo Racine Sans Bout, a very VERY controversial Mambo with a very large online following. She kinda sells initiations and creates untold amounts of drama wherever she goes... However, a very great deal in Vodou is placed on the -properness- of the ceremonies for initiation; if they arent carried out to the letter then they arent considered 'valid'. Search for her online and enjoy what ya find.

Many a charge has been leveled at Racine that her initiations are not proper, and thus not valid.

Ross Heaven separated himself from her organization (the roots without end society) after several cataclysmic arguments over his publishing Vodou Shaman... in which She claims he printed initiatory secrets (which of course she cannot/will not further define with any example of what it is he was not supposed to have written about, even to other initiates who by all rights should have the same knowledge of the initiatory chambers)

Not to leave him fully clean, noone knows if he went to another priest or priestess and re-did his initiations... and he too is one who vocally makes known that Racine, in his opinion, is no real Mambo and thus is inherently unable to create viable initiates. (Kinda well, if your mother was a b*tch than what does that make you? scenario) Basically if he claims that his initiator cant actually initiate, than he himself admits he's not an actual initiate.

That said, nothing Ross has printed is 'secret' or really gains him anything beyond standard authors royalties... and the information in his book isnt ever stated "This is the way things are done"; to his credit he admits its "inspired by" Vodou as there really is NO solitary form of our faith. Its not the best book, but it by itself doesnt really fall into a cultural appropriation standpoint. Certainly not the worst thing to have ever been printed about Vodou; worse cultural offenses are found in the Lynn Andrews ilk. While Ross names Haitian spirits/Lwa, these names are common knowledge and nothing secret... plus anyone with any interest in learning what these spirits like only really has to keep their ears open; no secrets there, either.

AZIZ, however... well; I dont know just how loudly I can agree that the man is dangerous and shouldnt be allowed to teach. It shouldnt come as any surprise, either, that he's one of Racine's prized initiates.

(I should also point out that while Im not -yet- an initiate, I am in no way affilated with any of the folks Ive mentioned here... I found this listing under a fraud search and in no way mean any of my comments to be construed as having an opinion on Native/First Nation/et al beliefs or customs which I have no qualifications whatsoever to practice or comment on)

I see that Ross Heaven's name is listed in this thread under the category of "FRAUDS!" The thread mistakenly leaves one wondering if Ross Heaven is to be considered a "UK Fraud." When reading the other thread which began by using his name and is now retitled " Ayahuasca Tourism and Ethics" in the Research Needed category, Al Carroll, Administrator and Moderator clearly states that Ross Heaven is NOT a Fraud. As a matter of clarity and respect, it would seem logical to remove Ross Heaven's name from the "Frauds in the UK" thread altogether. At the very minimum, there should be a header on each page of that thread which clarifies that Educated Indian and several other members have stated they did not find Ross Heaven to be a Fraud and are now even soliciting his extensive expertise on the issue of "Tourism and Ethics." Sure doesn't look good to have him stranded, one foot stuck in "Frauds" and one foot stuck in a renamed "Research Needed" thread all while asking the man to take on the heroic task of  educating us all about "Ayahuasca Tourism and Ethics." I'd start first with the "ethics" of keeping him in both of those categories.


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