Odds and Ends > Etcetera

"But my grandpa said he's Indian!" Adventures in Genealogy

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--- Quote from: earthw7 on March 20, 2013, 12:50:39 am ---Metis is not Shawnee, and so many people think they can claim to be shawnee and we would not know :o

--- End quote ---

So much wrong information out there.

More on Don Greene, the author of the Shawnee Heritage book:

--- Quote ---Chief Don Spirit Wolf
now proudly serving as Principal Chief of the Appalachian Shawnee Tribe
--- End quote ---


He's also a member of http://chickamaugacherokee.org/confederacy1/ & has gone by "Don Greene-Friend Spirit Wolf-Kahnah Monetoo Mowawa-Chief of the Shawnee Appalachian Band "

Today everyone makes up tribes  ???
Of course they have give themselves these so called INDIAN names
and then make themsleves chiefs it is almost too funny but it comes to
a point where it wants to make you cry! :'( Why! being who we are is hard
life on the rez is not easy so it surprises me why people would want to be
something there not .... OH WAIT it is not who we are that they want to be
it is some sort of fake image of a people that only exist in their minds.

My pet peeve: When non-Indians are more Native than us

Hello..I am new here, I seen the post "But my grandpa said he's Indian!" . It was hard to walk on by. I have heard many a people
say the same or close . Tracing your family history back through time is a hard if not impossible task for many. I know where I come from, alot records were distroyed during the Civil war.

I think alot of times people don't think about the whole of the picture, only the part they think they like. I don't know too many people who would want to live in a shack in the mountains, no indoor water or bathroom and eat beans everyday.

Guess I really don't have much to say....it just kinda makes me go silent , no tongue

Thank you for the post, it took me back in time.

sounds like the reservation today we live in shakes, no indoor water or bathroom and just ate beans today lol

why is it that so many people claim that records were destroyed in fire......can they change the story for variety already? JUST ONCE PLEASE someone tell me that the documents containing proof of their indian ancestory was destroyed in a flood...PRETTY PLEASE

oh....and we get to hear about high cheekbones and how they never burn in the summer  ::)

family lore is just that....family lore


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