Author Topic: Zane Curfman  (Read 7171 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Zane Curfman
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:10:29 am »
Got a request about him, with some very serious criminal accusations that won't be posted until there's solid proof.

What is known is that he's an obvious exploiter. Curfman was "Dean of Shamanic Anthropology" at Internat'l Shamanic Univ.

ISU is a degree mill filled with exploiters previously mentioned here.

Curfman claims...
"Zane Curfman is the founder of the Salka Many Ayllu, a community created for the preservation of folk medicine ways and earth-honoring ceremonies. He is the father of the Katari tradition of cross cultural shamanism, as well as the author of Inka Mountain Magic: A Natural Mystic’s Guide to Ascension, and has authored several articles on Andean shamanism for Light Bridges and Fire Mass magazines."

That's quite a few ridiculous claims and falsehoods. They're a pay to pray outfit, not remotely authentic.

Katari was an indigenous leader who tried to drive out Spanish colonialists. Far from "cross cultural" or "shamanic," Katari was explicitly a political revolutionary and anti European. Later leaders and groups like Tupac Katari and then the Kataristas drew inspiration from him. They'd all denounce a white wannabe like Curfman as an appropriator, either a culture thief or ignorant of the culture he claims to be teaching.

Most of his site is a mess, empty or poorly organized. This part seems like he fell for the claims about Qeros.

Doing psychic surgery scams, most often seen in Brazil and Philippines. It's old fashioned sleight of hand any skilled magician can do.

More ceremony selling.

Sometimes a failed ceremony seller.

His teachers were Juan Nunez del Prado and Elizabeth Perkins, two exploiters frequently mentioned at NAFPS.

ETA: Moved to Frauds. Should have been long ago as a ceremony seller trained by frauds. I think the delay was only because we were looking for evidence of the serious criminal accusations. AFAIK, and as of this date 3-31-17, no evidence for them.


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Re: Zane Curfman
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 04:03:47 am »
Zane L. Curfman, born in 1975

From Parkersburg WV, now in Athens OH

This is a new site created Jan 2017


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Re: Zane Curfman
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2017, 02:13:38 am »
Zane writes that when young he had to be told that his "behavior could frighten and hurt the girls I was interested in".

Zane Curfman
March 8 at 7:24am · Athens, OH ·
A Call to my Brothers, Stand up and be Real Men!

When I was young and first coming into my sexuality, I was lost and confused with only my peer group to get advice -needless to say, that was a terrible place to source from. I couldn't understand it at that time but they were just as inexperienced as I was.
I was fortunate though that there was a “Real Man” around (a teacher for whom I respected) when he caught wind of my behavior, he pulled me aside and with an intensity, I have rarely seen, schooled me and corrected my behavior. He not so kindly explained to me how my behavior could frighten and hurt the girls I was interested in. (the exact opposite of my intentions) I was so mad at him at the time, but I am so grateful that he cared enough for the women in his life to challenge an angry little boy and set him on the right path.
On this International Women's Day, I implore all my brothers to stand up and be “Real Men”. If you see a confused little boy coming into their sexuality behaving badly toward women, whether in word or action -Stand up, kindly (or not so) pull him aside and explain to him the error of his ways. This is one of the best ways men can help in the fight for equality, justice and the human rights of women.
I wish all my brothers out there would stop disrespectfully mansplaining things to women and instead start taking personal responsibility for creating a generation of Men worthy of the trust and respect of Women.
don Zane


Intensive Shaman Apprenticeship Program $2125

Delve deep into the mystery of shamanism over 7 intensive weekends filled with journey-work, healing, ceremony and more. video by Curfman, personally I found this video uncomfortable to watch. 4:35 minutes of him talking to the camera, doing his sales pitch. To me, he comes across as a predatory con artist.

He says in the video that his father was a "defunct Baptist missionary preacher" ("defunct" might be "debunked", I can't tell) .

Another web site



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Re: Zane Curfman
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2017, 02:21:10 am »
American Folk Magic (Hoo Doo)

Take the Voodoo out of Hoodoo with this life changing 3 weekend intensive!

HooDoo ~ One Class ~ Many Cultures

People often fear what they do not understand. Take the mystery and fear out of Hoodoo by Joining master teacher and shaman Zane Curfman for an amazing opportunity to experience Hoodoo. Hoodoo is a uniquely American type of folk Magic Deeply based in African ritual, custom and lore.Blended with Native American-medicine practices and European Magic. Truly a one of a kind magic tradition forged within the crucible of the American South.

In this a 3 weekend course you will apprentice the basics of Hoodoo and learning how to enrich your healing and magical practice.
Will be broken down into 3 modules:

Spiritual Tradition
Hoodoo pic 2May 13th, 14th & 15th
Module 1: In this first Module we will learn of the origin of this fascinating spiritual tradition. From Africa to the New world. We will follow it’s movement and growth. We will connect with the Ancestors for their blessing. learn the basics of Hoodoo ritual and dedicating a space to practice our Root-work.

Working the Magic
HooDoo Pic 1
June 10th, 11th & 12th
Module 2: In the first Module you learned the basics of Hoodoo ritual and some very simple but powerful spell work here in module 2 we start to put the elements of Hoodoo magic together. We set up and learn to work the ancestor altar learning to connect deeply with the Ancestors for guidance and help with magical undertakings. We will learn to create and use spiritual and magical baths in our practice Mojo bags and much more.

The Formulas of Magic, Mediumship & More

Hoodoo 3July 9th, 10th, 11th
Module 3: Learn more powerful African formulas of magic. Learn to make and use Poppets. Learn and experience the rituals for spiritual protection. We will touch on the basics of spiritualism and working with trance states and mediumship.

"The cost is $250.00 per weekend, and it does require a commitment to all 3."


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Re: Zane Curfman
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2017, 02:30:25 am »
His parents have both passed on. Mother's obit here His father was Reverend Jack Curfman.