Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573431 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #450 on: June 09, 2015, 06:32:42 pm »
Given Spezzano's enjoyment of lewd jokes, it could very well be intentional, especially in front of a Canadian crowd.

The photos do provide more insight into how he operates. I see role playing continues to be a major part of his method. Here's a transcription of the entire display:

Day 2 - Group Lunch Exercise

Each below do 2 style - Part I & II

a - Biggest problem (could someone close to you who has big problem)

b - Biggest bugger (problem person)

c - Partner (no partner with to with [male and female symbols])

Part I

1. Pick someone to represent the above a,b, & c

2. Say: "What do you need from me that I haven't given you enough of?"

3. Answer & take a step (they come to you)

Part II

- Pick someone to represent a,b,c

- Ask question "What do you"

- Answer, give it.

- How many step forward they take?

- They take step, unmask them

- Pick someone to represent the unmask one?

- Everyone take a step back & then go in front of previous person

- Ask question "What do you need" & repeat until integration

Back in room in 1:30 pm, wkshop starts at 3:15 pm.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #451 on: June 10, 2015, 01:36:45 pm »
Day # 3 - Group Exercise Lunch

a) Biggest Bugger (problem person)

b) Mother (the worst time in their life)

c) Father ( "   "     "    "   "     " )

d) Parents relationship (the worst time)

- Pick someone to represent a-b-c-d

- When did you split off that part?

- How have been punishing yourself? (relationship, $, purpose)

- [little heart symbols] Join by taking steps with each emotion

Group exercise time - 2 pm

Wkshop time - 4 pm

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #452 on: June 17, 2015, 02:10:08 pm »
Interesting that in this age of electronics, the "cutting-edge" SALPOV Vancouver lecture still used large paper, felt tip pens, and easels.

And speaking of visuals, according to one former SALPOV trainer, here are the names of the various charts the trainers were expected to use in order to facilitate these long and expensive sessions--

Dynamics of Seat Position
Levels of Awareness - Spirit
Levels of Awareness - God
Return to Oneness
Self Concepts and True Self
Layers of the Mind
Family Roles and Birth Order
Dark Story
Light Story
Dynamics of Completion

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #453 on: June 20, 2015, 03:48:56 pm »
The 1980s called... they want their markers and giant notepad back. Chuck, please don't borrow supplies from the school storage room again without asking, thank you.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #454 on: June 21, 2015, 12:07:18 am »
Good call! I love it.

Using cheap technology does cut down on the overhead, but it alienates younger attendees. Younger folks have come to expect more, especially if they are paying the insanely high fees demanded by Spezzano.

While we are on the subject of clueless fuddy-duddies, it has always seemed true to me that the Spezzanos are sort of living museum pieces, trapped in the amber of the 1970s and usually considerably lagging way behind whatever hot trend has captured the fancy of the New Age market the time. I say this as a person of their generation. Most of their fellow Americans today would laugh them out of the room since they come across as so corny and retro, which might partially explain why they have not cracked into the US market. The other reasons are in the legal realm, I would wager.

Now I will admit I am not real great on using modern technology either, but on the other hand I am not running around trying to sell nonsense to vulnerable people for hundreds or even thousands of dollars per event. I did give a public lecture not long ago in a museum and used an opaque projector from the Eisenhower era (example pictured) but the event was free and the young hipsters even liked the comedy of the medium. Plus, everyone left happy and informed (the subject was an art form). I highly doubt any of the participants departed needing follow-up therapy which would require them attending more of my "seminars" or "workshops."

So, OK, in search of common ground, this is what Spezzano and I share-- We are both old farts and are not real great at modern technology, and neither one of us are professionally qualified to mess with people's emotions, feelings, or psychological problems. For either one of us to pose as a professional in the field of counseling would basically mean we are frauds.



I briefly got caught up in the spirit of "Oneness." Forgive me. Chuck is indeed a fraud.

I have yet to find a source where Spezzano owns up to his non-APA recognized degree in the liberal arts-style "Professional Psychology" degree. He and/or his followers claim his degree is in counseling psychology or clinical psychology. As I have reproduced his actual thesis title page on this forum, we know both claims are fabrications. His thesis certainly was not medical in nature. And to get around the licensing and legal requirements he calls himself a "coach." In order for Spezzano to be a real psychologist of any sort he would be required to have more schooling. So far as I can see, the only post-graduate education he had was at Oneness University in 2007, which he initially called one of his "two greatest inspirations" but has been systematically deleted online since this thread was started.

The whole "coach" thing has been pretty much exposed as a consumer scam in the US.

In many ways Spezzano's egotistical boasting and confabulations about his own dubious fame and qualifications on his social networking sites and marketing, in addition to the incredibly whiney and smarmy Youtubes he has for public consumption, brings to mind a certain newly declared US Republican presidential candidate.

Yes, the time has come to declare Chuck Spezzano as the Donald Trump of the New Age. The Chuck and The Lency just couch their ethnocentric colonialism in different terms than The Donald, that's all. It is the sense of American entitlement they all share that binds this trio.

It is truly unfortunate that some FN people in positions of authority, such as Babs Stevens in Haida Gwaii, are willing to hand over their influence and decision-making power to help overfeed the already obese bank account of the New Age version of Donald Trump and serve as tools for psychocolonization. Victimizing a whole community in this manner is a very tainted legacy indeed. 


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #455 on: June 21, 2015, 07:13:01 pm »
Sandy S, LUV the projector!  Maybe you can lend it to Chuck.  It would be a great improvement over his unreadable and ugly visuals.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #456 on: June 22, 2015, 02:21:35 pm »
Chuck's June 20th card of the day:

AGEMAN (ah gay mann) is the card for today. It is a Japanese word that is slang for a person who through sex brings good luck or to put it as my Japaneses men friends put it, it means "lucky pussy". Today is a day of good luck from sex. Enjoy!!
Posted Yesterday by Chuck Spezzano


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #457 on: June 22, 2015, 02:35:56 pm »
Jeff and Sue Allen, POV trainers with their spinoff company Vision Works, have a different take on "ageman".

During our training in Hawaii this year a Japanese Psychology of Vision Trainer spoke of a workshop she gave in Tokyo called “Ageman (Aa-ghe-mann) – The path of the abundant wife.” This is a high-level feminine gift workshop that speaks clearly of the significant contribution a woman can give to men and through them and their relationship to life they give to everyone. This is the destiny of women and when the power and the influence of it are embraced it significantly affects the circumstances of people’s lives.

Chuck had a choice between promoting "the path of the abundant wife" or "lucky pussy" (or a third choice of not doing any of this at all). Chuck's choice shows just how immature he is. I assume he behaves crudely for shock value and to recruit more giggling victims.

What does this say about his perception of women? What about how he perceives cultures not his own? Why on earth would we give this man any of our money or time?

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #458 on: July 03, 2015, 03:09:47 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 6

Jordan Kao
Two short videos with music. One presents scenes from a Hawaii training in 2013, including shots of the Spezzano property and "barn." Another visually documents  a 2012 Thailand SALPOV event.

Visionworks for Life
Jeff Allen promotes an upcoming workshop.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #459 on: July 03, 2015, 08:45:39 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 6

Jordan Kao
Two short videos with music. One presents scenes from a Hawaii training in 2013, including shots of the Spezzano property and "barn." Another visually documents  a 2012 Thailand SALPOV event.

Visionworks for Life
Jeff Allen promotes an upcoming workshop.

On that first video, at around the .45 mark, the graphics on the screen say "Chuck and Luancy".  Shouldn't that be "Chuck and Lunacy"?   :) :)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #460 on: July 04, 2015, 12:54:01 am »
Places That Are Gone

One of the beauties of NAFPS is that we are a major clearing house for information and data pertaining to the study and discussion of several cult/for-profit corporations including the one known as Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV). In the online world, URL links frequently have short life spans and anyone attempting to use older posts will experience what is known as "link rot," where the original source has vanished and the reader is led down a dead end. But in many cases we have preserved a record of the SALPOV past which is available in no other online place but here in NAFPS.

Dead links can happen for a variety of reasons. In situations involving fraud exposure and cultbusting, it has been my experience that con artists expend a tremendous amount of energy deleting and reshaping their histories online in response to the light of truth revealing their con game.

Whenever the spotlight of truth brings one of their grifter games into focus, they usually scuttle away under a rock like reptiles and delete the evidence. Or, they pull the self-incriminating information from public view and only make it available to the gullible true believers who are willing to empty their wallets, like some kind of hoit-de-la-toit gated online community, with strictly controlled requirements for admission, i.e., being a true believer. No critical thinkers allowed!

In the following posts I will track the now-broken links that we have shared in this thread and provide a commentary. You will need to be signed on in order to view the attachments I will provide.

If possible I will either provide an alternative version or an attachment to compensate for the missing links.

Breaking the Silence and Healing the Legacy.
A broken Melissa Meyer link, reconnected via a Google search--

This website has revamped since the original link--

POV events
This was the SALPOV website that claimed Chuck Spezzano was actually "one of the world's leading psychologists" and that you could have the pleasure of his personal one-on-one company for over $1100 an hour, American. So, Donald Trump and Chuck Spezzano-- twins? Still present but has been disabled since Dec. 2014.

Michael North's LinkedIn
At some point in the last six months, Mr. North erased the fact he served as an advisor for the UK SALPOV 2004-2010. Nothing else seems to have been deleted.

Spezzanos' autobiography
The passage "The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles and Oneness University" was changed to "The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles" in January 2014 on the US, UK, and Canadian SALPOV websites.

"Healing The Body Through Mind And Metaphor" ebook for sale
Apparently this work, by Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, was pulled from the online catalog in early 2014.

Healing Keys, Metaphor A-Z
This website, authored by Spezzano and Ticehurst, was taken away from public view and then offered only as a subscriber service. It also called Chuck Spezzano a "psychologist." Not only was the website taken away from the general public, but the Internet Archive version was deleted as well, all in April 2014. Fortunately all of the "healing keys" and the most outrageous metaphors were preserved here on NAFPS. (this will kick over to the new URL)

Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, English language ed., 2011
Taken away from public view in May 2014. Fortunately we have downloaded a copy (attached). As bad as the English version is, it turns out the German language edition has far more damaging data, since it contains something missing from the English version-- Section K, a blueprint for First Nations affinity fraud. Oddly, the German version is still available for the public to view, although it is updated annually and the old version is deleted. 2014 German ed. attached as well. Ingeborg presented an excellent series of posts in Feb. 2014 on the German version vs. English version starting at this link:

Begoña Velasco's autobiography
This is where she said, "I lived in Hawaii with Chuck, Lency Spezzano and their family (founders of Psychology of Vision) as part of the training." The webpage appears to have vanished at some point since Oct. 2013.

Pam Carruthers
SALPOV loyalist and former trainer Carruthers, now an astrologer, has apparently deleted the following sentence from her training workshop page at some point since Oct. 2013: "Pam is now a Oneness Blessing Giver, so the Grace and healing is accelerated for everyone."

Spezzano Beach Place Youtube
Almost every comment of a critical or inquisitive nature has been deleted from Lency Spezzano's Youtubes. In this Youtube, Lency gives a tour of a very expensive looking condo, and someone asked where all the money came from. Her response was "I inherited money from a family farm land sale and we felt it was the best investment we could make for our kids and grandkids. The downpayment on our other property came as a gift from my parents soon after we were married."

Chuck Spezzano's LinkedIn
Around early 2014 Oneness University was removed from Spezzano's list of educational institutions attended.

Chuck Spezzano's Self-Health Youtube, 2010.
This was the Youtube where Spezzano said, "You can't have health problems unless you feel guilty about something, and then at an even deeper level you can't have a health problem unless you're getting revenge on someone." On the comment section someone questioned Spezzano's professional credentials. Since the Youtube was under Janie Ticehurst's name, Julian Ticehurst responded, "That's true. Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist, he isn't licensed. He describes himself as a Coach. Janie describes herself as a Health Coach. Janie is a Registered Nurse. She is not licensed to counsel or to be any form of psychologist. All the best and thanks for raising this important point." The whole video was completely removed shortly after this comment in early 2014.

Kim Millar
This former UK SALPOV trainer removed the following passage from her Google blog profile in early 2014: "I have had many wonderful teachers along the way, and continue to work with inspirational mentors. Deep and heartfelt gratitude goes to Chuck and Lency Spezzano for their ground-breaking Psychology of Vision model."

Jeremy Marchant
Marchant, a SALPOV trained business consultant in the UK, deleted a page in early 2014 where he praised Chuck Spezzano thusly: "A primary source of emotional intelligence at work‘s EI material is based on Psychology of Vision, as developed by Chuck Spezzano. This takes a largely mainstream post-Freudian approach [see, for example, Eric Berne, A layman’s guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis] and elaborates it with extensive borrowings from other sources of which Carl Jung, NLP and transactional analysis are the most obvious. Chuck’s genius is to keep the complexity but hide it from the client (unless the client is interested in it) so as to provide a powerful transformational approach."

Clear up to mid 2014, SALPOV was selling "bouys," but the product appears to have been yanked from inventory.

Jack Miller's Poem
SALPOV cult follower Miller wrote a poem worshipping the Spezzanos which was posted on the SALPOV website under the "Mastery Feedback" category. It has been deleted at some point between Aug. 2014-Jan. 2015.

Spezzano Past Events
An archive of past SALPOV for-profit events was wiped from the Spezzano's website sometime in the last 10 months.

Cornerstones Wellness
Here's a strange one. Two SALPOV trainers in Canada, Betty Lou Hunt and Joanne Roberts swiped and twisted the words of spiritual teacher Rasha in late 2013 and early 2014 to make it appear she endorsed the party line. It was an outright act of theft and propaganda. Rasha responded in no uncertain terms that she did NOT endorse SALPOV. Hunt and Roberts promised to take down all online references to Rasha, but this one page was never taken down. Recently the font was changed to make it harder to read, but you can still make it out, and if you print it the whole thing will reproduce just fine. Jerks.

Nanna Bäumer
This website vanished in Feb. 2015 shortly after it was profiled by Ingeborg.

Lency Spezzano "Peace and Success"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Denise Moroney as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Healing the Dark Night of the Soul"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with "Fujiko" as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Perfect Health"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Hiromi Kurihara as the victim. This vid was given the "If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Healing the Great Wars"
This is a classic example of brainwashing with the control group as the victim. This vid was given the "If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Embodying the Divine Feminine"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Susan How as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Chillaxing"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Nicky Rangecroft as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Greater Intimacy with God"
This is THE classic example of stage hypnosis with Jordan Kao as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Healing Competition"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Avril Woodward as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Freedom from Judging the Ego"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Joy Huang Huishu as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Abundance"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Ian Y. Lai as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Original Mind"
This is the saddest classic example of stage hypnosis with Babs Stevens as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Freedom From Fear"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Mami Yoshida as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Lency Spezzano "Healing Shame"
This is a classic example of stage hypnosis with Naoko Takahashi (?) as the victim. This vid was given "If the owner of this video has granted you access please sign in" gated community status on May 24-25, 2015.

Spar Street video montage
Included in a filmography here Mar. 31, 2015, then deleted from Youtube within a month.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #461 on: July 15, 2015, 04:22:35 pm »
A German-language video presenting Chuck Spezzano and a student by the name of Elke Kirchner, has popped up here:

Apart from being a long-term follower of PoV, Kirchner is also a seller of indigenous ceremony and partner/wife of a plastic shame-on who set up shop in Germany – a certain Philip Young, going by Philip Kansa aka Spirit Bear (pls cf  ).

Title: Healing Through Emotional Freedom
uploaded 2 months ago (i.e. approx May 2015)

Elke Kirchner (EK):
„I first met Chuck 14 years ago, in person, that was the year that my mother died. And I had a cystic tumour. That year Chuck did his first lecture in Hamburg. On stage, he said "When you got a physical problem, then quite likely two years earlier you promised something to yourself and failed to keep the promise." And I remembered I had promised something to myself which I didn't keep. That was the week when the tests were done whether the tumour was malign or benign. I went home and - ahm, the next morning I got two things done which I had to do, that is to keep the promise. The marker of the tumour was more than good, that meant it was benign, and six weeks later, it had reduced its size by half. And --- I was very frightened. Cause, my mother was just about to die from cancer. And I only have known my parents fighting. Like, from when I was small, they were only fighting. And for my 30th birthday I expressed my wish that they could come together in peace just for once. But it didn't work out. But shortly before my mother's death - she could hardly even dial a phone number then - she said: "Integrate your father into the family". And that was two mon---- two weeks after I took a 3-day seminar with Chuck. And then I knew I had to continue.“

Chuck Spezzano (CS):
[Chucks words are paraphrased here because his voice is partly overlaid by the German translation]
CS claims that the first thing he came up with in the way of an answer was that he remembered how he began with his healing work. The origins come from his own childhood. He remembered his parents who often fought, too, and it was painful to see and although he and his siblings loved their parents, they couldn't do anything regarding their arguments. And they never knew how to reach out to their parents, and that was very painful for them [the children]. So he made a promise to himself that he'd learn everything necessary to free people from their pain.

Subtitle: I had to carry on - Chuck's influence on Elke's work

„So many people come to me and want solutions from the angels. Yes, I've given many readings, but people didn't do anything with them. And then I realised that they come from a level so high up that they do not make use of it. And while I went from one seminar to the next with Chuck and Lency, I experienced so much more release***. I had to go through many ---- many dark emotions and sometimes I came home and I felt worse than before, but then six weeks later I all of a sudden was able to laugh again as a child. And I realised that I got more and more free. And the relationship to my husband got better and better. And I started, this fell right into place, to pass on what I learned with Chuck and Lency, in the seminars, what I experienced myself, to my - errm: our participants. [Very deep sigh] And all of a sudden I was able to help.“

[*** Translator's note: The German word used by EK also translates to "disorganisation, breakup, dissolution, disintegration“. This is a prime example of PoV Newspeak and its redefinitions! ]

Subtitle: Healing means healing relationships (3:58)

Says he learned that everything goes back to the level of the relationship and that all real healing was healing relationships. And that every problem finally was a problem at the level of relationship. And I learned that what made people happy was to be able to help others. We're naturally inter-personally oriented, and that all of our relationships are merely a reflexion of ourselves. So anyone who is acting badly, behaving badly in our environment, then this person merely demonstrates us a concept of ourselves, a dogma which we keep.

EK (4:53)
„And what I learned with Chuck and Lency is that every person has a great gift in them. Since I'm clairvoyant, I saw what it is and through working with Chuck and Lency I was able to show how a person can live these gifts. It is often that people first have to dissolve their childhood traumatas [sic] to realise who they are. And what else I learned is that there is nothing, really nothing that can't be healed. Even when I spent weeks sometimes in pain, or in fear - my topic is fear -, I always remembered Chuck's words that 20% are related to the present situation, and 80% are old stuff. So feel the old things and go through them. And then another layer of traumatas [sic] was gone.“

Subtitle: Partnership means to overcome Independence

And I drew a map with the phases which are taken up in relationships and also in personal development. And I found out that every person goes through the same steps as does every couple. And when we then find ourselves in dependency, at first, our pain comes from the world does not function they way we would like it to. And out of this pain we dissociate ourselves, we become independent. And when we then manage to overcome independence and get onto the level of partnership, we develop from very independent persons to leaders and partners. And then our mind opens for clairvoyant abilities and for shamanic abilities, artistic abilities open up and healing abilities, we become visionaries. And then we get to even a higher stage of levels to be masterly with our partner. And then we're a bridge between heaven and earth, and from there, we develop from interdependence to a radical dependency - or we could say in other words that from then on, we simply live a life of love. It's a surrender to heaven. Buddha once said that when 2 or 3 people came together in his name, he will be right there. And also Jesus said the same, he said when people gather in my name I will be among them. And this is about the path of Joining, about the relation, about love and about forgiving. In this respect we're on the way back into being one. And all obstacles occuring on the way reflect only our fear.

And fear and separation can work intra-personal, or inter-psychological, or in combination with heaven. "A Course in Miracle" says that when you want to help one million people, then forgive God. I always thought: I've got no issue with God. I'd always thought he could perhaps do a somewhat better job with this world, but all in all I felt good about God. But any negative emotion you have is an expression of your having an issue with God. Any agreement [Transl. note: CS in fact uses the term agreement which is clearly to hear before the translation begins which renders 'agreement' as 'grudge'!] - Any grudge you hold against anybody - below that you will always find a layer of self-attack and below a problem with God you got.

In the 70ies, my workload was so busy that I had to find a way to get into the subconscious of people quickly to be able to help them. And the subconscious goes from the time of our conception up to this very moment, the present, and the unconscious is even bigger. And most of it is a split mind - it's working so that we do things we actually don't really want to do. And then as I found the way into the subconscious, the unconscious opened or also the soul level. I saw ancestral patterns beginning to affect people's success and also their health. And then the soul patterns they already brought into this life. And lately I've been working with just how to collect those [Transl. note: Again the translation renders this differently] / And lately I've been working on how this collective works on people and also the dark unconscious. And the roots of every problem eventually leads back to the own fall, when we fell out of being one.

And what I did was basically, you know, is finding problems to get them out of the way, so that only love and health can be so that people can be happy. So I've been doing this for nearly 42 years. Every day I get going and just share my abilities and simply love people. In this respect I feel the happiest person there is on earth. Because I can see who the others really are, and help remove what's hurting them. And it is possible to do away with the misunderstandings which led them astray from their path. So my own healing occurs just as I help others. And it's an adventure finding a way to bring heaven to earth and then go beyond. So I feel really thankful in my life and as I mentioned often before on this tour, if I didn't have the people who come to me and I can help them, I'd be a bridge leading nowhere. So thank you.

Subtitle: Students become Partners

Every one of us is on an evolutionary path and there's nothing more exciting than to feel people move from participants to colleagues. So we join arm in arm in this common purpose and help to save the world. We just learn how to love more and become radiant - and it's so evident you touch so many persons [turning to the student in front of him], so we heal together and we learn together. And we carry out our individual purposes and the confidence grows, the community grows and I just so appreciate that you heard the call and go out into the world and we do this work together. Groups coming together to form a community is our future. And that's what we've done as a team. And it's a beautiful thing. And I feel the gratitude also.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #462 on: July 15, 2015, 04:26:42 pm »

The video points out how Spezzano uses the account of a client and adjusts his own vita to match the one of his victim: After the client explained the difficulties between her parents and how this affected her, he also claims similar experience. As his client sells indigenous ceremonies besides her PoV involvement, he also uses the term 'shamanic' for her to relate. His client also claims to be clairvoyant, and bingo!, the term clairvoyant pops up in his reply, too.

Spezzano's description of a model of different levels his clients will reach is interesting, too. He uses the terms 'independence' and 'dependency' in a re-defined way, so that independence becomes something inferior and to be overcome, while dependency is lined out as what to aim for. Although at face level, the dependency is to be sought within a relationship (as in marriage or partnership), we must also take into account that the client at the same time will also build a relationship to PoV, to PoV trainers and course participants, and to Spezzano. Furthermore, Spezzano and thus PoV neglect the fact that outside of their cult, dependency in a relationship is viewed rather critical. This also points to the fact that PoV is no science, it is a pseudo-science, without peer review from stage one.

The re-defined meanings given to the terms independence and dependency, and the implications this re-definition will assume, also render PoV as unsuited for survivors of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. It also becomes apparent that PoV means to offer these survivors (another) kind of dependency in the place of the ones they may have developed during their life. Dependency thus seems to be the glue that keeps couples together and, at the same time, in the cult.

Part of this dependency is to be explained by Spezzano's emphasis that only living within a relationship will enable an individual to arrive at higher levels. Of course this overemphasises the importance of a relationship in the view of the clients, so that a relationship, any relationship they may have, becomes vital to enable their alleged spiritual growth. It will therefore become vital to keep up the relationship, and if need be, stop a partner/husband/wife from separating. If certain levels can only be arrived at on the basis of a relationship, then losing this relationship will be equalled with losing that status and brand the client a failure. As the PoV cult, however, proclaims to enable a continuing growth for their clients, this is something to be definitely avoided. In particular when both partners are part of the PoV circuit, it is easy to perceive how they will react to notions their relationship may have failed – by ignoring and denying any such notion.
Therefore, yes, all the seminars Spezzano does in Europe as a self-styled 'relationship expert' are a hook cast out to catch more fish for PoV among persons emotionally insecure, unsure or unhappy in their partnership/marriage and eager to accept something praised as a sure-fire quick fix.

Spezzano also uses several idioms which are otherwise heard in church, so e.g. 'you heard the call', and 'you go out into the world'. Keep in mind Spezzano had joined a Catholic order and taken initial vows. So PoV is not only to be seen as pseudo-science, it also presents itself as an ersatz religion, and a cult. This is particularly critical regarding the PoV claim of being First Nations' friendly and even of reflecting the same values as First Nations' cultures. In fact, PoV does not mean to keep indigenous religions and cultures thriving or even alive – in their world view, they must be replaced by PoV values and the ersatz religion PoV means to place in their stead. PoV thus aims at assimilation, just that this time, indigenous persons will not be assimilated into the dominant culture, but into a fringe group with a high level of social control over each other.

In the last part of the video, Spezzano outlines that PoV not only wants to attract a followership, but it means to turn 'students' into active sellers of courses. So an individual's career within the cult seems to be outlined rather clearly: join, take courses, take more courses, and eventually become a seller of courses yourself, i.e. an advancement from victim to culprit. The aim, phrased in PoV world view, is to 'save the world'... So what we get is a cult made up of persons who are told they are a vanguard, more advanced than the rest of us. Of course it is BS they will be able to 'save the world', or 'heal the planet', but this goal which can never be fully achieved also serves to keep the carrot dangling in front of the cult followers' noses: you just want to take a few more courses, and then it can be done. Meanwhile, the set of courses will have been added to – PoV got Mastery courses, Steps To Leadership, Vision Works, the 100-Day graduate courses etc, all thought up to secure more profit from cult followers.

As PoV is targeting indigenous communities in Canada, this is highly alarming. PoV will undermine indigenous cultures and religions, undermine tribal governments and turn adherents into dependent followers who are proud to be dependent and, on top of that, believe this was an advancement. Giving PoV access to rezzes and communities, however, will not only mean assimilation into a cult, but termination of the nations – except for a few folksy elements, so that PoV can continue claiming their BS reflected indigenous values plus ask for donations to make up for First Nations' rebates in course fees.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 07:42:02 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #463 on: July 16, 2015, 10:39:05 pm »
Nothing At All, pt. 1

In part of her Truth screed Lency Spezzano proclaimed--
What Happened in 2004 with The State of Hawaii Regarding Chuck’s Status As A Psychologist?

Nothing at all. We were marginally involved with a custody battle many years before, in that we wrote letters of support for a woman in relation to the child custody case with her ex-husband. The ex-husband’s lawyer claimed that, because our Psychology of Vision logo was on our stationary, that the logo meant we were both claiming to be licensed psychologists; so the judge ruled our letters were inadmissible, even though Chuck signed his letter “Chuck Spezzano, Ph.D., M.F.C.C.” and I signed “Lency Spezzano, M.Sc.” As it turned out, our letters did not figure into the final outcome, because the judge ruled in favor of the wife anyway.

"Nothing at all" is not how I would characterize the results of this case. Chuck Spezzano was hauled into court and paid a $500 fine as a settlement rather than contest it.

The real "final outcome" was heart-breaking. Steve Tipaldi, the man in the divorce case, committed suicide just a few months after the Spezzano fine. Tipaldi had several mental health and physiological issues of his own which I am sure didn't help his cause, but it seems the system allowed him to fall through the cracks. His tragic action was not directly connected to Spezzano, obviously, but among his complaints was this: "I declare that there is a document in the record by Chuck Spezzano, claiming to have seen me as a patient in a professional capacity. I declare that at no time have I or had I been a patient of Mr. Spezzano."

Before you read on, please take a look at some previous links regarding this case in order to have some background--

Here is some more detail about the Tipaldi case:

Here is some more detail about Chuck Spezzano's lack of professional qualifications and why he can never be seriously considered as a  "professional" or "psychologist"--;topicseen#msg37693

OK, now that you have read the backstory I won't have to repeat myself. Let's move on.

Before I retired I had the experience of interacting with several state governments in the course of my public duties. None of them were as slow and Byzantine as Hawaii. Just try to email a Hawaiian state employee to have your problem dealt with directly. Voicemail? What's that? After my experiences with The Aloha State I was relieved to see it wasn't just me after reading this article by a Hawaiian journalist--

So, I started the process in OCTOBER 2014, and just this month finally obtained the court papers relating to this 2004 case. In the course of this series I will be sharing these public documents. Taken alone and compartmentalized they are actually pretty mundane, but when one regards these papers alongside the rest of the documentation we have provided here on NAFPS, they possess a certain fascination.

Also, since NAFPS has by default become the archive of documents related to Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) for the public to review, the inclusion of these court papers is most appropriate.

I'll be attaching images as I go but you must be signed to view. Attached in this post, Steve Tipaldi, 1954-2004.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #464 on: July 16, 2015, 10:42:56 pm »
Nothing At All, pt. 2

Regulated Industries Complaints Office
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
State of Hawaii
235 South Beretania St., 9th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Telephone: (808) 586-2660


STATE OF HAWAII, by MARK E. RECKTENWALD, Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Petitioner.



S.P. NO. 04-1-0153 (VSM) (INJUNCTION)



The STATE OF HAWAII, through its Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (hereafter "Petitioner", by and through its undersigned attorney, and CHARLES L. SPEZZANO dba PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION (hereinafter "Respondent"), applicants herein, request the entry of a Consent Judgment and in support of this request state as follows:

1. Petitioner is a body sovereign and politic.
2. Respondent is a resident of the State of Hawaii.
3. This proceeding is brought under Hawaii Revised Statutes (hereafter "HRS") Chapters 436B (Professional and Vocational Licensing), 465 (Psychologists), and 487 (Consumer Protection).
4. This court has jurisdiction of this matter pursuant to HRS 436B-27(c) and 603-21.5(2).
5. The acts hereafter alleged in the Statement of Alleged Violations of Law, attached hereto, occurred in the City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii.
6. Respondent understands that he has the right to be represented by legal counsel, and is represented by Martin E. Hsia, Esq.

DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, APR 7 2004

DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, APR 30 2004
Attorney for Petitioner

Here is the text of the statutes mentioned in the 4th category above--

§436B-27  Civil and criminal sanctions for unlicensed activity; fines; injunctive relief; damages; forfeiture.
(c)  The department, licensing authority, or any person may maintain a suit to enjoin the performance or the continuance of any act or acts by a person acting without a license where a license is required by law, and if injured thereby, for the recovery of damages.  The department may also seek the imposition of fines provided by subsection (a).  The plaintiff or petitioner in a suit for an injunction need not allege or prove actual damages to prevail.  Reasonable attorney fees and costs shall be allowed by the court to the plaintiff or petitioner as the prevailing party.

§603-21.5  General.  (a)  The several circuit courts shall have jurisdiction, except as otherwise expressly provided by statute, of:
(2)  Actions for penalties and forfeitures incurred under the laws of the State;