Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 574393 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #285 on: July 14, 2014, 03:29:26 am »
Words, words, words. When it comes to the SALPOV systematic psychocolonisation of Haida Gwaii, according to the blueprint as outlined in the German language Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, Section K, we can present all the text documentation we want but it would have little effect. The language is dry and the bureaucracy and hierarchy is Byzantine. Contrary to what Lenora Kay Spezzano claims, SALPOV is hardly a level corporation.

But back to words. That's right. In order to truly appreciate just how some Haida leaders are being manipulated, there is no substitute for Lenora Kay Spezzano's "downloading/joining" Youtubes. This is a case where seeing is believing.

The victim here is Babs Stevens. Here is Bab's LinkedIn information--


        Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator at Psychology of Vision Trainer, Skidegate Band Council CAO
        Leadership and Business at Skidegate Band Council


    155 connections

Babs Stevens' Experience
Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator
Psychology of Vision Trainer, Skidegate Band Council CAO

1972 – Present (42 years)
Leadership and Business
Skidegate Band Council

And here is her Twitter autobiography--

Babs Stevens

Psychology of Vision Trainer and Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) Giver.
Skidegate, Haida Gwaii
Joined March 2009

Does Babs have any respected academic credentials that enable her to be giving therapy or healing of any kind? Apparently not. This is a very common weakness of most SALPOV trainers. For the most part, they are unqualified to be doing what they are doing, just as the Spezzanos are. SALPOV training does not count in the real world. I know, I know, Lenora says nothing is real. And as far as having SALPOV certificates on your resume, she's right! SALPOV actually is an acronym for Spezzanos Always Love Profit Over Virtue.

Apparently Babs has not caught up to the order issued from Hawaii that any reference by SALPOV trainers to their strong philosophical debt to Oneness University needs to be purged Kim Jong-un style. That Deeksha and Oneness Blessing stuff is so 2007. In fact, it never existed, don'tcha know?

The really sad part concerning what you are about to watch is that Babs is in a position of political authority on Haida Gwaii, and we see her being totally manipulated and controlled by a wealthy American (Protestant raised) white woman who has no clue about Haida culture. In short, she is an Ugly American who knows with missionary zeal what is best for all of you unfortunate non-white non-Americans.

From a poem I recall long ago, or least my best recollection:

All men are brothers, White Anglo Saxon Protestants, and others.
We are all One in his sight, White Anglo Saxon Protestants, and those who are non-white.

This video serves as a perfect symbolic microexample of how SALPOV has been attempting to get a foothold in FN culture. In surrendering her personal power and dignity to Lenora Kay Spezzano, Babs is, by extension of her position of public trust, handing over Haida Gwaii as well. Some would call this video a good court exhibit for an affinity fraud trial--

Here are some details I notice from this YouTube--

The camera zeroes in on Lenora most of the time. The victim is secondary. In all of these "downloading/joining" pieces, Lenora is the star. The subject of the brainwashing is not important.

Babs is not really allowed to speak for herself. Everything she says is restated and transliterated by Lenora to fit SALPOV dogma.

Babs is subjected to stage direction by Lenora as her hand microphone is adjusted (1:35 and 1:55) and she is told what camera to look into (9:47). It is obvious Babs is merely a small prop being used for a broader agenda.

The fun really starts at 5:30 when the "Bliss Music" starts. It takes about a minute for Lenora's hypnosis to really take effect. After 6:35 Babs is pretty much a quivering wreck for the remainder of the almost 14 minute piece. She looks dazed, disoriented, and acts like Renfield to Lenora's Dracula.

As the "Bliss Music" plays on, SALPOV trainer Melissa Meyer joins in the scene, and the camera pans on the quivering people in the audience who apparently have money to burn in order to attend this freak show. At 13:05 Lenora calls Melissa "my daughter." It is that creepy surrogate parent thing going on again, confirming the cult aspect of SALPOV.

Every inhabitant of Haida Gwaii should be required to view this YouTube video. Actually, all of British Columbia should watch this video. What Lenora Kay Spezzano did to Babs Stevens is something she would like to perform on all the people of Haida Gwaii. So hey, does Lenora have a deal for you! Submit yourself to "downloading" and be reduced to a near drooling quivering zombie! And as a bonus you get to be the "child" of an entitled wealthy American! Doesn't that sound like an enlightening experience? 

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #286 on: July 15, 2014, 06:24:28 pm »
I see some reactions different.
L. is always controlling the situation. She is showing her own emotions what her client can understand and maybe ingest. The client showes by her own reflection, in which emotional position she is and L. S. can work with it, this is a work with mirroring, transference and countertransference, L. S can use this to control the situation.

L. S. seems to me in her working way abusive, and in this abusive aggressive (her mimik, lean forward, ...)  . L. S. keeps no distance, she is always behind the border of her client acting in her "aura", (this safe area which tell other people: You can come up to this border, but keep this distance to me I need and do not come closer to me).

In this way L. S. works, a client can be pushed into a high stress level, the client is  as paralyzed, unable to react and realize, she has nearly no chance to change the situation, no matter how painfull it is. In this video her client shows some signals she she cannot stand by this harmfull situation anymore - almost, and it would be the best to break down this circle L. S. creates and controlles. I interpretate the highly stressed situation the client could not stand by her laughing (this can be an overreaction and sometimes it can stops a circle she is dodging in) ... but L. S. don´t let her step out. When L. S. feels she lose the control of her client she moves more foreward. But by her smile (I see there aggressivity in it) she gives the client the feeling L.S is doing the best for her soul... , L. S. don´t let the client decompensate, don´t let her break down at least, ... but almost .... she works at the border of a client, a hard way to got the situation under a totally control. Her client almost decompensate for few times, her stress level was very high. When the client came out of this situation for e. g. with a deep breath (exspiration can facilitate the declamp of a stressed situation) she didn´t seem to me relieved but keeps a hard strain to come through the event she maybe couldn´t realize indeed what happened to her own (this is what I feel). The stress didn´d end, ... well, to breath out can help, but it also can let someone decompensate totaly, if someone got no skill.

And these chairs, what impossible decisions are behind, unbelievable? The chairs can develop the stress level more higher: People need to fixes themselves on the chair not to fall down or they fix their leggs to get contact to some real material (tells them where they are). If someone react with a high sympathetic nervous system the chairs can push this stress and global tonicity higher, in this way a person can be fixed and immured and cannot initiate another reaction anymore, a reaction that could changes something. For both ways of a sympathetic reaction "fight or flight" or the other one "freeze" it can be very harmfull.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #287 on: July 15, 2014, 07:14:33 pm »
Although the English language version of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual has been removed from public view (an action which contradicts the "transparency" SALPOV touts), we can still read the quite revealing following document--


Psychology of Vision Trainer Application Process 2015

Prerequisites of the PoV Trainers’ Training Program

All applicants to the Training Program must have:

-Have graduated from the PoV 100 day Program. (See next page for particulars.)

-Completed teaching the ‘Steps to Leadership’ program SOLO with a minimum of 4 graduating participants by the application due date JULY 1st 2014.

-Applicants for 2015 will need to be in the 2014 PoV Mastery Program. This assures us that the applicant has received PoV’s latest cutting edge work.

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. At this point it is safe to say the applicant has invested thousands of dollars and hours into supporting this cult. Their ability to think critically by this stage has been squeezed out of their craniums. If any of them who have reached this corporate height manage to step forward and demonstrate the capacity to give us a critical and free opinion of SALPOV, I'll need a defibrillator. It just ain't gonna happen.   

-Is able to attain and pass on Miracles easily. PoV uses the word miracle as described in the Course in Miracles - receiving a miracle is allowing the indwelling of Spirit through an act of complete forgiveness.

Remember, A Course in Miracles was originally dictated by Jesus the Christ using the humanoid Helen Schucman as His vessel. Just so we are all clear on what SALPOV is based on, other than Oneness University.

-Have declared in writing by email, to the Trainer Program Director (presently Francine Girard) the intention to apply to the program. The Program Director will announce to the Trainer Community the applicant’s intention to join so that the Trainers are aware of them and give them extra support and feedback. Final due date for this declaration is January 30th 2014.

Francine Girard's rise and role in SALPOV really deserves more attention. Ironically, she lives in the mainland USA (in Everett, Washington, close to Vancouver BC) a place where SALPOV has yet to really take hold. I believe Francine's educational background is in engineering.

-Read at least three of the Psychology of Vision books written by Chuck and/or Lency Spezzano.

But wait, Lenora told us she and Charles are not on top of the pyramid! I'm confused.
-Access to a computer and familiarity with self-evaluation reporting, e-mail, Skype and the Internet.

-Applicant is required to have a PoV trainer as mentor during the application process. The sessions are to be monthly and the mentor fee is the
responsibility of the applicant.

"Less than a month ago, Santa Mira was like any other town. People with nothing but problems. Then, out of the sky came a solution. Seeds drifting through space for years took root in a farmer's field. From the seeds came pods which had the power to reproduce themselves in the exact likeness of any form of life …Your new bodies are growing in there. They're taking you over cell for cell, atom for atom. There is no pain. Suddenly, while you're asleep, they'll absorb your minds, your memories and you're reborn into an untroubled world...Tomorrow you'll be one of us..."

THE 100 Day Program Description

Prerequisite and specifications to graduate from the 100 day Program:

-3 apprenticeships, one in Hawaii

-In order to attend an apprenticeship, one has to have done at least 20 days of training in the PoV model, which must include 20 joining session and/or the recommendation of a Psychology of Vision Trainer in order to attend.

A joining session is defined as:

At least 45 minutes long

Downloads may count as long they are at least 45 minutes long, or the whole room, including every participant, got into the miracle.

45 MINUTES long!? These people ARE freakin' out of their tiny little minds. Have you seen any of Lenora's incredibly bizarre YouTube examples of "downloading/joining"? Most normal people can't take just a few minutes of viewing these things.

No wonder these trainers come across as folks who have had their minds turned to mush. No wonder those "testimonials" come across as lifeless and cookie cutter loyalty oaths. But we are, after all, talking about a cult here.

If you combine the terms "Hypnotherapy" and "Psychology of Vision" in Google you will find numerous Spezzano students who created their own spinoff business and even current trainers in SALPOV (e.g. Avril Woodward) who proudly advertise their hypnotic skills.

"Downloading/Joining" is just hypnosis repackaged, which is not surprising since I have yet to find one single original idea in SALPOV. Everything in it consists of warmed up leftovers from some passé New Age fad. Americans are generally on the "cutting edge" of Nonsense Du Jour, and by the time the Spezzanos catch up the idea is already cold to the wealthy classes that can afford the luxury of this fluff. But not in Asia, or in Germany, or in the UK. See, even if what the Spezzanos do was legal in the USA, which it isn't in most states, then they would be laughed off the stage for their corniness.

-May be in a group setting or in an individual session.

-DELETE Exceptions only possible if highly recommended by a PoV trainer are and not to be taken lightly.

I think this "DELETE" part was left in there by accident by Francine Girard, who is usually the one who compiles these. Interesting, isn't it? I'm sure there must be a little Drano drama behind this line.

-Taking STL is mandatory to graduate.

Although STL sounds like an acronymn for a venereal disease, it actually stands for "Steps to Leadership." Frankly, people would be luckier to be subjected to the former rather than the latter.

-In countries where there is no STL (e.g. Malaysia), students may apply for exceptions in order to be able to graduate from the 100 Day Program. They then might be asked to read a couple of Chuck's or Lency’s books and write a report on them to ensure they are familiar with the
psychological and spiritual dynamics and principles.

We are back in high school, I see. Oh, and I am once again shocked, shocked I tell you, that the writings of Charles and Lenora are required reading, indicating they are on top of the pyramid.   

-STL can count once as a STL participant and another time if as a STL facilitator.

-The remainder 55 days can be taken with any certified Psychology of Vision Trainer.

-Mini-programs/series count to maximum of 10 days. They must fulfill the series requirements. (See point 4: ‘What Constitute a PoV day’ below).

-Accomplished within 5 years.

The following sections seems so amazingly complicated for such a small organisation. The only thing worse than a large bureaucracy is a small bureaucracy, I always say.


100 Day Graduation Verification Process

-Counting PoV days is the responsibility of Participants.

-Trainers and Promoters must give certificates to all PoV days they give. It is crucial Trainers explain the certificates and the 100 day program to their participants.

Hopefully as part of full disclosure the Trainers let the participants know these certificates are utterly worthless in the real world.

-When a participant is getting ready to graduate they need to provide proof of attendance of those 100 days by show of certificates. If participant is missing certificates they ask the facilitator to attest they did indeed participate those days in question.

-There is one local person who verify the 100 days:

UK-Ireland: Avril Woodward
Europe: Susanne Ernst
Japan: VDI- Mami Yoshida
Canada: Susan How
Taiwan (non ASK participant): Daphne Wang
ASK -Taiwan and Hong-Kong: Jenny Soares
Singapore: Yanni Hwang

What constitutes a PoV day:

-A PoV workshop day is 6 hours of ‘working’ hours (lunch and breaks not included). For example: a Saturday or Sunday one-dayer.

-No coaching sessions given by any PoV trainer count toward a PoV day

-No study groups, mini-workshops, forums, etc. count toward PoV day even if led by a trainer

-Exception can be made if a trainer teaches a series or a mini-program with curriculum (for example 12 evenings), there is a possibility that they might count as days. These mini workshops need to be taught by the same Trainer so that they are process-driven within a closed group. Drop in sessions do not count.

-If this is the case, the Trainer writes and describes that program and sends it to the Program Director (Francine Girard at present). Given her approval, it can be counted as PoV days.

-A PoV day from a series/mini-program counts as 3 separate teaching sections. The total sections divided by 3 will be the number of PoV days
that can be credited. (For example 12 evenings equals 4 PoV days.)

-The trainer will hand out a certificate at the end of the program, stating that is was a mini-series, with X-sections in total and the equivalent of X/3 per PoV day.

-Mini-programs counts to a maximum of 10 days.

-Three 2-hour long Webinars by a Master Trainer equals 1 PoV day.

-An evening part of a PoV workshop counts as 0.5 day, e.g. Friday afternoon/evening through to Sunday counts as 2.5 days. But, if that evening is open to anyone who does not participate in the complete workshop, it does not count as 0.5 day.

-All participants must be at the beginning of the workshop to counts as PoV days. Example: Participant may take 3 days out of 5-dayer if they are at the start of the workshop.

All certificates must have the hours as well as the equivalent days. One PoV day is 6 ‘working’ hours no breaks or lunch included. Trainer can find a template on our Comindwork website. Also Trainers must inform their promoters about certificates.

Got all that? There will be a test later.

Comindwork, by the way, is a very expensive secure non-transparent intranet communication system used by corporations and other organisations.

The Application Process for Trainers Program 2015

Guide for Applicants

Stage 1:
Apply by submitting your application to your Country Application Coordinator (CAC). Email your application letter, picture and biography (see below for details) to your WAC no later than July 1st 2014. Please see last page for WAC contact information.

i. Write a letter of one page or less including:

-Background – experience, training, skills and interests.

-Why do you feel it is true for you to become a PoV trainer and join this team? Please speak from your heart. Once you have all your pre-requisites, this is by far the most important section of your application form. Once you have your prerequisite, this is by far the most important part of the application form.

There is that odd phrase again, "feel it is true for you." In Lenora's rather pathetic and feeble recent screed chapter on why Oneness University was no longer the greatest thing since sliced bread, she used the term "it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U." What does this mean in New Age Speak? In Lenora's case it apparently means she gave herself permission to be vague and not answer the question. But I am sure the Spezzanos have a stricter standards when they review the applicants. Want to go far in SALPOV? Then do as she says, not as she does.

ii. On a separate page summarize PoV studies, including when, with whom and where 100 day completion was. List all the PoV books read.

Yes, and be sure to list the ebook Healing The Body Through Mind and Metaphor by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst! Great stuff in there! Available in hardcopy in German! The more who read this the better! Oh. Wait. It has been hidden from public view for some reason. What a shame.

iii. Please state when and where you taught ‘Steps to Leadership’ with at least 4 participants.

iv. Also, please list the long training attended or plan to attend in 2014.

Photograph and Biography: Submit a digital picture (head shot only, passport photo size, 200 dpi). Give a short biography of your life stages.

Stage 2:
Application will then be sent to all Trainers from your region for feedback. A 30-minute interview in person or by phone will be scheduled with a Master Trainer. The interview will be used to discuss and evaluate current foundation and strengths. You will discuss your application letter, feedback from local Trainers and the interviewer, and get recommendations for your next step.

Stage 3:
If your application is accepted at the local level, your WAC will present your application to the Psychology of Vision Steering Committee (SC). Currently the SC includes Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Jeff Allen, Hiromi and Hideaki Kurihara, Julie Wookey and Francine Girard.

Stage 4:
The Steering Committee will make final selections and you will be advised as soon as possible (no later than September 30th 2014) as to whether or not you are invited into the program.
If your application is declined: You will be given SC feedback and able to discuss a course of action on how to improve over the next year.

Stage 5
(if your application is accepted): First of all, you must begin travel plans a.s.a.p. for the Trainers’ Conference (flights, passport, visas, hotel, etc.). The Trainer Conference is always in Hawaii, USA.

Secondly, you must read the Trainer’s Agreement 2015 and confirm to Trainer Program Director (Francine Girard). Payment of Trainer fee is proof of having read, understood and agreed to the Agreement, Sexual & Financial Integrity Conduct, as clearly defined in Trainer Manual 2014. This must be returned by December 1st 2014.

Attached is a copy of the English language 2011 Trainers Manual, which was taken down not long ago. The 2014 version is apparently not available to the public. This document pretty much contradicts all of Lenora's claims that SALPOV is not a steep hierarchy personality cult with the chief incentive of gaining profit and power. Those who are immersed in SALPOV probably can't see it, but the rest of the world certainly can.

Finally, new Trainers may not teach workshops until their coach gives them permission. Do not plan workshops right away after being accepted as a trainer.

Although Lenora has claimed SALPOV is a level corporation, it isn't. This claim "does not feel true to me." This is made more fascinating by the fact that there are now less than 50 trainers. 

PoV Trainers’ Input Into Application Process:

All PoV Trainers are requested to participate in the application process for new Trainers. The following is a description of their required involvement.

i. Assessment of New Applications by the Local Team of Trainers: The Worldwide Application Coordinator (WAC) sends the application letters to the local Trainers. Local Trainers then give feedback on the following questions:

-How do you see/feel the capability of the applicant as a Trainer?
-How do you feel about having them in the team?
-What skills of the applicant are most appreciated/strongest?
-What are the applicant’s problems/issues?

And let us not forget, do they have enough dough to supplement the Spezzano's lavish lifestyle? Charles probably has his expensive wine cellar, and Lenora is an expensive whine seller. These two are a real piece of work.

ii. A summary of applications and interviews is composed by the Master Trainers (T4) following the evaluation: The feedback of the local team of Trainers is shared in an interview with the applicant by the T4. Any comments, doubts or concerns about the applicant from local Trainers are communicated in the interview. The interviewers also communicate what they see as the applicant’s next step of growth in specific areas for the next year. This feedback is communicated regardless of whether the applicant is accepted into the program or not. The applicants mentor and coaches’ feedback will be key to their invitation into the program.

iii. Country Promoter to pass on information to Trainer Program Director: After reviewing all the feedback from the Trainers and interviews, the WAC may choose not to put forward an applicant to the Steering Committee (SC) via the Program Director. The Trainer Program Director will pass this on to the Steering Committee.

iv. Steering Committee decision process: The SC will make the final evaluation of the applicants. Members of the SC will briefly respond with their reasons for refusal or invitation.

v. Contacting applicants: All applicants will be contacted with the final decision by September 30th and feedback and comments on their next step will be given to all applicants either by their WAC or a SC member.

PoV Worldwide Application Contacts – WAC

Application Coordinator: Susan How

Tel: 604 298 4011
Fax: 604 298 1097

Application Coordinator: Wendy Shieh

Tel: 886-2-3393-3809
Mobile: 886-936-898-920
Skype: wendys124

Application Coordinator: Sue Allen
VisionWorks Life Skills Ltd (VisionWorks)

Tel: 01249 409001
Fax: 01249 760182

Application Coordinator: Hiromi Kurihara
Vision Dynamics Institute (VDI)

Tel: 813-5765-1960
Fax: 813-5765-1961

Application Coordinator: Susanne Ernst
Psychology of Vision D-A-C-H

Tel: 41(0)78 638 2770
Fax :41(0)32 622 8949

Such a waste. Such a waste.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 07:44:10 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #288 on: July 16, 2014, 04:09:55 am »
Every inhabitant of Haida Gwaii should be required to view this YouTube video. Actually, all of British Columbia should watch this video. What Lenora Kay Spezzano did to Babs Stevens is something she would like to perform on all the people of Haida Gwaii. So hey, does Lenora have a deal for you! Submit yourself to "downloading" and be reduced to a near drooling quivering zombie! And as a bonus you get to be the "child" of an entitled wealthy American! Doesn't that sound like an enlightening experience? 

This idea is not good. The client / victim would be left unprotected for critics and attacs, other people with bad disposition can analysizes her behaviour and weakenings and misuse them to harm. They can develop more ideas to force people into etremely stresslevel. The victim knows it will be possible allways turning in her painfull situation and there is no exit.
To show the video for all a client cannot be helped to clarify what happened.

Just if the client wants to present herself as an evidence, it should be allowed. Better those videos will be deleted and clients got connection to educated therapists. And also the client should give the therapist the address of POV for contact. The contact between POV and therapist must be allowed by the client.

Those videaos are not basics to explain how the results of POV can be.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #289 on: July 16, 2014, 11:58:59 am »
It seems as if part of the SALPOV package is believing that human emotional energy can impact the weather and natural disasters.

Piff discovered this one, Lenora Kay Spezzano on Facebook, Oct. 31, 2010--

This is Black Beach, as seen from our hotel room in Macau. It was bright and sunny this day, you just can't see it well from this angle on my iPhone. Actually, it was supposed to be storming from the typhoon, but we worked on it in the seminar, and it lost energy and deflected away.

Here is Charles in his Nightlight Newsletter, Prelude to Dec. 2012--

There was hurricane Sandy ripping up the east cost of the U.S. There are other signs of polarization and splits, such as the rift and opposite vision of democrats and republicans in the U.S. There is war in Syria and trouble with Israel and Palestine once more and the economy has still not recovered.

Lightening StormWeather and earth shifts are the reflection of our collective conscious and unconscious mind. It seems that storms are increasing and there have been medium sized earthquakes off of Japan, Canada and Central America. These small earthquakes let off the pressure, but there is much to shift in consciousness for an easy birth in December and beyond.

As far as I can tell at this moment we have cleared about 90% of the energy of cataclysmic forces that could devastate the earth but in the category of disaster, only about 10% has been transformed. Cataclysm and catastrophe are hard ways to learn lessons of partnership, friendship and community. It is crucial not to dwell on the negative and the fearful, as that is just our egos getting in the way of doing what we can do to make a difference. A hard birth is not Heaven’s Will for us and neither is it our true will. We have a month to make a difference. We can commit to change, pray and ask for miracles and to do spiritual rituals and healing. We are the dreamers of this dream taking place and dreams at the deepest level are wish fulfillment. As A Course in Miracles states: “Happy dreams come true not because they are dreams but only because they are happy. And so they must be loving.”

Charles moves into the realm of prophecy in his April 2013 Nightlight Newsletter--

Warning Points:  There may be an incident in the world with another nuclear power plant this month.  This is actually a collective issue, and all collective issues are everyone’s responsibility and can be dealt with and averted by all of us through kindness, love and healing.

There is also danger with the flooding or possibility of tsunamis in the second week of April.  Weather and world mishaps are tied to the collective consciousness of humanity, which is also processing the collective unconscious of humanity.  This includes all the war, murder, rape, famine and plague.  Forgiveness, letting go of attachments, your generosity and the amount you extend yourselves in friendship even to people you have never met makes a difference.

In the January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter [the infamous "dodged bullet" issue] Charles says--

The challenge this month comes around the third week where events could be tragic. It contains sacred fire pain. This is pain that takes you to your knees. It comes from a fracture in our personal and collective unconscious and as a result we may be blindsided by the force occurring. It is like we are on a lake and a great sinkhole opens sucking everything in the lake down. But forwarned is forearmed. You can begin today to transform this possibility through blessing and forgiveness of any dark events. It need not be!! We can change what is possible even what is probable. Every morning and every night, ask for a miracle. Pray unceasingly. We could go through this time period totally unscathed. It could be only the smallest ripple on the lake. Let us have birth the easy way. Your life and those you love depend on it. Your world depends on it. Each easy birth helps positive change occur so there is a smooth transition to greater love and success. 

This was followed up by a sad exchange on the Spezzano's blog, January 18, 2010--


Hi, Chuck! I was just reminded of your January Newsletter...where you said something tragic could happen the third week of January! I even wrote (in lipstick) on my bedroom mirror "Every morning and every night, ask for a miracle" and I have been!

Chuck, do you think the Haitian earthquake was the tragic event you w...ere feeling??? Or might there be more next week?]

Dear Janece,

You asked if the Haiti earthquake was part of the tragedy that I was picking up on .It was certainly part of it but it was only about 1% of what could have happened. Early on there was enough healing that instead of an event that could have been cataclysmic (about a 1,000%) event for the Earth  we had healed enough  for the event to be downgraded to 100% event. We healed even more but there feels to me as if there could be one more event equal to Haiti  (a 10% event)this month.

I and a number of other people around the Earth are working and praying that everything be peaceful the rest of the month and the last event be dissolved also. We could have the easiest of births instead.

Wishing you love and blessings,

Believing that human emotions and energy can impact the weather and earthquakes is one thing, but this reads like an extension of their Healing Metaphors, if you have a disease, and if you have bad weather or a natural disaster, you are obviously at fault and must be guilty of something. But SALPOV can save you! So be fearful and stick close. This is merely another way to keep the flock close.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #290 on: July 17, 2014, 02:57:23 am »
Here's a little parlor game for you Canadian SALPOV watchers.

Before we start, let us recall this very brief and not detailed statement by Lenora Kay Spezzano in her recent screed, The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision--

What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs.

As we have documented, the Spezzanos attended Oneness University in 2007.

Using the Google search date filter for 1996-2006, search the combined terms "Oneness" and "Psychology of Vision".

You'll notice not much comes up in the results.

Now try the same search using 2007-2014 as the date filter. You'll see the Google hits max out. Including this horrifying example from page 9 of the January 13, 2011 issue of the Skidegate Newsletter--

“Manifesting Success in 2011”

Facilitated by Babs Stevens -Psychology of Vision Advanced Trainer
at the Skidegate Community Hall —
Friday, Feb. 4 -Registration 6:30pm to 7pm
Workshop- 7pm — 10pm
Saturday, Feb. 5 - 10am — 6pm
Sunday, Feb. 6 -10am -5pm

First 20 local participants to sign up are sponsored by the Gwaii Trust &
the Ngystle Society
Tuition - $125.00 per person

Join with other participants in Psychology of Vision process work,
receiving Oneness Blessings and creating mind maps or vision boards of
what you would like to manifest in 2011.

Please bring your favorite magazines/catalogues/brochures to cut pictures out of
for your mind maps/vision boards.

Please call the Ngystle Society at 250-559-41 14 to register or for more info!
Sponsored by the Ngystle Society and the Gwaii Trust

Here's a link to how the Ngystle Society and Gwaii Trust got involved--

(Also, see attached)--

Here's another one, from the January 15, 2009 Skidegate Newsletter, page 5--

2009 Can Be a Bountiful And Beautiful Year

We will be doing Chakra Meditations each morning and will be giving Oneness Blessings, Psychology of Vision Work and will each create a ‘Mind
Map‘ for the coming year. Collect in advance magazines or pictures you can use for your Mind Map. This workshop will be facilitated by Babs Stevens on January 30, 31 and February 1, 2009. The schedule is as follows: Registration: Friday: 6-7pm. Workshop: Friday 7 pm—10 pm, Saturday + Sunday 10 am-5 pm. Location: Skidegate Community Hall. For more information and to register please contact Ngystle Society: 559-4114

Here is a bit from SALPOV Facebook just last month, where "Oneness" was ballyhooed--

June 15-24, 2014
Apprenticeships are the key healing program in Psychology of Vision as they are facilitated by Chuck and Lency Spezzano, the pioneers and masters of this model. In an apprenticeship you experience 5 days with Lency’s Oneness work and 5 days with Chuck’s process work. This creates a balance of the masculine and feminine styles of transformational healing.

After 2014 Lency will only be teaching Apprenticeships in Hawaii, come to Canada for the last international Apprenticeship.

The 11 night package from June 14–June 25 is approx. $1197 CAD each based on 3 people sharing a two bedroom cottage. Many other options available.

A deposit of $350 USD is required to reserve your seat. It is non-refundable but transferable. Final payment is due by May 16, 2014. Monthly payment plans are available. Call for First Nations Tuition rate.

I think Lenora has some 'splainin' to do. SALPOV has tried to distance itself from OU but still uses OU philosophy and practices. What is the deal with that?

Oh. I forgot. That last quoted part with the high tuition fees pretty much answers my question.

Money down a rathole, my friends. Money down a rathole.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 01:00:29 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #291 on: July 18, 2014, 12:27:24 am »
Submitted for your approval--

Attached is the application Charles Lee Spezzano would have to fill out in order to be a licensed psychologist in Hawaii. Somehow I think he'd quickly find himself in a sticky wicket in the course of filling out this form--

(Must be signed in to view)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:15:56 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #292 on: July 19, 2014, 06:03:47 pm »
Every time I think I we can just rest our case, some new wacky data surfaces that needs to be stored here in the NAFPS Information Clearinghouse.

One of the more interesting facets of the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) for-profit corporation is the pretense that they are mental health professionals who are on a par, according to young Christopher Spezzano earlier in this forum, with people holding professional degrees from Harvard.

Of course one look at the academic and licensed credentials, and lack thereof, of everyone involved in the SALPOV corporation will quickly put that fable to rest.

This thin and superficial veneer of pretending to be professionals in the field of mental health and therapy has served SALPOV well in Europe. A quick visual glance at their marketed image does not immediately scream out "Cult!" These are, for the most part, well scrubbed and well fed polite-looking, well-mannered, culturally non-threatening white folks who are not adorned with exotic garb. The Hawaiian shirt is the closest thing to an actual uniform. The cultish aspects of SALPOV are not apparent until you start to ask a few simple questions about the corporation.

It is rather insidious when you begin to study it. SALPOV is the wolf wearing the sheep's clothing of white suburbia. Just the ticket for German and UK customers with money to throw away.

Of course the big mystery to us Westerners is the attraction to SALPOV for Asians. Lenora attempted to explain this a few years ago in her "self annihilation process is leading people to enlightenment" when she said--

My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low.

Nice. No Ugly Americanism there. No siree, Bob!

So in attempt to research this question I ran across what looks like an avant-garde art project, apparently in Hong Kong, called Pinkwork Radio Art.

Using Google translate, here is PRA's mission statement--

PINKWORK™ Radio Art is not an ordinary radio as understood by Human, but a media for Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city to do art or research, well, mainly on cool human species. It likes to abduct some humans that it thinks are creative, interesting or have some new thinkings, record their sound and conversations and do analysis afterwards ...

What radio station here is not human cognition is alien life forms ~ PINKWORK pink cat one artistic medium. It is particularly feel like it captured some of the fun, creative or new thinking of the human species, included their voices, dialogue, after study ...

And, as one would expect, SALPOV is mentioned quite a bit, right alongside Breatharians, Oneness University, Seth, and Edgar Cayce. Apparently Charles Lee Spezzano is considered one of the "world renowned celebrity psychics."

[New age channeling: ~ 8] dream Nida x KiKi Wong ~ ~ ten days refraining hungry to experience 10-day Breatharianism

July 17, 2014 in all Categories, [PINKWORK™ Radio Art], [new age channeling:] - Radio Art by Art pinkwork™ Radio

Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city is so curious about humans and this physical world. Its latest interests are human religions and new age thinking, cause it believes through them it could get some clue of human evolution. This time its "research target" is human Dreamonita again.

Dreamonita is a celebrity dream interpreter / spiritual healer / columnist in HK. Pinkcat likes to call her a collector of "new age thinkings", cause she's studied and practised many different new age theories, Oneness University, Bijan Anjomi, Seth Materials, Psychology of Vision, Taoism's Qigong, to name a few. Last year she joined a 10-day Breatharianism Camp organized by Qigong Master ~ Mr. Gao from China. Breatharianism or Inedia is an ancient belief that human could survive without eating any food but purely on energy from nature, such as Sunlight, fresh air ... In ancient Taoism, this practice is aiming to achieve immortality or living longer.

[New age channeling: ~ 2] dream Nida x Sean Coxall x Lio Beardsley / Jewish mysticism Kabbalah Puzzle / PINKWORK™

September 16, 2013 in all Categories , [PINKWORK ™ Radio Art] , [new age channeling:] - Radio Art by Art pinkwork™ Radio


Dreamonita: Well, as you said, to learn Kabbalah can bring us happiness, a better life, more realistic, and it will bring us health?

Sean: Absolutely! First, Kabbalah is that some tools to let you know more about yourself from within. Any thing happen to you, including disease, are starting from a seed. You just think back, to find the source, you can put the seeds in addition to walking. Often see some cancer patients, after studying the Kabbalah, the disease naturally disappear.

Dreamonita: It sounds to me studied before, Oneness University from India, the United Kingdom, Professor Chuck Spezzano other spiritual theories of Psychology of Vision or The Power of NOW and other very similar?


[New age channeling: ~ 1] dream Nida x Chris @ bad monument lip / sleep prophet Edgar Cayce ... / PINKWORK™

May 15, 2013

In this episode, dreamonita and HK veteran indie musician Chris are chatting about different new age beliefs and some world renowned celebrity psychics, such as Edgar Cayce (nicknamed Sleeping Prophet), Chuck Spezzano (who successfully predicted Japan 311 earthquake) ... etc. Dreamonita also shares some of her "channeling" experience during tarot card readings.

Nida and from this dream "bad lip monument", "Wildchild" and "Yellow!" Will talk about some of the band's Ho Siu Kee NEW AGE simple concept, introduced some of the famous "master" level characters, including "sleep Prophet "title of Edgar Cayce, and successfully predicted the Japanese earthquake Chuck Spezzano, etc. 311. Meanwhile dream Nida also shared some Channeling help people experience themselves when reading tarot cards. Channeling spirits is not a psychic or upper body, is the energy of the universe is turned on or knowledge base. Humanity itself probably born with this ability, but it is kind of urban life in this area began to feel degraded.

Charles Lee Spezzano the Psychic is generally downplayed by SALPOV in the West as it does not help in forming the image of being a professional in the field of mental health. However, it does appear Charles did try his hand at this line of work, but apparently found it unprofitable.

In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops.

In the YouTube Change Your Mind, Change Your Heart, Change the World, Charles tells us, "In the 70s I studied with psychics and shamans." Really? Who did he study with? Who were these "shamans"? This is the same video where he informs us he studied hypnosis and worked as a "psychologist."

Actually, Charles did not predict the Japanese earthquake. It is true he predicted an unspecified quake in his March 2011 Newsletter--

March is a month of challenges but if we meet the challenges then it is a month where we are uplifted and transformed. The key lesson in March is about our willingness to change. This is occurring both personally and collectively. In some cases, it has become change or die. This challenge could cause tumult, confusion and tragedy. There might be an earthquake or other catastrophes as a result of unconscious and collective conflict.

Predicting natural disasters is something he does on a frequent basis (usually without result), and given the fact that earthquakes are a daily occurrence on the Pacific Rim, sooner or later he was bound to get a hit.

You can take boy out of the psychic carnival act, but you can't take the psychic carnival act out of the boy. The following are from Spezzano's blog--

July 11, 2014
HEALING INTROJECTION is the card for today. This form of interjection is where we swallow others' pain in an effort to help them. This sets up fusion and co-dependency. We burn off what we suck up with our psychic ability but usually we suck up so much more then we can burn off generating huge emotional burdens we don't even realize we are carrying. Today is a day to let go of all we have sucked up from everyone as well as all the introjection mechanisms. Give God back His job. Get Him out of the soup line. Let God do His work and you be His Child. Have the Best Day!
Posted 1 week ago by Chuck Spezzano

April 20, 2013
PSYCHIC AWARENESS is the card for today. It signals a gift that develops at a whole new level of power. It is helpful to you and to others, creating flow and seeing the way through. Everyone has this ability and different people have different gifts. Some come as a result of a breakthrough and at other times they simply develop. Whatever it is for you, enjoy the gift of it. Turn it over to Heaven for its best and truest use. Have a good one!
Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Psychic Awareness

December 11, 2012
KNACK is the card for the day. It speaks of a talent that has psychic energy tied to it to make it stronger. Your KNACKS are helpful to you and others and come under the category of leadership gifts, creating flow and connection. Have a fun day!

June 3, 2010
HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card for today. Ju-ju refers to magic or anything beyond the natural order. This includes dark magic, curses, psychic attack and possessions of any sort. Usually this is relegated to the unconscious mind and can come in through any form of toxic attack or abuse. Today connect with the Divine Presence and with any of your Friends in High Places whom you are or ask to be connected with.

Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning. This can end oppression you did not even know you were under. Many times those carrying strong light or a great purpose are attacked ,even by parents caught for a time in the dark supernatural in an attempt to wound or keep you small. When we are trapped by this energy,it is often a form of collusion on our part afraid of our purpose and destiny. This type of healing removes unconscious fears. Have a great cleaning day !
Posted 3rd June 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Dark Magic Dark Supernatural

September 6, 2010

The astral is the dark unconscious that is ancient fragments of the ego,also known as demons,devils,dark gods,etc. This is the dark supernatural that is intent on delaying and obstructing us as much as possible to hold back the relatedness and evolution so that they keep their base of control for as long as they can. At some level (the unconscious) it is all our mind and we are integrating these fragments which seem to have a mind of their own. Their attacks can come in the form of setbacks,attacks from others or even pure malice coming at us energetically. We can always call in God, the Tao, The Holy Spirit, Jesus,our angel,Quan Yin or the many other older brothers and sisters who have realized Oneness. Another way is to realize that we are spirit and as such are safe ,healed and whole.

Besides holding us back, the dark forces have the hidden hope for redemption and that whomever they attack will have the wherewithal or connection with Friends in High Places to send them back to the light.
This is a big opportunity to help yourself and the whole earth today. There is a karmic connection established when a victimizer attacks a victim;this ends when the victim finally redeems the victimizer. We have the opportunity to bring the light today and dispel the darkness.

Invoke the Light today. Call in your Friends in High Places and send these ego fragments back to the Light from which we all came and to which we shall all return.Help yourself and help the whole earth today by your awareness and willingness.
Posted 6th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Astral Card Dark Supernatural

If you Google search the terms "psychic" with "Chuck Spezzano" two very enlightening facts surface. First, the large number of SALPOV former students now work in their spinoff business as self-described psychics. We see the same thing with others trained in SALPOV who advertise their hypnosis skills. Second, many of these psychics erroneously refer to Charles Lee Spezzano as a "psychologist." It is just as Lenora Kay Spezzano says, "Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive." So true.

He's not a psychic. He's not a psychologist. He's not a professional. He's a "coach." And a VERY expensive one.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 06:07:49 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #293 on: July 20, 2014, 10:52:50 pm »
The Internet is full of cult checklists. But I found myself drawn to the following post by Fr. Dwight Longenecker for various reasons.

Although the SALPOV website, until recently, claimed their two greatest inspirations were Oneness University and A Course in Miracles, I maintain the true greatest inspiration is the Catholic Church that influenced young Charles Lee Spezzano, who had made an early decision to serve the Church as a celibate servant but abandoned this goal in order to follow very worldly pursuits. I believe this has resulted in an extreme split mind which is reflected in the insecure and fragile SALPOV dogma. Particularly the obsession with guilt.

This very insecurity manifests itself in cultish behavior and policy as a means of enforcing conformity of thought, not to mention securing a continuous revenue flow.

The SALPOV Trainers Manual outlines an ersatz mini-Catholic Church with Charles in the role of Pope. That's my take on it at least.

Given the Catholic foundation of SALPOV, I figured Longenecker's piece was the most appropriate and accurate filter to use as a method of deciding whether or not SALPOV is a cult--
Cults and Common Sense
April 16, 2013 By Fr. Dwight Longenecker

One of the creepiest things about religion is the tendency for those involved to drift into cult-like behaviors. How can you tell if a religious group is operating like a cult? It’s difficult because the people in a religious group can behave like a cult without them becoming a full blown, identifiable religious cult.

What groups am I thinking of? It could be a small local group or a large international group. It could be a parish or a school. It could be a study group or an ecclesial community. The difficulty is that cult like behavior is often very similar to authentic and Spirit filled Christian communities. A cult will often look like a good, authentic and dynamic Christian community. In fact, the cult will often out do the authentic Christian community in certain respects. Sometimes the cult will feel more authentic, more dynamic, more spiritual and more “filled with the Spirit.”

How can you tell if a parish, a school, a community or a religious group are becoming cult like? Again, it is very difficult because some groups that have cult-like behaviors remain at a low level of these behaviors.

So what are the danger signs? First of all, if a religious community or a religious leader seem too good to be true–guess what? They’re usually too good to be true. That’s because group cult behavior conspires to cover up and hide away anything that tarnishes the glossy image of that “wonderful community” that all the members want so much to believe in. This is the first sign of a cult: everything is too wonderful and everyone is ready to tell you how wonderful it all is. The cult will invariably have an amazingly good public relations operation. They will present a good and glossy front with 100% participation of all involved. This being the case, if your priest is a man who’s faults are obvious. Maybe you should be grateful. He’s real. He’s not trying to con you.

The second thing to watch out for is the leadership. The leadership of a cult will invariably be selective and exclusive. There will be a public face of the leadership, and that person will unfailingly present the nice, glossy and polished face of the organization. The public face will be squeaky clean and wonderful. If it is a personality based cult there may be no other leadership. However, if there is a board of directors or trustees, they will remain in the background. You may not know who they are. Their meetings will not be public. They may even have a vow of secrecy about their meetings. They will call this something nice like “a confidentiality agreement.” This means they cannot discuss what goes on behind those closed doors. There may not be a formal leadership group at all. Instead the leader may simply have an inside circle of friends and confidantes who nobody really knows because they never have any meetings as such. The decisions are all taken in private. The leadership will be tightly controlled and it will be by invitation only. If you encounter non-transparent leadership in this way. Don’t be surprised and be suspicious.

A third trait of a cult is that complete loyalty is demanded of the followers. Dissent and criticism is not permitted. Those who dissent will be marginalized, excluded from decision making and demonized. If the leaders cannot get rid of the dissenters they will be isolated and given a name. They will be “the troublemakers” or “the grumblers”. The dissenters from within will be considered the most dangerous ones and you will find that there are divisions–those who are loyal followers and those who are suspected of being “disloyal” or “rebellious”. The disloyal and rebellious ones will be deemed “unspiritual” or “difficult”. In extreme cases the dissenters will become scapegoats and all the negativities of the group will be projected on to them.

A fourth characteristic of a group that has become a cult or is behaving in a cult like manner is that there will be a persecution complex. A group of outside forces will be identified who are “the enemy”. A little fortress will be built in which all those on the inside are the “faithful ones” while all those on the outside will increasingly be demonized and feared. There will be no real effort to build bridges or get to know those on the outside. There will be no real effort to treat the outsiders as real people. Instead they are the enemy to be kept at arms’ length and against whom the faithful will usually project their fears and suspicions. At worst the enemy will have all the sins and fears and dark negativities projected on them.

The problem is that when a group is becoming cult like it does so innocently. Nobody sets out to establish a cult. Instead, unconsciously certain individuals start to behave in this manner and they support one another. The leadership starts to create an unrealistically wonderful religious atmosphere and those who want and need that sort of religious group will support it and feed the flames. The faithful will set the leader up on a pedestal and declare him to be wonderful and the leader (who needs and likes the adulation) will encourage their hero worship. Those who object or suspect what is happening will be automatically excluded or marginalized by those who wish to perpetuate the super wonderful world they are setting up for themselves.

It all stinks to high heaven, and I know how it works because in over fifty years of working in a range of religious groups I have seen these behaviors develop within parishes, within home prayer and praise groups, within schools, in colleges and in independent churches.

What’s the antidote? One of the antidotes is actually the Catholic parish system. If we all went to our local parish and put up with the priest we didn’t happen to like and the people who were just there because, like us, they lived there–we would be more realistic and we wouldn’t fall into personality cult problems.

Another antidote is common sense. If something or someone seems to be too good to be true. They are. Common sense pops pomposity’s balloon and brings things down to earth. A third antidote is open-ness to criticism and dissent. A real servant leader and a truly service based group will value all members and be strong enough to listen to dissenting voices. They will treat criticism as positive feedback and be open not only to dissent but to outsiders. A fourth antidote is confession. Cult members and cult leaders never admit their mistakes and will never be able to make a true, honest and open confession or apology. If your leader or community members cannot say “sorry” you’ve got problems.

Finally, real religion is just that. It’s real. It’s humble. Remember the word “humility” comes from the word “humus” which means “earth”. Real religion is down to earth. It’s humble and oh yes, “Humus” is also the root for “humor”. Real religion always knows how to have a laugh. If a group or a person can’t laugh at themselves–be suspicious. If they take themselves or their movement or their spirituality with utmost seriousness–beware.

Although the Catholic Church has a lot of issues of its own to deal with, I must say as a person who is unaffiliated with any religion I am impressed with Longenecker's thoughtful post. On all points of his checklist, SALPOV fails miserably.

SALPOV is indeed a creepy commercial personality cult under the broader Religion of Worshipping Money and I highly doubt they will deploy any of Longenecker's suggested antidotes as a way to pull out of the nosedive they are now experiencing as they head for a major crash. Remember, we are talking about entitled wealthy Americans here. They have lost their way and are blinded by their own story. SALPOV seems to be on some kind of deathwish spiral with their options for rescue blocked by their own incredible denial of reality.

I really feel bad for those souls who bought all that Spezzano nonsense. Life is too precious to waste on existing only to feed the Spezzano Cult bank account. I've read the manuals and have seen how deep they have their hooks into your lives.

To walk between the Earth and the Sky as a free and independent person without fear is something to be. SALPOV is never going to give that to you. They are all about mental and emotional slavery. Just keep dropping the coin of the realm into their collection plate. As long as you subscribe to SALPOV dogma, you will never be a free human being. 

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #294 on: July 22, 2014, 06:13:47 pm »
Every inhabitant of Haida Gwaii should be required to view this YouTube video. Actually, all of British Columbia should watch this video. What Lenora Kay Spezzano did to Babs Stevens is something she would like to perform on all the people of Haida Gwaii. So hey, does Lenora have a deal for you! Submit yourself to "downloading" and be reduced to a near drooling quivering zombie! And as a bonus you get to be the "child" of an entitled wealthy American! Doesn't that sound like an enlightening experience? 

This idea is not good. The client / victim would be left unprotected for critics and attacs, other people with bad disposition can analysizes her behaviour and weakenings and misuse them to harm. They can develop more ideas to force people into etremely stresslevel. The victim knows it will be possible allways turning in her painfull situation and there is no exit.
To show the video for all a client cannot be helped to clarify what happened.

Just if the client wants to present herself as an evidence, it should be allowed. Better those videos will be deleted and clients got connection to educated therapists. And also the client should give the therapist the address of POV for contact. The contact between POV and therapist must be allowed by the client.

Those videaos are not basics to explain how the results of POV can be.

Guess what the whole of Haida Gwaii and the world has access to view this you tube thanks to the promotional spirit of POV for making this induced psychosis public. How pathetic to abuse a devotee this way,exposing them as gullible fools for all first nations and non fn to see just to prove that their chosen method of induction has manipulated their victims into succumbing to their devices.

To see the extent of abuse that this you tube of Babs Stevens and Lency Spezzano demonstrates , the disregard of self dignity and how that extends out to the families and community of this victim is disturbing and has long range damage to many! This is imposed by the “coach,spiritual leader,whatever you want to call this person in charge of POV and their promotional tactics”.

How lucky for them to secure a “person in power” within the Haida nation. They must feel such a big achievement to harness such an entrapment as Babs Stevens, band manager , CEO of Skidegate community for over 40 years! Wow what a powerful feather for Lency to put into her hat of achievements! Pretty hard for any victim of Lency's or Chuck's to live down such self effacing shame once (if possible) they sober up and realize how outrageously horrible it is for them to be exposed to the world and their own community like this.

This you tube is so belittling and saddens the first nation heart which still has critical thinking to know instantly what a disgrace Lency has made of Babs. So sad and obviously ridiculous ,that if this is the “cutting edge “ method that Chuck and Lency apply and are so proud of , then this method may reveal more of a cutting edge  for the long term damage this is doing to their successful entrapped recruits like Babs.

Wow,imagine paying a “life coach” to expose you in a you tube like this publicly! It is so destructive to ones life to be exposed as delusional and dominated by a grimacing freakshow . If I was Babs' employer I would be pursing measures to have her seen by an accredited psychologist for a psychiatric assessment. If this is the end result of of becoming trained for “whatever” by Chuck and Lency Spezzano , I would not be trusting Babs in such an important position as managing the lives and resources of the Skidegate community.

How many other First Nations are Chuck and Lency going to puppeteer into their plan to manipulate and control? What's the big attraction and target? Do you seriously believe Canadians are going to let some fat cats from the states extract our First Nations Heritage, displace our indigenous people into a divisive plan designed by Chuck? This you tube of Babs and Lency is not acceptable by any Canadian standards as a cure for anything, especially for the plight of what the original planners of this country imposed on all our good people. Makes you wonder if Harper and Chuck worked out a deal to subdue FN and make way for the more taking!

Careful who you let into your life, because it can not only ruin your own life but ruin the ones around you that you love!

I sure hope that Babs gets help to get out of this mess and can redeem her life back to “normal” which is what most human lives are living out in reality. I wonder if she could return to her original self after allowing C & L spend the last 20 years draining her memory and replacing it with their messaging and programming of self annihilation?  I am sure it would involve long term corrective therapy to undo all that indoctrination securely locked in by embedded commands and emotional conditioning.

A good case for inhuman treatment and cultural violation to FN people ! Not to mention the rest of the internationally targeted communities POV has corrupted with their cutting edge methods.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #295 on: August 02, 2014, 01:57:50 am »
SALPOV Odds and Ends, part one

Here are some fun scraps I have found in the course of researching SALPOV, not presented in a real organised manner. Think of this as a grab bag of factoids. One of my favourite novels is Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Like Billy Pilgrim, the hero of the story, I'll skip around as I become unstuck in time but in the end a tale will be told--

From Ghostbusters--

Janine Melnitz: Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?

Winston Zeddemore: Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.

We defaming, bullying, slandering, libelous, criminal, astral attacker, shady character, cyberstalking, unenlightened, hater critics (remember, SALPOV claims it does not have an "us vs. them" mentality, but we have been called all these things!) are frequently taken to task by defenders of the cult for never having attended a SALPOV workshop. But in fact, some among us have, but most of them are too afraid to come forward out of the fear embedded into them by the SALPOV goons as they are afraid of suffering dire consequences for speaking up. But we know their stories and speak for them.

Also, using the term "Haters" is getting sort of tired. It is a favourite word used by American Right-Wing nutjobs. It used to be said that once the word "Nazi" or any reference to Hitler was used in an online forum, that was a signal the discussion was basically over and the writer was shutting down their ability to learn (Godwin's Law). I think the term "Haters" is the new "Nazi."

Personally, I find the attendance issue to be absurd. In the past I worked in a very low level capacity with lobotomy victims. I saw the results of a procedure I never witnessed. Lobotomy victims and SALPOV survivors have a lot in common. Subjects of inhuman treatment that need to be healed by REAL professionals and REAL love, not the kind you have to pay big bucks to obtain in an artificial group setting with a high price-tagged made-up "family" with Charles and Lenora playing the role of Father and Mother. And I don't need to attend a lobotomy or SALPOV session in order to judge the results.

Besides, Lenora has provided us with plenty of documentary evidence about what goes on, and it does not look especially inviting. In fact, it is horrifying!--

The whole SALPOV culture creeps me out and saddens my heart more than being around lobotomy victims.

Plus, I'm cheap. I don't want to throw away my hard earned wage slave money on a couple of overfed and affluent American grifters. They are not worth it, even for entertainment value. But if I do ever go, I will enact the procedure suggested by Large Group Awareness Training Truth--
10 fun ways to social hack an awareness training from the inside out
Posted on January 31, 2013 by lgattruth

The Program is a novel by author Gregg Hurwitz. Although it’s fiction, The Program provides some great insight into abusive groups and destructive movements, as well as ways to social hack a Large Group Awareness Training.

In this case, social hack is used to refer to a method to literally disrupt and ideally completely destabilize the Large Group Awareness Training, from the inside out.

10 key ways to social hack a Large Group Awareness Training:

1) Act authoritatively. Destructive groups and abusive movements often model their staff and train their leadership after the one influential leader and founder of the group. They will not expect you yourself to also act in this manner. They often act authoritarian and totalitarian, as this is how these staff members are taught, to emulate and act like their leader and founder.

2) Bring a mental health professional as part of your social hacking group. Ideally this would be someone with a PhD in psychology or an M.D. with a specialty in psychiatry. This person would educate and brief the members of the social hacking team about tactics and methods of the group, and the dangers of getting in too deep into its thought patterns.

3) Bring an ex-member of the group in question. This ex-member should be someone intimately aware of the ways the group functions, and yet out for enough time to have fully gone through a period of cognitive dissonance and awakened back to a pattern to appropriately interact with society again.

4) Bring law enforcement or someone familiar with the law. This person will help brief the rest of the members of the social hacking team on their rights should staff from the destructive group or abusive movement falsely make claims about their actions during the seminar. This person would also be quite useful to conduct research into the possible criminal activities of the group and its founder and leader. This person should instruct all members of the social hacking team on ways to have fun disrupting and destabilizing the Large Group Awareness Training seminar, without doing anything illegal.

5) Don’t follow group mentality. Refuse to stand when everyone else stands. Don’t clap when everyone else claps. This will help you maintain your sense of self and independence throughout the attempts by the abusive group or destructive movement at influence and manipulation. If you are asked to explain yourself by a staff member of the abusive group, sample language from the book includes: “From what I’ve seen, I’m not sure if I like The Program yet. If I decide that I don’t like what’s going on here, I’m leaving. Thank you for having me here today.” (Obviously replace “The Program” with the name of whatever destructive group or abusive movement’s seminar you are attending.)

6) Politely interrupt the seminar with inquisitive questions. Make sure to be polite about this. Again, maintain a positive and happy attitude when doing this. Most likely other members of the seminar in the room full of 200 or so people will echo some of your concerns.

7) Assertively affirm your positive outlook on life. Wording suggested in the book by the fictional psychologist, character Dr. Glen Bederman is: “My Program is: I participate in activities that give me self-esteem, and I have the courage to decline to participate in those activities that do not.” This frames your reason for attending in a positive way that simultaneously retains your own sense of self, independence, assertiveness, and self worth. It also signals to potential shills, dupes, and marks in the audience that they can similarly adopt your positive yet independent attitude and modus operandi while being in the seminar.

8) Maintain a positive and happy attitude. You are there to have a fun time. Act like it. Potential shills and suckers and marks will respond positively to you if you question the methods and tactics of the abusive group or destructive movement, while at the same time showing you are a happy and fulfilled person.

9) Bring a digital thermometer. Destructive groups and abusive movements will sometimes wildly alter the ambient temperature in the room where the seminar is conducted, in order to put attendees off balance. If you notice this pattern, politely but loudly question the staff on this, in front of the rest of the seminar participants so they can all hear your concerns.

10) Ask the staff loudly and politely if they are licensed to practice hypnosis. In the book, the fictional psychologist Dr. Glen Bederman asks: “Are you licensed to administer hypnosis in the state of California?” When the abusive group’s leader “TD” responds: “We’re not practicing hypnosis here. We’re simply meditating.”, Dr. Bederman loudly points out in earshot of the entire seminar: “Guided meditation is a form of hypnosis. Everyone in this room should know that.”

Next in this grab bag is a YouTube by Bernie Koftinoff--

Bernie, who is apparently from BC, shares her journey with Oneness University in a very direct, articulate and sincere manner. What I find most intriguing here is how much of what she is saying is also mirrored in SALPOV philosophy. So why is Lenora Kay Spezzano distancing herself from Oneness University? Why the SALPOV online information purge of all connection with OU, formerly one of their "two greatest inspirations"? Young Christopher Spezzano told us a few months ago--

My parents also have NO affiliation whatsoever with Oneness University. They and some of their students attended some of their courses a number of years ago, but were shocked and disgusted to learn about some of their practices. My mom actually spearheaded a campaign to learn and expose the truth about Oneness University. My parents do not support their practices, community, or methods. They have wanted nothing to do with that organization once they had an opportunity to learn more about them. They adamantly steer people away from that organization, their practices, and beliefs. They would NOT want their students to be affiliated with that organization in any capacity. You and your so-called "researchers" need to get your facts straight. If you attempt to destroy someone, as you are attempting to do both my parents and all the tens of thousands of people around the world they have helped, you have to have the mental willpower to do balanced research. Without a balanced, analytical approach to what you are doing, you are manipulating all of the people who are reading your posts. To be honest, it seems you have been just as brainwashed by this misinformation as anyone a part of a real cult. It's worrisome, unhealthy, and downright illegal to pursue these untrue attacks. We are now in the process of cleaning up this misinformation. We will likely have to take legal action against the defamers to clear up the misinformation and slander they are spreading and issue a public apology. If you have any further questions or attacks, I would be happy to educate you further about your ignorance. Hopefully I can then continue to clear up the damage that you have been doing to thousands of people around the world, not just my parents ...
Christopher Haokalani Spezzano

I have also made copies of our conversations and screenshots of your public defamation posts on Facebook to hold you legally accountable for any further unfounded damage you choose to do.

Whew. And Lenora told us in her recent screed--

What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs.

We have provided more than enough research and documentation here to prove both Lenora and young Christopher are full of hot air and completely wrong. Neither one of them gave us specifics or dates or examples. Exactly what is the truth about Oneness University that shocked and disgusted Lenora? From what I can see and have demonstrated on this forum, Oneness University remains alive and well within the SALPOV dogma to this day. What exactly are the Spezzanos running away from and why are they betraying their strong connection to Oneness University? There is a major credibility gap taking place here. If there is any apology to made, it should be from the Spezzanos to their clients.

Next, "Spirit Bear"

Here's the long Google translate URL--,cd_min:2007,cd_max:2008

"Spirit Bear" has his own entry here in NAFPS--;nowap

And note the Spezzano connections in both URLs.

Next, Selling the Sacred

SALPOV has, among the many other items for sale, some "bouys." These are used in Buddhist temples, sometimes in conjunction with "fortune sticks," and are known as Divination Blocks, Moon Blocks, or Jiaobei Blocks. They are used as a fortune telling device. Two observations. Nothing is so sacred in SALPOV that it can't have a price tag. Second, these are sold as fortune telling toys, just like the ersatz tarot card sets for sale by SALPOV.

Those SALPOV card sets are the fool's gold bling of the New Age set. And utterly worthless except to the gullible. It never fails to amaze me how people read what they want to read in Spezzano's random 3-card Las Vegas slot machine. It is depressing, actually, to see how easily led people can be, so willing to give up responsibility over their lives and surrender their critical thinking in such a spectacular way. They must be desperate and very wounded people, and the Spezzanos should be ashamed of how they are cashing on the suffering of these folks.

So, tell me again why the Spezzanos should be taken seriously as "professionals" in the field of psychology?


The 2014 German language Psychology of Vision Handbook is now online--

I include this mostly for my friends in the RCMP who can read German. Have at it, Mounties! We love you! Section K is the one to read.

Here's the link to Ingeborg's excellent take on an earlier edition of this chapter--


Stefan Peter Götz interviews Charles Lee Spezzano in June 2014--

Note that Charles never mentions accepting responsibility for errors. Also, according to his logic, Lenora's reactive response to our criticism has only served to increase the influence and power of us lowlife critics. Thank you, Lenora!

SALPOV is suffering from a split mind.

Charles has never been in charge of dozens of employees. I have. And I can say he is full of ... nonsense, and has no real world idea of what he is talking about. SALPOV is a pretty poor example of how a business should be run. What happened to that "synergy" and "interdependence" SALPOV had with Oneness U., or the "Healing Keys"? Don't ever become a business partner with the Spezzanos, they'll ruthlessly throw you under the bus if you become a liability and threaten their profit margin. And they are not very good at cover ups and whitewashing. That's the only area where they really are "transparent."

Complacency can cost you.

Next up

The Spezzanos were able to ride the 2012 idiocy to their advantage. Dig this riff from Charles' Nightlight Newsletter from Nov. 2012--

The world is slowly spiritualizing, and as a result it is being lifted.  Idols, trivia and other forms of delay are being exchanged for what has true value.  This saves a great deal of heartbreak, disillusionment and wasted time.

The question remains:  “Will it be enough to welcome an easy birth in the last eleven days of December?”

November is the turning point.  We are all called to help as we can.  It is time to turn emergency into emergence.  This is what we came for.  This is the time.  This is the month we can tip the scales.  What was revealed to me in these last months on the road in lectures and workshops is that we could all lose many people close to us at the end of December…Japan could be lost.  China could be leveled.  People in Asia could lose more than half the people they know.  In Europe it is between 15 to 25 of the one hundred closest people to them.  But none of this needs to happen.  Are any of you willing to give up anyone you know and love when you could instead help to change that in significant ways?  There is much to be done and the odds are good that we can step up rather than be knocked down.

There are important things that we all can heal, such as letting go of any grievances because they pull us and the world down.  In the same way, we are called to forgive ourselves because guilt breeds self-attack.  Self-attack promotes guilt and judgment and that guilt is projects it onto others.

There's more, but why bother? Did Charles ever follow up and say, "Oops, perhaps I made a mistake by pretending to be a psychic and whipping all of you into a state of TERROR"? In my research such an apology or confession has never happened in the history of SALPOV. The main thing is the Spezzanos were able to keep the herd in control through fear. As the American Boomer Spezzanos probably like to sing when thinking about managing their cult followers--

Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope, throw, and brand 'em
Soon we'll be living high and wide.

Sort of gives a new meaning to the term "Chuck Wagon" don't it?


An interesting take on the Oneness Malarkey during the time Spezzanos first fell in love with the idea--

"How people fall for this nonsense is actually rather sad."


A Lenora Oneness and Guilt workshop

Dialogues on the Nature of Oneness and the Deeksha Blessing, An evening lecture with Lency Spezzano

24 July 2008, United Kingdom, Brighton


From Bethsaida, 2007

Chuck and Lency Spezzano    
inspirational teachers and authors

Chuck graduated in 1970 from Duquesne University with a BA (Honours) in Philosophy and Psychology, followed in 1971 with a Masters in Sociology. In 1977 he obtained his PhD in Counselling Psychology form the United States International University, San Diego, California. From 1973 to 1979 he practised as a psychologist at the Naval Rehabilitation Center in California, conducting therapy groups and individual sessions, and eventually he developed a workshop system for the unit to augment group and individual therapy. From 1980 to 1991 he practiced marriage, family and child counselling.

His PhD, unaccredited by the APA, was in "professional psychology" not "counselling psychology." I'm still trying to figure out how Charles could be called a "psychologist" at the Rehab Center without a degree. From 1980-1982 he was apparently attempting to make a living as a psychic, according to his online autobiography.

"In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops."

But back to the biography. We learn Lenora is an empath!

Lency is pioneering a mystical path through her joining method that emphasises the feminine, emotional and direct approach to love. As an empath, she joins with participants using love as a healing tool that releases emotional pain from the body, and connects them with the bliss of Divine Love.

She's an "empath" connected to "Divine Love" and you aren't. But if you pay enough, through the nose, she'll share it with you. Doesn't something about that seem a little shifty to you? I mean, that's her product. That's what she is selling. Apparently her economic, social, national and cultural entitlement extends to spiritual entitlement as well. So you people better stand up and salute! Because she's a better person than the rest of us unenlightened low-maturity slobs immobilized by our own guilt!


SALPOV fits perfectly into the following brief essay on cult-think by Mark Dunlop, especially in the use of guilt. Also, note that ol' split mind stuff, the "us vs. them" mentality, the elitism, and the addictive nature of attending workshops--

Do Cults Produce Mental Disorders?
by Mark Dunlop

My basic thesis is that with cults, it is the belief system itself which is the primary active agent in cult mind control, and the actual controlling of mind is done by believers themselves, as they train and discipline their own minds in accordance with the tenets of their new faith or belief system. The article tries to deconstruct the nature of 'cult-type' belief systems, and to analyze how they differ from 'mainstream' belief systems.
- Mark Dunlop

This is just a summary - to read the entire manuscript, go to: The Culture of Cults [dead link]

Here is a brief statement by Mark on whether cult involvement can create or encourage mental disorders, such as borderline or bi-polar disorders. - Editors

Cults promote a belief system which is utopian/idealistic, and also dualistic and bi-polar in nature. Dualistic in that they see the world in terms of two opposite poles, such as good versus evil, the saved and the fallen, the enlightened and the ignorant, etc.

Cult belief systems are also bi-polar in psychological terms, rather like Bi-polar disorder or manic-depression. Cults promote a vision of an ideal 'new self', which members believe they can attain by following the cult teachings. Cult belief systems encourage the aspirant to identify with this imagined ideal new self, and then, from the perspective of this new self, to see their old self as comparatively inferior and flawed. It is ego-utopia or hubris for the new self, and ego-dystonia or shame for the old self.

Believers can experience a sort of religious mania of inspiration, when they are in the hubris phase, identifying with this idealised imaginary new self, with its perfect perception and understanding, etc. They can become addicted to this hubris high, and become dependent on the group and its leadership to validate their spiritual progress and to maintain this inspiration.

There is often a sort of collective arrogance or hubris among established cult members. They see themselves as part of an elite, and look down rather sniffily upon the mores and values of established mainstream institutions.

If members fall out of favour, even temporarily, with the group leadership, or if they begin to doubt if they can achieve the group's ideals, they may experience a sort of religious depression or guilt, over their seeming inability to free themselves from their 'old self', with all its bad habits and weaknesses and lack of faith. This depression reinforces their desire to return to the inspired state, and can reinforce their addiction to the utopian vision of the cult belief system, so there can be a feedback system going on too.

At an extreme, believers fear they will become ill or fall into hell if they leave the group.

All this goes on within a cult members mind. A cult does not control its members by using external coercion. It is the belief system itself which is the primary active agent in cult mind control. The actual controlling of mind is done by the person themselves, as they attempt to discipline their mind and reform their personality, in accordance with the tenets of their new belief system. Effectively, a cult, via its belief system, uses a person's own energy and aspirations against them.

Of course, ordinary society can be a bit bi-polar as well, with its pressure to be successful, with perfect hair, lifestyle, etc.

It sounds like your girlfriend might have some pre-existing issues with self-esteem (don't we all ;) A cult can play on both her anxieties and her aspirations at the same time. They (or their belief system) can potentially make her feel both more guilty about her 'old self' with its normal human weaknesses, and simultaneously inspire her with an imaginary idealised vision of a wonderful new self and a new life. Very bi-polar.

In general, when you talk to a cult member, it can be helpful to understand which self, either the old self with its old set of beliefs or the new self with its new set of cult beliefs, is more dominant at any particular time.

If you criticise a cult member, this may just encourage their tendency to see themselves (their old self) as flawed, and may push them further into the cult. If you criticise their church or group, the cult-member will go into cult-self mode and will see your criticisms as tending to confirm the cult's warnings about the outside world and its negative effects. A better approach may be to acknowledge and encourage a cult member's old self, without criticising or threatening the new cult self. If a cult member feels valued in themselves, and their old self does not feel devalued, then this weakens the cult's attraction for them.

Stay tuned, there's more--

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #296 on: August 02, 2014, 02:44:54 am »
SALPOV Odds and Ends, part two


The Deeksha Danger website--


An article on one of the Spezzanos "two greatest inspirations"--

Severe Problems with "Bhagavan Kalki's" Deeksha Oneness Movement


Psychology of Vision is a subsidiary of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. (hence the SALPOV acronym). Spezzano and Associates Ltd., a for-profit corporation, has two officers, Charles Lee Spezzano, President and Lenora Kay Spezzano, Vice-President. Now this is a level corporation-- how?


Not convinced SALPOV is on a downward spiral? Go to Google Trends and type in "Psychology of Vision" or even "Chuck Spezzano"--


JC's Journal gives us a rare peek into what happens day by day inside a SALPOV workshop from the point of view of an attendee--

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -1

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

My family (Jenus, Jason, Annie and I) will jointly attend the PoV Workshop hosted by Chuck and Lency for four days from today. If it isn’t because of Jason’s problem, I think my family will never attend this kind of workshop together. It might be arranged by God!

It was my first time to see the founders of PoV – couple of Chuck & Lency. As they walked into the classroom slowly, I had goose bumps like getting an electric shock. I was not sure if it was just like fans screaming when seeing their idol or it was like the neutralization of discharge when my little magnetic field met a powerful one. But anyhow, it was a wondrous experience for me!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

The personality cult aspect of SALPOV makes me wonder what is going to happen when Lenora and Charles finally retire or join the Choir Eternal. Given the fact this is a corporate body named Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision, what will replace the idols in this personality-driven for-profit enterprise after the Pope and his Vice-President Pope go away? These two are now in their 60s. I don't see a lot of young people clamoring to join the herd. Rather, I see a cult heading for a big crash. Neither of the Spezzano children or any other obvious heirs appear to be groomed to replace the two objects of worship in this cult.

I would love to read a study about SALPOV written by a professional sociologist or a REAL professional psychologist.  It seems to me we have the material for a novel here as well, sort a modern version of Elmer Gantry. I just might write it myself in the roman à clef format! No one would believe it!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -2

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Most of Lency’s course is the awareness of energy. When finding our energy, combine it with our broken energy by means of PoV. In the past, the union practice was taken by two people in group gazing at each other. This time Lency used a new way from yoga and Indian Oneness University to do “union practice”.

“Sitting cross-legged” is a joy for me. But for the awareness of energy, I seem to be groping. I’m still learning how to analyze and think without being too rational, and to feel energy intuitively!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

There's that Oneness University being integrated into SALPOV teachings. Remember Oneness U? The place Lenora says has noooooo connection with SALPOV? None at all. Never happened.


Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -3

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Mostly Chuck’s courses are based on the psychological theories and his actual experiences. By his explanation, a conscious behavior could be peeled off through the layers to let the subconscious reason behind be dissected gradually. We admired and were surprised by many of his opinions. Regarding this sort of analysis and perception, my comprehension still went beyond my intuitive feeling.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Boy, that's really profound. Sure worth 3000 dollars, huh?

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 4

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

The following are what I’ve learnt in these few days:

1. Happiness is a choice. It’s but a spiritual choice in ubiquity. As long as you’re willing to give what you have, with perfect ease, you’ll have a feeling of happiness that comes from “awakening”.

2. When you feel you have some distinguishing characteristics, your greatness will be offset. Great men are humble since they expand their characteristics to all human beings.

3. “Worry” is an attack that the virus of “fear” is inflicted on others. Whenever you’re worried, ask yourself “Am I attacking others with worry?”

4. The independent think “to get” equals “suffering” so they don’t ask for help.

5. Miracles come from love and confidence.

6. After the Indian Spiritual Leader Guruji finished a retreat for years, the first word he said was “Don’t worry, be happy!”

7. All problems are, when getting down to bedrock, all a matter of “relation”.

8. All the external relations in dispute are caused by personally internal dispute and the dispute between self and God.

9. Dejection originates in that you have dejection idols in mind. The most three common ones are:
(1) Victim idol
(2) Independent idol
(3) Sacrifice idol

You admire these dejection idols so you become a victim, a solitary and a scapegoat unconsciously.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

"When you feel you have some distinguishing characteristics, your greatness will be offset." So if I am reading that right, diminish that within which makes you different. Get in alignment with the program. No room for flawed folks who don't fit the spiritual Eugenic system we have set up. Amazing.

Great men, as we have seen over and over again in history, had enormous human failings which they managed to parlay to their advantage through using independent will and critical thinking.

From the Third Man: "You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Not an entirely historically accurate quote, but you get the idea.

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 5

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. People are used to control others with anger and blame others for not acting as their play. In fact, they put their “guiltiness” on others. After blaming, others do as their play and everything a hundred percent goes to fulfill their play. Thus, angering is only an excuse. All are intended by themselves.

2. “Deathly still” is a defensive emotion so no any of commitments should be made.

3. Perfectionism is a compensating behavior that one thinks he is imperfect. Perfectionists intend to take over all things without regarding if they should or shouldn’t. Also, they think highly of perfection more than things.

4. When you know what your problem is, the only way to settle is to accept it, admit that it’s your problem, and face it bravely.

5. Being in pain is because you pretend the suffering isn’t on you. The treatment is to accept the fact of suffering and experience it.

6. When some misery happens in your life, you may decide to cut off the relation with someone, especially cutting off the connection between you and your parents in childhood. This feeling of isolation is crucial to all problems in your future life.

7. State of enlightenment or awakening:

(1) Open-minded: Able to accept all good and bad things.

(2) The past suffering was completely burn to nothing. Anytime only the present moment is in your mind.

(3) Your heart doesn’t stay on anything nor burden anything. If you a hundred percent accept everything and give all you have, you’ll get the intellectual thinking easily.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Point # 1 is exactly what Charles Lee Spezzano is imposing on his followers. SALPOV is a corporation built on the foundation of the Catholic guilt of Charles. He's using a profitable enterprise to work out his own story. His own clients are paying for the therapy of their idol. But it does not appear to be working. Such a waste. SALPOV is such a waste.

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 6

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Self-consciousness à self-attack à self-torment
Self-consciousness comes from that one keeps looking the past and the present self. Then he judges himself, gets shy, and is insulted, which makes him start attacking himself. So, to ensure his performance meet his expectation, he continuously oversees and forces himself to do more, which become self-torment. In the above self-expectation, there’s a false self-recognition: “if I do this way, others will like me.” Instead of being aware of the part being loved, he constantly teaches himself how to be loved.

2. Each character is a tool formed to help self to fulfill the specific goal.

3. Remedy for self-consciousness:

(1) Humor: Humor can run creative thinking.

(2) Gratitude: Write down the names we want to say thank-you and keep pay love forward.

(3) Giving: The more we give, the less suffering we feel. To help others is to help ourselves and to let us walk in the stream of love.

4. Sincerely make friends with our staff for life to build a connection. Being humor, we’ll find staff’s faithfulness.

5. Self-attack is the biggest trap in our life. God gives us only beautiful things. However, “ego” let us feel things always go bad and think in complicacy so that we easily get stuck in self-consciousness.

6. God will never stop loving us but only we’ll stop this love.

7. God is working for us. Unless we tell about our need, God won’t work for us.

8. Whatever is persisted in correctness, there’s must be something wrong inside.

9. Complainers never stop complaining. They live in a vicious circle of bitterness all their life. However, intention is equal to result. If the result comes out not good, only all we can do is to change our intention. Then we, rather than anyone else, should be a hundred percent responsible for our action. If we don’t know how to do, sincerely pray to God for grace, which is just the fastest and most effective solution.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

We complainers are such a pain in the ass, aren't we? We are the rock in the shoe. The flat tire you deny is happening. We tend to bring up some truths that prove to be somewhat inconvenient to people like the Spezzanos who victimize the vulnerable as they make a pretty handsome profit. The cult followers don't like us either and use their reactive selves to call us "haters." Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do.

My God values Justice, and Humor, and Freedom. "Justice" is not a word you hear much from the Spezzanos. Not for rape victims, not for residential school survivors, not for victims of physical or emotional abuse, not for survivors of the SALPOV brainwashing abuse. "Justice" is used and twisted by the Spezzanos only for purely selfish reasons as a way to silence and censor honest critics with opinions they find detrimental to their profit margin. Rather ironic for Americans who come from the nation that values free speech. That might work in their own tiny SALPOV empire on the people they have mentally and emotionally worked over and manipulated, but the rest of the world sees it differently.

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 7

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Feeling being humiliated is a mentality of extremely intending to protect another “self”. Only if we remove the “self” from our list of protection, we won’t have that feeling of being humiliated.

2. Spirit is neutral like a radio that stations differ by frequency. In the world there are only two thinking stations: “ego” station and “holy spirit” station. Both of them don’t belong to us though sometimes we think they are ours. Since our spirit is neutral, we can choose the thinking station we want freely and quickly.

3. Awareness:

(1) We have only “oneness” in mind (no dissociative self). “Ego” won’t struggle with our “holy spirit” any more.

(2) Won’t reflect the good and bad in the past on the present.

(3) The oneness of our spirit can let us unite with others, nature and God.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Oneness! Oh the wonder.
Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 8

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Energy is inherently awakening, not resting. Only when our heart awakens, our energy can be found.

2. No problems will happen unless we hold a grudge against someone. When grudge comes out, we first attack ourselves and then blame others for causing problems.

3. Being angry is we don’t want to be responsible for our behaviors. If we aren’t responsible for ourselves, how can we pray to God for help? The truth comes only when we completely take the responsibility.

4. Forgiving others is also to set us free. When forgiving others, the pain in our body, mind and spirit will get less.

5. When we feel painful, it means someone (visible and invisible spirit) needs our help.

6. Being happy is because we have a connection with people, while being sad is because we choose retreat and escape.

7. If we hardly meet with success, it’s because the idols we admire, including cruelty, gain and loss, suffering, shyness and being humiliated, stop us from fulfilling our mission.

8. Attacking others is also to attack each one who loves us.

9. When encountering problems, it’s easier to find excuses than solutions. Are we afraid of success or failure? Don’t underestimate our abilities nor abandon the calls for help around us. It’s hard to move forward without God’s grace.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

"When encountering problems, it’s easier to find excuses than solutions." And here is a good example of that--

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 9

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Try to think about how much we love ourselves. Do we love ourselves wholeheartedly? Or does our love have been shared?

2. Don’t let us be flawed. The more we give, the more we think highly of ourselves.

3. The independent always keep an altar in their mind, on which “old loves” are enshrined for them to reminisce the past.

4. He who is afraid to accept is afraid of giving. He doesn’t want to owe anything to anyone nor do any favors to anyone.

5. “Equanimity”, being indifferent to the outside world, also one of the four sublime states in Buddhism, is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind, and rooted in insight.

6. When achieving success, we think it’s all done by ourselves and we deserve it. Our “ego” will get stronger and make us isolated.

7. The oneness of mind is the source of equanimity, which allow us to connect with others and nature easily. Only oneness exists while the rest are fancy.

8. Any fears are fancy. There must be a present in which we fear. The more we fear, the bigger the present is. Nevertheless, “ego” always stops us from winning the present.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

"Don't let us be flawed." Intriguing. And frightening.

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 10

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. New awakening:

(1) Don’t think hourly.
(2) Think slowly.
(3) Don’t think repeatedly by compulsion.
(4) In the past the whole creation is individual but now it’s in oneness.
(5) I feel my words and deeds are getting funny.
(6) In the past I tried hard to defend many things but now there’s nothing I should defend.

2. When certain misery happened, we made a decision to cut off any connection with others. And we created a new “world of mine” and became the God of “world of mine”. We did all we can to satisfy the faith of being “God”. It’s the secession point to “Period of Independence”.

3. When being oneness, we can feel other people’s bitterness, feel sorrowful as they do, and be able to get rid of sorrow in a very short time without being obsessed at all.

4. The adolescent’s perverseness is indispensable to be independent. In the process, they have to experience failure and frustration by their own and learn to be “independent”. It must take them some times to learn. From the “Dead Zone” of “Independence” to “Interdependence”, they need to develop a penetrating ability to feel “how they feel” in an active and passive way to spend a happy “Interdependence”.

5. The practice of “Joining”:

(1) Both parties stand face to face in equality and look at the other party’s eyes mutually (eyes are windows to the soul.)

(2) Let the third element (love) naturally get into our emotion and then we comfortably feel this feeling.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

1. New Awakening:

(1) Don't think.

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - Conclusion

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

In the past ten days, we seemed to have joined “a modern Buddhist rite”. Actually, I invited, with my spiritual energy, the spirits of my family in this life and of the deceased ancestors again and again to listen to Chuck and Lency expounding scriptures and doctrines. The scriptures explain the sorrow and happiness in human life and teach how to get rid of them with the three mental states (dependence, independence, interdependence) in the triangle model of PoV. The doctrines combine “love and forgiveness” in Christianity and “oneness of universe and human self” in Buddhism.

Chuck’s course focused on “Focal Person”. He used PoV’s Triangle Model to analyze different mental problems. By “going through the process”, a connection with the focal person’s spirit could relieve the mental problems. In the process of cure, the other members connected their spirits with the focal person’s. After that, they went through their processes to cure themselves.

Lency’s course focused on the recovery of high-level spirits. Mostly, she led us to awaken, embrace, burn and completely let off the energy of spirits in order to reach the joy of oneness.

In the workshop, we had one-hour “Puremind Yoga” every morning, which was a nice practice. We could recondition the energy of our body, mind and spirit through an activity. It was wonderful!

Listening, awaking, experiencing, going through and sharing were the main soul of the whole workshop.

Chuck held a psychological consultation with my family for an hour, which was the most unforgettable to me in this workshop. I did appreciate Chuck for his blessing.

Ms. Judy Lai, consultant of Spiritual Ocean International Group holding this workshop, was very affectionate with Jason and encouraged him to go through the 10-day workshop. In the beginning, Jason felt scared, angry and dared not to get into the classroom. After going through the complete process, he sang and gave on a performance with his team members in the farewell party. In addition to appreciating Ms. Lai and the Spiritual Ocean’s staff for their great help, I also wanted to thank God. This 10-day workshop was a course in miracles.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

The triangle-- two words: Bob Trask.

PoV’s Triangle Model

Good morning! Taipei, Taiwan.

Today I attended the fourth lesson of PoV: Triangle Model in Psychology of Vision.

After we were born, we’re first in “Dependent Stage”, in which we go through “Needs” to “Heartbreak” due to unsatisfactory loss. Then we’re getting stronger and go alone with “judgment” and “compensation” to “Stage of Guilt”.

As we get over our independent skills, we start our “Independent Stage”, in which we “expect” in perfectionism to ask people around to cooperate to reach our needs, and finally we move to “Stage of Control” with power struggle. If we win, we scorn the losers; if we lose, we’re afraid to see the winners again. It’s all but “Shadows” in our mind. No matter how we spend “Stage of Control”, we move to the stable “Dead Zone” next. To maintain the hard-earned achievement, we set lots of “rules and roles” to shield. Perhaps, we may want to make up for the incomplete part of our achievement such as marriage, so we have an “Electra/Oedipus Complex”. “Competition” becomes an inevitable means to maintain achievement but it depletes much of our mental resource.

In Dependence, our nature of masculine let us dare not let go or ask for help, so we’re unable to move to “Interdependent Stage” all along. In “Interdependent Stage” we need to balance “feminine” in “Dependence” and “masculine” in “Independence”, but “Interdependent Stage” actually searches “unconscious” shadows and our inherently positive nature. This discovery not only confuses me but makes me burn with curiosity over what it really is, since when going through “Interdependent Stage”, we will become a master of our life. It’s really exciting.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Got all that? Have you seen the SALPOV Triangle? I have attached an image of it--

The thing reads like stereo instructions. Keeping things simple is apparently not in the SALPOV philosophy. By making their organisation and philosophy so Byzantine and complicated, the poor client has no chance of ever mastering the skills and know-how to be fully "enlightened," and as they strive to reach this goal the Spezzanos reap the financial rewards through their incredibly obscene fees.

Three Phases in Interdependent Stage

Good morning! Taipei, Taiwan.

In PoV’s Triangle Model, there are three phases in Interdependent Stage. My current understanding is as follows:

Leadership: Ability to connect with others and help others. Intuition, inspiration and partnership can help us to accomplish more. The better teamwork is, the bigger success and union will be reached.

Vision: Ability to connect with self. Devote ourselves completely and let the high-level spirit lead us to achievement.

Mastery: Ability to connect with the universe and be aware of our spirit’s existence. By choice, we listen to our inner guide. Then we listen to God’s voice to let everything happens through us.

In “Interdependent Stage”, a lot of stories in unconscious mind need to be cured and gone through. I’ll savor them gradually!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving

I would submit that Independence is actually a very good thing. And in the paradox of life, the more independent you are, the more you can contribute to an interdependent society and world at large. That's what being a real person is all about. I would also propose that Interdependence, as practiced in SALPOV, is merely a way to have the clients dependent on the corporation for their own sense of self-worth, requiring vast sums of money to be transferred to the Spezzano bank account. In SALPOV, Interdependence equals slavery. SALPOV really regresses the client to dependence-- on SALPOV. What an ironic twist of fate!

Also, SALPOV engages in very Western linear thinking here. The state of spiritualism is presented in definite stages which supposedly takes the form of increasing enlightened awareness as one advances, where the cult follower continues to climb higher and higher up the ladder of success. Which, of course, costs them more in SALPOV "fees" and "licenses" as they are promoted within the corporation. What a scam! According to the Trainer's Manual, the higher you climb the higher the fee for your annual SALPOV "license." And we are talking thousands of dollars. Why? Why do they rip off their most loyal followers who stick with the cult and advance in rank (in this supposed level organisation) the most? The word "pliability" comes to mind.

Back to the SALPOV linear thinking. In nature, seasons and life work in cycles and circle patterns, not in upward trajectories or sharp edged triangles.

As SALPOV is now experiencing a severe decline, perhaps they need to study circular thinking, as in spirals, as in downward. 

But wait, there's more in this series!

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #297 on: August 02, 2014, 04:58:52 am »
SALPOV Odds and Ends, part three


And speaking of bank accounts, in her Ripoff Report response, Lenora told the world, "So far, no one is getting rich off this work."

I have attached an image of the Spezzano's home in Hawaii. Not exactly a shack, more like a huge-on-steroids conspicuous consumption McMansion. A Marxist would say this is so typical of American materialism and I would be inclined to agree. They hold seminars on their property, but as is suggested in the second attached image, the Asian indoctrinees appear to be required to use outside portable toilets perhaps for fear of tracking in dirt on the mansion carpet. Looks like the process of elimination is not a level activity at Hawaii HQ. Or it could be a tax dodge that the clients have to suffer for. The McMansion photo was provided by a source that also revealed the sporty and expensive automobile in the garage. Thanks.

The Spezzanos have a structure on their property called "The Barn" where, according to accounts shared with me, clients are crowded maybe beyond room capacity in the loft. Perhaps the local fire marshal needs to have a look see. Anyway, in order to use their residential property as a brainwashing center the Spezzanos had some hired hands represent them (Charles and Lenora were absent) for a zoning variance--




– John Reppun, George Okuda, Charles Tanouye, Daniel Bender, John Piper,

GUESTS – Steve Holmes (Mayor’s Representative), Frank Shivers (MARIMED), S. Nicholl, Bruce Nicholl, Larry Reifurth (State Deputy Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs/Governor’s Representative), Tim Nounan (D.L. Adams Association), Andy Keith, Jim Kinner, Cecilia Piper, Lee Allison, Captain Doug Silva (Honolulu Fire Department, Kahalu’u Station), Kim Ribellia (Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz Office), Barry Castle, Linda Wong (Kahalu’u Fishpond), Keala Naluai, John Hunter, Ryan Jandoc, Shannon Wood (Koolau News), Sgt. Joe Lindsay, Major Chris Hughes (U.S. Marine Corps), DorothyRose Babineau, Peggy Chang (Spezzano & Associates), Geoffrey Paterson, Carole Mulford, Jay Toguchi, Lila and George Marantz, Josephine Patacsil, Lt. John Cheong, Lois Folgerstrom, Nola Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).



1. Conditional Use Permit, Dr. Spezzano, Waihee Place - Luersen moved, seconded by Kaluhiwa that Kahaluu Neighborhood Board No. 29 support the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) given the statements that have been made tonight about the restrictions that have been placed on it, and would include no more than ten times a year, no more than fifty people, no sleeping on site other than the resident house, maximum of fifteen cars on site at one time, the structure itself not be expanded beyond the staircase and the exterior lanai. The motion carried 8-0-0.


CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP), WAIHEE PLACE –Peggy Chang and Consultant Geoffery Paterson representing Dr. Chuck and Lency Spezzano presented the following:

1) Spezzano and Associates is applying for a Conditional Use Permit Minor, to permit a meeting facility on their property located at 47-416 Waihee Place, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, which is the permanent home of Dr. Chuck and Lency Spezzano.

2) The proposal seeks to modify the existing barn to provide a meeting facility for no more than 50 people. The improvements will consist of renovating the first floor and establishing a meeting room on the existing second floor. Improvements will include office space, reception, limited kitchen facilities, new ADA bathroom, and exterior staircase and attached lanai area.

3) The existing barn is currently used as the headquarters for their worldwide networking in the field of Inner Healing.

4) The minimum impact imposed on the neighborhood – a) construction equipment would be stored on the premises and no buildings will be moved or increased in height. b) Vehicular traffic from Waihee Place will remain unchanged. c) All parking will continue to be provided on-site. d) Attendees at seminars would arrive after Kahalu’u Elementary School is in session and depart after the end of the school day. e) All existing trees would remain on the property and the existing fence and landscaping encircling the property would continue to provide privacy and a buffer to the community. f) Noise levels are projected to be extremely low.

Discussion followed. Luersen moved seconded by Kaluhiwa that Kahalu’u Neighborhood Board No. 29 support the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) given the statements that have been made tonight about the restrictions that would be placed on it and that would include no more than ten times a year, no more that fifty people, no sleeping on site other than the resident’s house, maximum of fifteen cars on site at any one time, the structure itself not be expanded beyond the staircase and the exterior lanai. The motion carried 8-0-0.

With Lenora only holding workshops in Hawaii after this year is over, the ten times a year and other limitations might prove to be problematic for the SALPOV profit margin. Hopefully for the neighbors' sake they'll keep the volume down on all that "Bliss Music."


A priceless bit of data from FaceBook--

Chuck Spezzano
15. Dezember 2011 ·
HEALING THE GUILT CONSPIRACY AND MENTAL MASTURBATION are the cards for today. Today reflects a healing that frees us from guilt that we haven't been willing to let go of so it circles around and around in our heads. We use guilt so as...
Gefällt mir · Kommentieren · Teilen

    Katia Antypenko-Arbogast, Eginia A. Seemann, Benita Dwyer und 14 anderen gefällt das.

    Jack Miller: Oh Divine Master, you help us all way beyond your words. Thank you again and again! Love, Jack xo
    16. Dezember 2011 um 11:14

"Oh Divine Master" ... But, remember, it is not a cult. That's what Lenora says, and she's always right!


As I mentioned before, "Justice" is not in the SALPOV glossary. In his YouTube "Domestic Violence," Charles is really in over his head and manages to make this all about himself--

I love this FaceBook reality check comment on his blather--

Jacqueline Ebdon Griffith: "You are innocent and your partner is innocent" Oh please!!!! The violent partner is far from innocent...... !!!!! Try saying that too a father who's burying his dead daughter due to being killed by the 'innocent abuser!!! When a woman is getting her head smashed in, there is really no time to be reflecting and anylising the issues... Real advice is...CAll the POLICE, contact a REFUGE and get out NOW...Then go and do some work on yourself.....

It is always great to see people in the world of reality respond to SALPOV cult dogma.

Charles didn't lower himself to respond personally. He does not like conflict or accountability. Instead he typically left that task to an apologist toady, in this case it was poor Julian Ticehurst--

December 8, 2010 at 2:11am · 2
Chuck Spezzano [ Great comments - and passed to Chuck (if he has any time at all coz he's in middle of seminar).

@Jacqueline yes - I know Chuck has worked on as extreme cases as you cite - and with great success and healing. "Get Out Now" - absolutely for many - that's Chuck's "Don't let yourself be abused" and it's a priority.

I am unaware of any case where Spezzano summoned law enforcement to step in when rape or domestic violence was concerned. Perhaps he has, but the aspect of calling the forces of law enforcement for justice to be done is not something that seems to be encouraged by SALPOV. No. Not when they can divert you and make a profit instead. That's the impression I get from their rhetoric and has been documented on this forum. Check out this presentation by Charles--

But speaking of family dynamics, Steve Tipaldi did accuse of Spezzano of lying about his case shortly before he killed himself. This was the same episode where Charles was fined in 2004 for pretending to be a "psychologist." Lenora just brushed this off in her screed, ignoring the accusation by Tipaldi that the Spezzanos outright lied on another topic. Of course, Mr. Tipaldi is no longer around to defend himself or elaborate.


SALPOV was once in the business of selling alternative medicines--

Psychology of Vision Products Ltd.
Rushall MillDevizes Road,
Medicines and Therapies in 'Pewsey'

Pewsey Medicines and Therapies Psychology of Vision Products Ltd.. Our business specializes in the following services - Medicines and Therapies, relief back pain, homeopathic treatment, fibromyalgia treatment, herbal healing, aromatherapy, acupuncture, complementary and alternative medicine, herbs medicines, cancer therapies, depression therapies.

Psychology of Vision Products Ltd. is located in Pewsey and our contact details are at the top of this page.

Here's the background information for Psychology of Vision Products Ltd.--

Company type: Private Limited Company
Company number: 03406961
Company status: Dissolved
country of origin: United Kingdom
incorporation date: 1997.07.22
dissolution date: 2004.01.06
last member list: 2002.07.22
has UK establishment: No
has appointments: Yes
in liquidation: No
Nature of Business:

    2215 - Other publishing

    2211 - Publishing of books

Previous names:


Company PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION PRODUCTS LIMITED was a Private Limited Company, registration number 03406961, established in United Kingdom on the 22. July 1997. The company was dissolved. The company was in business for 17 years . Previous names of this company were: VISION PRODUCTS LIMITED. The company used to be located at FRANCE FARM RUSHALL, UPAVON, PEWSEY, WILTSHIRE, SN9 6DR. Business of the company PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION PRODUCTS LIMITED by SIC and NACE code were "2215 - Other publishing", "2211 - Publishing of books". There are 31 company documents available. The most recent document is "FINAL GAZETTE: DISSOLVED VIA VOLUNTARY STRIKE-OFF" from the 2004.01.06. The latest accounts are filed up to 2002.03.31. The latest annual return was filed up to 2002.07.22. The total number of directors was so far 4. The total number of secretaries was 2.

Interesting. I see nothing in the "Nature of Business" about selling medicinal quackery.

But there is more data, including two people now occupying seats in the SALPOV Star Chamber, er, Steering Committee--
Company directors and board members:

Secretary, 1998.08.24 - 2004.01.06

Director, COMPANY DIRECTOR, 1997.07.22 - 2004.01.06

Director, COMPANY DIRECTOR, 1997.07.22 - 2004.01.06

Nominee Secretary, 1997.07.22 - 1997.07.22
M3 2ER

FAY STOCKTON (dissolve)
Secretary, COMPANY DIRECTOR, 1997.07.22 - 1998.08.24

Director, PROMOTER, 1997.07.22 - 1998.08.24

Nominee Director, 1997.07.22 - 1997.07.22
M3 2ER

FAY STOCKTON (dissolve)
Director, COMPANY DIRECTOR, 1997.07.22 - 1998.08.24

A relative of mine was once the Mayor of Devizes long ago. He was a religious man but also a bit unorthodox and willing to rock the boat. Too bad he wasn't around to challenge this nonsense, especially the "cancer therapies." Giving false hope to cancer victims can be counted among contributing to the cause of Evil, something SALPOV should be quite familiar with by now.


Still at it with FN people. Danger! Danger! This appears to be a very recent promo--

Outcome of the Nisga'a Womens Wellness Conference

Starting on May 29, the Nisga’a Women’s Footprints to Wellness Workshop was held at the Laxgalts’ap Community Centre.  It was a two-day healing workshop facilitated by Melissa Myer 2 day Workshop which began at 8:30am and went to 4:30pm each day.  According to the conference materials, Ms. Meyer’s uses an approach called the Psychology of Vision – a path of the heart that has helped tens of thousands of people around the world through seminars, one-to-one coaching to improve their lives, relationships, and health by giving them an understanding of themselves and others. A total of 84 Women of all ages, from grade 11 and 12 all the way to elders, attended these sessions.

Guided by the conference theme ‘if we heal our women, we can begin to heal our Nation”, the workshop promoted and encouraged:

    Group healing
    Individual Healing
    Confidence Building
    Tools for individuals to help themselves process trauma
    Psychology and Vision
    Emotional Healing

One of the intentions of this event is to explore fundraising to hold a similar future workshop to be hosted in Gitlaxt’aamiks.

You know when you watch a bad "B" movie and yell out to a potential victim in the story, "Don't go in the basement! Don't do it!" Reading the above makes me feel like that.


When I first read this piece from Emma Cook, written 20 years ago for the Independent, I thought it was fluff coverage. But now I see she actually uncovered some Spezzano flaws in a very gentle and subtle way--


From Green Spirit Acupuncture, v. 2, issue 2 (Feb. 2012)--
Psychology of Vision (PoV) 
     Founded by Chuck Spezzano PhD, PoV is the result of Chuck’s formal education in conventional psychotherapy combined with the inspired writing of Course in Miracles which allowed him to break through the impasses he’d confronted while working with war veterans suffering with PTSD. Chuck’s subsequent visionary work, which is now also enhanced by the truly divinely inspired guidance of his wife Lency, is centred on the understanding and the exploration of the meaning of  “We are all one”, as first understood by the buddha, several centuries ago, and the fear and the physical and emotional pain that result from our belief in separation from Spirit, the so-called ‘Original Sin’ and our ‘Fall from Grace’, which is, by the way, in line with Tohei sensei’s understanding. Spirit, God, and Universe are here meant to represent the same Divine Being.
     His other main teaching point is that we are constantly presented with opportunities to choose between
                 LOVE (i.e. the pure and unconditional Universal Love that shows up when Oneness with the Universe is acknowledged)

                          or           FEAR        (when disconnected from Spirit).

OK, now I happen to believe that we all have equal and direct access to God as we understand It. We don't need someone else to stand between us and the Creator as a translator or authority figure. We don't even need to believe in a God. Each one of us has a life experience that is unique. And when our spiritual journeys take us into the spider web of people who claim to be more Divinely inspired or more connected with Heavenly forces than the rest of us (e.g., Lenora's "downloading") my first instinct is to watch my wallet and wonder if this person is mentally ill or just a con artist. Welcome to the Hotel California.

And speaking of the Hotel California, what I love about this next link is how several people can play from different sheets of music, celebrating their independence, yet contribute to a greater result. Odd that the Spezzanos vilify independence which means they also disparage diversity. Don't deviate from the program, you SALPOV followers! Otherwise you might get, *gasp!* "ideas." Which might be followed by sparks of having your own life to live outside of the SALPOV money machine. And we can't have that, can we? Not allowed. So shut up and follow orders which must be obeyed at all times.

Diversity and independence makes us stronger, not the "Oneness" mindlessness. In SALPOV the Oneness ploy is merely a form of control-- of your wallet!


Robert Holden, who is sort of a celebrity "feel good" author in the UK, and has a series on Hay House Radio (that should send up some red flags!) wrote the preface to Charles Lee Spezzano's If It Hurts, It Isn't Love. Even he calls Charles a "psychologist." So much for Mr. Holden's investigative skills. I think Mr. Holden was used and manipulated expertly.


Here's a YouTube of a SALPOV workshop in action--


This very recent SALPOV promo comes across like a television ad for laxatives. Charles appears tired, disengaged, and speaking from the Dead Zone--


I don't particularly endorse the theology of this next piece, but I do find it interesting. Here's a perspective from a German writer named Eckart Haase, who apparently converted from being a New Age follower to evangelical Christianity. He calls Charles' card tricks "Kartenlegen" or in English, "Cartomancy." Basically reducing the activity to the level of cheap fortune telling for easy marks (No pun intended, but now that I think about it, it is pretty good!)--

Psychology of Vision

„Psychology of Vision“ ist eine Psychotechnik, die von Chuck Spezzano und seiner Ehefrau Lency entwickelt wurde. Sie verstehen unter ihrer Praktik ein Heilungsmodell, das modernes psychologisches Know-how mit spirituellen Prinzipien verbindet. Den Menschen sehen sie dabei als Geistwesen: Zitat aus ihrer Homepage:
„Wir sind auf einem evolutionären Pfad um zu erkennen, dass wir Geistwesen auf dem Weg zur allumfassenden Einheit sind. Gnade und Wunder zu empfangen ist die einfachste Weise um diesem Ziel näher zu kommen.“

Hier zeigt sich auch bereits, was damit gemeint ist, dass Psychologie mit „spirituellen Prinzipien“ verbunden werden soll. Wie bei ähnlichen Praktiken auch, sollen hier bestimmte „Lebensthemen“ transformiert werden. Ziel ist es, die Lebensqualität, die Beziehungen und die Gesundheit der Seminarteilnehmer zu verbessern. Dazu werden bestimmte Methoden eingesetzt. Dazu gehören auch Kartenlegen (von C. Spezzano gibt es das Kartendeck „Karten der Liebe“) sowie Elemente des Familienstellens. Bei letzterem werden aus einer Gruppe Stellvertreter für Familienangehörige ausgewählt. Diese sollen nun die eigentlichen Familienangehörigen repräsentieren und an deren Stelle (stellvertretend) dabei mithelfen, vorhandene Probleme und Blockaden zu lösen. Das große Problem dabei: Familienaufstellung löst keine Probleme sondern visualisiert nur momentane Strukturen. Problemlösungen über Stellvertreter sind unsinnig, da die Person, die von dem Stellvertreter vertreten wird, nicht an sich arbeiten kann. Es kann also so zu keiner wirklichen Behebung des Problems kommen. Die Effekte sind einseitig und subjektiv. Da bei dieser Art der Psychotherapie auch unterbewusste Gefühle ausbrechen können, liegen bei den Veranstaltungen von „Psychology of Vision“ stets Unmengen an Kleenex-Tüchern aus.

Wie oft bei Seminaren dieser Art fühlt man sich während und kurz nach der Veranstaltung meist sehr gut. Das Gemeinschaftsgefühl, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit durch die Trainer und der angenehme äussere Rahmen tragen dazu bei. Dieses Hochgefühl ist jedoch nicht von langer Dauer. Jedes Seminar ist auch einmal zu Ende und das normale Alltagsleben kehrt zu einem zurück. Viele Menschen entwickeln geradezu eine Sucht danach, immer wieder solche Seminare zu besuchen. Wie bei einer Droge erleben sie dort den Kick, den sie in der Folge immer und immer wieder erleben möchten. Lebensprobleme werden dadurch nicht gelöst, insbesondere nicht bei eindeutig esoterischen Methoden wie „Psychology of Vision“.

Der Gedanke, dass wir alle Geistwesen seien und uns auf dem Weg zur allumfassenden Einheit befinden, stammt aus dem Hinduismus. Auch dort geht es darum, dass der Atman in den Brahman aufgehen soll. Atman ist die Einzelseele, die in der Weltenseele Brahman aufgehen soll. Es geht hier also um einen unpersönlichen Gott, um eine unpersönliche „Kraft“. Bei „Psychology of Vision“ wird dieser hinduistische Gedanke lediglich in einer etwas moderneren Variante fortgeführt.

Ganz offen wird zudem auf der Webseite eingeräumt, dass Psychology of Vision sich am "Kurs in Wundern" orientiert. Dieses okkulte Buch ist der Autorin Helen Schucman angeblich direkt von Jesus Christus per innerer Stimme eingegeben worden. Das Buch ist unvereinbar mit der Bibel. Es verbindet in esoterischer Weise gnostische Grundlehren mit biblischen Vorstellungen und deutet die Bibel dadurch esoterisch um.

Aufgebaut ist „Psychology of Vision“ in verschiedene Seminarformen. Eine besondere Marketingidee ist das 100-Tage Trainingsprogramm. Dazu kann man durch den Besuch von Seminaren Tage sammeln. Beispielsweise werden beim Besuch eines Dreitagesseminares (Kosten: 330,- Euro) drei Tage für das 100-Tage Training angerechnet. Wer schließlich 100 Seminartage geschafft hat, erreicht einen besonderen Schwellenwert, ab dem die Tiefe und Resonanz der Veränderungen bei einem selbst sich dramatisch erhöhen (Zitat aus der Webseite: „there is a definite benchmark – a paradigm shift – that occurs at 100 workshop days“).

Jeder 100 Tage-Absolvent muss mindestens ein „Step to leadership“-Programm erfolgreich absolvieren. In Ländern, in denen es dieses spezielle Programm nicht gibt, wie in Malaysia, müssen Teilnehmer, die dennoch das 100-Tage Training absolvieren möchten, als Ersatz eine Menge an Büchern von Chuck Spezzano lesen und einen Report darüber schreiben:
“In countries where there is no STL, eg Malaysia, students may apply for exceptions in order to be able to graduate from the 100-day program. They then might be asked to read a couple of Chuck's books and write a report on them to ensure they are familiar with the psychological and spiritual dynamics and principles.”

Einen besonderen Marketing-Gag haben sich die „Psychology of Vision“-Macher einfallen lassen, als sie die „App der Erkenntnis“ für Apple iPhone und iPod-Touch entwickelten. Die app beruht auf dem „Enlightenment Pack“ („Erleuchtungs-Pack“). Erleuchtung per iPhone – darauf muss man erstmal kommen.

„Psychology of Vision“ reiht sich ein in eine Reihe von Psychotechniken, vor denen allesamt gewarnt werden muss. Der esoterische und okkulte Charakter wird bei näherem Hinsehen überdeutlich. Der wahre Gott kommt hier natürlich nicht vor. Erlösung und Heil durch Jesus Christus wird man mit keinem Wort bei Praktiken dieser Art finden. Dabei kann wirkliche Heilung niemand anderes schenken als der Schöpfer aller Dinge. Die Frage ist nur wem wir vertrauen: Gott oder esoterischen Quacksalbern? Die Wahl sollte nicht schwer fallen.


Does Lenora Kay Spezzano possess magical "channeling" powers?

Why yes, according to her YouTube intros. Catch the first minute of this video--

And here's the text summary--

Published on Dec 5, 2012

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift as well.

Whatever you do, don't call it "hypnosis." That reeeeeally bugs her and she'll send lawyers after you. She's an empath who channels the Divine Grace of Heaven! I'm Lenora Kay Spezzano and you aren't!


In conclusion

SALPOV is a dangerous and toxic for-profit personality cult. The survivors around the world need to be encouraged to seek exit counseling. There is so much more to life than filling the Spezzano bank account. If you are subscribing to the SALPOV regulations you have traded in your options and freedom for a very questionable form of false security promised by two unqualified people.

Escape and seek help. It will take courage and be uncomfortable at first. But in the long run you'll look back and wonder why you wasted so much money and time on the Spezzanos. Then you'll learn from it and move to a more rewarding life where you get back in touch with the real world, flaws and all, instead of obeying all the Spezzano's busy work. We're human, that means we make mistakes, that's normal.

It is never too late to reset and start over.

Acceptance is the answer. Respect yourself, warts and all, and just walk away. It just means you are a complicated human, like the rest of us. That is TRUE "Oneness."  We're ALL screwed up! SALPOV is a money addict. The more you give, the more they want. And they will create reasons for you to give more, if not through their offers to climb up their un-level hierarchy, then through pure guilt, which they induce. And they are giving you a place to hide and feel secure. But at what price? Do you want to be a slave? Their hiding place is becoming less and less safe by the day.

Cheers, here's to freedom.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 02:34:08 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #298 on: August 06, 2014, 01:19:41 am »
The Spezzanos modestly posted this on their own website. My, how pleasing. To truly appreciate it, this needs to be read out loud.

I do not believe any further comment is required. This poem speaks for itself, as does the fact the Spezzanos themselves have made it available for all of us to enjoy.

For Chuck and Lency and the POV office staff:

Holding us firmly in your heart
We get a chance to enjoy another new start
Treating us with both kindness and compassion
Allowing us to experience our own true passion
Hugging us in a way that melts our hearts
Bringing joy to our faces which will never part
Working behind the scenes setting the foundation
Uniting all brothers and sisters, races, cultures, countries and nations,
I don’t know if these words can truly express
The depths of love’s feeling flowing to you in excess
I look in your eyes and feel God’s beauty
Way beyond and transcending any role, rule or duty
Feeding us to fullness on every level
Helping us to eradicate every demon and devil
Working tirelessly to get us all here to this spot
Where we can each go inside and untie every knot
We wholeheartedly thank you over and over again
Helping us all to heal every problem, hurt, wound and/or pain
You are part of God’s Foundation that feed our souls
Helping to reach Oneness as our only goal
You help raise our Spirit’s in delightful ways
You truly are the Brilliance of God’s Great Rays
Thank you once more for being our friends
As we heal to wholeness by making amends
Greeting us all with your whole being open wide
We feel you love rumbling deep, deep inside
Thank you for Blessing us with Your Divine Presence
For you truly are molded from God’s Divine Essence
Thank you for being miracle-minded, miracle workers
Helping each of us to be Love Berserkers
Your peaceful ways bring love to the earth
We feel it so fully, it energizes our worth
Thank you for the joy of your smiling faces.
Transporting us all to Heavenly Places
Thank you for living your song from within
Helping us to abolish all pain, fear, hurt, guilt and sin
Please forgive us if we don’t always show or say it
Yet please believe me when I say we always feel and know it
May your lives be filled with abundant Grace
For you are helping enlighten the whole human race!

God Bless You!  God Bless You!  God Bless You!
With Love

Jack Miller, 2013 Mastery   


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #299 on: August 06, 2014, 06:19:28 pm »
Evidence of POV making inroads into the Upper Nicola Band of BC, Canada:

     a therapist at Upper Nicola Community Health Services who lists POV as one of the "modalities" she uses

     a testimonial from the Upper Nicola Band Health Accreditation Coordinator about a POV program that targets First Nations

The POV course "The Historical Effects of the Residential Schools on our People" especially concerns me. POV and their various guises is all about the money, this b.s. is especially not safe for people who have experienced trauma.

Some of the course text was taken from , doesn't look like POV gives accurate attribution to their sources.

A quote from their FN material:

Discerning the Unnatural Behavior We Witness Amongst First Nations People
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 03:11:25 pm by Piff »