Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573033 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #270 on: July 07, 2014, 12:56:41 am »
The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 11

Here is Lenora explaining why her "downloading/joining" sessions are not hypnosis. The YouTubes she references can be found at this link--

If you are not familiar with the videos, I'd suggest watching a half dozen of them or so before reading on, otherwise this won't mean much. I realize they are hard to watch for most normal people. What can I say? I have watched them all and am still walking on two feet. Viewing these is sort of like attending a Luis Buñuel film festival.

Frankly, I find these videos to be disturbing, sadistic and very bizarre. She has failed to convince me this is not some form of hypnosis. And as a free person I am entitled to this opinion and can express it. Using SALPOV logic, any attempt by Lenora to stop people from expressing this view, as she has tried, reveals an insecurity and sense of guilt that we critics are on to something.

But I'll tell you what, here's fair play. You have watched the YouTubes, now read Lenora's defense of them. I won't interrupt her with my usual intrusions. Get out your malarkey meter and decide for yourself what is real here. 


Is Lency Spezzano Merely A Stage Hypnotist?

I have had some YouTube videos up that we filmed at our PoV Trainers’ Conference a couple of years ago. In those videos I was teaching the Trainers how to do an advanced form of joining called “receiving a download.” The bloggers who have been attacking us seem to think that, because I ask the Trainers in the videos to look in my right eye to do the process, that that is proof that I am a stage hypnotist.

First, it’s important to know that what we are doing in this process is “joining” – which is the simplest, yet most powerful healing method that I know of. All that is required is to relate to another person (or group of people) in a horizontal manner – recognizing that, although all human beings are unique, at a deeper level we are the same, and we are all connected.

So, to return to the videos, which focus on one form of joining, the reason I ask for that assistance is because I, like most people, am “right eyed” in the same way that I, like most people, am right handed. So, if the person looks into my left eye, which is not my dominant eye, we aren’t really looking straight at each other. With both of the other person’s eyes looking into my right eye, I can look back into their left eye, the “window of the soul,” to see their pain; this is physically evident in the pupil of the eye, which takes a different aperture according to what the person is feeling.

As the pain surfaces, it opens up the issue to be healed, washing out the pain and suffering, until only the joy of the experience of Oneness with God remains. It is a universal experience. With a little practice, as each person is relating to the other, it’s possible to read his or her painful life process like a book, recognizing we are the same and we are all connected.

Life’s pain and suffering just waits until the conscious mind is willing to register and acknowledge its existence. Once it has, the pain not only releases, it becomes the basis for strength, maturity and wisdom. Suffering is just the raw material for our growth; for most people, they have already done the hardest part of their lives – all that is left is to process the raw material so that it can be “smelted” with awareness, and the end product is gold. People who have not only survived a crisis, but have integrated the process emotionally, generally do not wish that the crisis had never occurred. This is because they are glad to be the human being that transformed through the process. Joining reaps the benefits of our tough life experiences.

Although looking into each other’s eyes while joining is helpful, it can just as easily happen if a person is too shy to look in another’s eyes, or if connecting over the telephone between distant countries; this is because joining is about heart connection. It happens just as easily one-to-one as it does in a group of hundreds of people who are looking at each other, rather than just at the person who is leading the group. We are all connected.

Joining, as a universal experience, happens regardless of whether you call that Source of Love “God,” “Creator,” “Allah” or “Higher Self” – or even if you don’t believe in a Supreme Being at all. It takes place at a level of the mind that is deeper than culture or religion; it’s the place where we can experience the Love that is continually pouring into us, whether we are noticing it or not. So, joining starts out with the experience of emotional intimacy with another person, as we see in the video I refer to above, and ends in the experience of emotional intimacy with God.

I learned about real intimacy from the kids with life threatening illnesses. As a child nears death, people they know tend to distance themselves, in an attempt to protect themselves from the pain of loss. I decided to see what would happen if I moved closer to those children instead. When I did, I discovered that, if you are willing to be one with another person, it is easy to feel the emotion they are feeling. I also discovered, if you feel it with them, the emotion just automatically releases. What I came to know was that our emotional injuries heal automatically if we are willing to acknowledge and feel them.

PoV Trainers, such as the ones seen on the “receiving a download” videos , are willing to experience being one with the pain of others, because they are also, at the same time, tapping into grace, the Love of God. The combination of feeling the group’s pain, while also feeling the grace from above, creates a tremendous experience of tenderness in our hearts as we lead the joining sessions. That grace also heals us and helps us to evolve at the same time. The thing that makes Psychology of Vision trainings so powerful is that the Trainers are always doing their own healing alongside their seminar participants.

In this story, from Make Way for Love [link provided on original website] The Tokyo Couple, I describe what the experience of joining feels like as a major issue is healed. The Japanese couple in the story healed the grief of losing their only child to death in just a few minutes, while sitting in a public place, without anyone around us even noticing as we moved our minds through deep despair to transcendent bliss. Well, people probably noticed us hugging and laughing at the end, but my point is, the process does not have to be dramatic.

If you can define yourself as including the other, if you are willing to be that other person, just as they are, you have access to their heart, and they have access to yours. When PoV Trainers work with a group of people, they define themselves as the group – kind of an “all my relations” understanding – while also feeling their connection to God/Creator; this allows the whole room to remember God’s love via the Trainer’s mind. This experience usually rocks a room, and it is not unusual for everyone in the seminar to be healing and crying at the same time in the beginning of the joining session, and for everyone to be laughing together at the end. It’s a real blast, but it’s not for everybody; the experience is treasured by people on the healing path, but not interesting to people who are not motivated to confront their pain.

The bloggers thought it was scandalous that I, a white person, would say that I could “join” with First Nations people. All I can say is that I have spent hundreds of hours crying with First Nations people, feeling their pain along with them and celebrating with them when they were free of it. I am grateful because I have grown a lot through that process as well, gaining maturity and developing my capacity for love. I have tremendous respect for First Nations, for what it has taken for them to survive individually and as peoples.

Below is a link that shows me working with a PoV Master Trainer from England. You will see the intimacy that allows us to be one, which invites the love into our joined minds. She and I are feeling the same emotion at the same time, going through the same healing, and ending up with the same gift, which we share with the others in the room. Every mind in the room went through the same transformation, and experienced the same miracle of love.

Joining is simple, safe and efficient and it does not require a Trainer or a seminar to experience its benefits. Psychology of Vision practitioners use it with their loved ones at home when a conflict arises, and they use it to pour love into their children when they tuck them into bed at night. Joining is true, natural relationship. It is love.

This love comes from the Source of love, and is effective regardless of the cultural background or religion of the participant. The Psychology of Vision has a non-denominational spiritual framework that leverages its students on their own spiritual path. For example, Muslim students of the Psychology of Vision in Bangladesh appreciate an enhanced direct experience of Allah’s love in their prayer time. Sikhs in Canada use Psychology of Vision to bring more intimacy to their relationship with the Dharma. Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan use it when supporting those who come to them for help.

Somehow the expression "Digging your own grave" comes to mind. It used to be said that "Religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel." This needs to be updated in Century 21 as "New Age Spirituality is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open. 

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #271 on: July 07, 2014, 01:11:01 am »
The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 12

Does Chuck Claim To Have Cured Aids and Cancer?

Here is my answer to this question--

Chuck has never claimed that he can cure any illness, and would never discourage anyone from seeking medical treatment. It is common, however, for people who have illnesses to want to supplement their treatment with holistic, body/mind approaches as well. Many people who have sought out Chuck to work on their health issues have had remissions from their illnesses. Chuck always acknowledges that it is the client who is responsible for creating the positive changes and healing. This is always the case, whether just the medical model is used or if a holistic one is used.

In the Psychology of Vision, health issues can give us clues about what is going on in our subconscious minds. It is sort of like a psychiatrist doing dream analysis – physical symptoms can also be read as symbols for the conflicts in our minds. Healing the emotional conflict certainly doesn’t hurt a person’s chances of healing physically, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it is helpful, but we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims.

In the above paragraph Lenora has basically renounced and discredited all the work by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurt and their Healing Metaphors/Healing Keys. This had the SALPOV stamp of approval but looks like it has been thrown under the bus. It it ever gets revived, remember Lenora has gone on record as saying "we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims."
The bloggers claim that us looking at the metaphors of illness with people (similar to Louise Hay’s work) is actually us blaming them for having their symptoms. This, of course, would have no value for the client – blaming a person for their illness is completely counterproductive to their healing and wellbeing. Taking accountability, on the other hand, gives the client power in their life.

The Louise Hay influence, and the connection with ethnocide and genocide, was addressed in the following post--

It should go without saying that guilt is the primary lure the Spezzanos use as their bait on the hook to land the souls of their wealthy victims.

One former trainer told one of our comrades that he regarded the guilt-inducing Healing Metaphors as the weakest and most vulnerable aspect of SALPOV theology. He also thought the religious overtones were too stifling.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 12:33:51 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #272 on: July 07, 2014, 01:38:29 am »
The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 13

What Happened in 2004 with The State of Hawaii Regarding Chuck’s Status As A Psychologist?

Nothing at all. We were marginally involved with a custody battle many years before, in that we wrote letters of support for a woman in relation to the child custody case with her ex-husband. The ex-husband’s lawyer claimed that, because our Psychology of Vision logo was on our stationary, that the logo meant we were both claiming to be licensed psychologists; so the judge ruled our letters were inadmissible, even though Chuck signed his letter “Chuck Spezzano, Ph.D., M.F.C.C.” and I signed “Lency Spezzano, M.Sc.” As it turned out, our letters did not figure into the final outcome, because the judge ruled in favor of the wife anyway.

This unfortunate episode is apparently much more involved than the brief and uncaring brushoff given here by Lenora Kay Spezzano--

Hey, a guy died here by his own hand way too young. And he accused the Spezzanos of lying. I think Steve Tipaldi deserves a bit more consideration than the nonchalant disregard exhibited here by Lenora.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 11:20:52 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #273 on: July 07, 2014, 02:00:19 am »
The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 14

"Let them eat cake!" she proclaims with her nose in air and a delicate wave of her hand, dismissing the "trivial"--

Sillier Stuff

In addition to these untruths, there are a number of accusations that do not warrant more than a brief answer. The blogs continually churn up nonsensical accusations, and I suppose addressing them would be a continuous process. Let me just address some of the initial suggestions, as I understand the whole strategy has morphed into hooking Native Hawaiians into the movement against us, and I may have to start the response anew.

Oh God, now we have to deal with the Native Hawaiians who we swiped stuff from! When will this Hell ever end?

The Spezzanos have inappropriately appropriated native Hawaiian culture into their theology, as outlined earlier on this forum. Lenora can blame us for pointing this out, but this is part of our role as public educators. I am glad to see we made an impact here.

Does the Psychology of Vision Promote Cultural Ethnocide in First Nations Communities?  No.


Are PoV 100 Day Graduates Sent Out into The Field as Trainers?   No.

Are There California Superior Court Charges Against Chuck Spezzano?  No.

Is the Psychology of Vision Guilty of Affinity Fraud, Pyramids or Ponsie Schemes?  No.

The German language SALPOV Trainers Manual, Section K, can serve as Exhibit #1 in an affinity fraud case, I would wager.

Does Chuck Recommend Practicing An Altered State of Consciousness While Driving A Vehicle, And Do PoV Seminar Participants Have A Higher Number of Vehicular Accidents?  No and no.

Actually, I'd like to see statistical research for this, using Haida Gwaii as a case study. I would encourage the RCMP to look into this.

Are Chuck And Lency Connected with The Inner Healing Movement?  No.

Two responses, one from Piff, another from myself--

Is Chuck The Equivalent of The Psychopath Charles Manson?  No.

Do Psychology of Vision Trainers Have to Meet Annual Requirements for The Number of Trainings They Teach?  No.

She's dancing around on this one. The English language SALPOV Trainers Manual is filled with a long list of annual requirements for trainers, including a very steep "license fee" and compulsory attendance at monthly and annual ritualistic indoctrination sessions.

Do Chuck and Lency Spezzano Invoke the Name of Jesus in Their Joining Sessions, or Claim to Channel Jesus Energy?  No.

They don't have to. Remember, A Course in Miracles was scribed by Jesus himself.

Do Lency and Chuck Spezzano Use Hypnosis on Residential School Survivors Who May Eventually Be Involved in Court Action?  No.

What an interesting thing to bring up. I wonder why she did? And what is with capitalising all the key words throughout this chapter?

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #274 on: July 07, 2014, 02:05:53 am »
The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 15


In Conclusion

It is my hope that I have answered the many allegations against Chuck and me in a way that makes it clear, to those who are searching for the truth, that the lies presented against us do not register concern, but constitute completely fabricated stories meant to do harm, rather than to protect. To my knowledge, we have never had a complaint from a First Nations person about their experience in a seminar. Quite the opposite – as I expressed earlier – we have been highly honored and appreciated by First Nations and other Indigenous peoples, agencies and individuals for our pro-bono work through the years. And the opportunity for us to be helpful in this way has been an honor.

Our primary focus has been to help people heal their heartbreaks and all forms of suffering, and raise the level of collective consciousness on the planet. I thank you for reading my response to its conclusion. If you would like to learn even more about Psychology of Vision and its Trainers, please visit us at

With love,
Lency Spezzano, for the Psychology of Vision Trainers’ Association

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #275 on: July 08, 2014, 12:31:00 am »
after reading all the research , opinions , evaluations and summations about this group, the one thing that stands out is these spezzano's are masters of denial.if there is something negative about them they deflect and blame someone else,
 they say no one has ever complained or reported problems from PoV involvement, yey there are many reports on this nafps site,and other people brought forward concerns and problems about PoV involvement,and as usual did nothing, this is only one reason these PoV people are dangerous.
 and they prove themselves to be incredibly bad liars. here is on big important example of lency and chuck lying to deflect ,blame others or they themselve just aren't getting it as they say about others incluc=ding people having problems,
here are some other links other than the german trainers manual describing targeting first nations.
here is Melissa Meyer letter that describes how they're (PoV) going to cure first nations so they can go back to their outlying villages and teach PoV so every one will get me this is an outright admission to target first nations

here is a grant to an outpost group for PoV called the ngystle society, the money is meant to heal residential school survivors with PoV.. we can ask the value for dollar for this rss healing, how many rss got real trained help,or how many were actually recruited, if there were very few rss that signed up, where did the rest of the money go and who spent it. this shows one amount of the dollar value involved with first nations and PoV

here is the PoV outpost group showing advertising for chuck spezzano and PoV ,this ngystle society is on the Haida indian reserve and shows how PoV has a foothold on and over a first nations culture

 Lency Spezzano says NO we are not like charles manson, but i can't help but think is lency becoming charles manson like?? what is the next step with imbedded commands in her victims.?? these people do need to be watched and possibly charged with an affinity fraud charge for misappropriated funding like targeting of residential school survivors.
   Lency's posting all this nonsense on the internet that probably doesn't make sense to anyone with a critical mind..maybe if she knew what she was talking about she would not post her nonsense that her devotees have to eat up and act like she is saying something profound and a wonderful way to live, this is unrealistic to her devotees to follow but follow they have to if they want to advance in their controversial group
  Lency appears to be loosing her mind and this is what she's passing on to her "advanced trainers" and her 100 plus days of actual workshop grads who signed up to eat the PoV shit.
 how are her devotees going to be able to handle what amounts to nothing but fantasy, oh yeah , i forgot that Lency is one of the ones that says It's all an illusion, maybe that will be their statement if they ever get to court,... it's not true, it's all an illusion. this might make more than one devotee nuts and insane in their heads
 what's really  proving to be an illusion about PoV is people being led to believe that they are licensed psychologists with their fancy advertising and people are being led to believe they're getting healed .as shown in this video that a real medical doctor said it's obvious babs stevens is getting BRAINWASHED. the doctor said part of their training was to recognize brainwashing. is this what anyone wants to happen to them , where they end up in psychology of vision like this willing victim.? what is the ultimate goal of these spezzanos ? turn everyone into people like this haida woman?? and the spezzanos call this brainwashing performance  cutting edge healing? from what i see , i can freely say it looks to me like babs stevens is getting her mind flushed out and replaced with the imbedded command  - "there's only one of us here" probably so she can think she doesn't have to be accountable to anyone in her job position, she is made to r=think she can do whatever she wants, i bet she was targeted for this because of her job position, i fail to see how any of the spezzano "teachings" can be called healing. can the spezzanos' prove this is healing by providing a written evaluation of themselves by a credible educated licensed institution,
if you haven;t seen this or any of lency spezzanos' videos, be forewarned it is very disturbing to watch another human being put through whatever lency spezzano calls it .

   the real truth about Chuck and Lency Spezzanos' Psychology of Vision is NO ONE SEEMS TO GET HEALED, they have to keep returning and it costs a lot of money to be one of their victims, think about it... stay away from these people.., their advanced trainers and 100 plus day grads are programmed to recruit you, that's obvio  if you read the research about PoV. anyone indoctrinated into PoV is programmed to recruit by helping put on workshops and pushing the PoV dogma onto the public to bring up the numbers, it's all written in their trainers manual, following PoV is an unrealistic way to live a life,especially if you have a familty you will always leave to attend the needed workshops, all the money spent on PoV would be better and more wisely spent on your real blood family. not the super dysfunctional family the spezzanos created and want you to join

this comment from lency caught my attention...

Is Chuck The Equivalent of The Psychopath Charles Manson?  No.

did anyone have an idea charles mansons group was going to end up doing what they did.?? this is only one example of death and murder from cult involvement, and is an excelent example of why cults are no good, if lency says charles spezzano is not like charles manson, what is to stop charles spezzano and his group from becoming charles manson like ??
all cults need to be watched ,observed and exposed because who knows what the next step will be with the induced psychosis put into the "participants'

« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 07:15:53 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #276 on: July 11, 2014, 06:55:30 pm »


Is Lency Spezzano Merely A Stage Hypnotist?

First, it’s important to know that what we are doing in this process is “joining” – which is the simplest, yet most powerful healing method that I know of. All that is required is to relate to another person (or group of people) in a horizontal manner – recognizing that, although all human beings are unique, at a deeper level we are the same, and we are all connected.

So, to return to the videos, which focus on one form of joining, the reason I ask for that assistance is because I, like most people, am “right eyed” in the same way that I, like most people, am right handed. So, if the person looks into my left eye, which is not my dominant eye, we aren’t really looking straight at each other. With both of the other person’s eyes looking into my right eye, I can look back into their left eye, the “window of the soul,” to see their pain; this is physically evident in the pupil of the eye, which takes a different aperture according to what the person is feeling.

If you starr in someones eyes you can force someone into freeze, maybe. A situiation in freeze this "victim" is helpless, can´t react, can´t move, can´t step out, maybe fear of passed events comes up, and he cannot control this situation anymore.... this could happen .... and this could end in a terrible situation. For someone who was taumatized he could feel this helplessness in the same way as he was in this terrible situation happened long time ago, where he felt life - threatening, reacted with freeze, fight or flight. In L. S. starring stage this feeling could come up again, helpless, life - threatening ....

I cannot imagine that L. S. just need to look in the eyes to feel the pain, I cannot believe she recognizes this in the pupil, ... there are surely more signs she uses to recognizes when someone feels fear, anger, sadness, ... . and the crowed around forces the "victim" deeper in this helpless situation, presented in its exposed situation.

I know about this starring at people, ... in my opinion noone should use "starring" in a contact with people with mental issues, never, never, especially if someone (think) he / she acts as a therapist .... but a therapist himself must standby a situation if a person with mental issues starres at him. Reverse effect in POV trainer - philosophy?

The "victim" is not in the same level as the other, how could this be?

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #277 on: July 11, 2014, 10:21:43 pm »
 if you take time to look at those frighteningly weird videos of her "downloading" and "joining" youtubes of Lency and her willing victims, she does the same thing s everytime, in the introductions when she says - Todays your birthday" ,"you can have anything you want" i wonder if those phrases are the magic passwords to send the victims into the state they end up in on the videos ?? the advanced trainers seem so eager to please lency that it appears like a competition to see who can please lency and become just like he the quickest ??
 getting back to a mad threatening dog, that is all lency spezzano reminds me of a predator and exactly like a mad dog, if you have ever seen a dog baring its teeth and intimidating you right up in your fave, just like lency spezzano is doing to those people she has captive under her spell, these people have no choice with her, they have to go through this mental torture and take what she dishes out to them ,they have to listen to her if they want to advance in this controversial high demend group - Psychology of Vision. personally i like to call the spezzano scam- the Psychology of DIVISION. simply because they want to split you from your real family, husband or wife and get you into his "spiritual" family, at all costs ,it doesn't seem to matter how the ends justify the means, there are so many people telling stories how the spezzanos tried to get the "participant to turn against the one they were closest to in their real family, how can this be called heling ? how can these spezzanos still pretend they are doing good and say no one has come forward, well it looks like there are many people ,it even made it on APTN tv under plastic healers on Haida Gwaii and these spezzanos still say it'e the victims fault
i hope the nafps research site grows in the numbers of people researching this group and make a good critical and now informed consent about joining Pov, the spazzanos themselves look like they would give informed consent about themselves. nor provide you with life insurance for you when you have problems,
nor do they provide proper after care other than their advanced trainers and 100 plus day workshop grads that are much less qualified than the leaders of this cult, chuck and lency,both chuck and lency do not have credible licenses for being psychologists but deceive the public they are with their slick internet ads,
  when you research frauds and cults ,you learn how to read through the fancy puff talk internet ads and learn what questions to ask the group, and we have the right to ask all the questions we can and to get truthful hones answers to everyone of them, not get glowing testimonials from people that have been victims for 20 or more years of involvement, these people will never say anything bad about any experience with PoV, they are not allowed to, the fact that lency posted her "truth about chuck and lency" should raise the red flag real high about what she's trying to protect,
 the spezzanos say they're being attacked by people researching and exposing them ,
 ignorance about any cultist , controversial group is a danger to the public, if you're planning on bettering your life.. it is well worth it to research everything you can about the group before you sign up and risk your mental and financial health,
 there are some that will lead you into a deep emotional money trap, research PoV well ,it looks like the only good thing said about PoV is from themselves advanced trainers and 100 plus days of actual workshop grads, there is nothing written by qualified ,educated licensed professional people in this field and i highly doubt that you will
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 03:34:59 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #278 on: July 12, 2014, 04:22:28 am »
Days of Wine and Roses With Spezzano and Associates Psychology of Vision

A couple interesting recent SALPOV generated online documents have grabbed our attention. Here's the first one from Facebook--

July 4
You know lency there is this massive pattern of god damm powerlessness going on, Powerless people attack people to assert position for whatever reason and there are many. Sometimes to defend yourself is so, sometimes not. Some want a good fight as it puts the light on you and how bad you are so they don't got to look bad. People try to hide there mistakes we all do, and while actions are not always acceptable, see the feelings behind them..and just choose to be powerful and shine..powerful in our own way..sometimes when you withdraw your investment in those who have attacked you are giving them no more permission and they have nothing to fight against as you wont unless they might as well give i won't its not giving up but getting on with life, and enjoying the best and best to come and feeling awfully sorry for those who do that crap. I have at times.. but not to level of nastiness. Good to have caring people in the world..most of all they never you are not fighting..they play and abuse only themselves..

    2 people like this.
    Lency Spezzano Yes, all very true, and I am well beyond that stage. I have been reaping many gifts from the attack. Most recently, it has brought to mind the awareness of how much disapproval I faced in my childhood so that it can be healed.

    July 4 at 2:36pm · 1
    Lency Spezzano I know that everything that happens to me is happening because it is in my best interests. I do not feel defensive, and have not. I made the website so that students can refer their family and friends to it if they become concerned. It is hard enough for them to be on a spiritual path without this kind of nastiness.

    July 4 at 2:37pm · 2
    Lency Spezzano But for me, the gifts I have received are precious: I no longer care what people think of me, and I have been freed from many attachments, such as having a good name and reputation, being seen as truthful, etc.

    July 4 at 2:37pm · 1
    Elna Macdonald Lency and Chuck I love you

    July 4 at 11:22pm
    Lency Spezzano Hi Laura,

    July 5 at 3:34am
    Lency Spezzano I appreciate your willingness to empathize with me, Laura, but you didn't catch any of my feelings. I'm okay. Emotional waves do come and go, but as elements of higher consciousness and healing. Your coaching is to someone not me, or my experience. But I appreciate the love behind it. xxxxxxx

    July 5 at 3:37am

    Laura Madley
    July 5 at 5:44am

So nice to hear Lenora is finding our observations to be of good use, reaping the rewards of our criticism. This admission should weaken any legal case she would endeavor to press against those of us who happily dwell in the dark astral forces as we celebrate being free human beings using the critical minds God gave us. It all works out to be mutually beneficial. That nasty bogus legal letter to our comrades in Haida Gwaii from Lenora was obviously a mistake. 

Note this: "I am well beyond that stage"; "I do not feel defensive, and have not."; "I no longer care what people think of me, and I have been freed from many attachments, such as having a good name and reputation, being seen as truthful, etc."; "Your coaching is to someone not me, or my experience."

There is no way Lenora is going to allow herself to be in a position of weakness to be comforted and receive advice by underlings. That would undermine her authority, which in turn would hurt her brand and ability to pose as Queen Bee demanding expensive tribute in the form of SALPOV fees and licenses. 

You would think by now, after decades of "downloads" and having been "enlightened," Lenora Kay Spezzano would be way past still having to resolve childhood disapproval. But noooooo. See, the process never ends. That's why you still need to keep coming back to SALPOV and emptying your savings into the Spezzano bank account.

According to this video, Lenora's main childhood disapproval came from her mother. Start at about 9:30. A performance worthy of an audition for an Ed Wood film. 

Let us combine this with the July 9 post by Charles Lee Spezzano--

The workshop and the lecture here in London were really fun, deep and full of grace. We dealt with all manner of the Dead Zone issues, such as fusion, roles, rules duties, co-dependency, the Oedipal Conspiracy, competition, scarcity, stress, the Family Conspiracy. It was light and easy and done much differently than I usually do workshops. It was more like an Apprenticeship without so much homework. It was light, fun and easy…It is always so much fun for me in London with so many friends here. I have been to London and environs 80 plus times since 1983. It feels like home. The first time I came here in '83 I was interested to see if I could feel the English side of me. My mother's maiden name was Shelton and her mother's maiden name was Cooper…The English side of me doesn't show but I feel it. I have always been warmly received here. They do appreciate a well presented idea. Lency arrived yesterday from Hawaii getting ready for her 5 day Women's Workshop. We picked her up and got her settled in the hotel to sleep till today when I showed up.
Last night after settling Lency in we had a wine tasting of 6 italian wines…It was an Italian night with Robert Holden, who works a lot with Hay House, cooking up a very special 4 course italian meal…Wow ! What a night…sometimes i drank water just to surprise my liver. The red wines were very big and robust. So much good wine…Our host Tony Prior led us in a grand evening. Matthew Lizzie Prior's fiancé was also there for the first time to one of our wine tastings where I was present also. if you are going to be drinking fine wines you want to be in the company of fine people like I was last night…So, here I am in my hotel room waiting for Lency to wake up so we can have our all day date….Oh, Boy!!
In the meantime I thought I would add a little to my blog other than my card for the day. I usually donate all my time to the books I am writing. so many books and they are trying to push through all at once. Right now I am working on 12 different books. I finished one yesterday. It 's the latest card deck-- HEALING THE IDOLS DECK… it is a book that explores the unconscious key element that is always present in any pain or upset. Idols hide right in front of us and they are buried at unconscious levels also. This card deck gives us a way to understand, find and heal idols... We still need an artist which my publisher, Urania,promised would happen easily and quickly. This is a major healing work that opens up spiritual areas of the mind also. I would guess it will appear in Germany this next year.
 I think it is time for me to pull out some of my writing and do a bit of catching up. I wrote the titles for about 3 dozen new chapters since just before I left on this trip. I have had so many creative ideas  with relatively little time to write. It always feels so good to write…I also have another book here for editing…
I will leave you with one thought that came from a t-shirt I was given 25 years ago…Good boys go to Heaven…Bad boys go to London…
Somehow I always keep going back to London…
Love You,

Yes, Charles is a Bad Boy, but not in the romanticised way he portrays himself. More in the way I would suspect the RCMP and a few other governmental agencies are probably profiling him.

Interesting that Lenora brings up Mother problems at the same time Charles tells us as he brown-noses to his London readers, "The first time I came here in '83 I was interested to see if I could feel the English side of me. My mother's maiden name was Shelton and her mother's maiden name was Cooper…The English side of me doesn't show but I feel it." Now how many years have these clowns been posing as family relationship experts and they STILL have Mother Issues?!?

How can Charles and Lenora pose as surrogate parents for all vulnerable easy marks when they themselves still have major unresolved guilt on their feminine parental influences? I say "guilt" because, according the Charles, all problems boil down to that emotion.

There are a couple other fawning and really self-destructive comments undermining the "professional" image myth made by Charles here. Hay House and hustling his yet unpublished Healing the Idols deck. He did it to himself. The man is such a New Age panderer, known as "Chuckster the Huckster" by others in the New Age community, and for good reason. Tarot-like card sets might be a good seller, but it certainly does not inspire confidence in regarding the creator of this parlor game as a professional in the field of psychology, which is how the Spezzanos desperately want to be regarded. The 3-card trick could just as easily be performed by a slot machine in Nevada. I never cease to be astounded by the gullibility of Spezzano's cult followers to accept the random game as a true sign of what they need. This is a very neat, and I suspect lucrative, scam.

The cheery and glowing references to alcohol are so telling and reveal Charles to be utterly unprofessional. As a supposed family therapist he should know about the incredibly destructive and widespread power of alcohol and alcoholism on family dynamics. Yet we see alcohol consumption as a form of celebration time and again throughout SALPOV images and text. The impact of alcohol on FN communities is particularly devastating. The Spezzano encouragement of alcohol consumption by example can be viewed as yet another form of insensitive psychocolonisation.

I know the drugs pushed by a cult rival of the Spezzanos, Erick Gonzalez on Haida Gwaii might be more exotic, but the fact remains alcohol is by far the most destructive drug of all in the long run, and appears to be culturally promoted by Charles Lee Spezzano (to prove he's a "real man"?) with little regard for his audience. And why is that? Because SALPOV is all about Charles Lee and Lenora Kay Spezzano.  Cultural sensitivity, individual needs, human dignity, who needs that stuff? Those little annoying details-- for example officially registering your "charities" or applying for professional licenses, these things just add a layer of complication that get in the way of making a bigger profit margin, so why bother?   

According to Lenora's recent screed--

Chuck was employed as a psychologist by the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center at the Naval Air Station Miramar, in San Diego, from 1973-79, and he also became an instructor at the Naval Drug and Alcohol Counseling School, their program to train Navy therapists, from 1974-79. 

A "psychologist"? Really? And if he was employed as a drug rehabilitation person, then why is he today celebrating the consumption of alcohol with his emotionally wounded clients who, many of whom I would wager have experienced the torture of living with or being themselves an alcoholic?

His YouTube on "Intervention" comes across as quite insincere given his many online references to appreciating the qualities of drinking spirits. We have seen photo after photo of SALPOV dinners where the wine flows as freely as the SALPOV fabrications. Maybe an intervention on Charles himself is in order here.

If you are considering signing up with SALPOV, and if part of the dysfunctional family dynamics that you experienced involved a family member who suffered from alcoholism or if you yourself exhibit these traits and are seeking help, then obviously Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is not the place for you. Seek help from a REAL professional experienced with treating addictions-- and this includes alcohol, tobacco, gambling, smoking frog venom and misusing other drugs, seeking approval from those who cannot give it, co-dependency, worshiping false idols (like the Spezzanos), relinquishing cash to con artists for vaporware, whatever.

But, if you are the kind of person who enjoys pouring money down a rathole, then SALPOV is the right place for you!


Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #279 on: July 12, 2014, 09:15:02 am »
if you take time to look at those frighteningly weird videos of her "downloading" and "joining" youtubes of Lency and her willing victims, she does the same thing s everytime, in the introductions when she says - Todays your birthday" ,"you can have anything you want" i wonder if those phrases are the magic passwords to send the victims into the state they end up in on the videos ??

This phrases can be used as a trigger which can starts a programm, on which a victim is conditioned. But I would not say if POV is acting in this way for I got not enough knowledge about their way of practicing (I´ve never been ther) and I don´t know ist there any evidence about a practicing "brainwash". In generell this is possible. Cults and satanic cults are working with it.

In the movies I see that L. S. behaviour is peculiar, staginess.... strange. Does C. S not see this, as a studied psychologist he must have been taken attentively to this behaviour...... L.S. falls a victim by herself or ....

This form of "entlightening" could help people to develop an unsocial behaviour with lack of understanding that an act is unlawful, they don´t care and feel anymore if they harm someone else. A relationship is becoming impossible.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 10:28:24 am by Sturmboe »

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #280 on: July 12, 2014, 06:26:43 pm »
   after reading more research and opinions,summations and educated evaluations about these spezzanos, i do not see any thing that could be classified as an "attack" on them , there is no meanness or hatred said in any post written anywhere about them, yet they say they're under "attack" . i am beginning to wonder if this is a blatant message for that disciples to go and take up battle stations and go into more of their threatening and bullying behavior to those that question or have critical thoughts about PoV.
 all i see written is researched and documented facts and educated opinions about PoV that is all meant for public education and informed consent about the Psychology of vision cult group that the unsuspecting public needs to know about. not an attack as lency is projecting out to PoV devotees,
 it's obvious PoV and their advanced trainers and 100 plus day grads will not tell you the real truth behind PoV, they are too heavily indoctrinated to make any critical objective comment or evaluation about PoV, instead they will try to recruit you, probably they're so heavily indoctrinated they aren't aware of themselves that they're recruiting you, at this stage with 20 plus years of PoV "workshops" we can safely bet that these people are heavily programmed and indoctrinated  to support at all costs the PoV leaders and their imbedded belief system - psychology of vision,

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #281 on: July 13, 2014, 03:47:41 am »
Here's a curious SALPOV find. The Rev. Mahara Brenna of Vancouver, BC makes a couple references to our subject in an interesting context. She is an "International Facilitator, Holistic Rebirther, Multi-Faith Minister, Community Builder and Mediator." Not sure what her connection to SALPOV might be. My intention here is not to knock Rev. Brenna's deal at all, but merely to point out she presents yet another perspective and view on how SALPOV fits into the New Age universe.

AS A HOLISTIC REBIRTHER Mahara assists people to heal emotionally and spiritually. By employing the connected breathing pattern or Rebirthing breath in conjunction with “Psychology of Vision™” reprogramming, one releases the wounds of the past, and frees the body to begin its healing. The inner Light of the Soul is liberated and the natural wisdom stored in the body emerges.

A 3-hour private session consists of counseling, family of origin exploration, Rebirthing, reprogramming of limited core-beliefs, and integration into present time aspects of the Self that have been lost along the way.

Life is an ongoing journey of death and rebirth. To the degree we allow ourselves to continually shed old skins, we awaken new energies, aliveness, creativity and spiritual awareness. Rebirthing deepens our gratitude for life and connection to the magnificence of Source that dwells within us and all around us.

       Individual 3 hour Session= $275.
    Couples Mediation 3 hour Session= $350. [includes preparation]

Compared to the over $1000 an hour Charles Lee Spezzano charges for a personal consultation, her fees look downright reasonable. I'm interested in how she can deploy SALPOV and advertise this programme in her workshop without, apparently, being a trainer and being forced to pay the incredibly expensive "license fee" the Spezzano's require.

Also, note the use of the word "reprogramming." Perhaps in New Age circles that word has a positive glow. But for those of us not immersed in the esoteric terminology of that insulated and isolated subculture, for those of us who talk in plain English, this word has a very negative impact. It smacks of brainwashing and conditioning. Although perhaps she didn't mean it in that way, using the phrase "Psychology of Vision reprogramming" comes across as quite accurate to me.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #282 on: July 13, 2014, 12:28:50 pm »
 Quote: "after reading more research and opinions,summations and educated evaluations about these spezzanos, i do not see any thing that could be classified as an "attack" on them , there is no meanness or hatred said in any post written anywhere about them, yet they say they're under "attack" ."

The critics are all attacs of the way POV is working and treating people, they are C. and L. S. who are acting, they are standing behind their life - work, they believe in that ... I can understand if they feel attact by others criticism ....

Quote: "Here's a curious SALPOV find. The Rev. Mahara Brenna of Vancouver, BC makes a couple references to our subject in an interesting context. She is an "International Facilitator, Holistic Rebirther, Multi-Faith Minister, Community Builder and Mediator." Not sure what her connection to SALPOV might be. My intention here is not to knock Rev. Brenna's deal at all, but merely to point out she presents yet another perspective and view on how SALPOV fits into the New Age universe.


    AS A HOLISTIC REBIRTHER Mahara assists people to heal emotionally and spiritually. By employing the connected breathing pattern or Rebirthing breath in conjunction with “Psychology of Vision™” reprogramming, one releases the wounds of the past, and frees the body to begin its healing. The inner Light of the Soul is liberated and the natural wisdom stored in the body emerges."

Also, note the use of the word "reprogramming." Perhaps in New Age circles that word has a positive glow. But for those of us not immersed in the esoteric terminology of that insulated and isolated subculture, for those of us who talk in plain English, this word has a very negative impact. It smacks of brainwashing and conditioning. Although perhaps she didn't mean it in that way, using the phrase "Psychology of Vision reprogramming" comes across as quite accurate to me.

"programming" and "deprogramming" are - among others - terminology of psychology. "Trigger, Programming and Conditioning" are used by offenders in cults, etc with highly effective. It is horrible.

In traumapsychology therapists use "de-programming" to solve and delete a "programming" of an offender who left this in a victim.
"Re-programming" I cannot find as a terminoloy of psychology and as I understand this word I see there no good results. As I understand "Re-programming" means to programm something new or twist the existing programming into another muster without solve and delete. I can see there a connection POV and Rebirthing.... in a lot of esoteric ways .... not good...

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #283 on: July 13, 2014, 05:13:01 pm »
 these critical evaluations educated comments about PoV are attacks on lency and chuck... then i can see these as attacks are for the common good of all the people to learn about chuck and lency, there is something just not right about chuck and lence with their trade mark name for their business-psychology of vision, people are getting hurt and running into problems from involvement in pov and these spezzanos are not listening or trying to fix the problems people are having.
 people need real professional help, not some repetitious dogma over and over again until they're indoctrinated to believe the dogma and they're healed PoV is  now a known cult - psychology of vision is a cult.
  if and when real professional people decide to critique this high demand group and come to the same conclusions as this and other forums talking public education and informed consent .. how can that be considered an attack ?? 
  there are people that commented about their negative experiences with pov, this is their right and they have every right to be angry, and make this personal, but instead choose to do public education so people do not fall into the same emotional , financial trap they did by joining PoV thinking they would make their lives  better , it didn't and there was no proper professional help for them, insted they were blemed shunned and even ridiculed by PoV devotees , so they spoke up, and lency and chuck are not listening, hopefully people considering joing PoV are reading and listening to what is being researched and published about PoV.
 i would like to add that the research is very well done by absolutely credible researchers , the RCMP support the researchers, saying everything written is 100% true and accurate, so it looks like the RCMP did their own evaluation, maybe there will be more news from the RCMP to follow.
  it looks like these spezzano's are so locked into their own egos and controlling the "ones" they already collected into their indoctrination that they forgot about the other people, they're not listening to the other people, i wonder why they can't take the time to listen to people with problems stemming fron PoV involvement, maybe they are at least smart enough to know they are unqualified to fix damaged minds,
 the spazzanos had this saying - "there is only one of us here" . i don't know if this is a subliminal imbedded command put into their victims so PoV and the deciples don't have to be accountable to others for their harm done, or it frees up the "advanced trainers/recruiters' to do what they want to support and push PoV onto people in indian villages to access government funding ? there might be more to this command when implanted into PoV victims.
well .... here is another fact.
and we have the rights to speak up voice opinions ask questions ' make summations and evaluations and best of all.. we have a right to be heard. thankfully our audience is growing,

 i wonder if these spezzanos ,the 'advanced trainer" and the 100 plus days workshop grads listened to the people having problems instead of blaming, ignoring shunning and making mean lies about them. .. if they took care of their participants and fixed what made them have problems, would these "attack" be happening,??
their own "laws of attraction" at work i guess,
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 06:43:26 pm by moreinfo »

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #284 on: July 14, 2014, 01:55:35 am »

 Lency Spezzano Yes, all very true, and I am well beyond that stage. I have been reaping many gifts from the attack. Most recently, it has brought to mind the awareness of how much disapproval I faced in my childhood so that it can be healed.

    July 4 at 2:36pm · 1
    Lency Spezzano I know that everything that happens to me is happening because it is in my best interests. I do not feel defensive, and have not. I made the website so that students can refer their family and friends to it if they become concerned. It is hard enough for them to be on a spiritual path without this kind of nastiness.

these above  comments are quite disturbing to me, the first shows me the spezzanos are on a mission of negligence about again not listening to people that developed problems from PoV and it's still all about themselves, the victims have to eat this up too, instead of learning from it, seeing lency telling her minions that she "learned from the attack" i wonder if she realized at what age she learned to lie and blame the victim
maybe she should send a payment to sandy s for helping her in her "healing"

 the idea that lency wrote her "truth about Lency and chuck" for her devotees and their families instead of providing written evidence about psychology of vision being a good group for people to really learn about hopefully the family members concerned about PoV know that all all lency wrote is nothing but puff talk using people heavily indoctrinated in PoV to write their glowing "testimonials" for lency to make themselves look good and credible

  the only reason wrote and published that site keep her paying customers exactly that paying customers, nothing more nothing less, this makes me wonder about how good lency spezzanos critical thinking is, if she can't see how shallow her ploy is to convince her victims families that maybe facing emotion and financial problems trying to stay in Pov that they are a good healthy group worth staying in.
 hopefully the victims family members still have their critical thinking and haven't been indoctrinated by the family member to not make an objective decision about PoV

 i've read where people are having trouble fitting back into their life before these 10 day workshops, some having trouble within their own families, PoV has this thing called "emoting" where the victims are always crying and they have to figure out why they're crying, any little simple thing can trigger them to cry, how can this be classified as a healing method, programming these people to think they're healing by crying over anything and =then figure out why they're crying ,then made to believe they're they're healing. if you ask anyone in the real healing field, everyone of them will tell you this is wrong and outright dangerous to the victim.
i can't help but think it must be embarrassing to be reduced to this state and paying big money for it too,

the more i learn about PoV the more i want to yell out to everyone seeking to better their lives to
choose carefully, stay away from damaging frauds , at least ask if they're licensed and qualified to fix peoples minds,  everyone has the right to know truthful answers.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 07:48:51 pm by moreinfo »