Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573091 times)


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #165 on: March 28, 2014, 08:08:16 pm »
The Ngystle Society is advertising an event "Divine Dance to Awakening" with Bernie Koftinoff. Bernie has been active in the Oneness Movement for many years

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #166 on: March 29, 2014, 03:07:02 am » is no longer open to the public, but pieces of it still surface. I found this in:

A few years back I learned at Oneness University that Joining was what they called deeksha (the Sanskrit word ... Lency Spezzano -
If this was "a few years" after attending Oneness University, it seems obvious Lenora was still enamored with the institution for awhile.

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #167 on: March 29, 2014, 12:35:52 pm »
I got some problems to see there an aspect alike a Stockholm Syndrom, even there are common aspects to esoteric bond. Normally the victims are in a situation where they got extreme experiences with threats on the one hand with death or deathtrap incidences and on the other hand a life - saving bonding to the offender is the only one who can save their (victims) life.
Victims are looking for reasons and appologies of the offender´s crime This is a strategy to survive a situation they normally cannot stand by.

I can imagine, the abuse in esoterics ways will develop in dangours ways, like these occultism and satanism which are existing today... 
Some experts say, the boundary between esoteric, occulism and satanism is indistinct.

What possibilities these special esoteric people can use to develop there fraudulant ceremonies maybe will eclipse these fraudulant ceremonies of today.
Are these esoteric people mentally ill? I don´t know....
There are people who are very intelligent, calculating, got a need for power, and what they miss is empathy for life.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 01:05:56 pm by Sturmboe »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #168 on: March 31, 2014, 05:06:43 am »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 1

If you perform a Google search on "Psychology of Vision" or the Spezzanos in short order you will run across websites and posts (some of them now gone) introducing POV with titles like Grifters Hotel, Cult Education Forum, Bad Ads, Taking Advantage of Seeking a Better Life, our own New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans, Plastic Healers, Lency Spezzano's Junk Science Jamboree, and Ripoff Report. Not exactly the kind of publicity any business retailing spiritual enlightenment would desire, but there it is.

POV has gained more than a few critics, and it isn't because these "rebel" thinkers are part of dark shadowy forces as Charles Lee Spezzano would have his lucrative paying customer base believe. Remember reading in history about the "Age of Enlightment"? It was also known as "The Age of Reason." The term "enlightenment" belongs to the critical thinkers, not charlatan capitalists who are marketing tired old retreads of Oneness University practices and platitudes. Charles Lee Spezzano's use of the term "rebel" suggests he considers himself an authoritarian figure. 

Yet Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano claim POV is not a cult?

Even other practitioners in the business of spiritual healing are wary of Psychology of Vision. Although this is not really my cup of tea I am willing to agree there are people in that field who are sincere and walk their talk. Live and let live, except when people get victimized, is my creed. As Grifters Hotel always said, this is about behaviour, not belief.

Dave Oshana--

"A false teacher will provide entertainment based around ritual much like Morris Cerullo's Christian Healing Crusades. Chuck Spezzano's Psychology of Vision events use emotional songs and on-stage enactments of forgiveness with surrogate parents. Rebirth is a common theme in Ancient Mystery Schools including Freemasonry and Christianity.

Exciting parlour tricks seen on the advaita scene are the classic 'advaita shuffle', 'Who's in?', 'The Three Card Find the "I"' trick and 'Truth, dare or promise'. These devices are fail-safes. If they don't work in producing awakening (and they typically don't in the hands of an unawakened teacher) they at least provide entertainment, bewilderment and confusion. The Zen equivalent of these 'slick-tricks' (as Andrew Cohen calls them but avows to never use) are koans, tea ceremonies and kwat slaps."


"The book entitled Oneness, which I transcribed, is not associated in any way with any other teacher, guru, or organization that may also be using the name 'Oneness.'  I have, thankfully, never received 'deeksha' or a so-called 'Oneness Blessing' from anyone affiliated with POV or the group in India calling themselves 'Oneness University.' I do not wish to have unsuspecting, sincere spiritual seekers confuse the pure teachings of Oneness, who some people consider to be God, with the agenda of that organization.";wap2

Kelly Tobey-- In a ratings list of spiritual-oriented workshops, Charles and Lenora Spezzano ranked in the bottom 10% out of 106.

"In the list of workshops below I will give a grading when I think extra discernment is needed. After the words “discernment needed”, if I put one or more *‘s it is because I think there is an environment of (usually unconscious) encouragement to give your power away to the facilitator's belief systems rather than encouraging you to evaluate for yourself, what fits with your journey, and what does not. In other words the facilitator may not be owning that the belief systems they are presenting, and their evaluations of participants, are her or his perceptions and not necessarily the "truth".  You will also find *'s if I observed belief systems presented that I thought were potentially detrimental. The more *‘s I have used the more careful use of discernment I would suggest. (And to add: facilitators often grow and get better at their craft so some of the people below may be even more skillful now, than they were when I first participated in their offerings)"

"Chuck and Lency Spezzano; Psychology of Vision, Emotional awareness, uncovering of inherent giftedness   Discernment suggested **"

Normally the online POV response to criticism has been to simply delete or hide all trace of anything that proves inconvenient to their little charade and hope no one is watching, sweeping it under the rug, such as removing all mention of the strong connection and philosophical indebtedness the organisation has to Oneness University, or the principles expoused on the Healing Metaphors website, both purges of which have been documented on this forum, Psiram, Grifters Hotel (now defunct), Morty the Dog (also defunct). Some creative searching will get you to the dead sites.

Although friends and family of POV have responded on Facebook in predictable reactionary ways, and Charles Lee Spezzano made a very self-destructive phone call to APTN which was aired, the only official post-APTN Investigates (Nov. 2013) responses worth noting are from Lenora Kay Spezzano. She had a series of remarks addressing criticism on her "Joining" YouTubes. After a short time the critiques were deleted but the text of her reactions remain, creating a strange shadowboxing effect. These videos already marginalize POV into what is politely called the "esoteric" category, but her disconnected comments are not doing her or her business prospects any favours and only confirm the image of POV as some kind of old-fashioned medicine show selling snake oil.

The aforementioned Ripoff Report is where we find the closest thing to an official response to the growing critical investigation of Psychology of Vision.

Here is the original complaint, made in Sept. 2013, before the APTN broadcast--

"Chuck and Lency Spezzano run an international scam. They hold large group trainings around the world, claiming that they are healing. They coerce people into paying lots of money to take these trainings, to climb their hierarchy ladder to become trainers themselves.

These trainings are like the classic Est type seminars of decades past.

They practice affinity fraud by preying on specific communities, draining their money, and training their leaders to continue the scam.

The large group trainings are very high pressure. People are pressured to not go to the bathroom, people are not supposed to leave early or arrive late. Audience members are encouraged to freak out, all in the supposed name of healing. People end up screaming, sobbing, vomiting, laughing hysterically.

Videos of Lency Spezzano doing one on one sessions before an audience are available online.

Classic tools of manipulation and persuasion are used, including hypnosis, coarse language, touch, and aggression.

This isn't psychological therapy, this is not spiritual healing, this is a scam."

On Nov. 3, 2013 Lenora Kay Spezzano filed a response with the leading sentence: "Nothing that is alleged in this report is true." Then she followed with a long narrative that our friend Sturmboe beautifully summed up as: "The answer they wrote in Ripoff Report tells it´s own story. Terrible."

From my own research into the POV cult, the Ripoff Report complaint appears to be 100% accurate. It provides a true premise from which to build. There is nothing in it I find false from my diggings.

Here is Lenora Kay Spezzano's rebuttal with my inserted lecture notes.

"Nothing that is alleged in this report is true. The Psychology of Vision is an organization that is owned by the Trainers themselves (I believe there are presently 52 of us.) All organizational decisions are reached by unanimous decision, either by the Trainers as a whole body, or by the Steering Committee, which consists of the Trainers who have achieved Master Trainer status (there are currently 7) and our program director. Chuck and I, as founders, do not get more of a voice than any other Trainer or Steering Committee member. The organization operates from a completely horizontal relationship between Trainers, not a hierarchy with a cult figure at the top."

As mentioned earlier, POV is a commercial branch of Spezzano and Associates Ltd., the only two officers of SAL being Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano. The actual number of stockholders is a public mystery. That being said, the POV Trainers Manual presents a very different version of what Lenora is claiming here about being flat. Either she has not read the Manual of her cult or she is lying. This multi-layered organisation is far from level and the Manual promotes subservience to Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano, indirectly giving this couple the role of parental authority. The souls who surrender themselves to this scam must be very desperate. It makes me feel sad to see human potential wasted on such a con game to enrich two such obvious frauds.

Quotes from the POV Trainers Manual:

P. 4 "The Trainer conducts their business in a manner that consistently preserves the reputation of Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision."

P. 6-7 "The Steering Committee (SC) is composed of a group of Trainers who make decisions on behalf of the whole. It lies at the heart of the PoV Trainer community as a whole, holding its best interest in mind at all times. Any new decisions being made by the SC for the community are always referred to the LR, which they can then communicate to their region. The SC is responsible for monitoring the evolution of the Trainers and their process. It also is part of the final decision making process for new Trainer applications. The SC handles personal and delicate situations that may arise for Trainers with care and consideration for the PoV community. It ensures privacy of personal and sensitive information and protects it at all times. All individuals coming directly to the SC with a query, complaint or any other communication are referred through the local representative to ensure transparency. The SC respects the trust given to it by the Trainer community of the Psychology of Psychology of Vision. At present, the Steering Committee members are Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Hiromi and Hideaki Kurihara, Jeff Allen, Julie Wookie and Francine Girard."

p. 11 POV trainer required to "Attend or listen to the records of the quarterly conference calls with Chuck or Lency."

p. 11 POV trainer has access to "Conference calls with Chuck or Lency."

p. 12 POV trainer has "Access and permission to download from the website unpublished books and Chuck’s (1600+) card sets to use for sessions, workshops, seminars."

p. 13 "Attendance at the 10-Day Trainers’ Conference each year (without paying additional tuition plus each language will provide $4000 USD towards English translation). This event is the heart of the program. Chuck and Lency share the cutting edge of their work and point all of us as a team at the crest of the wave so it moves us easily, deeply and quickly into our year. Note: Although this is a benefit, it is also a
commitment to attend."

p. 13 "Trainers receive one coaching session every month from a peer trainer or coach. Coaching sessions are the backbone of the program.
They support the Trainers to deal with their issues and stay in the easiest and truest flow of their lives. They are also used as supervision/consultation of cases from workshops and individual sessions. This supervision assists the Trainers to learn their craft and stay
professional. Every six months each coach will write a summary of each Trainer’s process to share with Chuck, Lency and other coaches."

P. 14 "Quarterly Conference Call with Chuck or Lency. Different days and times will be chosen to account for the different time zones. These are compulsory and therefore recorded and translated for all trainers to listen to if not able to attend. Following are the steps to access conference calls recordings on the website: Use firefox for the web browser, sign in and go to “ my account”, open the file manager and click on + in front of the folder “ trainer resources”, select the folder “ recordings”, to download, double click on the call desired (scrolling
up or down to find the appropriate file)"

P. 15 "Chuck’ s Workshop & Session Cards. Trainers have access to download Chuck’s Workshop & Sessions Cards (1600s+ cards) from the website. They are an essential tool to a PoV Trainer. (These are not to be given to non-Trainers.)

Further Coaching with Chuck and/or Lency Spezzano. Chuck and/or Lency Spezzano are available for further coaching deemed necessary by the trainer and their coach. Lency and Chuck hold all of the people in the program dear, and they are available to any Trainer. They don’t have much extra time, so opportunities usually arise during trainings. Sometimes competition, jealousy, specialness issues may arise around access
to Chuck and Lency. Remember those issues are inherited from our families and it is what everyone has to heal."

p. 17 "Staff Chuck and Lency’s workshops and trainings in your country wherever possible. A Trainer is to do their best in this regard. Missing a workshop is like missing a practice. A workshop is a great opportunity for support, which in turn helps the team. Most importantly, attending local works helps brings greater ease into a Trainer’s life." 

p. 18 "Quarterly Conference Calls with Chuck or Lency. Listen live to the recorded Quarterly Conference Calls from Chuck and Lency. This is to insure that the whole community is updated with the latest process and tools from Chuck and Lency. Chuck and Lency then don’t need to repeat themselves as they see the Trainers in their own locations throughout the year."

p. 19 "Study all of Chuck and Lency’ s teaching materials (the books, the card decks, and the triangle). For the English speakers, this
includes all un-published books posted on the Trainers’ Resource Centre on the Trainers’ section of the website. Unfamiliarity with the material is like a musician not being familiar with his music. Trainers need to be able to recommend material to clients and students as well."

(The triangle was pretty much swiped from Bob Trask. The Trask/Spezzano connection and why it was severed is a worthy target for investigation.)

p. 23 "Trainer leaving the program can receive a session from Master Trainers or Chuck and Lency. We recommend this to bring graceful and
supportive closure to their time as a PoV Trainer."

p. 26 Double bonus score in the sexual misconduct section: Mention of POVIA and sexual shenanigans: "While these policies are intended first and foremost for the benefit of participants, they are important for the following reasons as well.
First, ensuring that Trainers maintain high levels of integrity enhances the value and impact of the teachings of Psychology of Vision worldwide. Second, it reduces the potential legal liability of PoV Trainers, Psychology of Vision International Association (PoVia), and Chuck
and Lency Spezzano."

p. 28 "For examples, Apprenticeships are Chuck and Lency’s best opportunity to help Trainers step past some of their chronic issues. The intention of the recommendation to attend one Apprenticeship every two years is to produce more professionalism, dedication, a greater level of success and more team spirit."

p. 29 Level 1 requirements include: "All personal assignments fulfilled (as given by Chuck, Lency or their coach)"

p. 30 Level 2 requirements include: "One 5-day with Lency," and "Attendance in at least one Apprenticeship every two years, a 5 day every
other year with Lency or Master Trainer, and other required training."

p. 31 Level 3 requirements include: "One 5-day with Lency," and "Co-facilitation with Chuck or Lency or a Master Trainer."

p. 31 Level 4 requirements include: "Every year takes an Apprenticeship or 5-day training with Chuck or Lency."
Level? No. A multi-layered cult centered around Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano? Yes. This document is personality-driven, not process-driven.

Lenora Kay Spezzano's Ripoff Report reaction is so rife in fallacies it will have to be dealt with in parts. Given the width and depth of the unprofessional claims she has gifted to the community of critical thinkers, this will have to be deconstructed in pieces. There is a rich compost of material to dig through.

Although it has been proposed in this forum POV leadership is about ego and sadistic power, I believe the profit margin rules over all. These two Spezzanos are, after all, Americans who worship the dollar over any other God as evidenced by Charles Lee Spezzano's hourly rate of over $1100. The only thing worse than asking for such an hourly rate is the poor sod who will pay it. That is the type of individual the Spezzano con game counts on. Desperate and vulnerable.

More to come in Part Two. Cheers.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 12:41:45 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #169 on: April 02, 2014, 11:46:52 am »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 2

Here is part two of Lenora Kay Spezzano's reply to a complaint filed on the Ripoff Report:
Lenora's second paragraph is a single sentence, and this installment of part two will focus on this one line.

"The Psychology of Vision is a path of the heart that focuses on the healing of relationships, leadership (or helping others) and non-denominational spirituality."

Although the UK and North American Psychology of Vision websites had, until early 2014, included the proud claim, "The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles and Oneness University" (apparently the Oneness University connection had become a liability so all references were quietly purged with no explanation), the POV has a very Christian veneer. To be more specific, the greatest inspiration appears to be the Catholic upbringing of Charles Lee Spezzano. Hardly "non-denominational." Even a former POV trainer told me the Spezzano corporation had the feel of a religion. And he didn't mean it as a compliment.

As Psiram documents, Charles Lee Spezzano "claims to have studied to become a priest, to have joined a seminary and taken temporary vows, after which he joined Bethel Park Collegiate seminary and attended Duquesne University, where he claims to have studied Philosophy and Psychology, with a B.A. obtained from this university."

Note that Duquesne is a private Catholic institution. I point this out because throughout his upbringing and early adulthood, the Catholic Church served as Charles Lee Spezzano's most dominant model for building a business organisation.

The late website Grifters Hotel initially made this assertion, and upon contemplation I believe the writer was on to something. POV is more Catholic than Protestant when it comes to the number of levels of authority in the institution, as well as the emphasis on ritual. Grifters Hotel argued that Charles Lee Spezzano was recreating a fast food version of the Catholic Church, with himself in the role of Pope. A reading  through the POV Trainers Manual reinforces this concept, and a look at the commercial relationship between Spezzano and Associates Ltd. and POV confirms it. Charles Lee Spezzano is on top of a multi-level business corporation that retails junk spirituality and science for profit.

This might also explain why Gay culture has not been recognised in any POV-generated material that I have seen. Lenora Kay Spezzano frequently uses the term "cutting edge" to describe her curriculum, but socially POV seems stuck in the traditional monogamous gender roles that were the norm during the Spezzano's formative years in the 1950s and early 1960s.   

Believe me, my purpose here is not to knock the Catholic Church, but let's face it, that institution is hardly a friend to the natural rights of women. This view is mirrored in Charles Lee Spezzano's ersatz Catholic recreation, and nowhere is that more evident than in an article from 2008 quoting UK cult-follower Jeff Allen who is erroneously identified as a psychologist and founder of POV. 

The writer/comedian Kate Smurthwaite had a few choice words to share about the POV view of women--

In fact, Charles Lee Spezzano has let his audience know more than once, in video and in text, that God is male when he asks, "Who's your Daddy?"

High ritual, steep hierarchy, traditional gender roles = Psychology of Vision. Charles Lee Spezzano is the Pope of POV. In one interview with an admirer Charles Lee Spezzano allowed himself to be described as a Messenger for Heaven, i.e, God's translater. Obviously, in the Great Chain of Being, Charles Lee Spezzano walks among the top ranks of humans, as high as any mortal can achieve.

And he will bestow his enlightened wisdom to all who seek.

For a price. A very heavy price.

To be continued.


« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 01:04:05 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #170 on: April 03, 2014, 11:39:44 am »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 3

We continue to examine Lenora Kay Spezzano's arguments in defense of Psychology of Vision as she responded to criticism of the cult in The Ripoff Report.

Here is Lenora's next contribution--

"Seminar participants develop their own connection to grace and healing, and do not need to go through any PoV Trainer at any time to access it. Focus is always made on empowering the participants in their lives, not developing dependency on PoV Trainers. Participants do heal the pain of old emotional injuries and release it, but there is no emotional 'freaking out' in the seminars. Although there is a lot of laughter, none of it is 'hysterical.' The seminar is not like EST, except for similar guidelines about how to operate in a group setting (i.e. be on time, try not to leave the room during a session unless necessary, please do not side-talk to your neighbor - throw all jokes out to the center, etc.)."

First, as always, consulting the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual will demonstrate how often Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano insert themselves as intermediaries between the paying client and the source of "enlightenment." Developing dependency of POV trainers is part of the scam. Empowering people is the last thing POV is interested in. This is a for-profit corporation, not an altruistic endeavor.

Anyone who charges $1100 US an hour has no incentive for empowering people as a first priority. That person is motivated, in a very openly arrogant and egotistical manner, by the coin of the realm. It is obscene and outrageous. By charging this amount for an hour of his time Charles Lee Spezzano is worshipping mammon over God and is not walking his talk.

The Spezzanos are the gatekeepers you have to pay off before you can enter the esoteric realm of some artificial and fleeting state of mind they have created. They are the ticket collectors for a bizarre funhouse of their invention. The experience might make you scream and tremble and vomit and perhaps you felt a sense of release, but it was all fake. Fraud. Not real. Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano are not included as the subjects of this forum devoted to frauds for nothing. They have earned this recognition.

People who desire emotional healing need to go to real professionals with real professional credentials who charge reasonable fees, perform responsible follow-up, are accredited by national professional organisations, and don't rely on cheap theatrics and ritual to dazzle the vulnerable and wounded. The Spezzanos fall quite short of meeting any of these requirements.

Lenora Kay Spezzano's YouTube "joining" presentations always focus on her, rather than the client, as the center of attention. We never see a solo camera shot of the customer during the "downloading"," but we have plenty of footage of Lenora's face. This reinforces the idea that a Psychology of Vision authority figure needs to be present for the spiritual transformation to happen. The YouTubes are all about Lenora, not the client. The compliant POV trainers who participated in this demonstration of Lenora's spiritual powers are there as mere props in order to amplify her greatness.

The Spezzanos are takers, not givers. Lenora's YouTubes are so revealing. A real professional product marketing person would have advised them to give more attention in those YouTubes to why this "Joining" would be beneficial to the new recruit. The center of attention should be the satisfied customer. But instead Lenora chose to selfishly highlight her talents in the art of somnolence and comes across as a sadist and cult puppeteer. It astounds me that these videos exist for the world to see. The manipulation is so obvious and utterly destroys Lenora's above defensive remarks. POV is its own worst enemy. There is nothing here to attract any reasonable person.

The Spezzanos are fishing for vulnerable people with money who are in so much inner turmoil they are unable to use their critical thinking skills. A cruel person would call these clients suckers. I call them twice victims.

People do freak out in Lenora Kay Spezzano's "joining" sessions, and Lenora herself has provided the evidence.

Here is the most classic example. Start at 3:35--

Revisit the above link at about 7:00, watch Lenora point to her right eye, again, and observe Jordan's reaction. The remainder is very disturbing. Empowering? No. Developing dependency? Yes.

EST and POV do share the perception from the mainstream that both of them are dangerous cults. The "group setting" scenario does bring to mind one of my favorite online resources, 10 fun ways to social hack an awareness training from the inside out. I'd love to see the RCMP send an agent to a POV workshop and try out some of these helpful tips.

So many lies to counter, so little time.

Part 4 is next.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 12:58:45 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #171 on: April 04, 2014, 02:54:55 am »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 4

Lenora Kay Spezzano continues to react to criticism in her Ripoff Report response.

"There is no cult-like 'us vs. them' mentality in PoV that cuts ties with participants' family and friends. PoV is about recovering failed relationships with our family members, forgiving our parents for our childhood injuries and being accountable for what takes place in our lives. For example, we have received the feedback that First Nations communities in which the Psychology of Vision has been taught experience a cultural Renaissance; as emotional healing takes place in the families, there are not as many crises taking place in the community, and as the level of crisis in the community reduces, members have the luxury of time to learn their languages and ancient skills from the elders before they are lost."

I would agree with Lenora that the POV mentality is not "cult-like." Rather, it is just a straight-ahead "cult" without the "like."

Whenever POV looks like it might be in trouble, Charles Lee Spezzano issues a round-the-wagons "us vs. them" call for his customer base. He employs the use of fear to gather the troops. The outside world is a hostile place, but here in POV you are safe. Keep those payments coming and Pope Charles will protect you.

This sample from the January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter is pretty typical.

"January 4, 2010 at 9:29am

January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter
Chuck Spezzano

It seems most of us dodged the bullet that came at us in December. Yet, now there is almost a steady stream of attack going on – vicious ego attack, astral attack, fear of change attacks, fear of loss attacks, ignorance and prejudicial attack.

Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse. Violence except in self defense shows ego-driven behavior which only works for and brings more darkness as we approach the dawn. Have faith. The sky is lightening."

From the November 2011 Nightlight Newsletter

"How November unfolds is so tied to these last few days of October. At the level we are at now, we have succeeded in clearing major catastrophes and have started to reach a place of celebration and leaps forward in consciousness but first priority has always been to clear the danger. We have dodged a bullet in October."

From the April 2009 Nightlight Newsletter

"In the last two years we have dodged a number of bullets meant to be catastrophic and one cataclysm was downgraded to a catastrophe."

From the October 2009 Nightlight Newsletter

"We dodged a bullet in September. There was enough healing and transformation so that the collective upheaval that could have occurred was more of a belch than an explosion."

This is all about whipping up terror and creating an "us vs. them" mentality. The fear-based world of Charles Lee Spezzano has more bullets than a Tarantino film. I feel bad for POV followers who suddenly wake up and realize they have been had after spending so much money and energy on nothing but adding to the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. bank account. In Europe that would be the Swiss bank account.

If you go back and read the original complaint about POV in the Ripoff Report, the writer made no mention of cults, or the destruction of families. Lenora took it upon herself to introduce these topics. This tells me she must be well accustomed to hearing these charges in the past and out of habit gave Ripoff Report the standard POV talking points.

Later on in her response (which we will get to later) she makes a conjecture about her critic, "Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example." It would be safe to say this must be a fairly common happening in order for her to bring it up. So much for bringing families together. 

Lenora's comments about the First Nations is probably the biggest fabrication in her entire rebuttal screed. Surely the Spezzanos knew APTN was going to broadcast a very revealing and damaging piece about them, and Lenora wrote this shortly before the program aired, probably as an attempt at spin control. If anything, it appears Haida Gwaii is politically and socially more dysfunctional than ever thanks in part to the Spezzanos and members of their cult. APTN portrays a society that is hardly enjoying a "cultural Renaissance."

A devastating report by professional journalists should be enough, but if it isn't then one does not have to look any further than this very forum to confirm the last point. Indeed, it is THE main topic of discussion on this thread. There is no need for me to elaborate.

The question is: What are the Spezzanos going to do to make amends to Haida Gwaii and be accountable for the damage they have created?

We will continue this essay with pt. 5.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 03:15:34 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #172 on: April 06, 2014, 03:58:58 am »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 5

The next two paragraphs continue Lenora Kay Spezzano's response to a Ripoff Report complaint about business practices in the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. money machine called "Psychology of Vision"--

"Does the Psychology of Vision use mind-altering practices? By definition, all emotional healing practices, such as forgiveness, would alter the mind in a positive way. Healing removes psychological patterns and obstacles that limit our ability to enjoy our life and have constructive relationships. The result is relief, expansion, happiness and a greater ability to give and receive love. Do we use any form of drug in the seminars? No. Do we use hypnosis? No. Do we use violence and manipulation? No."

"PoV's joining method utilizes love as a healing tool. This love comes from the Source of love (the Creator, Allah, God, the Higher Self - however the seminar participant has chosen to define it) and is effective regardless of the cultural background or religion of the participant. The Psychology of Vision has a non-denominational spiritual framework that leverages its students on their own spiritual path. For example, Muslim students of the Psychology of Vision in Bangladesh appreciate an enhanced direct experience of Allah's love in their prayer time. Seiks in Canada use it to bring more intimacy into their relationship with Guru. Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan use it when they advise members of their temple."

She is being misleading at best. In this forum we have recently addressed the issues of the use of hypnosis and manipulation by Lenora, as well as the nondenominational claim. In addition, as she demonstrates over and over in her "joining" YouTubes, Lenora presents herself as the conduit between these astral forces and the client.

It is in Lenora's next paragraph where we can move into a few new topics--

"The PoV polices itself professionally, and any complaint about a Trainer's behavior is subjected to a review process of accountability and consequences. If any of us PoV Trainers were damaging people we would have heard about it from those victims, or from witnesses of that abuse. If we were swindling people we would have heard it from them or from their families. We have never received feedback that seminars are over-priced or are not worth what people paid for them. Also, seminar participants are not pressed to bring new members to seminars, or to raise funds that benefit Trainers in any way."

Four thoughts immediately spring to mind.

First, it is true that in the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual (p. 21-26) they describe a type of Star Chamber of discipline (with a "permanent record" file) and it reveals the very hierarchy that according to Lenora does not exist. It makes one wonder if Charles Lee Spezzano was subjected to any POV disciplinary measures when he brought shame and a lack of integrity to the organisation in 2004 when the State of Hawaii fined him for impersonating a psychologist.

POV cannot have a situation where it "polices itself professionally" unless they have professionals to begin with, which they don't.

Second, POV has been aware of people who have been damaged by their practices, but in their culture of blaming the victim they simply refuse to accept responsibility. For example, it doesn't take a viewer very long to determine that many of Lenora's clients in the YouTube videos are shaking beyond control. Even some of the onlookers were in a state of tremor. But the Spezzanos apparently don't see this as a problem, as this comment from a 2003 POV forum illustrates--

"- a Shaker obviously causes attention to be drawn to him or her, and ego latches on to anything like that. It can also be very distracting and even scary for people who don't know. Chuck once talked to The Shaker, and at the same time, had a conversation with the non-shaker in the same person. It was very interesting. There was a choice going on."

See? It was the shaker's fault. Not Spezzano's. It would safe to assume Charles and Lenora turned a deaf ear to all sorts of damaged people. There is a choice going on. Just like obviously Lenora also does not consider the fine Charles received in 2004 to be a form of Impostor Syndrome or a swindle of sorts. Or that one of their own POV websites, in UK, is currently advertising the upcoming visit of Charles Lee Spezzano thusly:

"CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy."

The man cannot even earn an entry in Wikipedia, and by his admission to APTN he is no psychologist. During this same visit he will charge $1100 an hour for a personal consultation. This is what is known to most people as false advertising and a "swindle" I would say. His God is the Almighty Dollar.

But in terms of finding classic examples of blaming the victim, nothing can surpass the work Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor co-authored by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Patrick (later Ticehurst). In reading these it would be reasonable to conclude that the writing partnership consisted of Patrick describing the malady (given her nursing education) and Spezzano inventing the allegory. Once the mainstream world began to pay attention to this source, it evaporated from the public online world and recoiled from the light of truth as rapidly as references to Oneness University, again without explanation.

Fortunately the Spezzano/Patrick work is still available for public inspection at this link--

Here are some choice entries. Notice that even in cases of congenital disorders the victim is still to blame. Original Sin is alive and well in these little horrifying Spezzano/Patrick "factoids." The very first example serves as a perfect premise, but many others are given to supply you with a feel for just how sensitive and caring Charles Lee Spezzano really can be--

Birth Defects

A birth defect is an abnormality that is present at birth.

It represents unfinished business from ancestral patterns and/or a past life metaphor. We are being called to heal this soul level issue.

The area of the body affected can give us more information about the metaphoric meaning of this symptom.

Down's Syndrome

Down’s syndrome is a congenital abnormality (one that is present at birth). It is the result of having an extra chromosome in our genetic make-up, usually number 21 or 22.

Down’s causes moderate to severe mental retardation, oriental appearance of eyes, flat nose or absent bridge of nose, a single palmer [sic] crease on a short broad hand and a dwarfed body.

If we have Down’s syndrome, it means that we have come to learn some lessons at a soul level. We are here to seek soul fulfillment and the completion of a cycle, yet we are stuck in the transition between the old level and the new.

The two main soul lessons of Down’s syndrome are correcting over-willfulness and giving up the ego’s plan in exchange for heaven’s plan.


Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a nerve disorder characterized by a slowly spreading tremor.

It shows that we are caught in an unconscious fear about accomplishing our soul purpose or promise.

This unconscious, or soul level, issue has us "shaking in our boots."

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy is characterized by the wasting away and atrophy of muscles.

It is believed to be a genetic defect in muscle metabolism that can be inherited from one generation to the next. Typically symptoms show up early in life, and it is more common in males than females.

Having Muscular Dystrophy indicates the existence of an ancestral issue that has left us weak, debilitated and afraid (paralysis).

A guilt issue has become a family script and now there is a level of self-attack.

Somewhere in the past generations of our family, there is a belief that being strong, powerful or cruel, caused damage, and therefore we are afraid to have strength now.

Muscular Dystrophy is a compensation to cover over and make up for this issue.

We are being called upon to let our weakness be heaven’s strength.

This inspires us to let heaven be in charge so that we know our power and strength will be used with the highest integrity.


Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

It represents where we are disillusioned about something that we consider central to our life, which has led to anger, disappointment and death temptation.

Meningitis can point to a surfacing core memory where we felt unsafe and unprotected. Our conflict comes from feeling emotionally attacked in such a way that it steals our courage and makes us fearful.

It can stem from feelings of unrequited love or from not getting what we were trying to get. This can happen in spite of having acted in the correct, prescribed way to get it.

We feel a frustration or anger from not getting what we want. Our conflicts stem from an unwillingness to move on.

While every illness has a relationship component, this one may place emphasis more on our purpose, career or "doing" side.


Glaucoma is a disease of the eye, resulting from a pressure build up within it. This pressure can eventually lead to optic nerve atrophy and blindness.

The predilection for this disease is inherited ancestrally. It is representative of an emotional pressure, or a place where a part of us (a self) is suspended in emotional trauma.

We are pushing ourselves to do something, but can’t see a way to do it and go forward.

Blindness eventually ensues because there is something we don’t want to see. At some level we are adamant or stubborn about something.

We are reluctant to recognize our responsibility and the need to change, find the way forward or lead. Instead, we give ourselves away emotionally until we reach a point of feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Prostate Gland

The prostate gland secretes fluid, which becomes part of the semen.

The prostate gland represents issues involving sexuality and masculinity.

Problems with the prostate indicate a level of sexual guilt and an interruption to our natural flow or creativity and emotional processes.
Gall Bladder

The gall bladder is a pear-shaped sac on the under-surface of the right lobe of the liver. Part of its function is to provide gastric juices to the digestive process to help break food down for assimilation.

Problems with the gall bladder indicate that feelings of anger and bitterness have become overwhelming and that we are judging what is going on.

We feel attacked and bitter about something and/or someone’s bold effrontery (gall).

We are projecting arrogance from a shadow figure, a part of ourselves that we have fractured off as an unbearable belief about our self.
Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic breast disease is characterized by single or multiple benign tumors of the breast, showing that we have cut off an element of nurturing.

While we push to move forward, we are holding on to something unresolved from the past. Part of our life’s purpose is nurturing those around us, but because we didn’t feel nurtured ourselves, we carry a grievance.

This grievance-judgment hides our own guilt, which in turn hides our soul level gift of nurturing. Instead of embracing the act of true giving, we have either adopted a role, or we have withdrawn from the gift of nurturing altogether.

This gift was meant to nurture the very parent we have a grievance with for not nurturing us. All of this is a conspiracy that has to do with giving nurturance.

We see it as too big a challenge for us, because we perceive the need around us as too great.

But, like any purpose, heaven does it through us; we don’t accomplish it alone. So we could receive heaven’s nurturing for those around us.
Fibroids Uterine

Uterine fibroids are fibrous, encapsulated, connective tissue. Found in the uterus, these benign tumors vary in size from a few millimeters to the size of the abdominal cavity.

They demonstrate that we are rooted in the past with some grievance under a buried level of guilt. We have a desire for birth, but are afraid to let go of the past and give what it takes to make a leap forward.

Our desire for birth goes only as far as the desire. The fibroids depict our unwillingness and blockage to nurturing and truly birthing ourselves.

This block stems from a place where we are giving and not receiving.

We may be caught in the mothering role of taking care of the whole family. We are using the role and our family as an excuse to not move forward and live our life in such a way that would encourage and support them the most.

We are being called for commitment to the birth of self, which would generate ease.
The following disease description is particularly cruel given the fact diarrhea is a major killer of children in the world amnd in areas of great poverty. But Charles Lee Spezzano probably thought this was pretty witty.


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of abnormally watery bowel movements.

This symptom comes from the feeling that we "don’t have our shit together" about some issue or area in our life. There are feelings of loss of control and courage or feeling unprepared and disorganized.

Diarrhea reflects a fear of the next step because we have not yet handled this particular area of our life. We are "running" for it.
Lenora worked with the deaf earlier in her career. That makes the following entry twice as insensitive--


Deafness is a complete or partial lack of the ability to hear.

It signifies that there is something that we don’t want to hear either about relationship (left ear), or career (right ear).

We have a fear of our purpose, and there is something that we are refusing to learn. There is an area where we have cut ourselves off, which is holding us back from joining the dance of life.

Because we want to do things our way, there is something we don’t want to hear from others or from within. Deafness means we have some stubbornness and unwillingness to listen and communicate.
Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is an impairment of the body’s utilization of sugar.

Sugar is used in several languages to describe sweetness and love. Metaphoric statements and "pet names" such as "Give me some sugar," "Honey," "Sweetness" and "Sugar love" are abundantly used in the English language with those we feel close to.

The problem with diabetes is not that there is not enough sugar available; it is that the body is not able to metabolize it normally.

Emotionally, there is a hidden fear of sweetness and intimacy. Just as the body can’t completely transform the sugar into a usable form, we may have love in our life, but somehow we are not able to receive or experience it fully.

We might be in a loving, nurturing relationship or be the member of a very loving family, yet we are simply unable or unwilling to feel the love at a deep level.

The problem, therefore, is that we have a block to receiving nurturing and love. This is often an ancestral issue passed on inter-generationally.

Cystic Fibrosis

This is a disease of the exocrine glands (i.e. glands that secrete externally).

Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease, which usually begins in infancy and is rooted in unresolved pain. It affects the pancreas, respiratory system and sweat glands.

Problems caused by this disease include chronic respiratory infections, heat intolerance and pancreatic insufficiency.

Cystic Fibrosis indicates that there is some kind of self-deception going on. Metaphorically, an ancestral ‘big hairy spider’ is weaving a web of deception around us as a result of repressed sibling Oedipal patterns, usually involving a "cyst-er" (sister).

We are unable to "secrete" the pain due to some deep issue from the past in our family. This may be hidden by sexual guilt and revulsion, which are compensations for the attraction.

If we are constipated, then we are having difficulty with our bowel movements, due to the passage of hard and dry fecal material and sluggish action of the bowels.

Constipation shows us that we are holding on to the past. We are holding on to our "shit" (emotional detritus), with a conflict between the need to let go and the refusal to let go.
To truly appreciate the following you need to find a recent photograph of Charles Lee Spezzano--


Obesity is a state of being abnormally fat and is one of the ways in which we hide our true self, true power, purpose and sexuality.

We are caught in major patterns of indulgence and sacrifice; we are substituting food for love, bonding and creativity.

We have deep feelings of insecurity and are trying to fill up our unconscious, hidden feelings of desolation, misery and desperation.

Our obesity is an attempt to create padding to protect us from the shocks and downfalls of life.

Overeating is a way to tranquilize our emotional pain and fear. There may be a massive compensation for feelings of failure.
Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia, involving the loss of memory, speech and physical ability that is accompanied by the deterioration of intellectual function and disorientation.

This is the result of a lifetime of unprocessed emotion and shattered dreams, combined with a loss of hope that comes from our feeling that time is running out.

From shattered dreams we derive the feeling of missed opportunities; not living up to our potential, disappointment in ourselves, the desire to return to a better past, unwillingness to deal with the present, regression from purpose and from life, and retreat into the past.

There is a great desire for us to forget and so we live in the past, no longer feeling strong enough to deal with the present, which has only been disappointing.

Suffering from Alzheimer’s means that we have a lot of experiences that we have not understood or processed emotionally.

Suffering from broken dreams, and having been overwhelmed with life’s losses and disillusionments, we withdraw into ourselves and into our own world.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

This disease means our body has lost its ability to fight off infection. Infection by the HIV virus has caused serious damage to our immune system.

Normally our immune systems produce antibodies to fight off foreign agents but, because we have a poorly functioning immune system, "opportunistic infections" take advantage and infect the body.

The development of this syndrome is the result of immense self-attack and self-judgment. We have judgment on society, which we feel is judging or attacking us in return. We feel that we have no defenses against attack.

At some level, we experience an inability to receive or give help. We are caught in a trap of indulgence, martyrdom or rebellion, rather than leadership.

The martyrdom takes the form of not receiving help and at the same time criticizing parents, family and society’s ability to give.

Yet, we are ignoring our vocation, refusing to heed the call to giving, to leadership, purpose, vision and not allowing ourselves to have all the help and comfort we crave.

In the YouTube Can AIDS Be Healed, Charles Lee Spezzano expands on this topic and also claims he has worked in cases where AIDS and cancer have been cured.

It was the Spezzano and Patrick entry on cancer that probably brought the most unwanted attention from the POV standpoint--

Cancer involves the transformation of healthy functioning cells into malignant, or harmful, cells. The altered cells transfer faulty information to their offspring, and the cancerous cells grow in an abnormal and destructive way.

Cancer is the embodiment of self-directed anger. It reflects a place of guilt and self-attack.

A traumatic situation with a significant other will have taken place between six and eighteen months before the onset of the cancer.

At some level, it is an attack on another through self-harm. It highlights that we have a need to give that has gone wild, or is completely misplaced, in addition to a fear of our purpose.

Cancer reflects a fear of the next chapter in our life and a fear of major or radical change for the better.

Tumors encapsulate our repressed anger, malice and conflicting, hidden belief systems.

We are trying to shelter our pain or disappointment and are attempting to hold back negative self-beliefs and evil self-concepts. These mistaken beliefs and self-concepts stem from unresolved emotional fractures and broken hearts.

We can get more information about our particular cancer by cross-referencing the information in this section with the body part affected.

For example, if we have cancer of the stomach then we know that our anger is also about our ability to accept, integrate, receive and be nurtured. It may also reflect aspects of introjection, (swallowing others emotional pain).

The late Morty the Dog shared the Spezzano and Patrick description of cancer with the American Cancer Society, who filed the following response--
Dear Steve,

Thank you for sharing your important concerns with your American Cancer Society.  As you may know, researchers have done many studies to see if there is a link between personality, stress, and cancer. No scientific evidence has shown that a person’s personality or outlook can affect their cancer risk. This information can be found at the link below:

> Questions People Ask About Cancer:

The Society often reaches out to organizations when we see something we think is not right, not fair, or not productive to the fight against cancer; however, we cannot do this in every case. That's why we rely on people like you, our supporters, to help us.

Your words can mean more than you might think. As a volunteer organization, we know well the power of the public to change the course of cancer. Therefore, we encourage you to personally contact those who give platforms to Chuck Spezzano and others when you want to express your opinion. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you again for helping your American Cancer Society to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

Online Cancer Information Specialist
Attachments provided. Collected by Sandy S.

Rather than defend their dogma, it appears the Ticehurst website censored all Spezzano references and even deleted one of Charles Lee Spezzano's YouTube videos on "Self-Health." According to Psiram, the Spezzano and Patrick/Ticehurst "Healing" information is currently available only by invitation.

One former trainer, who on the whole still praised the Spezzanos, wrote to me and observed this Spezzano/Patrick aspect of Psychology of Vision was showcasing the corporation at its money-grubbing worst and admitted it was an Achilles Heel of the organisation. He dismissed it as a sideshow, which is a typical POV rationalisation. In my view, much like the allegiance to Oneness University, this other deleted portion of POV history is part of the central core of their philosophy. POV is becoming a dwelling where the builders are knocking down the foundations. Sooner or later the whole thing is going to fall down. 

Third point-- the overpriced aspect of POV. In this regard Lenora could be correct in terms of the naive and manipulated cult followers not willing to complain directly to POV. But it is not hard to find such complaints even from POV adherents when one surfs through the Web in a critical manner. I think Brian Lynchehaun, who was on to the POV confidence trickster game ahead of the curve, addresses Lenora's rationalisation quite well when he brings up the behaviour of "buyer's remorse"--

"So it’s important to note the financial commitment that the participants have made here: they are predisposed to accept most anything that Lency does as ‘correct’ and/or ‘appropriate’. A rejection of what she does would lead to buyers remorse, a state we all try to avoid wherever possible."

Well said. It has been suggested by critical thinker humanists who want to save cult victims that if POV followers add up how much of their financial resources have been spent on following the Habitrails the corporation requires for loyalty, including taking into account the non-subsidised travel, food, and lodging and then take an inventory of how much your POV involvement has cost in terms of family/friends connection and whatever cultural connections you had in defining your most precious and primal inner self-- the result might be enlightening. True enlightenment, based in the real world.

My impression of the POV trainers is that they are not stupid people (well, most of them), but have been spiritually and emotionally damaged to a point of desperation where the mainstream system has failed them and they are reduced to detouring down a dead-end street called "Psychology of Vision" which is run by a couple of back-alley confidence tricksters. 

In most organisations, the higher you rise, the more power you acquire. But not in Psychology of Vision. Instead, the higher you rise, the more money Charles Lee and Lenora Kay Spezzano can extract from you. One look at the "trainer fee" schedule in the POV Trainers Manual (p. 11) will confirm that. And they remain the top two most powerful people and always will no matter what since they are the President and Vice-President of Spezzano and Associates Ltd., the company that owns POV.

The Spezzanos like to cite the overhead of their operations when defending their outrageous fees. I would counter that you can find someone locally who, unlike the Spezzanos, has an academic degree recognized by the APA and can provide you with better help and follow up at a much more reasonable and less greedy rate.

Some POV trainers have spent enough money on Charles Lee and Lenora Kay Spezzano that if they had invested the same amount in a legitimate professional academic degree they might have had a real future in the field of psychology by now. Instead they have wasted all those dollars and energy on a confidence game and emerged with nothing more than a worthless set of credentials that are meaningless in the real world. They've been had. POV is not Harvard. It isn't even a GED degree. It is nothing. No one outside of the tiny esoteric POV snowglobe respects or recognizes these credentials.

Finally, Lenora's claim that "Also, seminar participants are not pressed to bring new members to seminars, or to raise funds that benefit Trainers in any way" has been pretty well destroyed by our own Ingeborg's research into how the "First Nations Fund" works. Read posts # 144-147 on this forum:

The most authoritative primary source on how the First Nations Fund scam (and the POV Swiss bank account) worked was the German version of the POV Trainers Manual. But, surprise, surprise, this site was removed after Ingeborg exposed the inconvenient truths contained within it right here on this forum. Typical POV response. This joins the Oneness University and Healing Metaphors in terms of Soviet style purges. Censored with no recognition or taking responsibility that it ever existed. This seems a bit hypocritical for an organisation that claims it will help clients face their personal demons of denial.

Here's the link tnat will lead you to nowhere, a fitting allegory for POV--

So much for "transparency," or "cutting edge," or "paradigm shifts." Same old practices expected as usual from a multinational corporation. Covering up and lying while victimising gullible people in order to enlarge the bank account.

Not that we need any more, but we continue this series of examining the Ripoff Report rebuttal of Lenora Kay Spezzano in the next installment, part 6.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #173 on: April 06, 2014, 02:36:34 pm »
Lenora's Ripoff pt. 6

Here are the concluding three paragraphs of Lenora Kay Spezzano's rebuttal to a consumer complaint in Ripoff Report. In this final installment of my essay, Lenora makes an attempt to identify the motives of her critic--

"For the Psychology of Vision to have drawn such attack, it is likely that two elements are involved regarding the attacker. The first is that the person has a fear of feeling their suppressed or repressed emotions - they are not on a healing path themselves, and feel threatened that other people might expect them to face their emotional issues. Therefore, the Psychology of Vision becomes a frightening thing. The second element is that the Psychology of Vision has become ammunition for a fight the person is already in. Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example. When that fear is the filter of perception of us, there is little that could be said that would allow us to be seen as well intentioned and beneficial. At the same time, it is clear that the writer of the report has a different agenda - a personal reason for attacking us and attempting to destroy our reputation. He is not someone who is just speaking up to protect innocent consumers. He has never been to a Psychology of Vision training, and has no training in psychology."

"It appears that the fellow also went to all of the Youtube videos we and others have uploaded and posted on each of them the accusation that we are cons running a scam. As if money could be the only motivation for doing what we do? All the seminars that Chuck and I have taught in First Nations communities were ones we donated - often twice a year. It is the opposite of draining communities. So far, no one is getting rich off this work. :) Perhaps the author of the attack does not have an understanding of the overhead involved in promoting events internationally. We require a full time staff of 5 at our home base, for example, and more help during our heaviest months. It is also obvious that the author of the attack has not studied psychology."

"As I mentioned, we are an association of 52 Psychology of Vision Trainers around the world. Our international website is, and Chuck's and my personal site is The Youtube videos referred to in the report are examples of one exercise - a 'download' - experiencing oneness with another as a way of opening our minds to receiving grace. While the videos do not show the primary form of work that I do, they are a taste of the work. Here is one example:"

Now for some disclosure here. I know the identity of Lenora's critic. If Lenora's above stabs in the dark are an indication of her occupational deductive or intuitive ability then I'd say she does not know very much about psychology. The first time I read this I had a long laugh. She is so off the mark on almost every point. Before you ask, no, I am not the writer of that original criticism.

Lenora is correct when she says "As if money could be the only motivation for doing what we do?" Although money is the chief motivation, we cannot discount the motivation of power and the ego-boost of heading a cult. As the YouTubes demonstrate, there is some sort of sadistic game taking place here.

As stated before, her misleading comments on donating to First Nations were addressed by Ingeborg on this forum. As it happens POV has deleted the German POV Trainers Manual from the online world, but fortunately we can provide part of the transcript here.

It does indeed seem no one is getting rich from POV-- except the Spezzanos. I hope Revenue Canada and the US IRS and the Hawaii Department of Taxation are following this discussion. Particularly the information from the now deleted German POV Trainers Manual about that Swiss bank account--

The figure given of 52 POV trainers is considerably less than the 70+ mentioned in years past. There are more than a few ex-POV trainers and spiritual healing colleagues out there who are not entirely smitten by Charles and Lenora.

I find it fascinating Lenora went out of her way to highlight one of the most damaging and self-incriminating YouTubes on the eve of the APTN exposé. This is the one where she places Babs Stevens under what appears to be hypnosis, making her client virtually comatose by the end of the presentation, and then Lenora presents herself as Melissa Meyer's surrogate mother. This is a creepier than usual "download" and APTN made use of it in their investigative piece. 

In conclusion, Lenora Kay Spezzano failed to make her case and did an inadequate job defending the charge that POV is anything more than a scam and ripoff. The original critique stands.


« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 02:41:46 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #174 on: April 06, 2014, 05:16:35 pm »
POV is a cult or a religious organisation? Those authorized experts who can explore the different organisations, can they classify POV in a category as cult or religious organisation or something else? I got no experiences and I knew too few about POV to classify.
But I try to envision to myself which results can develope from POV´s way and there are just very few aspects based on a part of the following letter Just few, there is a lot coming up in my mind when I try to understand what is behind, and this is my way to see.

From the letter (in italic)

1. "Violence except in self defense shows ego-driven behavior which only works for and brings more darkness as we approach the dawn."
2. "On the other hand, never let anyone victimize you. It hurts you and increases both of your guilt."
"Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse. "

> 1. What do POV understand about "Violence"? I think POV differentiate between physical and psychological aspects, but what is violence, what is it not?
Some emotions are a kind of violence, and everybody got his different emotions:  Pleasure, mourning, grief, anger, etc. they due in a context to its causations and excited reactions - and this a part of conversation and exchange between people -  should be.
Negative emotions are a kind of violence, they hurt, its causations hurt, the excited emotions hurt, hurt myself and other, maybe. The pain shows there is something going wrong, I want other to know and understand this, I don´t want this any longer, they should stop this. There is no place for a smile in me. And this brings more darkness to me? Yes, this is ok. Or is this wrong, do I got no right to say what is not ok? It doesn´t mean I addict to a constant hate or pain.

> 2. What should I do now with my bad emotions? I don´t disengage myself, I make something clear, I do not want to  tear someone in pieces.
I am guilty for my bad feelings of my bad emotions. Without being guilty I cannot explain honestly to other people what happens to me with their behaviour, I cannot clear the context. If I disengage, how could I reach the other one and ask him to stop this hurt? How could I expect this person will understand me? How could I understand someone whom I have hurt? Could I stop my harming behaviour without facing what I have done and do? Impossible. If I really try to find out what all this really means to my inner, I must confrontate and reflect this. There are the causations, my reactions, my emotions, well this process tells more than words just can do. Well, they belong together. Negative emotions left a bad feeling inside, they don´t feel well, fine or happy. Their task is to identify, to understand, comprehend that there is or was a situation which was bad, it must be stopped. And I don´t smile when I am angry or sad, I don´t laugh and turn my pain into lies. And I don´t misuse other energy.

For some people to feel the pain of bad emotions is important to understand those bad liveevents they have been undergoing, they were terrible, hurting, fearing, false ... and often they learn they are not guilty. (for e.g. abuse, see later).

I know people who disengage - dissociating - their emotions and reactions away from the causations, they got no connection to their inner, they are mentally ill and a lot of them suffer from this way of life. Sometimes the causations, emotions and reactions don´t belong together, they are  acting in a muster and cannot stop this at all. Do POV force this way of dissociation?
People with these kinds of mental desease learn to reflect and confrontate their life, to understand what happened, and then they can change something on their own. This is a hard way to walk to face the facts, maybe integrate ... and look for a good way to live. It is not easy in practice, not successful at every time. Sometimes it is easy towalk, sometimes it seems impossible. This is one part of a psychotherapy, POV do not touch this part.

"Even in situations where you are totally overwhelmed by another’s attack, you can use that energy that comes against you to lift you up into higher consciousness."

What do POV tell me? I use the other one´s energy to fight him back to deliver the guilt, just then I am not guilty anymore. I need to abuse negative emotions to fight against other people, who harmed POV or me in reality or in suggestions? And its causations? This is a terrible feeling to behave in this way. And I must be blinded not to comprehend what I do to other people (critics; ...), blinded fore the harm, suffer, tears, I will be guilty. There is no excuse in delivering guilt. This is not the way I want to live. But this seems the way POV want from their people?
In a higher consciousness it is easy to lose the sight and contact to life. This higher consciousness is too far away from living, there is no nearness and no place for reflection.
Could POV ever understand, comprehend the processes of other way of thinking, emotions, reactions, is there even a place for it?
Or better put this in honest words: This must not be a part of a successful aim in their "therapy", it would be counterproductive for the results. Results? "To forgive" To forgive whom and what? Who is part of the world?

"The key is to value peace, which shows how much you value yourself and to employ forgiveness when you are not peaceful to bring you peace. It is our purpose to forgive the world. It is what we came for. This shows that we do not value smallness, nor consider ourselves small but recognize our greatness and equally that of others as children of Light, though some may have lost their way. Peace is the gateway to true greatness, rather than the exaggeration of the ego. Peace generates love, abundance and happiness. What is in our mind, even the most hidden bits, are displayed in the world around us, so to forgive is to forgive ourselves for the hidden negativity within us."

Peace is not something I can get or buy, I must work for it, and a higher place to reach is not my kind, not in this way I got to see this in a forced connection with forgiveness.
Do POV understand, there are lifeevents of people who don´t want to feel peace for it, that there is no place to forgive? Noone should tell me whom I have to forgive, whom not. This is always my individual decision. POV tell me if I forgive other who hurt me, I don´t forgive myself; but this is a cruel correlation, a lie.
What does it mean to violated victims: If victims forgive their tormentors, they forgive themself (victims)? This is a cruel emotional blackmail and maybe they will clutch at these straws to disappear from the pain, they don´t want to live with it.
Those tormentors who hurt other, abuse, misuse, hit, afflict, crucify ... do POV forgive them? Do POV really imply the victims they should forgive their tormentors to forgive themself? Have they (POV) ever felt on their own, what they force the victims who are been hurt to do? If the victims are not successful to forgive, maybe they feel guilty, feel guilty as the tormentor told the victim again and again and again: "You are guilty for what you have deserved." The tormentor justify his violation of the raped woman. Cruel!
There are people who don´t want to feel peace or forgiveness. Are the victims wrong? I saw the documentary "Höllenleben" at youtube and the woman was asked, if they can forgive their mother. No, they cannot. And the woman, all these people of this group in this woman, they all got the right to say this. (Höllenleben is a documantary about a woman with DID who survived satanic abuse, the documantary is hard)
I know about people who where hurt very hard through their lifeevents, they got the right to say "I am so angry and I don´t forgive." Who got the right to tell them they must forgive?
All this does not mean, these people stay in bad emotions for all the time. But to feel the pain shows them very true that something was very wrong.
Certainley they look for peace and a good way to live, but they chose on their own. This is a great difference. And maybe some of them can forgive teir offender, maybe, maybe not.
To forgive this is no the right of POV, and this not therapy what POV is doing.

I don´t think, POV wants to walk this cruel way, but how often they do it? Do POV know something about psychology? I can not say, but I could imagine yes. How deep is their understanding and knowledge and what do they misconstrue I cannot say.
I fear, in this special way POV works, there can never be conversation and understanding, there is never a deep listening. For POV it seems easily to pervert or lose some facts, embedded in some true facts - a cruel mix losing its real meaning. And they don´t have a close look what they cause by their work. Truth and understanding is not what POV is looking for.
In their work they I see, that they have got and work for a therapeutic aim in mind. There is a beginning, a reason to start their therapy. But what they don´t do: They don´t let the people walk their own path with an individual aim of therapy, they cannot find their needs, cannot reflect themselves. There is no way to walk, this "mid" way, is it lost, forgotten, misused?
And what is about the end of the therapy, its results, are they dissolved and cleared? It doesn´t seem to me, maybe that's also not what POV wish, they want dependency, no freedom, no own decisions. But responsibility is everybody his own thing. POV is not responsible because everybody chose on its own to follow POV, no matter how free is somebody to be able to chose.
You cannot deliver responsibility, even POV cannot do this. But in this case, what is responsibility?

This is just few I understand from the little of their work POV offer, if they would offer more, I don´t know what results are coming up. Maybe POV will fear the answers of critics and experts.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 03:58:42 am by Sturmboe »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #175 on: April 06, 2014, 05:32:51 pm »


can you please effect one change to your above contribution?

DE kursiv = EN in italics

(Although we use the term "kursiv" in German language, English-language readers will rather make a connotation to "curse" which means something completely different). Thnx

For matters of convenience:

Bitte ändere doch das "in kursiv" oben auf "in italics". Englischsprachige Leser haben sonst eher den Begriff "curse" vor Augen, was fluchen bedeutet. Danke.

Offline volcano woman

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #176 on: April 06, 2014, 08:39:59 pm »[/url][/quote][/quote]]
Lenora's comments about the First Nations is probably the biggest fabrication in her entire rebuttal screed. Surely the Spezzanos knew APTN was going to broadcast a very revealing and damaging piece about them, and Lenora wrote this shortly before the program aired, probably as an attempt at spin control. If anything, it appears Haida Gwaii is politically and socially more dysfunctional than ever thanks in part to the Spezzanos and members of their cult. APTN portrays a society that is hardly enjoying a "cultural Renaissance."[/color][/color]

A recent response from First Nations leader in British Columbia in regards to the viewing of new age cults plaguing our indigenous peoples as reported on plastic shamans Aptn investigates.   

Approaching 70, with my privileged life nearly half over, I reflect on the condition of Indian Peoples:- I have seen the effects of the Whiteman's government, religion and foolish assumption of superiority. It is a sad and sorry litany of abuse.-My Mum often spoke lovingly of the time when the POTLATCH was our only form of government AND religion. She lived this ideal all her life, remaining a strong MUSGAMAGW even in the face of the destruction brought by the churches, DIA, welfare and industry. I am glad that she did not get to see the PHONY HEALERS & THEIR CULTS, the most recent group of maggots feeding on the decaying flesh of our Nations.- They are the NEW SMALLPOX sent to destroy Our Peoples.

Hemas Kla-Lee-Lee-Kla (Chief Bill Wilson, BA, LLB)

To learn more about this true blue leader read:

First Nations Chief Bill Wilson retells family history in B.C.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 12:49:44 am by volcano woman »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #177 on: April 07, 2014, 11:11:15 am »
Attached for educational purposes and in case the RCMP did not get a chance to read Section K (First Nations Fund), the non-copyrighted 2013 German version of the Psychology of Vision Handbook (must be signed in to view).
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 11:43:17 am by Sandy S »

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #178 on: April 07, 2014, 05:40:54 pm »
here is a link to a little poster that says a lot..

there is help for those people that had this happen to them.

here is a link that may help to open up and seek other ways and directions in seeking recovery.

 if you've been deceived and deluded by a recruiter into joining a high demand cult group.. remember that you are not the first and unfortunatly not going to be the last, remember that you are not alone ,there are many caring legit people and a lot of helpful information that will help you in recovery.   
  if you're considering joining a group, prevention is the best medicine and researching about the groups is the best remedy, this nafps site is an excellent place to start researching whether groups are harmful or credible.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 04:06:47 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #179 on: April 08, 2014, 06:42:55 am »
Before Charles Lee Spezzano's "Self-Health" 2010 YouTube was deleted from public view by Janie or Julian Ticehurst, his quote in the video sermon about the cause of diseases was documented--

"You can't have health problems unless you feel guilty about something, and then at an even deeper level you can't have a health problem unless you're getting revenge on someone."

Spezzano's Twitter promoted the video--

But if you follow the link provided on Twitter it has been removed. It was in YouTube under Janie's name--

This was the same YouTube where our friend NoCon had questioned Spezzano's professional credentials in the comments, especially given the fact in Janie Ticehurst's Healing Metaphors biography, her co-author Charles was described as a "psychologist." Julian Ticehurst gave this reply--

"That's true. Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist, he isn't licensed. He describes himself as a Coach. Janie describes herself as a Health Coach. Janie is a Registered Nurse. She is not licensed to counsel or to be any form of psychologist. All the best and thanks for raising this important point."

Snip taken from the source is attached, courtesy of a person interested in social justice for First Nations (I salute you! Good catch!)

A few months ago the College of Registered Nurses in British Columbia confirmed there is no one in their register under the name of "Janie Ticehurst." So either she is registered under her maiden name, or she isn't registered at all in BC. It is possible she might have been registered elsewhere, but that would not do her any good after she migrated to Canada. In any case, she needs to do some updating here so if a BC citizen wishes to lodge a complaint about a supposedly professional nurse promoting destructive and superstitious health advice, such as the above quote from Charles Lee Spezzano, the CRNBC can take disciplinary measures without using detective work.

Shortly after Julian's response appeared, the entire "Self-Health" YouTube was removed.

Just for emphasis and because an attempt was made to cover this up, let us read this quote from Charles Lee Spezzano once again--

"You can't have health problems unless you feel guilty about something, and then at an even deeper level you can't have a health problem unless you're getting revenge on someone."

This, my friends, is really the keystone to the Spezzano & Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision scam. You are bad. We will rescue you while charging incredibly high fees and if the attempt fails it is your fault because you are bad. We are never to blame.

Around and around it goes. Many SAL/POV trainers go out in the world and attempt to duplicate this scam with their own spin. In British Columbia, this has translated into a disaster that will take a few generations to repair for FN. Two words spring to mind: Affinity Fraud.

In a previous post our comrade moreinfo has provided a link for people brave enough to start the journey back to the real world and escape this vicious circle of SAL/POV manipulation.