Author Topic: a few single moms hit on by a man that claimed to be an indian healer  (Read 3582 times)

Offline Faith1515

  • Posts: 1
I am new on this site and wanted to share my story. Some of my friends were at a fair a few weeks back and we went to this booth called the Egytian foot bath. The gentleman running it claimed his name was Rob and also claimed to be an Indian Healer. His booth was full the enire weekend and he gave me a $5 dollar bill, shaped it like a heart with his phone number on the inside. He claimed he could heal me of this that and the other. He laid hands on me and was able to tell some pretty personal things about me. I chose to call him and get together and he was quite agressive and attempted to put his hands in private places saying he needed to touch me to know what was wrong with me. I had to work quite hard to keep him off of me. He consistently called me and still attempts to call me even though I told him to stay away. Come to find out he was doing this to a few beautiful single moms around our area telling us that he loves us and God put us in his life to heal us. I was bold enough to call him on one of the other girls phones and tell him that all of us women are onto him and he needs to stay out of our town. He goes by the name of Rob, but answered his phone and said he was Tom. One of the girls said he told her his name was Rob Robertson. He never would tell any of us his last name, nor told us where he lives. He does talk about UFO's quite often and also the future earthquackes that will be coming. He mixes lots of Christianity with his "Indian" Heritage. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Offline Smart Mule

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Hi Faith,

I would suggest that you file a police report for the attempted assault and his continued attempts to contact you even though you asked him not to.  I would suggest you talk to your friends and have them do the same.

Where did this occur?  Do you know the name of the carnival company?  Was Jodi Foster there?

If this is some kind of joke it is not particularly amusing.

I am new on this site and wanted to share my story. Some of my friends were at a fair a few weeks back and we went to this booth called the Egytian foot bath. The gentleman running it claimed his name was Rob and also claimed to be an Indian Healer. His booth was full the enire weekend and he gave me a $5 dollar bill, shaped it like a heart with his phone number on the inside. He claimed he could heal me of this that and the other. He laid hands on me and was able to tell some pretty personal things about me. I chose to call him and get together and he was quite agressive and attempted to put his hands in private places saying he needed to touch me to know what was wrong with me. I had to work quite hard to keep him off of me. He consistently called me and still attempts to call me even though I told him to stay away. Come to find out he was doing this to a few beautiful single moms around our area telling us that he loves us and God put us in his life to heal us. I was bold enough to call him on one of the other girls phones and tell him that all of us women are onto him and he needs to stay out of our town. He goes by the name of Rob, but answered his phone and said he was Tom. One of the girls said he told her his name was Rob Robertson. He never would tell any of us his last name, nor told us where he lives. He does talk about UFO's quite often and also the future earthquackes that will be coming. He mixes lots of Christianity with his "Indian" Heritage. Does anyone have any thoughts?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 01:02:48 am by sky »