Author Topic: What does it mean???????  (Read 6733 times)

Offline lostcherokee

  • Posts: 79
What does it mean???????
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:06:01 am »
What does it mean
 Over the years everything has changed some for the better some for the worse .
Even tradition has changed.
So has the veiw of  words like" Elders,Respect,Medicine man.ect....
People of long ago veiwed these terms completly different than what we do,As far a that goes how we do things.Everyone has lost to some extint or another its true reason and meaning.So why is it some get so mad when other people veiw things different than we.

Lost Cherokee

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 09:29:20 pm »
What does it mean
 Over the years everything has changed some for the better some for the worse .
Even tradition has changed.
So has the veiw of  words like" Elders,Respect,Medicine man.ect....
People of long ago veiwed these terms completly different than what we do,As far a that goes how we do things.Everyone has lost to some extint or another its true reason and meaning.So why is it some get so mad when other people veiw things different than we.

Or better yet why does alot of people get so mad when they themselfs dont know the true meaning of the word....

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2007, 01:23:20 am »
Well from the looks of reply's no ones knows what these words mean to them, so maybe next time someone reply's to a post and the words Elder,respect or anything like that comes up. Some of you will think about it a few minutes and reflect  about the words before they are used so losely............

Lost Cherokee
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 01:25:42 am by lostcherokee »


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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2007, 02:26:22 am »
Thanks for your Post Lostcherokee,
I did not read the post as you asking a question. I agree time changes things as well as the meaning to each one of us. ME well I choose to remain traditional in my thinking of thing and ways, but that is who I am, I am Cherokee, The First People but formost I am a human being, and I believe we can choose to change what a word means NOW or stay steadfast as to the original meaning. Thats ones choice.

I see Elders in two ways. One is by age and the other by Wisdom. While I respect( honor, take care of and Love) all who have reached the Winter days of thier life because they are elderly, An Elder does not mean to me one of a ripe old age. My Elders have Wisdom, taught me ways of the Cherokee, how to deal with others in a respectful manner  and MUCH MUCH more. When a TRUE Elder is speaking one is to shut up and listen with the heart. I could go on and on but I choose not to at this point. I will end by say a TRUE Elder will NEVER draw attention to themselves, they are humble and demonstrate humility.
                                                                Wado Weheli

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2007, 02:44:16 am »
To me, there are elders and Elders. And elder is respected (for the most part) because of their age. An Elder is respected because they are wise and know their culture.

Respect is harder to nail down. It is a feeling towards a person or thing, someone or something, you honor or place high value on. And not $$ value.

Medicine man/woman. Well, if they have the medicine, you will know it. They won't have to tell you. They aren't braggy and showy. They are humble. They don't go up and say they are going to heal youusually. They wait for you to ask them, in the proper way. Whatever your tradition, or theirs, dictates.

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 03:11:38 am »
But there lies some of the problems,if you you take a old word to say and the meaning gets changed then the way  you look at things change and at times the way things are done.When you change the way things are done,well there goes its whole true meaning and purpose.


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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2007, 03:58:33 pm »
Yes Lostcherokee and this has always been true from the beginning of time. Much is lost in translations. If one takes the time to reseach and go back to original meanings of what a word, ect. means it is amazing how words and meanings have been changed over times and as you know some words can not be replaced as there is no tanslation.

I would love to hear your meaning of the words you posted.


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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2007, 10:24:47 pm »
Sorry, I didn't take it as a question either. More as a statement of fact. We have been changing for as long as anyone can remember. To me, Elders are picked by the Tribe, they carry the Traditions and Language. To consult one, is usually not receiving too many direct answers. They point you in the direction. Medicine People, you know who they are. They don't have to advertize themselves. They stay were they are, they do not travel. Respect is the hardest. Why people become mad at other for a difference of views is a mystery. You may disagree, but they have a right to voice their view. just as you have that right. If that deteriotes there lies the problems. The respect has to be mutual. And I think that is so deep seated I can't even begin to explain it.  You ask very hard questions. frederica

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 12:40:41 am »
Sorry for the misunderstanding about weather it was a statement or a question.

Ijust wanteds people to think about a few words before they use them.For when a word like Elder and so on when used every day as a common word it tends to lose it's strentgh and meaning for some....

Lost Cherokee

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: What does it mean???????
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 03:48:16 pm »

I use the words "Respect" and "Elder" quite a bit and they have very important meanings to me. 

Respect is the way in which I would like to be treated, with those around me understanding that I may not always agree with them, but have the right to my own opinions, as do they.  Respect is also the manner in which I would like people to treat the lands, resources and others around them, taking great care not to cause damage and Honouring the resources taken from our surroundings.  I was taught that for anything to live, something else must offer it's life, and this sacrifice should be Honoured.  In the ways that I was taught, Respect is automatically given, but when Respect is abused it is very difficult to earn it again. 

Elders, to me are those who have lived long enough to have Wisdom to share.  Age is not the only consideration, but also their ability to guide and teach.  In our Culture, Elders are not set aside, but are often sought out, in order to actively work toward the betterment of the people.

While I do not use the term "Medicine Man" (or Woman), I do speak of those in the Medicine Circle, who have retained the Traditional Knowledge of our people and can choose to use this to help with the health and healing of our communities and people.  Those who have been Gifted with the ways of Medicine have many choices to make, in their use of their knowledge and Gifts.  The concepts of "Good" of "Bad" Medicine have more to do with the choice of the one who makes the Medicine, than the items used in making Medicine.



« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 04:49:10 pm by Ric_Richardson »