Author Topic: Sisters of Honua, Janet Lightstone, Selina Grant AKA "Little Grandmother Selina"  (Read 20559 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Got a request on Selina at the yahoo group. The request came from a Micmaq who stated his people have never heard of this woman who is being promoted as one of their elders.

The original message that angered Micmaq.

"Long ago the Northeastern coast of Turtle Island, first contact was made between the indigenous peoples and the Europeans. The tribes knew of the fore coming loss of their ways and held council. They determined that one tribe should travel far away to their cousins in the south known as the Incas of Heart Island and one tribe would stay in their homeland

The Mik'maq tribe of Northeastern Canada stayed behind but sent their most sacred item, Grandmother Turtle Pipe, to be held safe until the Time of the Renewal would come. They knew that Grandmother Turtle Pipe would return during the Time of the Renewal. The Anishnawbe tribe traveled with the 5000 year old pipe which held the power of women's medicine. The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe found safe refuge with an Incan family who passed it down for many many generations.

500 years later the pipe gave the message to her caretakers that it was time for her to come back to her people. The Time of the Renewal has come and she must return home. Three Holy People traveled from South America to Nova Scotia to bring Grandmother Turtle Pipe to her homeland.

The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe selected Little Grandmother Selina to carry her and share her medicine to heal the Way of the Feminine. The time has come.

The time has come to hear the medicine of the Grandmothers and embrace a new way of living. Little Grandmother Selina carries the
medicine of the women to heal and prepare us for the ways of Peace.

Please join me on our web-cast program Women and Prophecy, Wed  night, February 18th, 6pm Pacific time, to hear Little Grandmother
Selina's powerful story and her connection to the Grandmothers and the 13 Original Clan Mothers who are making themselves known at this time of the Women. Her wisdom heals the deepest part of us in need of remembering who we are.

Featuring women sharing prophecy and spiritual teachings from around the world. Women elders, Wise Ones and Grandmothers reveal the
secrets passed down from their ancestors.
Janet Lightstone
www.sistersofhonua. org"

The "sisters" seem pretty clearly influenced by Jamie Samms nonsense. They include a who's who of frauds posing as NDN feminists, Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu, Brooke Edwards AKA Medcine Eagle, and Twyla Nitsch.

And this I found an amusing this for supposed feminists to do. They included wives of famous frauds, declaring them to be women elders:
Marcela Villoldo
Cindy Miro Quesada

They're also kind of blunt that their intent is to make money.
"How to Hire One of the Sisters
Establish the date, location and budget of your event. These factors will play an important role in determining the pool of Sisters available to you. Your date, for example, will affect which Sisters are available, whereas your budget will limit whom you can and can’t afford to hire."

From the same link here are the self proclaimed elders they list who need more investigation:

"Flo Yepa Jemez Pueblo Buffalo Clan Elder Fire & Sun Pottery
 Patricia Cori author Sirian Revelations
 Sharron Stroud, PhD Innerfaith Ministries Worldwide
 Regina Cuma Chavez Mayan Curandera
Serena Poisson Mountain & Myst Reiki Center 9 Gates Mystery School
 Selina Water Eagle Ojibiwi Elder
 Arielle Ford Author
 Leilani Birely Hawaiian Kahuna Dianic Priestess Daughters of the Goddesss
Charla HawkWind Cherokee Elder
 Venessa Kay Hopi Rainforest Ambassador
 Mara Freeman Celtic Magic Avalon Mystery School
 Raphaelle Tamara Seraphim
Vicki Noble author Motherpeace
 Maria Teresa Valenzula Toltec Curandera
 Kalei'iliahi Kamakawiwoole Hawaiian Kahuna - Visionary Artist Twin Flames for God
 Luisah Teish Ifa/Orisha Priestess Storyteller - Author
 Happy Pahia Hawaiian Kahuna - Peace Educator Kanaka Moali Wahine
Afia Walking Tree Jamacan Drum Shaman SpiritDrumz
 Beatrex Quntanna Tibetan Tarot & Numberology House Jewelry
 Penelope Smith Grandmothers' Circle Animal Talk
Yolanda Martinez 2006 NAMMY WINNER! Apache Drummaker & Singer
 Nicki Scully Shamanic Journeys Ltd Alchemical Healing
 Linda Seger Script Consultant Workshops"

One thing I'm struck by in the photos which hadn't been obvious before.
Many of the ones alleging to be NDN, if they actually are, are of very low BQ. Naylin claims to be both Apache and Navajo, but is very pale and light brown haired. The photo of Nitsch on the other page also struck me the same, outside of its incredible weirdness, with the diagram looking like something out of kabbala.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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The photo of Nitsch on the other page also struck me the same, outside of its incredible weirdness, with the diagram looking like something out of kabbala.

I met Twyla Nitsch in 1984. IIRC, she told me her father was Scottish, and that she had been sent to boarding school at a young age. I think she said it was a white school, and she spent most of her time there alone. I don't know at what age she went to live among the Seneca (again?). That pic is pretty much how I remember her. Well, minus the odd diagram.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 01:31:33 am by Kathryn »

Offline tachia

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whoa .. .. Jemez Pueblo (Walatowa) jumped out at me .. from Al's list of "elders" .. "Flo Yepa Jemez Pueblo Buffalo Clan Elder Fire & Sun Pottery" .. .. hmmmm ..  .. Walatowa Pueblo is a closed Pueblo .. i will try to check some of this out personally .. ..

but .. check this out:
especially this part: "Today, the Jemez Pueblo of Walatowa is not open to exploration by tourists or non-Tribal members." .. but read the whole site .. :)

then check this out:
$1,800 "pilgrimage" .. flo and sal yepa are involved in this ..
"Day 5, Saturday, Augsut 1, 2009
After all our traditional preparations, we are ready to spend a full day at the Jemez Pueblo* with Buffalo Clan Elders, Flo and Sal Yepa - as we explore together the archetypal presence of joyful innocence and our coming home to earth." ..

notice that a lot on this page is taken word for word from the Walatowa web site .. ..

i started google-ing and got lost in the nuage bs of this whole thing .. .. awk .. ..

Offline Defend the Sacred

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They're also kind of blunt that their intent is to make money.

It's that whole nuage, "prosperity consciousness" thing... the idea that people only value what they pay for, and the more someone charges, the more desirable their services will be. (And the more money they make, the more spirchul they must be.)

I don't know if that applies to everyone involved with this. The only one of these women I knew in person (and knew fairly well) was sincere and coming from a legitimate tradition. But I don't know where she's at now as we haven't spoken in twenty years. I'm not going to get into her story or defend her, but I will say she is one of the few women of color in the group; unlike the middle class white women I see on this list, she had struggled with poverty and basic survival. Then she found that white people would pay to learn from her and everything changed. She struggled a great deal with it. She tried to do things like offer sliding scale and scholarships to women of color and low-income white women, she didn't teach outsiders the stuff only Initiates learn (as much as the outsiders felt they had a right to it since they'd paid for a workshop). And once you were actually part of her group she didn't charge, but it was still hard. The lure of the money at these Nuage centers... The ignorance and racism and sense of entitlement from the people who were hiring her, and the toll that took on her psyche... I hope she's found some peace... but this gig and all the nuage stuff makes me sad.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 01:32:23 am by Kathryn »


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It has taken me a year to find out about this Pipe shes carrying. I was the one sent the request to the Yahoo Group, on behalf of the Treaty Beneficiaries Assoc group here in Eskasoni that i belonged to. Indeed out oral tradition maintains that we journeyed to SA. And what i uncovered is that its true as well 3 people from SA came to the maritimes carrying what appears to be a ancient Pipe. Unfort they only were able to find some new agey people with some marginal Mi'kmaw ties. They left this Pipe with one of the women. selina came to the woman and said she had a vision that she was to work with the Pipe for a short time. The woman surrendered the Pipe to her. When it came time to give the Pipe back, selina claimed "I've had another vision, the Pipe wants to stay with me", AND IS REFUSING TO GIVE IT BACK! Now this ancient Pipe is being held hostage. As well selina continues to sell ceremony and pass her self off as a member of the 13 Original Clan-mothers. The Treaty Beneficiaries Assoc received about a dozen emails from all over the Maritimes, from those Traditional People who use the net, complaining about her selling ceremony. Consensus was reached by the Treaty Beneficiaries Assoc and i would request that she be moved to the Frauds section. Somehow she got herself put in at the sackville high school in new brunswick graduation program doing a ceremony a few weeks ago, which now means shes poisoning our youth with her made up star teachings. I will begin the process on FB of exposing her. This Pipe needs to be given back to the true Mi'kmaw People!

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Domain name:

Registrant Contact:
   Selina Grant ()
   15 Elliot Street
   Dartmouth, NS B2Y2X6
Contact Selina: or (902) 209-8411 Grant 15 Elliot Street    Dartmouth%2C NS B2Y2X6    CA
Sex:   Female
Children:   Leah, 1 year
Relationship Status:   Married to Leighton Grant
get a court order for search and seizure for a stolen pipe value is priceless
over 100 years old
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 06:54:09 pm by dabosijigwokush »

Offline educatedindian

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Moved to Frauds. This one's not even close to there being any question. A stolen pipe, Micmaq themselves saying she's not their elder. Association with lots of other frauds like Naylin/Yraceburu.

A search shows that she's doing one Nuage knockoff of ceremony selling after another. And to top it all off, on her own site, she outright admits she's no Micmaq elder and never learned their ways. Instead...

....Divine Ancient and Celestial Heavenly Beings of Light guide, protect and support Little Grandmother on her Path....

At that time Selina joined a Traditional Healing Circle that was part of a Traditional Healing Lodge located in Toronto, Ontario. Her Spiritual Teachers were of the Ojibwa Anishnawbe Nation, and they taught her in the Ancient ways of the Sacred.
Selina had entered a healing time to restore strength and reclaim her true nature.
In 1996, Selina entered into semi-seclusion for a period that would last 7 years....During this time a powerful voice spoke to Selina's heart while she was in silent meditation…."You are resonating within an Harmonic Convergence" ....

In December 2003, Little Grandmother was guided that it was time to return to her true home upon the Earth which is the land of Mi'kMaqi, (land of the Mi'kmaq) Nova Scotia. The place of her birth. Having lived away for more than 34 years she was called back....
Little Grandmother Selina
White Eagle Star Clan
Grandmother's Medicine Bundle-Keeper
Traditional Healer of Infinity/Earth Helper/Story Teller


IOW, she never learned Micmaq ways, but suposedly learned from Ojibwe that she conveniently doesn't name. She hasn't been around her alleged people for 34 years. She does all she does because of a supposed vision or message that included Nuage gibberish about harmonic convergence.

And really, when she claims to be the "healer of infinity" I can't help but think of Toy Story. "To Infinity...and Beyond!"

The site also accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Paypal, etc. Every single event listed she's been at has been a Nuage gathering, except for that blessing a high school graduation. (WTH?!) Did someone pay her with school funds? Did anyone bother to find out if she actually was who she claims? I guess it's expecting too much of a high school....

She also shows up in a 2002 newsletter back when she still went by her real name of Selina Grant, her claimed heritage was different, and she was already running around claiming to be a healer over in Hamilton, Ontario. So that claim of living in seclusion from 1996 to 2003 is another lie. Notice the site said she had already been a speaker and alleged healer.

HIP HIP HAHN!:  Joan De New, leader of HAHN, Hamilton Area Healer's Network, and CSD President, brought a whole contingent of HAHN'ers to help liven up events;  including Bev Gaal, who will be registrar at the annual CSD convention this June; Selina Grant, Metis Micmac, originally from Nova Scotia, and a carrier of Women's Medicine.  Selina has been a speaker on Ancient Wisdom, and will be introducing HAHN to Sacred Sound in the Native American tradition on January 28 where she will be the guest speaker at the January HAHN meeting (in Hamilton).


Janet Lightstone shows up as an alleged psychic who will teach you how to be one. Not too successful, since she didn't read Selina right.

Just wondering if there have been any updates on this woman (Selina)?
Did the police get the pipe back to where it belongs?


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The Grassroots Grandmothers Assoc (Mi'kmaq) have agreed to try to resolve this, it has been left in their hands, i will email the Co-Coordinator and ask if there is any news on this travesty.

Offline Ashla

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How many people out there are "little grandmothers"?  ::)

Offline MrPiz

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Hello out there.

Just found this very suspicious site...used the Formumsearch first with no results... This Topic might be moved to frauds directly, but thats up to you folks.

Noogamijiij (Little Grandmother) Selina is a blended Spirit who is Black Mi'kmaq Aboriginal from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada. Her mixed ancestral heritage is Black Nova Scotian, Mi'kmaq Aboriginal and Scottish descent. "The reason you were born mixed race is because you are to be a reflection of the coming together of the races". "We are the Ancestors"

Divine Ancient and Celestial Heavenly Beings of Light guide, protect and support Little Grandmother on her Path. They are by Selina's side and bring Ancient Medicine Ways and Wisdom Teachings for "Those Who Are Ready".

Little Grandmother Water Eagle is Selina's traditional medicine name brought through from the Divine while she was in Sacred Ceremony here upon the land of Mi'kMaqi. Little Grandmother is the shortened version! Little Grandmother Selina is one with Eagle Spirit which radiates from her Heart Centre. Water brings Life...
There is more to the name that is not to be spoken or made public. Grandmother in the traditional way means Wise Woman.

In 1990 Selina had a powerful spiritual experience that would help lead the way back to the Sacredness within. Powerful Ancestor Beings of Light began to come to her in dreams and sing ancient songs. These wonderful Helpers sang songs of healing and remembering. They would speak through her heart to help her to remember who she truly is.

At that time Selina joined a Traditional Healing Circle that was part of a Traditional Healing Lodge located in Toronto, Ontario. Her Spiritual Teachers were of the Ojibwa Anishnawbe Nation, and they taught her in the Ancient ways of the Sacred.
Selina had entered a healing time to restore strength and reclaim her true nature.
In 1996, Selina entered into semi-seclusion for a period that would last 7 years. This retreat created a safe cocoon where she could remember and restore her Gifts of Healing as well as other aspects of Self. The hidden Medicine of Woman would be revealed and brought out. During this time a powerful voice spoke to Selina's heart while she was in silent meditation…."You are resonating within an Harmonic Convergence" . A shift would occur of such magnitude that there could be no turning back to the old ways.

1998 would bring another important shift.
Watching over Selina as Guide and Helper, is an Ancient Being of the Celestial Heavenly Realms. She is Grandmother Turtle. Her role as Healer to Earth and Earth Mothers' children is significant to this sharing and to this time here upon the Earth. It is when Grandmother Turtle came that Selina would become Women's Medicine Bundle- Keeper . Ancient healing ways of the Divine Feminine were instilled into Selina's Heart and also flowed from her own inner wisdom. It began with Grandmother Drum and radiated out to other Helpers of both the physical and spiritual realms.

The time of emergence from semi-seclusion came in late summer of 2003.
The cocoon opened and Little Grandmother Water Eagle did emerge.

In December 2003, Little Grandmother was guided that it was time to return to her true home upon the Earth which is the land of Mi'kMaqi, (land of the Mi'kmaq) Nova Scotia. The place of her birth. Having lived away for more than 34 years she was called back to fulfill a service agreed to long ago before birth . Her work from there was to begin.

And so it is that Selina stepped upon the shores of Nova Scotia in May 5th 2004. Grandmother Aluna, (Sea Mother) re-integrated with her Daughter. The Clan Mothers stepped forward from within the Circle as part of the Medicine Way to help with the Healing. A Child of the Universe was re-born and the Great Work was begun.

Um'Sit Nogama/All My Relations

Little Grandmother Selina
White Eagle Star Clan
Grandmother's Medicine Bundle-Keeper
Traditional Healer of Infinity/Earth Helper/Story Teller

(please note) Noogamijiij means Little Grandmother in the Mi'kmaq language. A language of the Original People's of this land that continues to be spoken since time immemorial.
I have placed in parenthesis those words spoken directly by the Ancient Ones and Ancestors. These messages came during Sacred Ceremony to help me understand as those around me were able to share in the experience. We are all blessed.

sincerly MrPiz
Walk your talk

Offline justandreamer86

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I am asking this, bc I have met maria , and at first I felt she was genuine, but the more she talked, I began to think she really was mixing things up.  can anyone even find out who her true family  is, since it isnt of apache origin??  Who is she really?

Offline educatedindian

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Apparently Selina Grant is now calling herself Selina White Eagle. A Unity Church is hosting her selling ceremony.

The good news is the Sisters of Honua site is down. Going to the link now takes you to a Japanese site (?) Not clear what the site now sells, could be anything based on the photos.

Offline milehighsalute

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my stepdad is full jemez....and the jemez dont have a buffalo most pueblos the clan is either turquois or pumpkin......flo yepa is an artist, my stepdad doubts that she would be involved in any of this nonsense
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 05:12:29 pm by milehighsalute »


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Selina Grant initially registered the business Grandmother's Medicine Lodge in 2006, nature of business is "holistic health practitioner". Still an active business registration and still at the address listed earlier in this thread, Nova Scotia.