Author Topic: Elizabeth Sturino  (Read 19323 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Elizabeth Sturino
« on: December 29, 2009, 05:47:25 am »
Elizabeth Sturino seems to do a number of workshops covering everything from Musical Alchemy to Love Medicine.

There are a few things that concerned me about her website.  One is in regards to one of her workshops that she is charging money for.  She claims to draw from Traditional British Witch Craft and Native American teachings in one particular workshop.  She has also posted a paragraph where she quotes “ Calvin Chaska Denny” ( an American Indian of the Winnebago Tribe ) praising her in order to legitimize herself.
Here is a quote from her website on one of her workshops. 

"Of the Blood and Of the Land......... Drawing from Traditional British Witchcraft and Native American Traditional teachings here is an explanation from The First Named Mother of a Traditional British Witchcraft Family in America who carries a Recommendation from Chaska Denny, the Spiritual adviser of the Dakota Nation. You will learn the similarities of beliefs and ceremonies and why these traditions are held in secret from Americans of European decent. (The true ceremonies are held in secret, no matter what they tell you.) 2 to 3 hours ..
Disclaimer $50.00
All workshops, teachings, readings, psychic readings are prepay
If you host a workshop you receive 25% of all tuition collected..
If your guests brings a friend they get 25% off their tuition for each friend they bring."

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 05:49:53 am »
Here is a quote that Elisabeth claims is from Chaska.
1. I, Calvin Chaska Denny, Enrolled Member of Federally Recognized Tribe (#439A006261),Member of Indian Arts and Crafts Association (#3006), Vietnam Vet 70-71, Hereby make this Positive Recommendations to Elizabeth Sturino, in a respectful and humble way.
I, Calvin Chaska Denny, have known Elizabeth Sturino for several years and have understood the great work she and friends have done to help protect and preserve the cultural ways of several Indigenious Tribes, and never once asking for recognition or monetary payment for her expertise, yet incurring her own expense to accomplish the goals to further the Cultural ways of the Indigenious Tribal Nations.
Therefore, I, Calvin Chaska Denny, hereby make this recommendation for Elizabeth Sturino, so that she may continue to help ALL those who request her help in ALL matters, but especially those Indigenious Tribes and Tribal Members.
I, Calvin Chaska Denny, have always known Elizabeth Sturino, to be humble, respectful, compassionate and considerate in ALL matters, but especially those that pertain to Indigenious Tribal Nations and Tribal Members.
Respectfully, Mitakuye Oyasin
Calvin Chaska Denny

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 05:51:15 am »
I know “Chaska” has been on this site before and been active in some threads.   Here is a discussion he has had with Moma Porcupine in the past.

Calvin Chaska Denny is an American Indian that was raised traditional, so I would ask myself, what would he know about “Wicca, Witchcraft, Fortune Telling, or Chakra?  As an American Indian,he probably wouldn’t know much about it.   Also, I doubt that this Elizabeth is all that she claims to be anyway.  But I don’t know much about Wicca and Witchcraft subjects either, so I’ll leave that to others to make judgements on that.

If Elizabeth wants to legitimize her workshops, then she should have “Wiccan Spiritual people, Elders, etc” vouch for her workshops.  Not American Indians.  So assuming that Chaska doesn’t know much about “Wicca and Witchcraft”. , how can he vouch for her teachings and workshops regarding these subjects, ??  Well, the answer is that he can’t. 

You would never see an American Indian spiritual leader have a Wiccan vouch for them on the Internet.  So why does the so called “only named mother of a Traditional British Witchcraft family in the Americas” need an American Indian to vouch for her workshops?  Well, American Indian spiritual leaders don’t advertise their services on the Internet either, nor do respected American Indians make a commercial enterprise out of teaching non NDNS about Indian Ways. 

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 05:52:50 am »
So just how has Elizabeth helped to protect and preserve the cultural ways of several Indigenous Tribes?  This wasn’t explained either.

Is Elizabeth a student of Chaska?  And is this where she claims the right to do her workshop entitled “Of the blood of the land”?

Chaska says this here.
“and never once asking for recognition or monetary payment for her expertise, yet incurring her own expense to accomplish the goals to further the Cultural ways of the Indigenous Tribal Nations”

I’m a little confused here about what Chaska says here?.  In her workshop “of the blood and of the land”, she is clearly asking for a monterey payment.  50 dollars to be exact.  So if she doesn’t ask for monetary payments “to further the cultural ways of several indegneons tribes”, then why is she asking for monetary payment for her “of the blood and of the land workshop? Or is this workshop strictly for non NDNS?

 And even if she wasn’t asking for monterry payments ( which she is ), she still doens’t have the right to give teachigns on anything related to American Indian culture.  She seems to make a living off of these workshops

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 05:54:24 am »
Chaska also says this

“Therefore, I, Calvin Chaska Denny, hereby make this recommendation for Elizabeth Sturino, so that she may continue to help ALL those who request her help in ALL matters, but especially those Indigenous Tribes and Tribal Members.”

I don’t know what is meant by “help in ALL matters here”?  But If American Indian people need help in spiritual maters, then they should seek out their own people.  Not self declared Wiccan Elders and Fortune Tellers.  What business do non Indians such as Elizabeth have in giving ANY SPIRITUAL ADVICE to American Indian people?  In my opinion, she has no business at all doing this. 

There is also a thread with references to Elizabeth here.

In my opinion, Mrs. Sturino should get rid of her “of the blood, of the land workshop: Also, Chaska should be clear about what he means here, “ .“Therefore, I, Calvin Chaska Denny, hereby make this recommendation for Elizabeth Sturino, so that she may continue to help ALL those who request her help in ALL matters, but especially those Indigenous Tribes and Tribal Members.”

If Chaska wants to talk about how in his opinion, Elizabeth is an all around good person, then that’s his business.  But, he shouldn’t be recommended to american Indians for them to seek out the advice of this so called Wiccan Elder.  American Indians should look to their own people for help or spiritual advice.

Also, I think that it should be looked into about Elizabeth’s “other teachings” related to Wicca, witchcraft, etc, and whether or not, she’s an authority on these other traditions. 

Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2009, 06:00:58 am »
Well, I read that the 50 bucks is for lecture, not ceremony.  Maybe a thin line?  I don't know..  but that's how I understood it when I read it on the site.. that she is giving a lecture on the 'similarities' of the traditions. 

However.. she does have Healing listed on her page and I'm assuming she charges for it.  And the disclaimer link doesn't bring up any page.. so..
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Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2009, 05:49:09 pm »
Well, I read that the 50 bucks is for lecture, not ceremony.  Maybe a thin line?  I don't know..  but that's how I understood it when I read it on the site.. that she is giving a lecture on the 'similarities' of the traditions.

It is a lecture.  My problem is where she claims to draw from "tradional Native American teachings". She's a non Indian, and from what I can she wasn't raised in any Traditional community.

She also is teaching about the similarites and differences of Native American beliefs and ceramonies.  That tells me she's claims some kind of knowledge on Native American beleifs and ceramonies.  ( Enough to teach other about it and charge money for it )

The only exceptions that I can think of for nons to do teachings such as these, would be college profesors of Native American studies and History at reputable colleges, or Anthropolgist.  She's neither. 

Also, judging by her website, and after some research on her, I'm even more uncomfortable with her teachnig the public about anything even remotely related to Native American culture, traditions or beleif systems.  She was the proprietor of a Sex Shop in the past, she gives physic readings, and has claimed to be a licenced revereand and paranormal investigator in the past.   

"Intuitive, Medium, Mediator, Mentor, and a Visionary
20 years of this research and experience as a psychic reader and
spiritual teacher have led me to the creation of several life-changing workshops
on herbal knowledge, pathworking, psychic development, Chakra balancing,
meditation, quantum physics and metaphysics, theology, and transcendental readings. 
I offer healings, private readings, lessons, and spiritual counseling.

This woman has no business giving teachgns on "Native American traditions and ceramony".  Even if it is "only" in lecture.

Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2009, 06:06:40 pm »
You're right.  I wasn't thinking clearly..  my apologies.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2009, 11:10:46 pm »
“only named mother of a Traditional British Witchcraft family in the Americas”

That's bullshit. You'll find lots of people making those claims. The BritTrad Wiccans who are coming in an actual lineage know the names of their initiatiors, and their initiators, etc, in a direct line back to Gerald Gardner or Alex Sanders (both Englishmen).  It's possible she's a BritTrad initiate, but she's not acting like one; by making the claims she is and teaching for money, it looks to me like she is breaking her initiation vows (if she ever swore any).

British Traditional Wiccans rarely use their names in public, and most do not believe in publicizing the tradition or looking for converts. It is traditional to take a new name on initiation, and be known only by that name in matters dealing with the Craft.

BritTrad Wicca is no more like NDN religions than is any polytheistic, earth-based tradition.  There are things in Wicca that Gardner ripped off from Seton's fantasies of NDN ceremonies; many people mistakenly believe those bits are old English traditions rather than bits taken from Seton, Hinduism, Christian ceremonial magic, etc.

Legitimate BritTrad Wiccans also have a prohibition against charging for teaching, rituals or initiations.

I'm not a BritTrad initiate, as the tradition never appealed to me. However, I have been a guest at rituals led by BritTrad elders, and have met the man who brought Alexandrian Wicca to the US. In the eighties and nineties I was good friends with some of his first initiates, who are the elders of the tradition in the US. I was also friends with one of the Gardnerian elders who has played a similar role in the tradition's history, and know a handful of people in her lineage. Most BritTrad Wiccan groups on the East Coast descend from these lines.

One thing to bear in mind about the word "Elder". In Wiccan groups, people are often declared "elders" after only three years of training, no matter how young they are. I had friends in their twenties who were named as "elders". That has changed a bit now that the early initiates are now elderly or dying off, but the word "elder" is almost meaningless among most Wiccan and Witchcraft groups; you have to figure out what they mean by it.

I've never heard of this woman, but I haven't asked around. I'm not really in touch with the BritTrad people these days, though I could make a couple phone calls if needed. But what she's saying does not line up with even those groups, let alone something actually old and traditional or indigenous.

She likes to say "Wicca" sometimes and "Witchcraft" other times. But the sorts of claims she makes are found among many people using both terms. Her activities are not unusual, nor are her claims of being "the only one".

The only reason I can see for her getting an NDN to "vouch" for her is if she wants to sell fake NDN ceremonies to gullible people. Seeing some of the events she's participated in, where other nons do exactly that, I'd say that's what she's probably doing.

Here: she claims:

"I am a Mother, Elder, Weaver in one tradition and a Shaman, Medicine Person in another."
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:57:17 am by Kathryn »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2009, 01:52:45 am »
Thanks for the info Kathryn. Lots of great really informative info you gave. My gut feeling told me that she wasn't even an authority on Wicca and Witchcraft.  But, I couldn't say for sure as I didn't know much about Wicca and Witchcraft to pass judgement. 

Legitimate BritTrad Wiccans also have a prohibition against charging for teaching, rituals or initiations.

This also makes sense to me.   I think that the Wicca Tradition and culture has also been misrepresenated and its a shame that many misguided people are being mislead by people such as Elizabeth. 

I've never heard of this woman, but I haven't asked around. I'm not really in touch with the BritTrad people these days, though I could make a couple phone calls if needed.

I think this would be a good thing.  People need to be accountable for their actions. Just as Indian people should be aware when frauds misrepresent them, in this case, the Brit Trad people should be aware that there are individuals out there who could possibly be misreprsenting their culture.   
The only reason I can see for her getting an NDN to "vouch" for her is if she wants to sell fake NDN ceremonies to gullible people.

This is probably true.  Chaska put his name out there and is/did vouch for her in public ( on the internet ).  I don't know if we was inncocently fooled, or just gulliable or he just doesn't know enough much about what shes doing to make a judgement.  Regardles, he put his seal of approval on what she's doing, so he's responsible also for her behavior. 

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2010, 05:52:09 am »
This thread here deals with the subject of pagan frauds.

I'd like to try to get some of the people from this thread to comment on Elizabeth. 

Does anyone know if they ever got that pagan fraud website going?  Some of the links I tried from the thread weren't working. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2010, 06:50:19 am »
Yeah, well, if you read the thread, you'll see there were a variety of problems. One of the huge problems is that cultural appropriators are in the majority in the mainstream Neopagan community. I've mostly given up on them.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2010, 02:07:46 am »
I see where someone who sounds like this same Elizabeth, was previously advertising workshops which were supposedly teaching people about traditional ceremonies...

from May 08, 2008

Yayah's Workshops
Yayah is Half Blackfoot and half Cherokee. He has learned form Asa Primo, Melvine Hill, Clarence Tabler, Elmer Running, Rolling Thunder,Oma Mayle,Corky Mayle and of the Hill Family.

He has been trained in the ways since birth. Raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains on Cherokee lands above the Qualla Boundary. He learned from his Grandmothers , Aunts, and Uncles until he became old enough to go amongst the other medicine people.

He is not a Road Man but he is a Spirit person trained in the ways and also a Pipe Carrier in the Cherokee, Blackfoot, Sioux tradition. Even though the Cherokee are not pipe carriers he has done his obligation and had his pipe lite during Sundance by the Chiefs.He carries those ways true to his heart and in his blood.These are his words:

" The ways of the spirit are meant to be shared by the people of the world, for the people of the world and the songs are meant to keep going as are the ways of the people so the people can keep going. That is what I am told , I need to keep going.My wish is for the good of the people, what ever I can do to do good for people ,to do the best I can in the ways that I was taught by my elders....
Mitakuye Oyasin "

Native American Traditions
Different trible practices and protocols throught the United States. Question/ answer

Roadman games
Know the truth about Traditional Native Cerimonies.Question /Answer

Drum circle
An explaintion of the drum and the different Traditonal songs that are sung for different cerimonies and events.

Traditional Native American Pipe carriers
Who are they. What do they do. How/why do they become a Pipe Carrier.

Is this the same person?

If Chaska actually knows this woman, it's hard to see why he would be endorsing what she is doing....

In another thread Chaska repeatedly explained how careful he was about selling a book that contained some basic information about ceremonies , and how he would only sell this book to NDN people, so this information would not be read out of context.

Hey Chaska..

You are still a member here... If you actually did endorse this person , maybe you could explain why ?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 02:09:29 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2010, 08:53:04 pm »
Moma_porcupine said
I see where someone who sounds like this same Elizabeth, was previously advertising workshops which were supposedly teaching people about traditional ceremonies...

This does appear to be the case, and makes me even question more as to why Calvin Chaska Denny would be supporting this woman who in my opinion is a New Age Fraud. 

I also found this from Elizabeth Sturino's website.

Elizabeth has been welcomed and trained in many differing traditions and ceremonies with the Native American communities in both the United States and South America.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Elizabeth Sturino
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2010, 08:56:31 pm »
The First Named Mother of a Traditional British Witchcraft Family in America
who carries a Recommendation from Chaska Denny,
the Spiritual adviser of the Dakota Nation.

This claim here doesn’t seem right either in regards to Chaska being the “spiritual adviser of the Dakota Nation”.  It seems odd that “the spiritual advisor of the Dakota Nation isn’t at home in his own community helping out his own people.  I believe these communities are in Minnesota and Nebraska. He seems to have been active in Florida and Tennessee.  I’ve heard that he even was involved in Sweat Lodges in Florida.
In the discussion Chaska had with Moma_porcupine in regards to his book, he said that his book is only intended for Indians. Was/is Chaska’s spiritual advice only intended for Indians in Tenensee and Florida.  I’m just curious as to who these Indians are in these locations?  I would assume that for Indians in those places, then it would be more appropriate for them to seek out spiritual advice from their own people.

I agree with Moma_Porcupine that Chaska has some explaining to do.  I also see your a member here Chaska.   If you are supporting this woman ( Elizabeth Sturino?  Then why?  And also, as a spiritual advisor to your people, why are you not at home in your community?  I’m sure your people could use your spiritual advice.  I know some of the communities there have many problems and people who could be in need of you spiritual advice.