Author Topic: Renate Friedrich AKA Shaman Michico the white healing snake  (Read 13469 times)

winyan ohansica

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Um Gottes Willen:
 Michico ist Stammesmitglied der Plains aus Arizona, U.S.A. und eng verbunden mit weiteren indianischen Stämmen (Lakota/ Dakota).   Als charismatische Botschafterin schamanischer Heilmethoden verkörpert Michico auf eine einzigartige Weise das Sinnbild einer spirituellen Mentorin und Schamanin. Seit ihrer Kindheit ist sie Visionärin. Ihre Talente wurden in frühen Jahren von dem Pfeifenmann, A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), der Medizinfrau, Retta Lua aus Californien, und dem Schamanen Ron Lavin aus N.Y. entdeckt und intensiv gefördert. Ihre jahrzehntelange Ausbildung in klassischer Medizin, Yoga, Hypnose, Psychotherapie, Shiatsu und Craniosacraltherapie, weitreichende Kenntnisse in Schamanismus und indianischen Heilmethoden, gepaart mit ihrem Wissen der Neuzeitmedizin ermöglichen es ihr, ganz neue Wege in der Heilpraxis zu gehen. Dieser Weg vereinigt authentisches schamanisches Wissen mit den Herausforderungen unserer modernen westlichen Welt. Seit einigen Jahren unterrichtet Michico in München und hält Vorträge und Workshops in verschiedenen Städten Europas. Ihre Seminare haben jetzt schon Kultstatus erreicht und werden von Menschen aus allen Berufsgruppen besucht. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, all diejenigen zu führen, die eine Wegbegleitung suchen, um in Harmonie mit sich, den Mitmenschen, der Natur und dem Kosmos zu finden und zu leben. „Die Erde bewegt sich in ein neues Zeitalter. Unsere Welt wird immer komplizierter, aber wir sind mit der Erde verbunden. Ich schlage eine Brücke zwischen zwei Welten und nutze das schamanische Wissen meiner Stammesangehörigen, um Sie mit alten, vergessenen Behandlungstechniken physisch, psychisch und geistig zu stärken. Lernen Sie kosmische Werte zu respektieren und diese Werte werden Ihnen zu positiver Energie und Erfolg verhelfen. Ich helfe Ihnen, Ihre wahre Berufung zu erkennen, denn nur so können Sie Ihre Talente in Erfolg und Wohlstand umsetzen.“ Michicos Workshops bieten die Basis für persönlichen und beruflichen Wachstum und eignen sich für Privatpersonen, Familien, Manager und Firmen, die eine nachhaltige positive Entwicklung und Steigerung von Selbstvertrauen, Freude und Lebendigkeit im Alltag suchen.

Sorry, I am working oon the translation ...

she claims to  be decendant from Native American tribes in Arizona and of course Lakota/ Dakota. She is a shaman ... and tell the People that she learned from A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), medicinwoman Retta Lua from California, and a Schaman from New York: Ron Lavin;
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 10:14:20 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2014, 06:43:29 pm »
 She learned by following teachers

Pfeifenmann, A Sha Waque Shek
(Light across the sky), der Medizinfrau,
Retta Lua aus Californien, und dem
Schamanen Ron Lavin aus N.Y.

directly translated:
Pipeman A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), I don´t know the traditional name for pipeman or the correct translation
Medicine woman, Retta Lua from Californien and the shaman Ron Lavin from N.Y.

who are these people? It is normal to be teached by people from different areas?

This seems to me the same person:
Michico Friedrich, geb. am 13.01.1963 in München
Meine indianischen und spirituellen Lehren erhielt ich von Mr. Ron Lavin (Schamane, New York), Mrs. Christa Phillips (spirituelle Lehrerin, Montana), Mrs. Retta Lua (Medizinfrau, Californien), Mr. Patrick Poupart, (Medizinmann, Los Angeles).

english: Michico Friedrich, born on january, 13.1963 in Munich
my native american and spiritually teachings I learned by Mr. Ron Lavin (Shaman, New York), Mrs. Christa Phillips (spiritual teacher, Montana), Mrs. Retta Lua (medicinewoman, Californien), Mr. Patrick Poupart, (medicinman, Los Angeles).

There was a radio setting in bavarai
Bayern Macher Renate Michico Friedrich
(Michico, white healing snake)
Tipi Seminar Center – Schamanin Michico (Saturday, den 23. November 2013 at 14:54 Uhr)

Full name Renate Friedrich, worked 13 years as anurse, learned yoga - teaching, craniosacral - therapy, learned by Herrn Artho Wittemann (Heilpraktiker and author) psychotherapeutic method in voice dialog, psychozentrierte Körpertherapie ( psychocentered bodytherapy, this is a part in psychotherapie, can also learned by medical doctors and other medical therapists), body therapies (but some of these are defenitly not only specifyed for pschotherapy - methods, but you can use them with a good effect: Shiatsu, Qi-Gong, Fußreflexzonentherapie, Atemtherapie, Cranio - Sacral - Therapie, energy working, Katathymes Bilderleben (don´t know what it is), Akupressur, Tracing, autogenes Training und Hypnosetherapie.
Well, she got a lot of medical trainees, but has she ever learned psychotherapy? Could it be, not?
On her homepage she wrotes she is educated in classical medicine (I suggest this is a medical doctor, but does she mean her work as a nurse?), Yoga, Hypnose, Psychotherapie (has she got a diploma or does she means her psychotherapeutic education I mentioned above?), ....

Where does Michico comes from, from which tribe? Born in Munich.... What does this name means? To me it sounds spanish: Mi Chico = my little boy. Joa, sakra, des is a bisserl mäarkwüadich, aba nua a bisserl.... (sorry my bayrisch is terrible :'(). Well, I am confused.... about Renate Friedrich :)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 07:16:07 pm by Sturmboe »

Offline Lime Tree

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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2014, 10:16:31 am »
The website that winyan ohansica links to, has two flags at the upper right coner. Clicking on the British flag will show the website in English. I see no text when I click on "My Biography" there. Also not in  the German version.

"Seit meinem 5. Lebensjahr meditiere ich. Ich sah und stellte fest, dass das Leben an sich ein illusionäres Theaterstück ist. Die Wahl besteht lediglich darin, mitzuspielen oder nicht. Deshalb entschloss ich mich mitzuspielen und intensiv zu leben, aber die Möglichkeit zu behalten, mich jederzeit von Ereignissen oder Gefühlszuständen distanzieren zu können. Ich beschloss, in Liebe und Lachen zu leben."
Which says, as I translate it: "Since I was 5 years old, I meditate. I saw and established that life is an illusionary stage play. The choice is solely, to play or not to play. So I decided to play part in it, and to live intensively, but to keep the possibility to withdraw at any time form occurrences or emotional states. I decided to live in love and laughter."

Offline earthw7

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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 11:43:16 am »
just another fake don't understand how they can mix up tribes
In Spirit


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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 02:20:09 pm »
For several years, Michico has been teaching in Munich, and has been hosting workshops, seminars, as well as readings in several cities across Europe. Michico’s unique seminars have already reached cult status and are visited by people of all kinds of professional occupations.
(my bolding)

I don't think "cult status" is something one should aspire to.  Is that a Freudian slip?

According to Freud, unacceptable thoughts or beliefs are withheld from conscious awareness, and these slip help reveal what is hidden in the unconscious.


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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2014, 05:03:00 pm »
Michico (white healing snake)

Michico is a tribal member of the Plains from Arizona, U.S.A. and has close relations to other Native American tribes such as Lakota/ Dakota. 

Being a charismatic ambassador of shamanic healing methods, Michico embodies the symbol of a spiritual mentor and shaman in a very unique way. Since her early childhood, Michico is a visionary. Michico’s unique talents were discovered at a young age by the referee(pipe man), A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), the medicine woman, Retta Lua, from California, and the shaman, Ron Lavon, from N.Y. They did not just discover, but also encourage and advance her talents.

Michico’s long and intense education in classic medicine, Yoga, Hypnosis, psychotherapy, Shiatsu and craniosacral-therapy, and her extensiv knowledge in Shamanism and Native American healing methods opened the opportunity for Michico to go an entirely new path in medicine. This path combines authentic shamanic knowledge and the challenge of our modern western world.

For several years, Michico has been teaching in Munich, and has been hosting workshops, seminars, as well as readings in several cities across Europe. Michico’s unique seminars have already reached cult status and are visited by people of all kinds of professional occupations.

Her mission is to lead and support students who seek and want to live in harmony with themselves and their fellow men, nature, and cosmos.

'The planet is moving into a new era. Our world becomes more and more complex, but we are all connected to the world. I build a bridge between two worlds, and I use the shamanic knowledge of my tribe members to support and strengthen you physically, mentally, and spiritually with old, forgotten healing methods. Learn to respect cosmic values, and these values will help you to attain positive energy and success. I will help you to realize your own true mission because this is the only way to transform your talents into success and prosperity.' (Michico)

Michico’s workshops offer the basis for each person to grow individually and professionally, and are open to individual attendees, families, managers and companies who seek a sustainable, positive development and want to increase self-esteem, happiness, and vitality in everyday life.
Workshop Conductor: Mario Gruppo Calli

We are very happy to have Mario Gruppo Calli, a full-blood Aztec shaman, to be our sweat lodge ritual conductor.

Mario’s long-standing sweat lodge experience and his desire to pass on his knowledge, taught by his instructors, make Mario very unique and form Mario’s mindset.

Visit our sweat lodge ceremony:

Ceremony duration: 1 day (09:00am. – ca. 10:00pm.)

Price:             110,- €  (+ 19% taxes)

                        (100,- € Seminar +  10,- € concessions after the ceremony)

  For booking and more information please contact me at 


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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2014, 05:18:55 pm »
She's on Facebook as Schamanin Michico and Michico Friedrich. Looks like Friedrich is probably her married surname.

These two photos are from her Facebook accounts. The one taken of an inside of a tent, I assume the wood in the center is just for decoration?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Renate Friedrich AKA Shaman Michico the white healing snake
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2014, 10:52:19 pm »

she claims to  be decendant from Native American tribes in Arizona and of course Lakota/ Dakota. She is a shaman ... and tell the People that she learned from A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), medicinwoman Retta Lua from California, and a Schaman from New York: Ron Lavin;

If she does have descent she doesn't know a thing except what frauds taught her. In fact I wonder how even Germans would fall for her claims. Most Germans, esp the hobbyists, know enough about Native cultures to know that the Plains tribes are not desert tribes, as she claims.

I haven't seen a specific tribe claimed for her descent so far. But many of the southwest desert tribes don't regard snakes as sacred. Snakes are taboo for many, and one would not name yourself after one or claim they were a way to heal.

Her teachers are frauds, or learned from frauds, those I can find anything about.

Ron Lavin is a white Jewish American, follower of fraud, abuser, and cult/militia leader Harley Reagan and other frauds. He may deserve his own thread.
I first studied mystical teachings in Southern Mexico with a[unnamed] Zapotec Shaman. I learned 'Out of Body' work, 'channeling the Spirit Keepers of Monte Al Bon' and about the many uses of sacred plants. Later, I became a student at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California, where I learned the mysterious Rosecrucian teachings from a brilliant master, Rev. Lewis Bostwick, with many spiritual insights, techniques and teachings. They included Eastern psychic and spiritual healing, accessing and using Kundalini, Out of Body work and much more. Years later, I met and took refuge and experienced empowerments with Kalu Rimpoche and learned some of the vast Tibetan teachings. And still later, I worked with Native American Shamans, Harley Swiftdeer, Sun Bear and African Shaman, Elie Hein, Then I met and learned from Dr. Brugh Joy and Richard Moss. I then studied the astounding Alice Bailey teachings...


The only Retta Lua I can find online says she is not Native, she's Saudi and Mongolian.

Haven't found "Light Behind the Sky" mentioned outside of ads for Friedrich.

No idea why she'd think "Mario Gruppo Calli" to be an "Aztec shaman." That name is in Italian, not Spanish. If the name were Mario Grupo Cali, he might be Mexican. But I doubt it. That's also the name of a somewhat well known Mexican music group, Mario y Grupo Cali.

No idea also why she turns to a supposed Aztec shaman to do Lakota sweats. The Aztecs do have sweats, done very differently, closer to saunas and done in a permanent stone structure.

Michico is not a name I've ever heard as a Latino name either. It's pretty common for older people to address younger as "mijo" "mi hijo" or my boy. Michiko with a K seems to be a Japanese name. Their empress is named that, and it means wise child. I wonder if she had hippie parents, or chose to call herself that.

But I'll call herself Friedrich. We should not spread her falsehoods by using her phony name. Friedrich appeared on a German TV series, Inka!.

So we have a German claiming distant descent from an unnamed tribe who teaches mostly yoga and Nuage with some fraud teachings about NDNs learned from frauds who learned from other frauds plus some unknown alleged teachers.

Moved to Frauds, though there is more research to be done.

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Re: Michico - the white healing snake
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2014, 11:12:23 pm »
"tribal member of the Plains from Arizona"
