Odds and Ends > Computer Issues

can't post - timed out - error message - trouble logging out - notice of hacking attempt

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I found the way around it is to preview your post then submit it and no problem

Defend the Sacred:
Pinning this, because I just got a report of someone having this issue again over the last few days. Also altering thread title and merging in another thread where we discussed this problem.

With a little luck, this all should be fixed now. Please post here if not.

I am trying to post in the "Research Needed" department. Repeatedly, I get this response:

--- Quote ---Database error

Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.
--- End quote ---

At least I am not blocked or banned or something, since I can post here. When trying again, I get this:

--- Quote ---An Error Has Occurred!

You already submitted this post! You might have accidentally double clicked or tried to refresh the page.
--- End quote ---

When opening the thread in a new tab I can see that my post has not been submitted.


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