Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422364 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
After Jerry "Eaglefeather" discovered that TBE was a bigger fraud than his tribe, he broke off his connection with him. I got a very nasty email from him yesterday. Nikki, "Chief" Jerry Eaglefeather, claims to to be recognised by these people (from his email) " Chief Kenny BlackSmith and Grand Chief Linda Prince of Canada and the Mohawks of Tiendenega territory". Do you know  these people, are they from your Nation, let them know about this thread and the black Indian thread.

If I were you Don I would ignore the nasty email from TBE as these are his tactics. He has no recognition from any of our people or any one from the Six Nations Confederacy or any of our communities Tyendinaga included. He has no recognition from the Mohawks of Tyendinaga Territory.

He is full of OTAH. If I were you I would tell TBE to go to hell!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 10:44:30 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Nikki, my mistake. The nasty email was from one of the other "black Indians", Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe. He was associated with TBE is his group the "Binay" tribe. Now that he's seen this thread he has disconnected from TBE. Ask the folks in your nation if they recognise "Chief Jerry Eaglefeather" and the "Binay Tribe".

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Nikki, my mistake. The nasty email was from one of the other "black Indians", Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe. He was associated with TBE is his group the "Binay" tribe. Now that he's seen this thread he has disconnected from TBE. Ask the folks in your nation if they recognise "Chief Jerry Eaglefeather" and the "Binay Tribe".

No we do not recognize Jerry Eaglefeather and the Binay Tribe. No one from any of our Six Nation Confederacy communities recognizes these people.

You can also tell Jerry Eaglefeather and the Binay Tribe to go to hell too! Who do they think they are, as they are all nothing to us.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
That's what I thought! Oh what a tangled web they weave...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
That's what I thought! Oh what a tangled web they weave...

Yes and they all use the same terrorizing tactics, to threaten, you, others within our Confederacy, others supporting our Confederacy, the moderators of this group, and whoever they think that they can scare into not speaking the truth about this. I am glad you are one of the brave ones who continues to speak the truth about them as I will , because none of them scare me, nor do they scare any of us who know who we are, and are protected under the shelter of the Great Tree of Long Leaves.

These terrorists even go to the extent of getting others like Jerry Eaglefeather, TBE's lawyer, TBE's investor, to try and threaten us , as none of this will work or stop us from speaking the truth.

These people who do operate like this, have shown us who they really are, through their actions, and we  know that they have no concern or care for the future or future generations, as they are wrapped up in this corrupt fast money society, which breeds more greed and corruption. You have pointed out in your previous posts of TBE's investor and Tecumseh Brown Eagle's corruption. I am sure there will be more that we will find out about. And the song that the "Big Woman" is singing about Tecumseh Brown Eagle and "his guys",  is " you are corrupt, you are frauds, and you are all a bunch of putzes."


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 10:32:33 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
After Jerry "Eaglefeather" discovered that TBE was a bigger fraud than his tribe, he broke off his connection with him. I got a very nasty email from him yesterday. Nikki, "Chief" Jerry Eaglefeather, claims to to be recognised by these people (from his email) " Chief Kenny BlackSmith and Grand Chief Linda Prince of Canada and the Mohawks of Tiendenega territory". Do you know  these people, are they from your Nation, let them know about this thread and the black Indian thread.

It has been confirmed from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory that Kenny , who lives in Ottawa, On, member of the Cree Nation of Mistissini, and member of the Cree Nation of Eeyou/Eenou Istchee. He is an elected
Councilor, on the Council of the Cree Nation of Mistissini. Lynda Prince is also not Mohawk and not from Six Nations, as she is a tribal member of Carrier Sekani Nations of British Columbia.

Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe is not known by our people nor is Mohawk.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 11:34:56 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Post by Educated indian: "Other groups influenced by Moorish Science include the Binay Tribe, the Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle, and the Erie Indian Mound Builders Tribe (EIMBT). The Binays began as the Black Indian Intertribal Native American Association (BIINAA) and then morphed into a mix of fundamentalism and Black Nationalist politics. The Binay are led by Jerry Monroe AKA Jerry Eaglefeather, a lay Christian minister and former hip-hop MC who claims to be Apache/Mohawk. The Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle is based in New York and claims territory from Texas to Lake Superior. Their leader calls himself Shaman Red Deer the Ascending Avatar. The EIMBT is led by Erik Johnson III AKA Tecumseh Brown Eagle AKA Abdullah Mohammed. Johnson claims to have 139 members and has inserted himself in Mohawk activism against (he is actually in support of) nuclear power plants, gaming issues, and the protection of sacred sites ( only if they are not in the way of development )."

« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 12:59:57 am by Niiki »

Offline educatedindian

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It's also been confirmed that Tecumseh Brown Eagle, Aka Abdul Abulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111, has been and is getting financially supported by Greg Rubino, involved in Mob related actives, whereas he was brought up on Cocciane charges, been investigated by the FBI on 3 occasions. Joseph Mays, the attorney for Greg Rubino's Passport Co's., (real estate)
and Energy companies, and Casinos.
These are really big, powerful men that are somehow in cahoots with the FBI as narcs due to Rubino's cocaine bust years ago, or land grabbers and big money casino operators and energy companies. They just got the tire-burning plant in Erie, and Tecumseh and "Erie Moundbuilders Indians" are PART of that desecration of the air .

This is pretty important. Can you point us to evidence of the criminal charges and exactly how Johnson is involved?

Do a google search on Greg Rubino and also Johnson is involved with Rubino because Rubino is his funding source. Notations of these things were received through other sources that I am not able to divulge where they came from. It will be held in file if TBE decides to sue us. It can all be used against him as he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on!!


Niiki from Tyendinga Mohawk Territory

I think I must qualify thingsa lot more than Nikki is doing here.

Rubino does have a long history of being accused of organized crime dealings or being a member himself. That includes accounts of him doing or buying drugs.

Whether the feds made a deal to let him off is something I haven't found yet online.

Don did find the ties between Rubino and Johnson, the minority partnership and hiring agreements. BUt I feel I must stress, there is no evidence of Johnson being involved in organized crime, drug dealing, etc, himself.

If there is, someone please point that out to me.

Incidentally, Rubino's company has contacted me. They are threatening to sue Redwolf, accusing him of libeling Rubino on "your blog." They seem quite confused about many things, but they are demanding to know Redwolf's address and phone. I don't have either of those, but wouldn't give it if I did.

Still, I urge Nikki to let Redwolf know what's going on.

And perhapsthe journalist on the story Don posted, Jim Carroll, should be contacted. Ask him to do a story on Rubino's dealings with a fraud and his fraudulent "tribe."

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
It's also been confirmed that Tecumseh Brown Eagle, Aka Abdul Abulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111, has been and is getting financially supported by Greg Rubino, involved in Mob related actives, whereas he was brought up on Cocciane charges, been investigated by the FBI on 3 occasions. Joseph Mays, the attorney for Greg Rubino's Passport Co's., (real estate)
and Energy companies, and Casinos.
These are really big, powerful men that are somehow in cahoots with the FBI as narcs due to Rubino's cocaine bust years ago, or land grabbers and big money casino operators and energy companies. They just got the tire-burning plant in Erie, and Tecumseh and "Erie Moundbuilders Indians" are PART of that desecration of the air .

This is pretty important. Can you point us to evidence of the criminal charges and exactly how Johnson is involved?

Do a google search on Greg Rubino and also Johnson is involved with Rubino because Rubino is his funding source. Notations of these things were received through other sources that I am not able to divulge where they came from. It will be held in file if TBE decides to sue us. It can all be used against him as he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on!!


Niiki from Tyendinga Mohawk Territory

I think I must qualify thingsa lot more than Nikki is doing here.

Rubino does have a long history of being accused of organized crime dealings or being a member himself. That includes accounts of him doing or buying drugs.

Whether the feds made a deal to let him off is something I haven't found yet online.

Don did find the ties between Rubino and Johnson, the minority partnership and hiring agreements. BUt I feel I must stress, there is no evidence of Johnson being involved in organized crime, drug dealing, etc, himself.

If there is, someone please point that out to me.

Incidentally, Rubino's company has contacted me. They are threatening to sue Redwolf, accusing him of libeling Rubino on "your blog." They seem quite confused about many things, but they are demanding to know Redwolf's address and phone. I don't have either of those, but wouldn't give it if I did.

Still, I urge Nikki to let Redwolf know what's going on.

And perhapsthe journalist on the story Don posted, Jim Carroll, should be contacted. Ask him to do a story on Rubino's dealings with a fraud and his fraudulent "tribe."

 He already knows what is going on and is immuned to their threats, as any US law does not apply to people living in Canada.
Also anyone from Six Nations is immuned to their threats as we are not under colonial laws. Any contact by Rubino & Abdul to him would considered harrassment and also terrorrism. Also others have been named in letter from Rubino as well, another person is Al Carroll, who also been threatened by Rubino & Abdul.

So Rubino and his Abdul can go to hell!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Niiki from Tyendinga
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 07:06:56 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Rubino does have a long history of being accused of organized crime dealings or being a member himself. That includes accounts of him doing or buying drugs.

Whether the feds made a deal to let him off is something I haven't found yet online.

Don did find the ties between Rubino and Johnson, the minority partnership and hiring agreements. BUt I feel I must stress, there is no evidence of Johnson being involved in organized crime, drug dealing, etc, himself.

If there is, someone please point that out to me.

   As far as Rubino goes we have received information, not found on line verifying Rubino's involvement as well and the Feds letting him off. The info that was posted that Rubino considers libelous, was from the received information from another source, again not found on line. Along with this information, it has been verified that Rubino and Abdul are also naming others that they are legally going after, another is Al Carroll.

   As far as no evidence that Johnson is involved in organized crime, drug dealing and etc, himself, that is all being investigated as we speak. So verification of that will be forthcoming. What is very suspicious about TBE , is why 7 different names? That alone is suspicion that he is involved in more than what we know,in order to hide from what???

1.) Tecumseh Brown Eagle- changed name from Abdul Abdullah Mohammed or Muhammed just prior to  2007.
2.) James Oliver Johnson 111
3.) Abdul Abdullah Mohammed
4.) Abdul Abdullah Muhammed
5.) Abdul-Muta Ali Abdullah-Muhammad
6.) Abdul-Muta'al o Abdul-Muttalib..Hadrat Ali
7.) Abdullah Shabaz

His Wife: Linda V. Shabazz-Muhammad ( Muhammed, Mohammed)- COUNCIL PERSON  Linda Shabazz-Muhammad

Abdullah Shabaz & Linda Shabaz home:
410 Cherry Street, Erie, PA 16507-1136


In a meeting held on September 23rd, 2006, the membership voted
and passed the government structure and officers as follows:

CHIEF/CHAIRMAN    Tecumseh Brown-Eagle
VICE CHAIRMAN    Harold Atkinson
TREASURER    Barney Richard Atkinson
SECRETARY    Fred Axtell
COUNCIL PERSON    Charles Martini
COUNCIL PERSON    Jackie Easterling
COUNCIL PERSON    Linda Shabazz-Muhammad
COUNCIL PERSON    Samuel Copeland
ALTERNATE COUNCIL PERSON    Ruby May Decker Crockett

Organization Names:

1.) Erie Resurrected Indigenous Entity Indians- Charitable Organization- 10/1999
2.) Daughters of Isis of North & South America- Non-profit Organization
3.) Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation - Non-Profit Organization
The address for all three of these organizations are the same:
410 Cherry St., Erie, PA. 16507-1136
Several other businesses and business names:


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 10:40:09 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I have googled Rubino and found his ties to TBE. I didn't find out anything else about his history, criminal record etc. If this Rubino does not have a criminal record you can't claim that he is a criminal, which he may well be, but without a conviction record you have no proof.
TBE is another case, he has clearly mislead people for his personal gain. He has misrepresented his genealogy to appear to be something that he is not and after re-reading his family history its truly incredible that anyone believes him. But because I know his real history and ties, its not surprising. Black Indian frauds always claim some sort of religious background as the basis for their legitimacy, making them almost immune to exposure, because as "religious leaders" they are protected by law. How many TV preachers are multimillion dollar frauds? TBE's Nuwaubian/Washitaw beliefs provide him with a "creation story" so he can claim as they do, that he IS an "original black indigenous" person. He also  comes out of the black Muslims with their black supremacist theories and UFO myths, whcih appeal to new agers and black supremacists. Jerry believes that he is on a "mission" for Jesus, and like every black preacher he expects to get paid, and paid well, by his "tribe" (church) the Binay members. Some of his members are Indians who are attracted to his religion. I met some at a pow wow in Maryland years ago with him and it was like a church picnic and he was the preacher with a plate full of food. LOL
I've followed these groups for almost 10 years now and believe that they are capable of anything to protect their businesses. TBE is better educated and therefore more dangerous, because he sounds and writes well (Jerry is semi literate). I believe that TBE is after recognition and gambling as the video from Ohio indicate.
Be careful these people can be dangerous, white frauds are dangerous too, because exposure means losing their fronts, and that's all about money. That's one reason I have at least 20 email addies and screen profiles, they play virus games to shut down their enemies.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I have googled Rubino and found his ties to TBE. I didn't find out anything else about his history, criminal record etc. If this Rubino does not have a criminal record you can't claim that he is a criminal, which he may well be, but without a conviction record you have no proof.

Here is the proof of Greg Rubino's criminal activities:

"Greg Rubino: 6 FBI Probes/Cocaine/Organized Crime
Nov 4 2005:
cache of
Rubino named in 6 FBI probes
BY ED PALATTELLA [more details]
Published: November 04. 2005 1:15AM
An FBI agent testified that the name of Erie developer Greg Rubino came up in six FBI investigations between September 1979 and June of this year, including one probe from the late 1980s that involved drugs and organized crime.
Abiding by restrictions imposed by a judge, however, the agent did not provide details about the investigations or why Rubino's name surfaced in them. Rubino was never charged in any of the probes.
Further public disclosures --if a judge were to allow them to occur -- would come later in Mayor Rick Filippi's public-corruption case.
Rubino is a main prosecution witness in the case because of his role as the local developer for the planned horse racing track and slot-machines casino in Summit Township.
Filippi is accused of using inside information from the Mayor's Office to speculate on land near the site of the former International Paper Co. plant in 2003, when Rubino was pitching the horse racing track for that location. Filippi and two co-defendants -- lawyers Eric Purchase and Rolf Patberg -- were indicted in December.

The defendants' lawyers have been trying to get access to FBI records to determine whether Rubino has cooperated in previous investigations with the FBI, which is helping the state Attorney General's Office prosecute Filippi in Erie County Common Pleas Court. The defense wants the information on Rubino to question his credibility.
Filippi's lead lawyer, Leonard Ambrose, aggressively pursued that strategy during Thursday's two-and-a-half-hour pretrial hearing, at which the only witness was Jeffrey Killeen, an FBI agent and lawyer from Pittsburgh. He testified that Rubino's name came up in six FBI files, or investigations, between Sept. 14, 1979, and June 10, 2005.
Ambrose tried to glean whether any of the records Killeen found showed Rubino was an FBI informant. Killeen, testifying in the courtroom of Judge Ernest J. DiSantis Jr., told Ambrose that he searched FBI informant files when he was looking for records on Rubino.
"Was there any information in the informant section that referred to Rubino?" Ambrose asked.
Killeen never answered. The lead prosecutor, Margaret Cassidy, a senior deputy attorney general, objected that the question was not relevant, and DiSantis agreed.
DiSantis has been privately reviewing all the FBI records on Rubino to determine what information to admit at Filippi's yet-to-be-scheduled trial. DiSantis said Thursday's hearing was meant only to help him decide whether the FBI had found all the records on Rubino -- not what is in those records. DiSantis said he will rule later on the admissibility of the information.
The closest Killeen came to identifying the nature of the investigations came when he told Ambrose that one of the probes, from the late 1980s, was filed under the FBI file label 245-149. The "245" designation, Killeen said, refers to investigations involving drugs and organized crime.
"Organized-crime investigations would be any type of organization that is committing a crime," Killeen testified. "It would not be limited to La Cosa Nostra, it would not be limited to Mafia investigations."
La Cosa Nostra -- Italian for "this thing of ours"-- refers to the traditional Mafia. Law enforcement agencies also use the term "Mafia" to refer to other organized-crime groups.
Neither Rubino nor his lawyers attended the hearing. In a telephone interview afterward, one of the lawyers, David Agresti, said he had no comment.
"In order to preserve the integrity of Judge DiSantis' hearing, we will refrain from commenting on the hearing at this time," Agresti said.
In an interview Tuesday, Agresti said that at that point, he had seen no information that supported Ambrose's claim that Rubino cooperated with the FBI in previous investigations. Agresti said he had not seen the documents DiSantis is reviewing in private.
DiSantis called Thursday's hearing after the FBI failed to find all its records on Rubino during a search in July and August. Killeen had assured DiSantis and U.S. District Judge Sean J. McLaughlin in late August that he was confident the FBI had found all the records, only to turn up more in September.
Killeen testified that he had ordered Kelly Smith, the FBI agent on the Filippi case, to conduct the first search. Killeen said he conducted the second records search after he determined Smith's search failed to turn up all the records.
Killeen said he started his search "from scratch." He said he went through all possible pertinent FBI records himself to "not show good faith here, but best faith."
The second search turned up 14 additional records on Rubino, according to Killeen's Sept. 16 letter to DiSantis.
Killeen testified he believes Smith failed to find all the records in the first search because Smith misunderstood how to conduct a records search -- what Killeen called "FBI 101"-- to make sure the search was complete.
Killeen said he found new agents also have that same misunderstanding. He said he contacted a top FBI training official about his concerns.
Smith did not attend the hearing. In an interview after the hearing, Andrew Wilson, the head of the FBI office in Erie, said Smith and anyone else in the office could not comment because of Disantis' gag order in the Filippi case.
According to documents Ambrose has filed in the Filippi case, Rubino's name came up in an Erie drug investigation in the late 1980s involving convicted drug kingpin Patrick DiLoreto and a number of co-conspirators. DiLoreto, whom Ambrose represented, was convicted twice in U.S. District Court in Erie -- in 1988 and at a retrial in 1990.
The exhibits in Ambrose's court filings in the Filippi case include records that show an immunized witness in the federal drug case testified that he used powder cocaine with Rubino and sold cocaine to him during the period from the summer of 1984 through early 1987.
Rubino was never charged in the case. His lawyers have called the testimony "inaccurate." Rubino's lawyers declined repeated requests from the Erie Times-News to interview Rubino on the record about the federal court documents Ambrose used as exhibits.
The FBI at one time considered investigating Rubino in a drug case in the late 1980s, Killeen said in a Sept. 16 letter that he sent to DiSantis in preparation for Thursday's hearing. The letter does not detail why the FBI did not investigate Rubino, and DiSantis' restrictions prevented Killeen from testifying about the specifics of that case on Thursday.
ED PALATTELLA can be reached at 870-1813 or by e-mail.
Erie County Judge Ernest J. DiSantis Jr. over the next several weeks will decide what information on Erie developer Greg Rubino is admissible at the trial of Erie Mayor Rick Filippi.
DiSantis said in court on Thursday that whatever evidence he admits will be available to the defense for cross-examination of Rubino, a main prosecution witness against Filippi.
DiSantis has not disclosed the contents of the FBI records he is reviewing about Rubino, and no one in the case has said whether Rubino ever cooperated with the FBI, which Filippi's lawyers are alleging. The FBI is helping the state Attorney General's Office prosecute Filippi.
DiSantis said in court that some of the issues he is considering, as he decides what information to admit into evidence, are:
Whether Rubino cooperated with the FBI in previous investigations;

Whether Rubino reached an agreement with the FBI to cooperate in the Filippi case;

Whether any previous cooperation can be linked to the current case.
DeSantis said that no matter what information he admits, he will not allow the defense to get into specifics about any investigation.

Downs pushes for gaming license
Filippi to request out-of-town jury
Here's the related articles:
Downs pushes for gaming license
BY JOHN GUERRIERO [more details]
Published: April 22. 2006 12:01AM

Presque Isle Downs is the only player for a slots license in Erie County.But state Sen. Jane Earll of Fairview wants the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to scrutinize the company's finances to make sure it can deliver what it promised the community -- a $220 million project that will create 750 jobs with an average salary of $25,000.Earll and 14 others, including Presque Isle Downs Chief Executive Ted Arneault, testified Friday before a three-member panel of the gaming board. The hearing represented one of the last key steps before the board considers a gaming license for the company as part of Pennsylvania's entry into the casino business.Presque Isle Downs could get a decision around Labor Day on a temporary license that will allow it to start offering 1,600 slot machines to customers this fall at its entertainment complex now under construction in Summit Township.Three casino operators are competing for a stand-alone slots parlor in Pittsburgh, where the gaming board heard testimony earlier this week.

But Presque Isle Downs, whose license will be tied to the company's plan to open a thoroughbred horse racing track in fall 2007, has no competition for its gaming license. The company made its case, while others offered pros and cons, before about 60 people at the low-key board hearing in the 243-seat auditorium at Gannon University's Zurn Science Center.Board members Sanford Rivers, Kenneth T. McCabe and Michael P. Edmiston, director of hearings and appeals, presided over the two-hour hearing.Earll, R-49th Dist., urged the gaming board to make sure that Presque Isle Downs and its parent company, MTR Gaming Group Inc., have the financial wherewithal to carry out its financial commitment to the community.Earll said she wasn't suggesting that the company couldn't deliver, but she wants the board to analyze the company's finances as it would in places where companies are competing for licenses."My challenge to the gaming board is, please conduct the same thorough analysis up here as you would elsewhere in the state regardless of whether this is the only slots license applicant or not," she said.
Nick Hays, the gaming board's spokesman, said the board is treating all applicants the same in its review of finances, tax records, backgrounds and other information.MTR said this week that it must borrow $125 million, some of which will pay for completion of its 273-acre complex south of Interstate 90 and east of Route 97 in Summit. The company hopes to complete a $125 million bond offering in May with investment banking firm Jeffries & Co., and it has a $100 million line of credit from Wells Fargo Bank, Arneault said.Arneault told the board that the parent company has plenty of reserves and anticipated cash to complete the project, into which it has already invested $90 million.Chester, W.Va.-based MTR announced the specific amount of its planned borrowing two weeks after it said in its annual report that it needs to secure more financing to complete Presque Isle Downs. The annual report, released March 30, came as the parent company announced a drop in its fourth-quarter profits.Net income for the quarter was just $41,000, compared with $2.6 million for the same period a year ago, even though revenues rose by 17 percent for the quarter to $82.1 million.
Company spokesman John Brabender said borrowing for a large-scale project is not unusual. "With a project of this magnitude, rarely does someone just write a check," he said.Arneault told the board that Presque Isle Downs is in an "extremely strong market," with Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh within easy driving distances.Arneault said the project will create 750 direct jobs and 1,500 to 2,000 related independent jobs for jockeys, trainers and others in the horse racing industry. An average of 300 people a day will work on building the clubhouse and track complex, where site work began Oct. 3.Arneault said that Erie is already a draw for tourists who spend more than $500 million annually in Erie County. He said that Presque Isle Downs will be a year-round boost to the tourism economy, with slots open 12 months a year and other wintertime attractions such as snowmobile races on the track.The horses are expected to run 100 days a year starting in 2008, its first full season.
"We think Erie is going to become the tourism prize of Pennsylvania," Arneault said.Citing job creation and increased tourism, state Rep. Florindo Fabrizio of Erie, D-2nd Dist., told the board that awarding of the gaming license may represent "the single most important economic-development initiative" in the community in years.Fabrizio, whose district includes Summit Township, told the board that he endorses the gaming application without hesitation. Others who spoke for it included Summit Supervisor Marlin Coon, and Nancy Agostine, Summit's zoning administrator.Earll, too, said that Presque Isle Downs will be another attraction in a town with Presque Isle State Park and other major tourist draws. "It's not every day that a publicly traded company wants to invest $200 million here," she said.The board also heard testimony from Gary Horton, chief executive of Urban Erie Community Development Corp., and from Michael Chevalier, president of Preferred Systems Inc., about ensuring hiring diversity.
Chevalier and Horton urged the hiring of minorities."Let's spread the wealth,"Chevalier said.Arneault said the company has a diversity-hiring program and a diversified work force.The board also heard from church leaders who said that problem gamblers will lead to increases in divorces, crime, and other social ills.State-sponsored "big gambling" is a "moral outrage that has William Penn figuratively spinning in his grave," said Leonard J. Ransil, an elder at Grace Fellowship Church. Most of the money for gambling will come from the people who could least afford it, he said.JOHN GUERRIERO can be reached at 870-1690 or by e-mail.
More Details About Presque Isle Downs
More details emerged Friday at the state Gaming Control Board's hearing about plans for Presque Isle Downs. As explained by Erie architect Shelley Buehler, those plans include the following: The track will have a three-story clubhouse where the 1,600 slot machines will be located, with later expansion to 2,000 slots. The first-floor, Vegas-style slots casino will feature a "speakeasy"theme, with murals of Erie scenes from the 1930s and 1940s. Other first-floor features will include a 60-seat, fine-dining restaurant, called La Bonne Vie (French for "the good life"); a casual buffet-style restaurant with 120 seats, with a buffet area that will include another 200 seats for off-track betting and live horse track betting; a bar and lounge; an outdoor covered patio area with 250 seats and a view of the racetrack; and a Pennsylvania lottery ticket-sales office. Second-floor features will include 420 seats in a terrace-style restaurant for the clubhouse overlooking the track, and a bar and lounge. The third floor will be for racing officials, the press and other operations of the thoroughbred track.Presque Isle Downs TimelineSept. 28, 2002: Pennsylvania Horse Racing Commission issues a thoroughbred racing license for the site in Summit Township.Oct. 3, 2005: After years of litigation and proposals to move the track to either McKean Township or the city of Erie, site work begins on the 273-acre property south of Interstate 90 and east of Route 97.Fall 2006: Presque Isle Downs proposes to open its slots casino, provided the state Gaming Control Board awards a gaming license.Fall 2007: Presque Isle Downs proposes to open its 1-mile oval thoroughbred horse racing track with a grand-opening celebration.Source: Ted Arneault, Presque Isle Downs chief executive

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
MTR fights slots tax
MTR gets needed cash
MTR needs $125M
MTR faces cash crunch
Closings prove crucial
Not guilty
No Filippi verdict yet
Filippi, co-defendants not guilty on all charges
Closings target Rubino
Filippi defiant, assured
Filippi: Deals not illegal
Filippi denied involvement
Reporters say Filippi denied financial stake in land deals
Defense ready to go on offense
DJs write Irish ditty for Filippi
Filippi told to be candid
Murray took $3,000 from Rubino for convention
Filippi pushed IP site
Filippi order: ‘Clam up’
Courtroom showdown likely as Rubino testifies
Dueling claims of greed
9 jurors chosen
Jury selection to start today in Filippi trial
Public corruption trial opens Monday
Rubino fights Filippi legal order
Filippi trial will be held in Washington County
MTR subsidy, firings become flash issues
Subsidy talk revived
Council mixed on money for MTR
MTR puts all chips on Summit
Group seeks full control of MTR
MTR on hook for IP site cleanup
MTR likely to get $4.5 million at most from Erie County
MTR chief's listing called error
MTR: No early slots parlor
Filippi trial could be moved
Rubino named in 6 FBI probes
Filippi to request out-of-town jury
Could have, but didn't
Slots hearing

Look how many trials there were and articles!!!!
Tires with energy plant;
State Rep. Florindo Fabrizio, left, and state Sen. Jane Earll listen to speakers during the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board hearing in Erie Friday. (Rob Engelhardt / Erie Times-News)
(see picture at site link)
Greg Rubino in Google Images (pictures): (If the link doesn't work Google
Greg Rubino+Erie
Rubino Companies:
(Tire burning for energy)
Greg Rubino and Caletta Renewable Energy introduce our business and highlight important areas on our site. As more information becomes available, we will post it here for your review.
The disposition of tires is a significant problem in Pennsylvania. Although substantial progress has been made in recent years by PaDEP in dealing with the steady accumulation of tire piles across the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania and surrounding states continue to generate and accumulate millions of scrap tires each year. Some of these tires are recycled in various ways, but tire accumulation continues to pose a threat to public safety and public health. In fact, discarded tires are a main breeding ground for mosquitoes which potentially carry West Nile virus.
Developing new uses for waste tires, like the ERE Plant, are critical for the success of the initiative to reduce and eliminate these piles. As a much better alternative to stockpiling or land-filling waste tires, the ERE Plant will convert tires into renewable energy with the low emissions characteristic of a circulating fluidized bed system. The reduction in greenhouse gases produced will be in excess of 300 cubic meters of total gases per ton of tires consumed as fuel, with all of the methane and all but 24 cubic meters of the CO2 eliminated.
If you are a large power user and employer in the Erie area and wish to purchase power from ERE, please contact us with your requirements. We will have our power experts respond to your inquiry.
Greg Rubino Welcomes you to Erie Renewable Energy
Erie Renewable Energy was formed in 2006 as a joint venture of Conservation Development Associates, LLC ("CDA") from Erie, Pennsylvania and Caletta Renewable Energy, LLC ("Caletta") from Boston, Massachusetts.
Caletta is involved with multiple energy-generation projects using waste materials that would othwerwise be disposed of in landfills. This true recycling of waste materials allows Caletta to achieve its twin goals of generating renewable, sustainable power and reducing disposal of waste in landfills. This coupled approach means Caletta is producing much-needed electric power for consumers while simultaneously eliminating the environmental burdens created by landfilling materials which can be safely used to produce power.
CDA was formed by family interests of Greg Rubino, an Erie-based developer, and Owen McCormick of Joseph McCormick Construction of Erie. Greg and Owen are committed to maintaining local ownership and participation in the power plant to ensure local vendors, local workers and local businesses enjoy the full benefit of recycling waste tires into a sustainable source of electric power.
Our Business Philosophy
Recycle waste into energy.
Employ the best available technology to maintain the highest environmental standards.
Focus on local economic development goals of new jobs and investment.
Our Consultants
ERE has assembled an excellent team of consultants to help design the power plant. This team has an unsurpased track record of environmentally-sensitive economic devlopment. One of our team members is Bill Staph, Managing Principal of Atlantic Environmental, Inc. Atlantic handled the environmental permitting and construcion at the recently-completed Presque Isle Downs, where Atlantic implemented state-of-the art wetland systems and established a 62-acre preserve on the banks of Walnut Creek.
Each month, we will feature a different member of our team of consultants.
Greg Rubino Welcomes You to Passport Companies in Erie Pa
Greg Rubino is owner and operator of Passport Companies. Each of the companies plays a focused role in our main goal, which is to take our clients from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow. Passport Companies offer our clients an a la carte menu of a comprehensive range of products and services including:

Commercial Property Sales & Leasing
Investment Properties
Property Development and Management
Zoning Issues
We have numerous flexible programs for every type of commercial real estate. We also have an extensive grouping of affiliated resources in the environmental and permitting arenas.
We are poised to deliver these services in a streamlined, efficient and reliable manner for projects ranging from industrial expansions to retail store relocations. We are truly a “one-stop shop” for all of your real estate needs, and we can provide various real estate consulting services through our network of Passport Team Members. Click here to access the website for our latest project, Erie Renewable Energy

(There are several other branch links at site link)
Passport Development, LLC
This division deals with zoning, approvals, and other issues related to the development of property.
Passport Realty, LLC
This division handles commercial and investment real estate in the area.
Passport Management, LLC
This division handles the management of commercial and investment properties.

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Passport Companies
240 West 11th Street
Erie, PA 16501
Phone: (814) 454-1800
Fax: (814) 464-8930
© Passport Companies. All rights reserved.
FBI article for Rubino below, but
See "Ties to Erie" article mentions Greg Rubino
April 11, 2008
Tires-to-energy in Erie, PA
The Buffalo News recently ran an in depth article on a proposed tires-to-energy plant in Erie, Pennsylvania. The massive plant would generate 100 megawatts of electricity by burning 900 tons of waste tires every day.
This isn't what most of us think of when we advocate for alternative energy in the Great Lakes region, and a grass-roots organization has formed to fight the plant.  Keep Erie’s Environment Protected, or KEEP, is  "concerned about the pollutants that would be pumped into the air through its 300-foot smokestack."
There's always room for reasoned debate, and the article presents both sides. But I'd have to say Greg Rubino, one of the developers, probably did his cause no favor by trying to argue that Buffalo was not downwind from Erie.
STOPP is at
The anti-tire burning website/Environmentalists.
Public Informational Meeting Thursday January, 29th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Mount Calvary Gym on East Lake Road.
Fundraiser February 15 from 3 to 5 PM at the Sunset Inn.
How hard is it for tire plant supporters to understand: TIRE PLANT = POOR HEALTH - we don't want it, not here, not now, not ever!!!!
The Erie School District makes a stand - read the approved resolution from thier October 30th meeting.
Highlights from a presentation by Andy Glass - Director Erie County Board of Health - GET THE FACTS HERE!
Erie County Medical Society - "exceeding the present emissions of the worst polluting county industries combined"
The American Lung Association has released a statement in regards to the "tires to energy plant." Read all about their comments on the potential health impacts that it could bring.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 2008-02 from the Erie County Board of Health.
Watch these important videos and be informed:
Kenton Kovich sings the KEEP Message - Clean Air!
Hear Keep President Randy Barnes Speak From The Proposed Site.
Know the facts! View the KEEP PSA!
(Videos at Link)
Filippi to request out-of-town jury
Published: November 04. 2005 1:15AM
Erie Mayor Rick Filippi wants an out-of-town jury to decide his fate.Filippi's lead lawyer, Leonard Ambrose, said he will file a request today asking the judge to move Filippi's public-corruption trial to another county or have a jury from another county hear the case at the Erie County Courthouse.At the end of a hearing on the Filippi case on Thursday, attorney Leonard Ambrose told Judge Ernest J. DiSantis Jr. that extensive local media coverage would be the main reason for the request, known as change of venue or venire.Ambrose told DiSantis he will file the request today, the deadline for the defense to file pretrial motions in the Filippi case. DiSantis has scheduled a hearing on the pretrial motions for Nov. 29, but has not scheduled a trial date.The state Attorney General's Office, which is prosecuting Filippi and two co-defendants, will get a chance to respond to the defense's pretrial motions.

Downs pushes for gaming license
Rubino named in 6 FBI probes
Comments (24) In Rubino named in 6 FBI probes
May 20, 2008
recently i read 50 pages of documents, then verified them, that rubino is an fbi informant in exchange for cocaine charges (dealing) that date back the last 20 years. it isn't a surprise his name keeps popping up in shady dealings.

Greg Rubino + Tecumseh Brown Eagle:
May 7, 2008
Erie Renewable Energy officials couldn't have picked a more receptive audience Tuesday when they talked about plans to build a $235 million scrap-tires-to-energy plant in east Erie.
About 40 union workers jammed the Erie Labor Temple hall at 1701 State St. to hear ERE officials restate their commitment to a union work force, and announce plans for a $1.5 million diversity program to recruit and train minority and urban workers to build and run the plant, to be called Port Erie Power.
"It's an all union job as far as we are concerned," ERE President Greg Rubino said, to the applause of union members.
Rubino said ERE's goal is to have 20 percent minority representation in the project work force. "That has never been done before" in the Erie region, Rubino said. "Nobody has ever had that kind of percentage of minority representation."
Rubino said ERE has signed agreements with the Great Lakes Building and Construction Trades Council, the Booker T. Washington Center of Erie and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, to set up a diversity recruitment and training program to prepare urban and minority workers for jobs in the construction and renewable-energy industries.

The program is expected to cost about $1.5 million and produce 75 to 100 trained workers.
"It's a step in the right direction. This is something new for the Erie economy," said Steve Johnson, a 44-year-old equipment operator who spent the past year working on the Sheraton Erie Bayfront Hotel and hopes to work on Port Erie Power.
Tecumseh Brown Eagle, chief and chairman of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders, said the program will seek to reach all minority groups -- black people, Native Americans, Latinos, women, immigrants and disabled workers.
He said the idea is also to promote diversity hiring among suppliers and companies that bid for work with the plant.
ERE officials said the 90 megawatt power plant they want to build would generate about 250 construction jobs, then create 60 permanent on-site jobs with an average salary of more than $50,000. They also expect the plant to create 140 to 150 spinoff jobs with vendors, equipment suppliers and service providers.
The idea is to get the Booker T. Washington Center and Erie Indian Moundbuilders to handle recruitment, beginning in January. The first graduates should be prepared to apply for union apprentice programs by July 2009. Construction of the plant is expected to begin sometime in 2010.
Shantel Hilliard, assistant director of the Booker T. Washington Center, acknowledged that the plant has been the focus of controversy among some residents and environmental activists. He said the center would not support something that would hurt local residents, and said he would rely on the state Department of Environmental Protection and federal Environmental Protection Agency to ensure the plant meets regulations.
"We feel this is a viable project and the DEP and EPA will give this project the amount of time and consideration it deserves," he said.
JIM CARROLL can be reached at (814) 724-1716, 870-1727 or by e-mail.

 Tire-to-energy plant is a hot issue in ErieTire-to-energy plant is a hot issue in Erie
Sunday, August 10, 2008
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Don HopeyMany residents of eastern Erie near the former International Paper Co. property where a $330 million tire incinerator/electric generation plant is proposed express their opposition to the plant.ERIE, Pa. -- Greg Rubino wants to build the biggest tire-burning plant in the world just a medium-deep fly ball from home plate of a boys and girls club softball field in a working-class East Side neighborhood.
Mr. Rubino is trying to sell the tire-to-energy facility as an environmentally based, economic development project that each day would use between 72,000 and 100,000 discarded tires -- a "virtual renewable source of fuel." It would produce 90 megawatts of electricity, enough to power 65,000 homes; its ash would be sent to a concrete-block manufacturer; and it would create 60 jobs.
"There's 330 million waste tires in the United States, and we need 10 percent of them. We can get those from just a couple-of-hundred-mile radius, delivered primarily by rail," said Mr. Rubino, a former car salesman who also was a real estate broker for Presque Isle Downs race track and casino in Erie. In 2006, he formed Erie Renewable Energy to develop the facility with Conservation Development Associates LLC of Erie and Boston-based Caletta Renewable Energy LLC.
"I'm proud of what I'm trying to do," he said last week, insisting that the facility won't burn or incinerate tires but rather would "combust tire-derived fuel, " another name for pulverized or chipped tires.
"Natural gas prices are up 33 percent and electric rates are going up soon. We need more energy, development and jobs."
But in the 18 months since Mr. Rubino proposed building the project on an overgrown log-storage lot along East Lake Road that International Paper closed in 2000, criticism has climbed as fast as its price tag, which has ballooned from $85 million to $350 million.
Opponents say the location, just 500 yards from the Lake Erie shore and much closer than that to an elementary school, a racially and ethnically mixed neighborhood, two public-housing projects, dozens of small businesses and the Dr. George J. D'Angelo Boys & Girls Club of Erie, is a bad place to build the facility.
The plant includes a "fluidized bed" combustion system, twin 150-foot-tall boilers, electric power generators, a 300-foot smokestack and inside storage space for hundreds of thousands of shredded tires. It would draw 1 million gallons of water a day from Lake Erie, most of which would be used in steam generation for its turbines, and produce 117 tons of ash a day.
"There are 33-34 businesses in an area within a mile of the site that together employ more than 1,000 and are opposed to the tire burning proposal," said Randy Barnes, president of Keep Erie's Environment Protected, a citizens group formed to oppose the project. "They're concerned about pollution and concerned about its effect on their employees and the area."
Mr. Barnes said the tire facility's air-pollution projections are not a good fit for a city that has successfully cleaned up Presque Isle Bay after a decades-long struggle, and where a commitment to tourism is evident in a lakefront redevelopment project that includes a $100 million convention center-hotel complex.
Bruce Kern II, president of C.A. Curtze Co., a wholesale food distributor with 310 employees at two locations within a block of the plant site, said he might move the 130-year-old company out of the city where it was founded if the tire-burning facility is built there.
"It would be a major polluter,'' said Mr. Kern, who has made his concerns known to the Erie City Council. "The developer talks about using 'best available technology' to control the pollution, but the process is new. There's no plant like it in the world, and with a brand new process, accidents can happen."
The only other tire-to-energy plant operating in the United States is the Exeter Energy Limited facility in Sterling, Conn., which burns more than 10 million tires a year, about a third of what the plant here would burn. It's in an industrial park 15 miles from the nearest residential neighborhood. Another tire-to-power plant exists in Japan, but in recent years, tire incinerators have been rejected in Minnesota and Ontario, Canada.
"If this is such a good idea, how come no place else is competing for this?" Mr. Barnes said. "This stretches the definition of a renewable resource. There are better way to recycle tires."
About 300 million tires are scrapped in the U.S. each year, with about half of them used as fuel, often mixed with coal.
According to its air pollution permit application to the state Department of Environmental Protection, the facility would be a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week operation that each year would emit 354 tons of nitrous oxide, 690 tons of carbon monoxide, 179 tons of sulfur dioxide, three pounds of mercury, and almost two dozen other chemical compounds.
It would also emit 235 tons of soot a year, significantly more than the 159 tons from the 10 top industrial, hospital and municipal soot emitters operating in Erie County in 2006, the last year for which statistics are available.
There are five public schools within a one-mile radius of the proposed facility, including Edison Elementary, just 300 yards from the property.
The school board has discussed the proposal, said Robin Smith, board secretary, and wants to hold a hearing and determine whether the plant posed "any adverse health and safety concerns."
"Officially, we have no position right now but we're doing fact-finding on the health effects," Ms. Smith said, adding that Mr. Rubino is holding a "seminar" for board members Aug. 21.
Mr. Rubino said the tire-to-energy facility would fully comply with state and federal emissions limits. He said opponents' claims that the plant would create a health hazard are "hogwash'' and scare tactics.
"All industries have emissions," he said. "The question is, are they injurious to human health? If ours were, we wouldn't get a permit. We are well below all of those thresholds."
But the Erie County Medical Society isn't convinced that simply meeting the state pollution standards would protect residents' health.
In a letter to Erie City Council last month citing the project proposal's estimated emissions, the county's already poor air quality due to soot emissions and its high lung cancer rate, the medical society called for an independent health assessment of the project.
"We're not taking a position on the tire plant until an assessment is done and its results are known," said Dr. Nancy Weissbach, medical society president. "But we do feel very strongly that such a study needs to be done."
The DEP, which originally said it would make a decision on the air pollution permit this summer, has suspended its review and requested additional air-quality information from the developer.
"Our air-pollution section in Harrisburg noticed during its review of the permit that the applicant failed to take into account Lake Erie when modeling its emissions patterns," said DEP spokeswoman Freda Tarbell. "Large bodies of water can influence air currents, so we're awaiting information from the applicant on the impact of the lake."
Mr. Rubino must also apply for a state waste permit to cover the tire-chipping operation and the ash it would produce.
The project also has run afoul of Erie's zoning rules, which place a 100-foot height limit on development along the lake shore. In a reversal of an earlier decision by a zoning officer, the zoning board voted in late July to disallow construction of the twin 150-foot boilers.
Bobbi Dzuricky, whose wood frame home on shady East Sixth Street is just half a block from the proposed project, said it would ruin the neighborhood, which, because of its racial and ethnic diversity, has been declared an "environmental justice" area by the state.
"If this project was on the West Side of the city or in Downtown Pittsburgh, it wouldn't fly," said Mrs. Dzuricky, whose front yard, like those of many of her neighbors, has a red and white, block-lettered "STOP THE TIRE PLANT" sign planted in the middle of it. There are also lots of "For Sale" signs in the neighborhood.
"Older neighbors I know are feeling like they're being forced out by this and are not going to get what their house is worth," she said. "I've lived here and paid taxes for 30 years. I understand he [Mr. Rubino] has the right to make money on his property, but he has to be smarter about how to do it."
Al Messina, executive director of the Dr. George J. D'Angelo Boys & Girls Club of Erie, said the club's board is taking no position, terming it a "political issue."
Don Hopey can be reached at or 412-263-1983.
First published on August 10, 2008 at 12:00 am
Passport Companies
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Passport Realty, LLC is headed by Gregory J. Rubino, who has been engaged in selling and leasing properties for third-party clients for 25 years. Formerly a Vice President of Baldwin Brothers, Inc., Greg launched Passport Realty, LLC in late 2007, an endeavor in which he was joined by several seasoned professionals.
Passport Realty sought the expertise of newline Creations to design and deploy a website solution that embraced efficiency while also delivering a means to managing real estate properties through the website's content management platform. Utilizing the real estate property listings module coupled with the ProWebsite + CMS platform, newline Creations successfully delivered the highly functional and informative website for Passport Realty.
In effect, the website served a dual-purpose for Passport Realty. From an informational standpoint, it provided prospective and current clients with an overview regarding each business division, while also providing an outlet for Passport Realty to showcase commercial real estate.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
There's your proof!!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Thanks Niiki,
I think that its pretty clear what TBE and Rubino want, gaming. That's where their agendas come together.