Author Topic: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary  (Read 141167 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2008, 10:50:31 pm »
Newagespeak: 'time is just an energy/illusion'.

Plain English: 'I may be fifteen minutes late, or fifteen hours, as I see fit. You should consider it a privilege to wait until I deign to appear. Your life is nothing to me: what would you be doing with it instead? Earning a living? Eating? Sleeping? Oh, how basely unspiritual.'

Note: people who like to say that time is just an energy never turn up early for anything, unless there is free food, drink or drugs.

Offline CosmicOppossum

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2008, 09:57:24 pm »
Metis is a real and valid identity. The Metis Nation is recognized in Canada.  Louis Riel led a rebellion in the 1880's to secure rights for his French speaking Metis people. His people were a mixture of NDN (can't recall which Nation) and French. 
    There is a language called Bungee which is a Canadian language, nearly extinct now,
that is a mixture of Cree and Scots Gaelic. They are considered to be Metis as well and are equally proud of both parts of their heritage. They are emphatically NOT nuagers.
     I use the term RidgeRunner for myself which implies a mixed blood person. If your mixed blood, there is nothing wrong with saying the truth, Cherokee Princesses not withstanding.

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and worries the pig!

Offline Kevin

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2008, 04:12:03 pm »
I'm trying real hard to live up to my moniker Dances With Badgers but it's hard, I may have to get off the good ol' red road for a while and take up being an Indian later in life.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2011, 08:12:49 am »
I only just discovered this wonderful thread but would like to add a few of my own from my experience of researching predators, fake psychics and pseudo-tantrics

You must rediscover your inner sensuality that is your birthright that society has stolen from you
= Your purpose in life is to have sex for money and give the money to me

Discovering your lost innocence
= getting nekkid and having an orgy with a bunch of hippies and predators

learning feminine refinement and mystery
= learning how to be a  prostitute

= enslavement

cultivating the harmonious development of indigo / crystal / star children
= ruthlessly exploiting (in terrible ways) adults and children with mental illnesses and learning disabilities

being open
= being compliant / suffering from Stockholm Syndrome

providing information to help numerologists and wise men to help find your perfect love partner
= providing information to help us empty your bank account

providing photos of you in a bikini (or even nude) so our guru can properly observe your aura
= providing photos so we can decide which aspect of the sex industry in which to best exploit you for optimal financial reward

learning the art of being a woman
= learning how to be a sex worker

discover your inner goddess
= discover your inner prostitute

= why you should not complain when we abuse you in every imaginable way or when the herbal remedies we recommend for your cancer are ineffective.  You obviously did bad stuff in a past life so you deserve all the suffering get in this one.

friends and family
= the evil influences that try to deny you your true destiny as one of us

obligations to your husband / wife and children
= insignificant things that threaten to distract you from your true spirchul path

nudity is not required at this workshop
= most people, if not all, at the workshop will be naked

at this workshop you will be supported to challenge your boundaries / societal conditioning / inhibitions
= at this workshop you will be pressurised to have sex with strangers

there will be no sexual intercourse at this workshop
= all kinds of sexual things will go on at this workshop with the possible exception of "ordinary" sex (only possible though, pretty much anything could happen)

we are happy to refund you in full if the workshop does not meet your needs but we only ask they you complete the workshop and give it a chance to work before asking for a refund.
= in order to get your refund you have to have sex with strangers.  No sex = no refund.

special initiations to burn bad karma
= molesting / raping the gullible and telling them that it is for their own good

rituals for dying well
= we will be at your deathbed soliciting for donations.  How will you go to heaven / get a good reincarnation if you left all your worldly goods to your family instead of to your beloved spiritual guru? eh?

= a complete lack of morality

quantum reality
= pseudo-scientific BS, basically meaning unreality

renouncing materialism and devoting yourself to spiritual life on an ashram while devoted to your guru
= giving me all your money (and your passport) and working 16+ hours a day on a construction site / kitchen / brothel and doing whatever I tell you to without question
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 09:53:19 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2011, 10:46:50 am »
We are all one / we are one family of earth
= racism does not matter, genocide never happened and all your ceremonies belong to us

negative people will always try to attack those who have a genuine spiritual message
= don't listen to those pesky injuns, they're just bitter and twisted about some minor stuff that happened years ago. 

I have a vision, a dream, of a sacred community where we all live peacefully as one, working together for the common good
= donations of money and property accepted to fund my Stalinist mini-state / work camp, where I live in a luxury condo and you toil in misery in a ditch

Initiating adolescents into the richness and beauty of sexuality, away from the toxic influences of society
= child molestation

Offline KrazyKraut

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2011, 05:51:41 pm »
This would be funny if it were not true...

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2011, 05:27:48 pm »
I would like to remind everyone that copies of my biography of nuage cult leader Richard Kieninger are available by PM'ing me.

It was all funny, until the bodies started piling up.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2012, 11:36:17 am »
Just a few more with regard to newage "tantra"

Please note that the words used here may have authentic meanings within authentic spiritual / therapeutic traditions.  The dictionary terms here refer to newage speak.

Euphemisms for a female sex worker:

Euphemisms for male sex workers

Gender free euphemisms for sex workers
Tantric masseur
Tantric engineer
Intimacy Coach
Sexological bodyworker
Neo-Reichian bodyworker
Love coach
Sex coach
Sacred sexual healer
Shamanic sexual healer
Tantric healer

newage speak for sexual activities and themes

yoni - female genitals

lingam - male genital

jade wand - male genital

wand of light - male genital

sacred union - sexual intercourse

Worshipping at the gates of the temple - performing oral sex on a female

sacred spot massage - prostate massage

donation - money paid for sexual services

tribute - money paid for sexual services

Typical names for organisations that groom and recruit young women for exploitation within the sex industry (with a spirchul / newage brand)

Schools of:
Temple Arts
Feminine Arts
Womanly Arts
Goddess Arts
Geisha Arts
Bedroom Arts
Courtesan Arts

Initiation - euphemism for a cult leader / senior member or guru having sex with vulnerable / brainwashed women - usually to confer magical skills or to burn bad karma or purify the body of bad spirits / bad energy. 

Just one more newage translation:

Our esoteric school honours women's empowerment and celebrates the return of the Goddess through our reclamation of the ancient traditions of sacred sexual healing

translation - We brainwash women and girls and pimp them out as sex workers.  We don't care about  the women or any "Goddess" and we sleep very well at night, thank you very much, usually on a big bed stuffed full of money.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2012, 07:40:41 pm »
Yes, the terminology they have stolen, vs made up, has very real meanings in non-nuage cultures. That's what's so offensive. Some people may be looking for authentic spiritual experience and fall for this stuff due to the stolen and twisted terminology, and the complete fabrication of "ancient" traditions that never existed.

Some of these groups are making inroads in hippie and Neopagan communities. Recruiters find attractive young women with no money and few inhibitions (and sometimes, severely damaged or nonexistent boundaries) and convince them that they will feel spiritually fulfilled by letting themselves be pimped out. It's a horrific perversion of the actual traditions the pimps steal their terminology from.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2012, 10:16:47 am »
Yes, the terminology they have stolen, vs made up, has very real meanings in non-nuage cultures. That's what's so offensive. Some people may be looking for authentic spiritual experience and fall for this stuff due to the stolen and twisted terminology, and the complete fabrication of "ancient" traditions that never existed.

The ironic thing is that these racist, misogynist, cultural appropriators paint themselves as supporters of women's rights and protectors of the rights and traditions of tribal peoples.  In reality they are simply abusing and exploiting as many people as they can as if they were livestock rather then human beings.

Some of these groups are making inroads in hippie and Neopagan communities. Recruiters find attractive young women with no money and few inhibitions (and sometimes, severely damaged or nonexistent boundaries) and convince them that they will feel spiritually fulfilled by letting themselves be pimped out. It's a horrific perversion of the actual traditions the pimps steal their terminology from.

yes it is a horrific situation.
Recently the pimps and traffickers have been recruiting feminists to their cause, including some very long established 80s style feminist groups who spend all day campaigning to ban porn and prostitution and to criminalise paying for sex.  At least one of these recent converts belongs to a feminist network that in involved in providing services to trafficked women (or at least they did before they lost their funding).  The traffickers have managed this simply via their infiltration of "wimmin only" Goddess spirituality groups. - edited to add- sorry this was a bit simplistic - the infiltrations was partly via wimmins Goddess groups, partly via kundalini yoga classes (of the yogi Bhajan related cults ) and partly via Osho groups.  The Osho thing needs more coverage and exposure.  Back in the late 1980s people who were interested in the subject knew about the corruption, enslavement, prostitution, drug trafficking, bio-terrorism, attempted (and probably actual) murders that were activities of the Rajneeshis.  Nowadays it is as if none of that ever happened and all kinds of people think that Osho was some kind of enlightened master.  Perhaps the younger generation were not around at the time that all the criminal activities were in the news? Certainly older people have selective memories.  Such as shame as so many principled people are being duped.

If some misogynist, racist, extremist right wing megalomaniac decided to subvert and discredit the opposition he couldn't have done it in a more effective way.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:12:26 am by Kathryn »

Offline czech

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2012, 08:23:41 am »
Perhaps some of you might enjoy this video Shit New Age Guys Say

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2012, 08:51:53 am »

excellent thanks for sharing :)

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2012, 03:22:28 am »
judgmental = showing any sense at all; pointing out any contradictions in what a speaker says

Offline nemesis

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2012, 05:38:06 pm »
Gossip / calumny / slander = descriptions for the words of anyone who dares to question the integrity of the guru / leader

Evil, jealous people possessed by demonic forces = people who have left a newage cult and criticised it openly to existing members

Negativity = any attitude other then unquestioning faith and belief in the guru / master

Ancient esoteric traditions adapted to the life of the modern man / woman = some old nonsense we cobbled together out of appropriated ceremonies combined with our guru's depraved sexual fantasies with an added sprinkling of d NLP / chanting / hypnotism / (inset dodgy therapeutic modality here) for good measure.


Offline catbus

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Re: Nuagespeak to Plain English Dictionary
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2013, 05:25:15 pm »
Mid-Life Crisis -

usually the turning point when a new age fraud begins taking an interest in 'spiritual' matters and traditions.

ie. "I spent the first half of my life as a typical product of the consumer-culture, buying into the consumerist and colonialist values of the dominant demographic. Then suddenly, I decided to become all 'spiritual'. That is when I decided to invade the world of spiritual traditions by redirecting the 'energies' of my capitalistic, colonialistic and consumerist mindset."