Author Topic: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers  (Read 44067 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2008, 02:43:34 am »
"...or good people do when they are exasperated by goofs."

That seems like a last resort, name calling when you've been found wrong. Grow up, Paul.

It hasn't been a good week for you, has it Paul? At NAFPS the person you vouched for as "good people" and thought was a Lakota minister turned out to a white guy posing as Lakota, doing Lakota ceremony he had no right to do, lying about it, and then pressuring the white people he's been leading on in his online spirituality group to say nothing.

You yourself admitted you looked silly taking this position at NAFPS and vowed to stop, then reversed yourself and appeared even sillier. You imagined Onehawk was me, then became embarassed when even your ally Backatya said that wasn't true.

On Indianz you kept embarassing yourself. You accused John Bishop of being me, and that turned out to be more of your paranoia. Bishop has been around on the net forever. Jana, who is no fan of mine, even found his yahoo profile.

Just like John Martin made himself look like a fool (for about the 11,937th time) by imagining Danny Moon to be me. I mean, you and Martin are a lot alike. You both bluster and bully when you know you're losing and look like fools, which just makes you look more foolish.

You both pull this phony tough guy act that absolutely no one buys, that just shows you feel your manhood is threatened, and makes you both look like either a 12 year old on the playground who thinks empty threats make them look like a man, or that you're both doing a very poor pro wrestler imitation. But I don't think you're the same people. Hanging around a professional imposter like Yeagley and a habitual liar and imposter like Martin/Siouxwannabe makes you think everyone is like that.

You say this is about your annoyance over what happened to Benson. But any blame for any embarassment over his wrongdoing being exposed ultimately falls on Benson and his defenders.

You openly say some of this conflict between us is your professional hostility, "hard science" vs the social sciences. Well...
1. Not being able to judge the facts
2. Deliberately ignoring facts
3. Avoiding facts you don't like
4. And worst of all, repeatedly inventing facts, sometimes out of paranoia...
All of those are sure not signs of a good scientist like you claim to pride yourself on being.

And you've stayed completely silent on the most troubling ethical issue of all. Doesn't it bother you that your number one fan is an in your face racist and repeated troll and imposter, John Martin/LakoDUH Siouxwannabe? He's up to, what, over two dozens racist posts, several threats, and trying to disrupt a thread honoring the memory of Floyd Red Crow, all in the past few days.

Not only that, you know full well he's an imposter, habitual liar, and violent racist, and yet you still do all you can to help him out at Indianz and NAFPS. You know full well that John Martin has claimed in the past six months to be:

A Gulf War vet
An Airborne vet
Lakota and Oneida
A Cherokee plumber from Florida
A white fundamentalist
and an elderly woman living on Pine Ridge

You personally witnessed the last four at NAFPS, yet you say nothing about it, and do everything you can to help Martin knowing full well what he's done.

Or were you absent from NAFPS for awhile? I remember you got pretty quiet for awhile when you got so much criticism for your little bit of gay bashing.

Ironically I'm not the only one to think that Martin seems to have an unrequited gay crush on you. Yeagley will be so jealous over losing his boytoy, that is unless something unlikely happens, like the three of you are into daisy chains.

Again, for someone who prides himself on being an objective scientist, you pick and choose what facts to ignore, and you show poor judgement in what "facts" you choose to accept.

And it never occurs to you that buddying up to a violent racist (one who treated you like trash, calling you every vile insult in the book) and hanging out on a white supremacist/apple forum like Badeagle might not be the smartest career move, or show the best professional or scientific judgement? You originally went to Badeagle to challenge their line of BS, but there's little sign of that now.

It never occurs to you that the members of your professional groups or your supervisors might find this lack of judgement very interesting? You took what I said earlier as a threat, but it's plain and simple advice: It's just  a matter of time until some jealous conservative white sees what you've done and your questionable judgement at NAFPS and Indianz as a chance to take down a rival a peg, get themselves the promotion or position you wanted.

Think about it.

I apologize to those of you who are shaking their heads over names they never heard over at another board. I wouldn't have had to if Paulie hadn't brought this over here.

Offline Skully

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2008, 03:07:45 am »
Well, back to my OP,

All I know him by is personal contact.  He's never did anything bad as far as I know.

My ego and personal identity is not wrapped up in (1) fraud hunting, (2) being accepted by square society, (3) being accepted by Indians, (4) being viewed as someone who is an academic hero, and (5) being respected by anyone for that matter, as long as they don't disrespect me to my face.  They can love me or leave me.  Screw 'em. I have enough friends. 

I don't value this American society very much...never have and never will.  I never want to teach for a "higher" education institution, other than as someone, invisible as it were, in the background.   Although they are becoming more corporate in nature, such institutions are still ivory-towered bastions rage and fear full of cowards, passive-aggressive "bullies", and snitches.  I prefer to utilize the (Laurence) Peterian circuloambulatory method of survival.

If you remember, it was John Martin who said some pretty rugged things about my family some time ago. You can let go of that conspiracy theory.

If what these folks say about Chuck is legit and if I am wrong, I will promptly admit it.  Until then, have fun self-soothing.

But you must remember, (1) I never said he was a Lakota Minister; and (2) I never said he was a Lakota.  (3) I DID say he was  "Christian Minister."
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 03:24:17 am by Big Paulie »
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2008, 02:43:14 pm »
Rather than have the thread be sidetracked any further, let me suggest we keep this at

Though I see that, over at Indianz, he can't resist starting yet another thread with more name calling and dubious claims.

Offline One Hawk

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #48 on: January 15, 2008, 06:18:15 am »
 I can see that this has spun way off the original topic of Benson.

 I am sure he is happy that focus is off him and he can slink back into his warm little nest of cult-like followers, where he can continue to insult the Lakota Oyate and culture with his pretense. Perhaps this was his intent here.
 Benson is the type of coward who will never be man enough to admit to his own lies. He cannot even speak for himself, he gets his followers to do his bidding.
 If you are one of his victims, don't blame yourself, he has been honing this skill for years and has fooled many inteligent folks.
 His father passed that Irish gift of gab along to him but he chose to abuse his gift, using it to feed his own twisted ego and take advantage of others. 

 Like all of these self-centered egomaniacs, Benson has a severe inferiority complex which drives him to be accepted by anybody no matter what kind of lies it takes.

 I am sure that when he's at the pulpit in his day job he doesn't preach Lakota Virtues, he wouldn't be accepted doing that. He takes "testimony" of sins from other people at that job but will not admit his own. What would his congregation think if they knew was preaching the Christain word to them and a different "word" to his internet followers?

 Some may feel that because he is a Christian Preacher that these allegations against him can't be true. May I remind you that most cult leaders use that very pretense (or one like it) to gather thier flocks. Benson is a small-time charlatan, he is no Jim Jones, but dangerous none the less.

 I want to thank everybody who contributed to this discussion, pro and con. It has opened many eyes and taken true guts on the part of some.
 Yes, there are countless fakes, frauds and NdN wannabees on the internet and other places and they will never all be exposed but when just one is, that is one less out there. So if you care about truth and honor the Indian culture, be brave and step up when you suspect fakes. A good rule of thumb that I was taught is that if somebody proclaims themself as a mecicine man/woman, ask questions. Bring you questions to sites like this, where many people will see it, and try to sort out the truth. 

 Toksa Ake
 One Hawk

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2008, 03:11:18 pm »
Got this final email from Rousseau.


Dr. Carroll:

I want to correct where Chuck A. Benson, Jr. was born.  It was Norfolk, Virginia instead of Arlington, VA  on March 09, 1957.

It is my wish to close this investigation because your organization has effectively exposed him as a non-Lakota who was performing sacred rites.  I doubt if we should hear from again.  I stated just facts which he could not dispute. 

If he is a Lakota, then have him show that he is enrolled.  It is a simple request.

Thank you again for your help. 

Cyril Jerome Rousseau

Offline Skully

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2008, 03:58:57 pm »
Got this final email from Rousseau.

...It is my wish to close this investigation because your organization has effectively exposed him as a non-Lakota who was performing sacred rites.  I doubt if we should hear from again.  I stated just facts which he could not dispute...

Cyril Jerome Rousseau

I spoke to Mr. Rousseau this AM....And now I hvae no idea who to believe. Both Chuch and Mr. Rousseau are stubborn guys.

Maybe they're both right, or maybe they're both wrong.

Al is just keeping it going for his own perverted amusement.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 05:03:01 pm by Big Paulie »
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2008, 03:43:46 am »
Paul, you have a disturbing habit of ignoring facts right in front of you, then making lies up when you feel like it, and topping it all off by adding childish insults into the mix. That doesn't reflect well on you, or your claim to be an objective scientific researcher.

Rousseau explicitly asked me to END any further investigation, and that's what I've done.

Ironically this whole thread would have been just a single post without you and Backatya dragging it out repeatedly. I suppose both NAFPS and Rousseau should thank you because the email where Benson admitted his wrongdoing would not be here if you hadn't pushed me to contact Rousseau.

So I'll let this thread end, just as I indicated before in the previous post. Will you? I'll even give you the last word, since you seem too immature to do without it, ever. With friends like you, Benson sure doesn' get the point I hope.

Offline calvinspottedelk

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2011, 01:41:42 am »
I've come across Chuck Benson because he claims to be the relative of a person I have had to deal with who has been abusing my ancestor's name for a long time.  They are clever, I'll hand that to them but in time, the truth will be seen by everyone.

Here is a family tree Chuck Benson posted up on a couple of websites some time ago.  I discovered it and contacted him before I realized he was a relative (whether legal or not) of Leonard Little Finger, whom my issue is with.  I had previously seen a very similar tree presented by Leonard Little Finger in court.

Chuck removed it but not before we saved the GEDCOM file and printed it out.  What you see here is a photo of the printed copy.  There are many more pages but these are the pages pertaining to Benson and Little Finger. 

Little Finger destroyed DNA evidence when he burned my great great grandfather's lock of hair.  He did this against a judge's order at the time in tribal court.  This matter is still in dispute so I'm not going to talk too much more about it but in time, people will know the truth.  I have the probate papers concerning my ancestry and I am in the process of correcting a lot of misinformation out there concerning my ancestry because of this man's false claims. 

Anyway, I came across this thread last night and it caught my interest because I know a lot about these people mentioned.  I'd really like to be in contact with the folks mentioned from up at Cheyenne River. 

Benson also claims to be related here in this interview (which I think was a publicity stunt) because our Mni ikala wozu ceremony would involve much more than what actually occurred in a very short amount of time.

Offline calvinspottedelk

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2011, 01:59:15 am »

[/quote] from the transcript:

"Chuck Benson is Little Fingers grandson. He drove from Tucson, Arizona to help out with the ceremony. For him the challenge is how to forgive and yet find justice in a memory that won’t die."

Since the issuu site doesn't appear to work right now, I'll share snapshots of the images here.  Page 2 Page 1