Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828251 times)

Offline Yx Chebel Yax

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1035 on: March 28, 2011, 09:22:35 pm »
Hi folks...
Just saw this on Facebook, on Shift of the Ages (SOTA):

 A person added a film from Youtube about Kiesha Crowther..think it was translated to Russian.
"We Are All Divine Creators Urgent Message from Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
Here are some of the comments to this on the page


- This woman has mislead many. Make sure you watch this link too.

- Thank you so much "Shift of The Ages"!!! I was impressed by that message... But obviously she is only a perfect actor :-(((
- Shift of the Ages (SOTA):
We wanted to stay out of this, but SOTA was more or less forced into addressing Kiesha Crowther's claims. Portions of Wandering Wolf's video messages were taken without permission and used out of context to build her credibility and garner support for her message and work. She also claimed to be a recognized member (or Wisdom Keeper) of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas (the underground Council Wandering Wolf is president of) and this is completely false. We’ve obviously received many questions about don Alejandro’s and SOTA’s association with her. Is she saying some inspiring and good things?... yes. Is some of the things she is saying truth?... perhaps? Has she intentionally mislead people? Without a doubt!

Love and respect to you all.......
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 09:30:42 pm by Yx Chebel Yax »
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1036 on: March 28, 2011, 11:57:41 pm »
I didn't know she was around anymore until someone clued me into a shop in the area -- that I'll probably post in "research needed" in the next few weeks ...

She is going to be at The Prophets Conference -- and is taking a group to Egypt in October. 
Here is the write up about the Egypt conference:

4-16 October 2011
"It is with great excitement and anticipation that I contemplate this upcoming pilgrimage to the sacred land of Egypt. As some of you may have heard me speak about, it is time on our planet now to gather together the like-minded and like-hearted to raise the frequency and heart vibration on Mother Earth. ... Egypt is magical and mystical and full of vibration and life. I am so excited to experience this place in the physical after being taught so much about it in the spirit realm. ... What an opportunity this is for not only me but for all those who will attend. Miracles are waiting to happen-- this is a promise!"

The following is the description of the itinerary and costs:
The Tour Includes:

 Roundtrip airfare from JFK New York to Cairo on Egypt Air
 5 stars deluxe accommodations throughout the tour
 Deluxe Five Star Cruise to visit temples along the Nile
 ALL meals (3 meals a day)
 All entrance fees and ground transportation within Egypt
 Private time in the Great Pyramid and Sphinx enclosure
 Local Egyptologist
 All domestic air within Egypt

 Camel ride
 Medical Travel insurance
 Entrance visa to Egypt
 Greeting at Cairo Airport, assisting through customs, and baggage claim
 Some tips (temple guards, bus drivers, hotel porters, maids, tips for meals)
 All taxes and surcharges

Not Included in tour price for Egypt: airfare to JFK, beverages with meals, tips for guides, walking-around money. If you arrive or depart other than with the group there will be additional transfer fees for being met at the airport, brought through customs and to the hotel, and for any extra accommodations beyond the duration of the tour. Extra transfers to or from the airport cost $45 per person each way. For couples it is $40 for each person each way.

•$5,965 with airfare from JFK to Cairo or $5,025 without airfare (prices are in US dollars)
•You may secure your place with a deposit of $1,000, with the balance due 5 February 2011.
•Prices are based on double occupancy. If you prefer a single room the cost for a single supplement is $940.
•To upgrade to business class on Egypt Air, contact us for costs.
•A 3% processing fee is added to credit card payments to cover the costs for that service.
(read cancellation policy below)

To pay by check - checks must be in US dollars and mailed to:
Guardian Travel
526 Redbird Court
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Be sure to include all of your contact details along with "Sacred Pilgrimage to the Magical Land of Egypt"

To pay by bank transfer send an email to for bank details.

To pay by credit card send an email to: or call (1) 757-417-7458.   

You will need to download, read, sign, and return the following two forms:

Registration Form         Release of Liability Form


Passport: You must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after the date of departure. It is a good idea to take a photocopy of your passport with you in case the original one gets lost.

Visa: Most travelers obtain their Visa upon entry to Egypt (based on country of origin).

Call: (1) 505 796 4023 in the USA/Canada or (44) 020 8123 9958 (UK)
Email: Event Info

Cancellation Policy:
•Although it is unlikely, if the TRIP is cancelled, you will receive a full and complete refund.
•If YOU need to cancel your participation, you may:
•    a) transfer your registration to another person, or...
•    b) $1,000 is non-refundable. Partial refunds may be given prior to 60 days before departure.
•    c) No refund is given if cancellation is within 60 days of departure.
•send cancellation notice to The Prophets Conference
For more information:
email: Egypt 2011 Info

And finally -- her bio:

Sacred Pilgrimage to the Magical Land of Egypt
with Little Grandmother
4-16 October 2011

 Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by a Native American elder and was told that her task was to be shaman and Wisdom Keeper of the “tribe of many colors.”

As a child she spent long periods of time alone in the wilderness, where she lived with and learned from the four-legged, one-legged, winged-ones and swimmers, as well as the star and stone people. Her young life was marked by many unusual experiences and abilities that she did not understand. As a child, she had been taught by the ancestors, grandmothers past, and Mother Earth, and was known for her ability to sense and communicate with wild animals and to see and work with energy.

Since being initiated on her path as shaman and Wisdom Keeper, Kiesha has begun to share teachings and to conduct ceremonies and healings for individuals and Mother Earth. She feels her responsibility to be carrying and communicating earth wisdom and the ancient knowledge for our current age. Toward this end, she has released videos of her talks, which are freely available on YouTube and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe. Her work as a Wisdom Keeper also includes the planting of sacred crystals in very specific locations around the world for the renewal and strengthening of Mother Earth's precious ley lines. Her powerful message emphasizes how to shift individual and planetary consciousness, how to live in the heart in right relationship with Mother Earth, and to remember who we are--THE GREAT I AM.

To learn more about Little Grandmother visit

Get to know and enjoy Little Grandmother with this short video clip

Accompanying Little Grandmother will be the expert guide Mohammed Fayed of Guardian Travel and his team of excellent Egyptologists who have worked for many years with expeditions for the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment. They have also been the personal guides for Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana, The Grateful Dead, Shirley MacLaine, Ken Kesey, Leo Buscaglia, amongst many other dignitaries and celebrities.

Offline MsWilma

  • Posts: 37
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1037 on: March 29, 2011, 05:11:49 am »
Hi from Melbourne, Australia...what're you sending her down here for?  ::)
I've been following this thread since some beautiful people with all the best intentions in the world sent me the links to her Zurich talks, and she seemed a tad dodgy. So I googled her and found this site.
Some thoughts on her visiting Oz, after checking out her 'events' page:

1. $40 is cheaper than a massage, cheaper than a meditation weekend (unless you did a buddhist vipassana for free) cheaper than a reiki initiation and waaay cheaper than a ticket for entertainment from the USA (which is what she is if she was honest about it...)So she may get a large audience, who have been removed from all the controversy so far. And it will be harder to convince people she's out for money when she's not asking for so much. I also recall descriptions somewhere on this thread of Crowther charging a small amount for workshops in The Netherlands? Does that ring a bell for ayone else? So maybe it worked well for her there, and she's repeating her program here.

2. Crowther is using an australian aboriginal artist's commercial work on her site to advertise her workshop. As she's acknowleged the source of the painting on her site, she may well have permission to use the work. I've emailed the site in question to check, and I'll let you know what they say.

3.  She is very ambiguous about the locations of her workshops on her own site. She mentions Brisbane (city of 2 million people) and 'North' in Melbourne (there are hundreds of places with 'North' in their titles in Melbourne but no place called 'North'.) The other place, Tumbi Umbi is an interesting choice: it's a small town between Sydney and Newcastle and I'd never heard of it before. I can contact family in Sydney to find out more about it. My guess is that it's a small resort town as that coastline is fabulous, but I'm surprised that she hasnt headed further north to Byron Bay, where all the newagers come out to play. Any other Australians out there reading this who can shed some light on Tumbi Umbi?

4. I have no idea if anyone's posting fliers in cafes etc on the ground for Crowther, because I'm flat out with kids, husband, work and study, but so far, there is very little advertising on Australian websites for her visit. There are a number of sites and blogs linking to her talks, but none talking about her visits, except for this:
which is probably her Tumbi Umbi connection, since it's a central coast directory.
 The other links connected to this directory are a website and a facebook page:!/Spiritual.Connections.Australia?sk=info
that facebook page (which is in the name of a Tracy Roberts) also references a Drunvalo Melchizidek, whom I recall reading about here at NAFPS as well....

5. It's a removed world here in Oz. I cant tell you how often I've heard white newagers quoting 'hopi' or 'mayan' prophecy like so many fairy stories. I can fire off some emails giving my opinion to the above websites, but it would be much more powerful if it came from ndns themselves. This might be too much to ask, but if anyone in the US has the time to put together a brief page of salient points, I would be happy to pass it along wherever I could. I know I could piece something together from the Salish elder's statements, the SOTA quotes, and Dr Carroll's article, but it would have more authority if it came from you yourselves. i am happy to provide any links that I can and to write emails supporting you.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 10:18:20 am by MsWilma »

Offline MsWilma

  • Posts: 37
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1038 on: March 29, 2011, 05:52:32 am »
Hi again.

To briefly explain what's happened:
Crowther has been using an image of a painting by an Australian Aboriginal artist, Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra, to advertise her Australian trip.
The painting is worth over $6000 Aus. The use of the image is protected by Aus copyright laws.
Commercial Australian indigenous art is one of the few industries where Australian aborigines see a decent profit. There is an Indigenous Art Code set up to protect the rights of aboriginal artists to fair trade.
I find it ironic that she may be running into even more trouble by appropriating commercial work...

Here is a copy of the email correspondence I have been having with Sabine Haider, Vice President of the Aus Indigenous Art Trade Assoc and Director of Central Art:

Dear Sabine Haider,

I am writing to you to alert you to the use of one of your artist's paintings on the website of 'Kiesha Crowther, Little Garandmother'. If she or her representatives have permission to use your images, I apologise unreservedly and ask you to ignore this email.
The reason I query whether she has permission to use the image is because she has previously misappropriated traditions from northern american indigenous cultures, and been the subject of their protests.

You can find your artist's (Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra) image on the following two links:

Again, if she has permission to use this image I apologise. Her history with indigenous cultures has led me to suspect she may not...


Dear Catherine

Thank you very much for the alert. NO permission has been granted.  Gee, this makes me mad.  Thank you once again. Hopefully the person will remove this immediately otherwise I will require to inform Viscopy.

Sabiné Haider
Central Art
* Vice President - Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association
* Signatory to the Indigenous Code of Conduct


Dear Sabine,
thanks for letting me know.
I belong to a website called NewageFrauds and Plastic Shamans, whose aim is to protect indigenous cultures from misappropriation/exploitation.
We are collecting information about Crowther to raise awareness of her activities.
I havent mentioned the name of your artist or yourself on the forum, although I have stated that I suspect she has used an image without permission.
Is it alright with you if I make this information public?


Dear Catherine
Please do. I work very closely with Copyright Australia and Aboriginal Artists Agency Anthony Wallis who is currently away overseas.  Anthony would know exactly what we should do. Please let me know if I can help or assist with getting the word out. Perhaps Art Trade can assist as well.   I have been so angry and even more so when one cannot contact the person.

Sabiné Haider
Central Art
* Vice President - Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association
* Signatory to the Indigenous Code of Conduct

Dear Catherine
Here I am again requiring your help. I cannot find any contact details for this person. Apparently so busy she is unable to answer any emails. Can you help me.  
Sabiné Haider

Dear Sabine,
I wish I could give you contact details for Kiesha Crowther- I would imagine that there are a number of people trying to find her!
All I can tell you, is that in the past year, she has deeply offended various indigenous tribes in America, by claiming to be their 'shaman' and by offering her version of some of their most sacred ceremonies for sale. Following strong protests over the internet from Lakota people, and the publishing of official statements from the Elders of the Salish tribe and a Mayan Elder, and following the circulation of an article written by a Dr Carroll on her fraudulence, she removed her claims re her 'indian connection' from her website. Chapters of the AIM (American Indian Movement) have recently been protesting her appearances in the USA. I suspect that she hopes to find an audience removed from all of this in Australia.
 Regarding her website, Crowther has removed material that she had no right to in the past, once it got too 'hot'. I would hope that if she receives emails from yourself, on behalf of your agencies and referring to Copyright Australia, she would remove the image immediately. If not, I'm not sure how one would find her- unless you were able to trace her once she got to Australia in June.
I'll put details of my correspondence with you on the NAFPS (NewAgeFrauds and Plastic Shamans) website. It may be that someone has further ideas re action you can take.
You can find us at
kind regards

ps- I originally signed my full name to these emails. If anyone feels that they need to know my full name, they are welcome to contact me  :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 11:49:36 am by MsWilma »

Offline MsWilma

  • Posts: 37
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1039 on: March 29, 2011, 08:37:27 am »
The artist whose work Crowther has been helping herself to, is from Central Australia.
Her tour is taking in the East Coast. Hundreds, maybe thousands of kilometres away. Nowhere near Central.
I think that there are over 250 different tribes in Australia.
Just sayin...

Offline MsWilma

  • Posts: 37
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1040 on: March 29, 2011, 10:20:04 am »
 :o sorry mods; I've doubled a post here without meaning to. Please delete this!

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 11:53:09 am by MsWilma »

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1041 on: March 29, 2011, 06:21:21 pm »
Welcome Ms Wilma

I checked KC site and the artist's work has been taken down.

Thanks to you:)

All that $$$ and too cheap to use an i stock image- Geez!


Offline nemesis

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1042 on: March 29, 2011, 09:07:44 pm »
I wonder if anyone could help me with something?

I don't want to give too much away but I'm working on a few ways forward to stop Kiesha and one thing that would be really, really helpful, if anyone has the time to do it, would be to have a brief summary of all the fraudulent / criminal activities that Kiesha, her girlfriend and associates have been involved in; the credit card fraud, the false claims begging for money, everything.  Ideally this would include the posts from facebook where people describe being ripped off and hassled for money by Kiesha's handlers.

While I appreciate, of course, the importance of the issues regarding selling ceremony and cultural appropriation, I feel that in order to really get things moving in other territories it may be most effective to concentrate on information that shows that the TOMC is one big money making scam and to provide clear information as to how it works.

Of course including information re the statements / declarations of war and videos from the tribal elders and other NDN people will be important as supporting documents but the people I have in mind contacting will be interested initially in the criminality and scamming angles in the 1st instance. 

I am so very behind schedule with many tasks that I just don't have time to put something together at the moment, but if I can get some help with it I have some good contacts to send this stuff to who will pay attention providing that the main focus is on criminality and scamming.

I hope it's OK to ask :)

Also welcome Ms Wilma and thank you for your efforts to help stop Kiesha, I am sure that many people here appreciate it.

Offline matt e

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1043 on: April 04, 2011, 09:14:46 pm »
there are also vids of her on daily motion

i would be happy to add videos to my acct. if anyone who has some up want to give me permisson wants to give me permission.

forgot the daily motion link
feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.

Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1044 on: April 06, 2011, 08:31:08 pm »
grrrr her going down under really gets my panties in a bundle cuz that's one of my homelands and I will do whatever it takes to get the word out.

I have contacted an aboriginal faciliator and contactee to a number of elders within the Yilema area and into the north regions. All I pray is that she can send out the information to the people who can do something about it.

I have also found out the website organization 'Federation of Light' is supporting her tour. This is the ad:

  Remembering Who We Are:
Steps to Co-Creating a New Earth
NSW Central Coast at Tumbi Umbi:
Sunday June 5, 2011
Workshop One:  10am-12:30pm
Workshop Two:  2pm-4:30pm
In her first visit to Australia, shaman and Wisdom Keeper Little Grandmother will share keys to shifting individual awareness and living from the heart for the coming times—based on teachings given to her directly by the ancestors and Mother Earth.  She will speak on how we can remember who we are as the “Great I AM”, changing our relationship to the earth, ourselves and each other, and thus transforming our world.   She will share specific practices and techniques of working with earth energy, increasing our energetic frequency, and information that she has been given specifically for the people of this land at this time
NSW Central Coast  Sunday June 5, 2011 at Tumbi Umbi

Brisbane:  Thursday June 9, 2011
Melbourne:  Saturday June 11, 2011

I have also enlisted the help of fellow australians to spread the word to as many groups to avoid and or protest her tour.
a hui ho

Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1045 on: April 06, 2011, 08:33:52 pm »

you mention getting info regarding her criminal activities together. i am unaware of the credit card issue, when and where did that happen. Is this tied into one of the earliest request for refunds from an 'awakened' tomc member? just wondering. anyone offered to pull some info together yet?

thanks for your continued help and stopping this force of darkness


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1046 on: April 07, 2011, 12:13:27 am »
From Kiesha's website: Official Statement Regarding Native American Issues

Sounds like a lot of excuses that don't really make sense. This part reads like an attempt to glean sympathy and pity:

And, despite her heritage, she will conduct all work without Native American regalia, Native American sacred implements or specific rituals.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1047 on: April 07, 2011, 12:29:16 pm »
Not only that, it's simply a lie. Her latest official statement shows her using just such Native items.

And of course her claim of Native ancestry is denied even by her own mother and sisters. All the documentary evidence shows it's false. All her ancestors came from England.

That latest message has some even crazier claims.

"For so long i have been talking about those who live within the earth, and they are who keep one of the main crystal skulls.. they will come to the surface at the time of *change* .. these people in South America are only a very small group of those who have been found.. there are many living within the earth. This is the most amazing time to be alive... and the ancient truths will come to the surface!"

IOW, expect an invasion of the mole people? Gnomes who keep crystal skulls? ::)

Here's something that may be of interest. Besides the organizing that's being vs her trips to Australia and England, here's another chance to call her out on her lies. Don't know if they'll allow questions live, but we can try.

Saturday, April 16, 1:00-2:30PM Mountain Daylight Time, Little Grandmother returns to Rainbow Visions Talk Show to answer your questions LIVE.  If you have a question you'd like to submit before the show, click here."

ETA: I went to the link and posted these questions. I did so using my own name. I doubt she'll answer them, but want everyone to know they were asked. If you decide to ask any, post them here also. I don't recommend leaving your real email address though.

On the upcoming web broadcast, will the show allow live questions?

If not, will Ms. Crowther give straight answers to the following questions?

Will Ms. Crowther finally admit she is NOT Native, as her own mother and sisters admit and have been urging her to admit for years?

Will Ms. Crowther finally admit she does NOT have the endorsement of any Native elders?

Will Ms. Crowther apologize to the Salish elders, Don Alejandro, Sammi elders in Sweden, and Tibetan monks that she all falsely claimed to have the endorsement of?

Will Ms. Crowther make a full accounting of how much money she makes off her activities, and how much she expects to make?

Obviously it is enough money to buy or rent a home valued at more than $350,000, and drive an expensive car. Previously Ms. Crowther was so broke she declared bankruptcy TWICE in less than three years.

Is the money from Ms. Crowther's followers going to pay off her bad debts and expensive tastes? How does she justify this? Why does she not give money to charity, environmental causes, or especially to help with poverty on the Indian reservation she supposedly has relatives on?

Will Ms. Crowther and her inner circle pay reparations to the Salish? After all, if not for the false claims about being chosen by the Salish, few would have heard of her nor pay any attention or money to her.

Will Ms. Crowther give refunds to all her exfollowers who ask?

If not, why not?


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1048 on: April 18, 2011, 05:56:05 pm »

Did anyone listen to the Rainbow Visions interview?  I just listened to it.  She did mention you a lot, Al, and SHE LOVES YOU, in spite of the LIES you have written about her.  ::) ::) ::)  I definitely got the impression that she thought you opened this forum just to attack her!  (This forum has been running a lot, lot longer than hers did and is still going)  Interesting how they talked about how the internet can be good, but then it can be bad.  PEOPLE WILL JUST BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY READ ON THE INTERNET!!!  So, you can put YouTube videos out there and not expect them to be questioned.  If you question them, then the internet is bad.

I thought the interviewer was awful.  Aren't they supposed to remain impartial?  But maybe that is just with dreaded "journalists". 

All I can say is, she is good!  Poor Kiesha!  So misunderstood and such a martyr.  She reminds me of Sarah Palin.  Nothing stops her and nothing gets her down.  She is even going to speak at Findhorn, Scotland, in 2012!  I thought they had better taste than that.

Does anyone else know anything about the Mexico plasma people who were living underground and who have come to the surface?  I would love to learn more about that.


Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother" Plasma People
« Reply #1049 on: April 19, 2011, 02:10:02 am »
Does anyone else know anything about the Mexico plasma people who were living underground and who have come to the surface?  I would love to learn more about that.


Hi Autumn !

hmm the Plasma People...   google on over to   from Nov 23, 2010
"Drunvalo on Ascension, Earth Changes, Obama, and the “Plasma Beings”: Two Important Videos"

"""2010 November 23
tags: Drunvalo Melchizedek, Plasma Beings of Inner Earth
by Steve Beckow


"""Drunvalo has given an interview to a French Web.TV reporter named Lillou Mace which is absolutely remarkable. It’s a must see."""

""First Video

The first video (which is really Part Two) is a complete discussion of what is happening now, the history of our relations with ETs, Ascension, our capabilities, what’s happening with our DNA, the Earth’s consciousness grid, Indigos and Crystals, and so on. He reviews what happened with the Greys and Anunnaki and then describes how they were excluded when a new assortment of benevolent ETs arrived. He says that the Greys were actually bent on eliminating humans from Earth but were thwarted. Apparently our explosion of nuclear bombs destroyed hundreds of planets belonging to the Greys.

He tells us that the universe is watching our Ascension. He says that we have already “made it” and that it doesn’t depend on our knowing anything about Ascension or the ETs, etc. He predicts the pole shift that we’ve heard so much about.

Drunvalo says Ascension won’t necessarily happen on Dec. 21, 2012, but within a window that extends from 2007 to 2015. Of course his information on some of these points differs from that of Matthew and SaLuSa. I’m simply holding the whole thing in my consciousness tentatively. I consider Drunvalo to be a very credible witness so I’m happy to hold the whole of the story in my mind without knowing which version is true. In other words, the dissonance does not bother me.""""

"""Second Video

In what is really Part One in the series, which I recommend viewing second, he discusses an Inner-Earth race of beings, whom he calls “plasma beings,” have been making their presence known over the last few years. They live in the lava region of the Inner Earth, in cities that exist within vast geodes. He says they will become very important to us in the months ahead.""""

"""""They appeared frequently in Mexico and have been in contact with the Mexican government. They asked an official of the Mexican government to contact Drunvalo and invite him and other people to come to their Inner-Earth locale, which Drunvalo did on three subsequent occasions. He went along with 99 other people.

I’m going to skip ahead now and suggest that everyone view at least the last six minutes of the video -- that is, from the 39-min. mark on -- in which Drunvalo says that President Obama has struck a committee to investigate ETs and ITs (Intraterrestrial beings?). He says that the President is very much aware of the “plasma beings” and interested in them.

He says that once the Earth’s electromagnetic field goes to zero we will have two to three weeks before the world changes very quickly. If we are connected to the Earth, it won’t matter if the hills and mountains go up and down; we’ll be protected. All that is necessary is that we relate from the heart (Vilma).

He goes on to give a good synopsis of the Ascension process as far as he’s aware of it. He describes the capabilities we’ll have after Ascension.

Evidently these plasma beings lived on the surface of the Earth a million years ago and went inside to escape the dangers that presented themselves on the surface.

After appearing numerous times over Mexico, the plasma beings are now starting to appear near the Four Corners area (Niara) and more recently around France. They are not shy and they are definitely here to assist us. They are not extraterrestrials nor does Drunvalo consider them human. But they are higher beings with staunch integrity.

To the reader who asked what orbs were, Drunvalo tells us here that they are living beings. Drunvalo also describes a journey that he took to the plasma beings’ city within the Earth’s lava region. Drunvalo says he approached people from Star Trek to come with him and video the experience and they accepted.

Apparently the plasma beings are not at all shy of publicity. Pope John Paul is alleged to have made his famous statement that not all ETs are bad based on his knowledge of the plasma beings, whom he was quite enthusiastic about. Pope John Paul was later assassinated for having determined to remove the dark Freemasons from the higher echelons of the Church. He was dead within 24 hours of confessing his intention to his secretary.

The interviewer, Lillou Mace, is quite intrusive. You can see she’s often not listening to Drunvalo but formulating her next question. She interrupts him way too often. Good example of what not to do when interviewing.

For those not familiar with Drunvalo, it’s been said (I have no idea whether the allegation is true or not) that he is a “Melchizedek,” which is a being who has completed his experience of all the dimensions associated with our evolutionary cycle. He has come to Earth as an ordinary human being to help us with Ascension. He’s a very humble and knowledgeable man. When I meet people who don’t know anything about the 2012 scenario and I want to introduce them to it, I show them a video of Drunvalo.mmmI consider these two videos to be among the most significant videos out there at the moment. Definitely keepers.""""
