Author Topic: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho  (Read 29264 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« on: August 09, 2006, 05:47:44 pm »
For a meer $35 you too can become a member!


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 10:57:51 pm »
They were just trashed on another list. He claims "Clans" in about 36 states. But 15 are under his control, 13 more are controlled by three others, then the rest scattered. The Ohio one is a Chief Angelia "Speaks with Spirits" Rose in Ravenna Ohio. She raises Chinchillas in Ohio, but the Domain is in California. Here is her webpage.   It looks like another "group" but is suppose to be one of "Two Eagles" Clans. frederica


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 04:27:59 am »
There is a lot of information under research needed concerning United Cherokee Nation. :) Weheli


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 04:28:38 pm »
I read yours. They attracted attention here as a few months ago they began placing recuiting ads in town newspapers. Have enough here already. The big item was the request for birth certificates. Then people began quoting Civil Codes to "Red Hawk". I don't think they are as wide-spread over the U.S. as they would like for you to believe with their "Clans". Just another "group". frederica

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 09:49:25 pm »
Anyone can have a website, make up whatever they, lie, cheat, and steal and on and on. But what we have all forgotten to mention is that picture of the 'Indian' on the horse. I laughed so hard I had to show the pic to the guy sitting next to me in the library. That guy ought to be the poser poster child.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by JosephSWM »


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 03:29:28 am »
LOL Joseph, I saw it and tried hard to forget it. Someone even had to hold the horse for him. frederica

Offline snorks

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 11:19:28 am »
I felt sad that someone had to play dress up to be something they are not.  The guy seems so deluded and so into his fantasy.  I am surprised that more people don't pick up on their insanity.

Offline Mo

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 11:50:35 am »
but see thats just the attraction. these groups attract people who desparately want to belong and only have the fantasy myth stereotype image in their minds of what being native is. until they are educated in reality, they won't even see how rediculous these people look.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 02:19:43 pm »
 they get it from the countless aforementioned online, tacky to the max websites and newsgroups that have the same images.  They see it enough and after awhile they believe it is real and since many people don't question what they may see... or their poobahs,  it easily becomes the way it really is and their reality.  That goes for most things in this area of tackiness.  

Offline Mo

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 04:34:39 pm »
guess they got wind of the attention.... from their website.
 It has recently come to my attention that there are some incredibly stupid
people out there who are claiming that some of our phone numbers do not
work (including mine!), that one of our members is Puerto Rican who "doesn't
have the right to call himself a Cherokee", ? that we don't have very many items
in our store, that Richard White Horse is actually someone named Kandy
Cook, etc. etc. ? This is the only time I am going to lower myself to respond to
these types of comments as I feel it is a complete waste of my time to bother
with these misinformed trouble makers. ? Trust me, my phone number IS IN
SERVICE. ? My number is 330-289-9993 and anyone is welcome to call me. ? I
have heard how I actually live in California and various other places (they can't
even decide where they want to accuse me of living). ? This makes me laugh so
hard. ? The reason why the web site address shows up on as
being in California is because we pay for a private registration to reduce spam
and this is Yahoo's address in California. ? (The words "private registration,
contact administration" might have been your first clue.) ? And Richard 'White
Horse' Huston is definitely NOT Kandy Cook, whoever that may be ? (that
sounds like a girl's name - he has gotten a good laugh out of that one). ?  As far
as your calling one of our members a "Puerto Rican who doesn't have the right
to call himself a Cherokee", all I have to say is, shame on you. ? We are all
'mixed bloods' ? and no one has the right to look down on another human being. ?
Isn't this the very type of prejudice and racial slurs that our people have been
trying to fight against for many years? ? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

As far as our asking for a copy of a birth certificate with an application so that
we can "steal your identity", this is absolutely ridiculous. ? First, if you are that
paranoid, then you shouldn't join anything. ? Secondly, if you feel there is some
information that would ? enable someone to steal your identity, then by all means
black out the offending information. ? All we need to see is your name. ? And we
are not asking for your "passport". ? What it actually says is that we need a
"passport photo". ? This is only to make the I.D. card. ?  

We are not asking for social security numbers or credit card numbers and lots
of organizations ask for a copy of your birth certificate, including the Western
Cherokee Nation, the United Cherokee Nation, and several others. ? Again, you
are more than welcome to black out any offending information. ?

As for our store, we will be selling more items in addition to our mug as it
grows. ? We hope to be adding T-shirts, flags, keyrings and mousepads in the
very near future. ?

We are trying very hard to do a good thing for our people and we will not be
discouraged by a few people that will spread vicious lies about anyone and
anything just to have something to talk about. ? But I guess if you are picking on
us, then you are leaving everyone else alone for awhile (and giving us a good
hearty laugh in the meantime).

            Angie Speaks with Spirits Rose
            Principal Chief - living in OHIO
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Mo »


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2006, 07:54:05 pm »
I think this is a splinter group of the United Cherokee group, This is the United People of the Cherokee Nation or something like that. She use to be a clan chief of the United Cherokee Nation of Idaho. But this group is in Ohio and I recall she raises some sort of hamsters or something. Both groups were being hit upon by another group of people. I think that is what she is referring to. There were some questions if there were the same, but they are not at this point in time. frederica


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2006, 06:11:56 am »
The United People of the Cherokee Nation
Chief David ( Crazy Coyote ) Deffenbaugh
815 Second Street
Lacon, Illinois 61540
Home phone: (309) 246- 4022
Cell phone:    (309) 224- 9298
Fax-              (309) 246- 4022
Illinois Clan Website:
National Tribal Website:

I received a email today asking about this guy. I see that he is part of the UPCN and is Located in IL. After going on his IL website I noticed he had pictures from a Veterans Pow Wow held at Seven Circles Heritage Center, Edwards, IL. Which we have discussed on another link. It appears to me that he is giving the "appearance that his "clan" put this pow wow on. NOT TRUE!!! However there is a link on his site to Seven Circles Heritage Center. :-/

I heard that he "Chief David" has been going to pow wows in IL presenting himself to be something he is not! Also asking for information on well known Elders in IL. so he can give his site the appearance of being legit by exploting these Honored Elders.

"Chief David" , who made you a Chief, Clan, ect??? Cherokee it is not.

Anyone have any information on this guy??
                                                                                Wado Weheli :)

Offline Mo

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2006, 09:20:24 pm »

The Question:

Not so long ago I remember you were very upset that you could find no
documented proof of your native ancestry. How is it that you now call
yourself a chief?

The Reply:

Because I have talked to others who knew my family and knew that my Great-Great Grandmother was Cherokee. I also went to a pow wow and heard people mention the names of my Grandfather who was Potawatomi. In talking to them, they told me he was a story teller at the pow wows and taught many people how to make regalia and various things. He also was an Elder of the Potatawomi Clan from Tiskilwa, IL, the Prairie Clan which is now located in Iowa. He was 1/2 Potawatomi and 1/2 Irish. So documentation no, I have none, but, I have at least 80 people who have verified these facts.
I was appointed Clan Chief of the United People of the Cherokee Nation. I am very proud of my NA heritage regardless of the fact that I can not prove it with paper documents. I have been fighting and will continue to fight for the rights of Native American people, burial grounds protection and the preservation of our culture including language. Not only for one tribe but for all tribes and Nations. I am also very proud of my Nation, The United People of the Cherokee Nation and I am very proud to serve as my people as Clan Chief. My Indian name Crazy Coyote was given to me by a Pawnee Elder by the name of Dee Wright. I use my Indian name to honor this great Elder and mentor.
I have found out many things since I wrote that email. I have talked to many people who knew my Grandfather. At the pow wow I spoke of, I just happened to be walking past a group of Elders who were talking about people that are now gone and I heard my Grandfathers name mentioned. I asked about him and I spent the rest of the afternoon with them learning about my Grandfather. I never knew him, he died when I was very young.
Thank you,


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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 04:48:49 am »
Thank you for the personal response. I will be getting back to "Chief David" just a tiny bit more of research and contacts to make.

I just noted that Red Hawk aka Laughry started  the Unified Free Cherokee and Jerry Edwards was also a "clan member and either was kicked out or left. The name changed to UPCN and Laughry resigned?? as Chief, we all have read in another thread about Red Hawk,  who is a fraud.

My Question: Why is the UPCN principal chief "speaks with spirits identity being kept such a secret, no picture of her but all other "chiefs" are posted on the main site of the UPCN. Angie do you have something to hide??? O by the way I tried your PH# 303-289-9993 several times this week and it continues to say " no longer in service". Well I suppose all the phones I used are not working!!! :-/
                                                                           weheli ::)

Offline Mo

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Re: UNited Cherokee Nation of Idaho
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2006, 11:26:00 pm »
n'yo...but there will be no more info from me. apparently i have been banned from the yahoo group he is in. just as well..everything there made me angry anyway. many of the people you mentioned in regards to the united cherokee are there. the owner of the group says she is enrolled yet is very tolerant and in my opinion encouraging of the frauds there spreading untruths. its a shame. there are many there who take everything posted as the real deal. i think debbie is there...maybe she can shed some light into why i am suddenly banned. i can only guess someone saw this post here.