General > Frauds

Sequoyah Trueblood??

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Graham Therens:
I have known Sequoyah for about 5 years and I have never met anyone who lives the way he does.  He is a pretty amazing man to spend time with.  check out some of the stuff he is doing.  Try and be apart of it.  This might give you some insight to who he is.  Take care G

Graham, are you serious? You really expect us to ignore both the research we've done and the clear evidence ST is an exploiter, just because you say "check him out, I like him"? Are you really this naive?

And as for how ST lives...
"Location. Norman Oklahoma
Date: July 4 1970
Time: night
Sequoyah Trueblood was sitting by his pool at his townhouse in Laurel Maryland, watching the children swimming and his wife sitting next to him, when without knowing why, he got up went into the house, changed his clothes, packed a small bag, drove to the airport and took a plane to Oklahoma City. A friend then drove him to Norman. He felt a little strange and wanted to lie down. In a bedroom he was lying down relaxing when he saw a kind of vortex of swirling lights "like a rainbow" into which he was sucked. Sequoyah then found himself standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by hedges. He felt wide awake and in front of him he saw a silvery saucer shaped craft and a shimmering small silver looking being standing on steps that were coming down from the bottom of the craft. The being looked grayish and had a large baldhead with large eyes. The witness sensed that the being was "androgynous" neither male nor female. The being communicated telepathically and told the witness that he had been sent to take him because "they" wanted to talk to him. He agreed to go and walked up the steps with the being. Once inside the craft, Sequoyah heard no sound, but through a small window he saw the moon, the sun, and "millions of stars" instantly go by. Soon the craft was hovering over a beautiful white city in what the witness felt was another planet in another realm or universe. In an instant he was down on the ground. The people in the city appeared to be male and female, wore white robes, and were fair skinned, with "hair that was glowing like the color of sunlight." The small being then took the witness down a street lined with beautiful white buildings not more than three stories in height to a clearing in the woods that seemed like a park. There were a number of people there, and a male said to him that if he would "pay attention"; he could see that people there were living in harmony without war or disease. The people also told him that they did not need foot, for the air they breathed was converted into whatever was needed to sustain life. A sort of leader figure told him that he had been brought to this place to show him the potential of the human race. Soon he asked to be returned and was taken into the craft and then through the vortex and found himself back in bed."

In other words, far from being a super spirchul type or elder living among his (alleged) people , he lives a very well off, even cushy, life peddling to the UFO crowd and selling ceremonies. Even his UFO stories are amazingly generic. The only good I see him doing is his volunteer work at youth camps.

Hi folks

Interesting site! ? Don't usually post things on forums but here goes. ? I'm not defending Sequoyah (he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself) but maybe can provide a little context. ?
If you want to get some knowledgeable insight on Sequoyah Trueblood (real name - same as his dad's - and by the way Trueblood was not originally a Cherokee name) you might talk to Harry Charger (Minnecojou wiwayan wacipi leader) or Leo Daychief (Kainai - keeper of the Thunderbird Pipe Bundle), Alex Ahenakew (Cree from Starblanket) or perhaps Gkitsatanamoagk (in BurntChurch) who know him well. ? Or maybe ask Dennis Banks about the time the AIM bro’s tested Sequoyah at the sundance. ? Course you'll have to go in person 'cos like most traditional people ?

Does Sequoyah say and do flaky stuff? ? Yup! ? And… The guy works (often for free) in isolated youth camps in Native communities around the continent - he's the one that will head out on the two week canoe trip with the gas sniffers and doesn't ask for a paycheck. ? And then do it again. ? Has consistently (in the 14 yrs I've known him) given away whatever cash he does make back to the People ? - the guy doesn't even have a bank account (really). ? Continues to donate countless hours of his life to working with prisoners in the toughest jails in Quebec. ? He may speak about experiences with beings from other dimensions, but he's also the guy that makes sure the Brotherhoods get access to the Lodge and have some buffalo meat to eat afterwards. ? Does everyone agree with him. ? Nope. ? Does he live according to the teachings (really putting Creator first, really sacrificing your life and energy to the People, really being deeply accountable to the community, really following the instructions of the Grandfathers no matter how hard it is and how much you don't want to do it)? ? I'd have to say more than most. ?  

I don't know about many about the people who find themselves listed in your forum. ? Based on the ones I do know, I'm sure that the truth in many cases is more complex than it appears. ? Take Pablo Russel. ? Is he traditionally trained? ? Yese. ? Do his actions make some people within his community uncomfortable? ? Yes. ? Do the society members let him sit with them in the ceremonies? ? Yes.

You certainly list some of the great wackos and hucksters of our time - no disagreement from me there. ? And the fraudulent or exaggerated claims of many of those wandering through the materialistic, spiritually-hungry and desparately naive ? and disconnected wasteland of the modern world would be laughable if they didn't cause genuine offence and suffering. ? And in our offence and suffering it is a lot easier to get riled up about the Harley Swiftdeers and Lynn Andrews of the world than dealing with the skeletons in our own community closets or doing the hard and often thankless work of serving the people and helping them come back into the circle in a good way and rebuilding the community. ? On the whole, Sequoyah does a lot more than most in terms of alleviating the suffering of the people - especially the most marginalized within the Native community. ? You won't find that stuff written down. but if you are really interested there are "real" old people who can fill you in with the details that Google just won't unearth. ?

There's such a strong whiff of sanctimony in what you say, not to mention hypocrisy, plus some things that don't add up.

ST does some good with some work some of the time. But that doesn't hide the fact that he lives an EXTREMELY well off cushy lifestyle, a luxury townhouse in one of the cushiest places the the country with a pool bought from selling ceremonies and working with frauds like Boylan and Fisher. Not much sign of accountability, or even spending most of his time in the community. He's pretty busy on the pay to pray and UFO circuits.

I don't see any sign of sacrifice at all or, other than his youth work, any good that he's done. It's pretty obvious he does far more harm than good. If he once was an elder, that's even sadder.

It's extremely telling that all of the names you quote, not a single one was Choctaw, as ST claims to be.  As for Dennis Banks, Banks also has let his name be used by some pretty obvious frauds like "Mary Thunder". Being an AIM member doesn't make you infallible anymore than anyone else.

If your main purpose here is not to defend an exploiter (oh wait, you say it isn't, but then go on to do that for a very long post), then maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself if that is the best service you can do for your people?

Didn't know the Mohawk reserve of Kahnewake was one of the cushiest places in the country - might come as news to the people there! ? A "well-off" lifestyle in a luxury townhouse ? with a pool paid for by selling ceremonies - what a laugh!

Fraud, exaggeration an misuse of power very often start when people start to step outside the boundaries of traditional community checks and balances (I’m not talking about the folks with zero community connections here – they’re on their own). ? But does an internet site like this replace the traditional system in the new realities of a globalized world ? ? It might if it holds itself to the same standards of truth and justice that are the foundation of the oral tradition. ?


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