Author Topic: Troy Johnson, "Grey Ghosthawk", Florida Pagan Gathering, Four Winds Lodge  (Read 55628 times)


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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2008, 10:29:56 pm »
Yep, that's the same guy, no doubt about that.

Offline Cat

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2008, 10:32:58 pm »
Did you read this part???

"Note: There is never a charge for ceremony, only for healings, teachings and legally binding contracts (for example; marriages)."

Well..thats mighty interesting...


Offline C-Rezzz

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2008, 09:52:30 pm »
Warn everybody in the area that GGH's teacher is Morgan "Eaglebear" Maez, the phony claiming to be Geronimo's greatgrandson, and one of the worst sexual exploiters of his followers.

The warning from the Ft Sill Apache Tribe:

And the phony ceremony he uses to sexually exploit his followers:

Don't know if GGH does the same, but it doesn't speak well of him if that's his main teacher.

Cached at
"Troy Grey Ghost Hawk: Ceremonialist and Teacher
A Little About Me:
Grey Ghosthawk has been apprenticed to Morgan Eagle Bear, an Apache Shaman for 12 years. He has also studied with Ojibway, Seneca, Anishinabe, Muskogee, Choctaw and Lakota Elders from North America. Recently I was privileged to study with Toltec and Huichol Elders from Central America as well as the Ketchiwa people of South America. He studied with a Maori Tahunga named Joseph Winterhawk and has been appointed a Warrior in this as well as the Apache Tradition.
My Background:
Ghosthawk has participated in ceremony in South Dakota with Lakota Elders, in Peru with Ketchiwa Shaman and many other locations with many different Elders and Shaman. He has also been honored with working security and aiding in the Elders' Kitchen at Sun Dance along with other members of the Native American Church, The Brotherhood of Indigenous Spiritualism.
My Qualifications and Training:
As a Ceremonialist, he has been given rites to conduct the Native American Purification Lodge (Inipi), Vision Quest (Hanblecheya), Cherokee Moon Ceremony and other rites for releasing and healing. Ghosthawk carries his own personal Canupa Wakan and was honored with the ability to share his Pipe in ceremony while at the top of Machu Pichu."

And if I remember right there is no "Cherokee Moon Ceremony."

It's amazing how these guys go down their list of teachers like an academic pedigree. It's kinda like someon that gets a blackbelt then recites all the styles he has been trained in, as if it will add to his validity. It is the western academic approach used to be able to assert your authority as a PRO. It has always been my experience that if you go outside your tribe or your NAC chapter and you spend more than a few minutes having to explaon where you got your stuff or even that you feel the need to explain where and how you got your stuff, YOU'RE A FAKE!!!!!
Oh Day Haw!!!

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2008, 07:51:33 pm »
Hmmm I have never heard of this GGH ,and i go to SD alot and have never heard of him at all. Sounds more like a huckster to me ,A damn shame that ppls use names to get what they want ,and the nieve ppls are so stupppid
Chiefy tiger

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2008, 08:04:06 pm »
If you believe in nothing, you'll fall for anything.

Why would anyone even need research to realize this guy is fake?  He claims to have been taught under a shaman, afterall. ;)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2009, 06:55:09 pm »
He's still at it:

Claiming to lead Inipi in Florida this weekend, at a pay to pray, Neopagan festival:

*** quote ***

Energy Healing Circle with Grey Ghosthawk
Participatory - Friday and Saturday 10:30 AM Sweatlodge Circle

Please join us Friday and Saturday mornings for an Energy Healing Circle using many techniques including Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Native American and Mexican Folk Medicine, and Peruvian Crystal Therapies. This is not a lecture format workshop, but rather a hands-on healing session.

Inipi/Sweat Lodge with Grey Ghosthawk
Thursday 9:00-11:00 PM and Friday 7:00-9:00 PM Sweatlodge Circle
(Adults 18 and over only)

Sweatlodge Circle
Stone People Lodge, Purification Lodge, or inappropriately called a Sweat Lodge is a sacred purification ceremony. Similar to a sauna in outward appearance, but far more significant in meaning. It is a cleansing, not only of the body, but of the mind, heart, and spirit as well. This ceremony precedes almost all other Native American ceremonies.

"Grey Ghosthawk, teacher and ceremonialist, has been on the Native path for some 15 years. A carpenter by trade, he does custom leather and beadwork. Ghosthawk was apprenticed to an Apache Medicine Man for 12 years and has studied with Elders from different tribes such as Ojibwa, Lakota, Apache, Muskogee, Navajo, Choctaw, and from Peru, Mexico and New Zealand. He has been given Rites to perform certain ceremonies: Inipi (sweatlodge), Vision Quest, Full Moon Ritual and others. Grey Ghosthawk says, ""I am here to help and serve my fellow two-leggeds on this walk and all others who cross my path. Aho."

*** *** ***



*** quote ***

Adult Full Event Admission -
$95 until August 31st.
$105 until September 30th.
$115 until October 31st.
Please register on-site after October 31st.

Kids 5-17 with parent/legal guardian - $30 each (Absolutely no unaccompanied minors!)

Tent camping is free for all attendees

Single Cabin Bed for all three nights - $45 each
Limited number of cabin beds! Cannot reserve cabin beds without paid registration.

Handicapped Cabin Beds - $45 each

Day Trippers can only pay on site when they arrive. - $60 each

For questions regarding Registration please call Ann Marie at 727-479-7213 or Medea at 727-954-8171.

*** *** ***

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Grey Ghosthawk Tampa FL area.
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2010, 02:01:17 am »
Grey GhostHawk has been mentioned in prior NAFPS threads from 2005.

Appeared at Florida Pagan Gathering  Nov 4-7 2010
Click on Presenters and go to Workshops
Description of Workshop:

Sweatlodge Circle Adults Only with Grey Ghosthawk
Inipi/Sweat Lodge - Thursday & Friday 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Stone People Lodge, Purification Lodge, or inappropriately called a Sweat Lodge is a sacred purification ceremony. Similar to a sauna in outward appearance, but far more significant in meaning. It is a cleansing, not only of the body, but of the mind, heart, and spirit as well. This ceremony precedes almost all other Native American ceremonies*Adults 18 and over only.

Grey Ghosthawk is the HP of the FOUR WINDS LODGE, a Temple of the Sacred Path, ATC. A teacher and ceremonialist that has been on the Native Path for some 20 years, studying and learning from numerous elders of many tribes and traditions. Apprenticed to a Metis medicine man for 12 years, Grey has learned many healing modalities and been given rights to perform certain Rituals- Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, Full Moon Ritual, and others. He does healing circles making use of many techniques, massage, Stone Healing, Chakra balancing, aroma, Reiki, reflexology, and others to help others to a balanced energy in their lives. Has been working with Moksha Magic, a Sex Magic technique for the past 5 years and has facilitated many circles using this to heal and generate energy for the well being of all. He does Native beadwork and custom leatherwork and has been actively teaching workshops on various Native topics for the past 8 years.

Sweatlodge Circle All Ages with Grey Ghosthawk
Energy Healing Circle   - Friday & Saturday 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Please join us Friday and Saturday mornings for an Energy Healing Circle using many techniques including Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Native American and Mexican Folk Medicine, and Peruvian Crystal Therapies. This is not a lecture format workshop, but rather a hands-on healing session.

Has a Face Book & MySpace Page
Was featured at this site

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Grey Ghosthawk - Florida Pagan Gathering - Four Winds Lodge
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 10:29:36 pm »

"Grey Ghosthawk is the HP of the FOUR WINDS LODGE, a Temple of the Sacred Path, ATC. A teacher and ceremonialist that has been on the Native Path for some 20 years, studying and learning from numerous elders of many tribes and traditions. Apprenticed to a Metis medicine man for 12 years, Grey has learned many healing modalities and been given rights to perform certain Rituals including Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, Full Moon Ritual, and others. He does healing circles making use of many techniques such as massage, Stone Healing, Chakra balancing, aroma, Reiki, reflexology, and others to help people find a balanced energy in their lives. Has been working with Moksha Magic, a Sex Magic technique, for the past 5 years and has facilitated many circles using this to heal and generate energy for the well being of all. He does Native beadwork and custom leatherwork and has been actively teaching workshops on various Native topics for the past several years."

"So the six of us entered the park at dusk to meet with the fellow witches under the half-moon. GreenSong was a large eclectic group of pagans–all very friendly and positive people. It was announced that the ritual would be run by Grey Ghosthawk in a Native American format (Cherokee, specifically). This got me very excited."

"Grey Ghosthawk then called upon the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka to carry the poisonous energy away as he threw the cornmeal into the fire."

Leading fake "Cherokee Sweats":



« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 10:55:19 pm by RedRightHand »

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk - Florida Pagan Gathering - Four Winds Lodge
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2014, 10:50:12 pm »

"This time everyone was going to honor the Cherokee Indians with the “Cherokee Full Moon Ritual“. During the ritual, everyone joined hands to honor and share the practices of the Native American traditions. A man by the name of Grey Ghosthawk lead everyone in a Cherokee Full Moon Ritual to hear the tale of Selu, the Corn woman and her sons. During the carefully reincarnated process, everyone received blessing of cornmeal and tobacco, released all of their resentment, anger, hate and fear in return for the Great Spirit’s blessings."

Do any of these people stop to think that throwing "resentment, anger, hate and fear" at the spirits doesn't deserve a blessing in return?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2014, 11:10:36 pm »
Looks like there's already a thread on him in Frauds. Merging threads.

Also mentioned in this thread: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon Circle" [merged that thread here, too]
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 06:45:50 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk - Florida Pagan Gathering - Four Winds Lodge
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2014, 11:26:58 pm »
This guy is booked to lead pretendian ceremonies at that gathering in May. Here is the thread on his teacher:

Morgan Maez AKA Eaglebear

And more of Mr. "Ghosthawk"s shenanigans:

Blue Tarps and Beer:

"Sacred Shaman Sweat Lodge Ritual

"Have you experienced a spiritual Sweat Lodge ritual by an awesome authentic Native Indian Shaman? Here is one of those rare opportunities. Grey Ghosthawk apprenticed under Morgan Eagle Bear, an Apache Shaman, for 12 years. He has also studied with Ojibway, Seneca, Anishinabe, Muskogee, Choctaw and Lakota Elders from North America. More recently he was privileged to study with Toltec and Huichol Elders from Central America and the Ketchiwa people of South America. Additionally, he has studied with a Maori Tahunga named Joseph Winterhawk, was appointed a Warrior in this lineage and in the Apache Tradition. As a Ceremonialist, he has been given rites to conduct the Native American Purification Lodge (Inipi), Vision Quest (Hanblecheya), Cherokee Moon Ceremony and other rites for releasing and healing. Ghosthawk carries his own personal Canupa Wakan and was honored with the ability to share his Pipe in a ceremony while at the top of Machu Pichu."

Blue Tarps and Beards:

Sex Shameon:
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 12:16:56 am by Kathryn »


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Re: Grey Ghosthawk - Florida Pagan Gathering - Four Winds Lodge
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2014, 06:27:35 pm »
His name is Troy Johnson.

Troy Johnson

Grey Ghosthawk- Ceremonialist/Teacher/Healer at Native American Ceremonies and Teachings

    Orlando, Florida Area

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Bumping thread to merge in others.