Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 725446 times)


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2013, 10:15:46 pm »
I am really baffled by something.  How could Mr. Spezzano get a Ph.D from an university which apparently does not give out Ph.D.'s?

I realize that 36 years have elapsed since he supposedly received his Ph.D. in 1977, but it does seem strange to me that an organization that at one time gave out Ph.D.s now would only offer bachelors and masters degrees.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2013, 10:26:24 pm »

So there are courses free of charge for First Nations? Well, guess what I just found....
This is a Newsletter from November 2012 of the Adams Lake Band of the Secwepemc Nation in British Columbia:

The Path ofSpirit
With Susan How
November 17, 18th, 2012
At Adams Lake Recreation & Conference Centre Chase, BC

The Path of Spirit workshop will be a reminder
that you are ultimately spirit -a child of God.
When you have the realization that you are
spirit you realize that the only thing that can
stop you is you. As spirit you abandon the ego
and know yourself as forever blessed.
This workshop will be about embracing spirit as
your path to seeing how your life unfolds in
the most positive way.

Susan How is a Level II Psychology of Vision Trainer.

She has been actively involved with Chuck and Lency Spezzano and their Psychology of
Vision model since the early 80s. Over the years Susan has developed her natural gifts of empathy,
intuition, compassion, and humour and she brings these gifts to her workshops. Susan's gentle
approach to healing creates a safe atmosphere in which people can blossom.

The Psychology of Vision is a visionary healing model developed by Chuck and Lency. It offers a
practical system based on love and healing that maps the challenges we face in different stages of
our lives, and provides solutions needed to get through them. It is being taught worldwide in 13
countries including First Nations Communities in Canada.

For more information on Psychology of Vision and Chuck and Lency Spezzano go to and www,chuckandlencyspezzano. com

Registration at 9:30am Saturday morning
Workshop starts at "• 10am - 5pm daily

Registration: $150.00 per person or $250.00 for 'couples'
Cheques made payable to "Kelmuc Circle of Friendship Society"
<**Lunches provided to participants each day (notify IF any food allergies by the 12th)***
***Please bring your own water bottles as water will be available on site.***

Apparently, the Secwepemc Nation is quite being targeted by charlatans and quacks – the newsletter carries further ads:

a) By one Michael Duhaime selling „Transformational and Esoteric Acupuncture“ for $ 60 per appointment with these claims:
It has long been useful to change one's experience of pain and discomfort into easier and healthier states of being. What is maybe less well understood is that chronic conditions are rooted in the subconscious realms of one's being. Whether it be insomnia, digestion difficulties, emotional or physical pain, menstrual difficulties, headaches, migraines, relationship difficulties, or whatever other physical presentation of disharmony, the more one resists the message from the subconscious, the longer and more complex the symptoms as the situation becomes chronic.

While Duhaime quite correctly says „esoteric“, his claims include treatment of severe disease and conditions. There is also a small print paragraph – and surprise!:

Michel completed his diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000, acquiring a set of medical skills that have since been complemented with other studies in Western herbal medicine, Shiatsu, Ki Aikido, Emotional Freedom Technique, Psychology of Vision, and esoteric and transformational acupuncture.
His current practice focuses on the exploration of the mind body spirit conti-nuum,
specifically addressing chronic pain and illness as opening windows into the deeper
realms of the subconscious mind.

b For a two-day seminar on „Child Trauma & Attachment“ at $ 300 per person for early registrants, regular fee $ 400

and c) one Oonna Cameron selling Reiki sessions with no price tag provided in the ad.

At the same time, the newsletter announces events scheduled for swapping used clothes and household items, a xmas donation draw, and a guide to Household Recycling – and this:

Just Got Paid and I Don't Have Any Money Left

Community Futures, budget specialist, Dale Tomma (LSIB member) will be at ALIB in November to do one on one budgeting sessions with interested community members; she will share creative ideas with you so that there is money left at the end of the month. Each session will be no more than half an hour

The latest Newsletter dd Sep 12, 2013 carries another POV ad for a „Step to Leadership“ program consisting of 30 modules.

Step to Leadership programm (STL) consisting of 30 modules
Registration fee is $ 2,000 per person
registration includes books, the 1 day workshop, the 2 day workshop and registration fee for the 3 day workshop
Registration is to be paid in full prior to the beginning of the program.
Payments are to be made to M Joyce Manuel, 5680 THC, Chase, BC V03 1M3

The two-day workshop is done by „susan“ (pres. Susan How), the three-day ws by „chuck“.

Can. $ 2,000 = € 1,456.35 EUR  , US$ 1,933.59 USD

What participants will receive through this program?
The conscious, subconscious and unconscious aspects of our minds
Clear explanations, exercises, guided visualizations, videotapes and audiotapes
Examine the dynamics of your life in a safe and supportive environment
Discover your power to step beyond being a victim or a victimizer
Find practical ways to inspire your friends and family, and be a leader in the world

There are some red flags in these claims. If you are promised „clear explanations“, this usually indicates a black-and-white view of the world is being taught, we vs them. „Guided“ visualisations can also be a means to ensure participants have exactly those insights they are supposed to have. The text also equals victims to victimizers – for persons having suffered from being victimized, this will be hard stuff. Participants are also expected to „inspire“ family and friends, in other words: draw more participants.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2013, 10:29:59 pm »
I am really baffled by something.  How could Mr. Spezzano get a Ph.D from an university which apparently does not give out Ph.D.'s?

Because that's a different university:


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2013, 10:42:54 pm »
I am really baffled by something.  How could Mr. Spezzano get a Ph.D from an university which apparently does not give out Ph.D.'s?

Because that's a different university:

Ah!  Thanks, Ingeborg


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2013, 11:46:41 pm »
The main organization contact for the Hawaii Forgiveness Project is Michael North. Spezzano is also active in this.

Michael North and Spezzano are also leads in the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute.

Michael North states on his LinkedIn page that he was advisor to Spezzano's business Psychology of Vision UK 2004 – 2010

Spezzano, along with Michael North, and Mary Buffett do events in China for Chinese investors, I included a clip here of a translated 2010 event page. The workshop is described as "Principles of Chinese philosophy and tradition" as applied to modern financial investments.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2013, 03:48:31 pm »

   To become an "advanced Trainer" in his organization you have 100 plus days of his "training" and to join or become a "oneness dheeksha blesser".this is also a recognized cult in the U.S.A.

Spezzano says he was "enlightened" in 2007 at Oneness University. And now in his trainings people are taught to do that type of blessing. This is yet another red flag of warning about Spezzano's activities.

Oneness University (the name changes as does the founder often change his own name and self designated spiritual titles) is a large ongoing scam. People are charged quite a bit of money in a chase for enlightenment. They are mistreated. Former devotees claim that at one time they were drugged in order to produce a bliss experience. Many people ended up needing crisis mental health help.

The founder periodically makes apocalyptic type predictions, none of which have come true. And at times he has done large group "enlightenments", which is possibly what Chuck experienced.

Devotees even offered blessings via phone, for a price.

Severe Problems with "Bhagavan Kalki's" Deeksha Oneness Movement:

Oneness University:


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2013, 07:51:16 pm »
Chucks says he is a kahuna:

In my initiation ceremony as a kahuna I was given a fish to eat that in Hawaiian also means THE SOURCE reminding me where my strength and nurturing comes from. If you remember THE SOURCE you can't remember any problem or pain. Have a great day!

In his book "Friends Helping Friends" he has a section on Ho’oponopono

Huna, Ho'oponopono, and other fake "Hawaiian" teachings:


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2013, 07:26:03 pm »
Unity, a Christian new thought organization, is going through major turmoil because of infiltration by the Oneness Movement, the same movement that the Spezzanos train people in.

Brainwashing In Action: Updated: (Update: Blog post and comments are no longer available)

This blog post includes mention of our work here at NAFPS. Comments are worth reading too.

(An updated compilation here: )

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 10:59:56 pm by Piff »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2013, 08:00:07 pm »
That's just creepy!Especially since a good friend was involved with deeksha. Fortunately, I knew it wouldn't last long, because with her, she gets bored easily. I never went to any of the things she invited me to go to, but every other word out of her mouth for awhile was deeksha this or that. I am so glad that she is now involved in healthier things.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2013, 12:18:56 am »
Unity, a Christian new thought organization, is going through major turmoil because of infiltration by the Oneness Movement, the same movement that the Spezzanos train people in.

Brainwashing In Action: Updated:

This blog post includes mention of our work here at NAFPS. Comments are worth reading too.

Yes, the comments are interesting:

Incidentally, I updated the posting to include the fact that the woman receiving the deeksha is the Chief of a Native Indian tribe. The Oneness cult is infiltrating them as well, even getting government funding to promote their ongoing scam.

The woman in the video with Lency Spezzano:  How unethical can you get?  You take someone who has been involved with your organization since 1991 and is now a Level 1 "trainer" and put on this performance for the audience pretending like you are getting a "download" to heal all past wounds. 


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2013, 03:55:13 am »

About 6:32 in video, Chuck says that he got a thank you letter from "one of my Japanese students" who wrote that because he follows Chuck's relationship teachings, his "wife had gone up two bra sizes". Chuck delivers this with a straight face and then tells us that this could be a possibility, that a physical form could change.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2013, 04:12:25 pm »
Received this info, the source wants to be confidential for now, I'm paraphrasing:

In the past there have been disagreements between Chuck and other people he worked with. They had strict rules that there should be no sexual or romantic contact between teachers and students - Chuck would not uphold that.

Chuck was charismatic, people liked him, especially women. He set himself up as a guru type with mystical knowledge of students' past lives - this also was in opposition to the goals of others he worked with.

Chuck has a large cult following in Taiwan, and some in Japan, that is where most of his money comes from.

They don't know if he actually has a doctorate, they never saw it. They also don't know if he is properly licensed even if he does have it.

Offline Odelle

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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2013, 06:59:17 am »
As Piff mentioned, Spiritual Ocean International Group organizes the Singapore, Taiwan and China classes. The group also seems to have a monopoly on representing and setting up classes for POV in both Taiwan and Mainland China, see below. SOI seems to be quite big, with all kinds of classes (not sure all are POV) offered all over Asia. Their angle seems to be promoting POV as a way to become a better sales person or do better in business. The titles of many of their classes seem to directly imply that POV can make you rich. More interesting, though, is the fact that POV has a history in Taiwan dating back to the 80's. I'm guessing the Spezzanos have made a lot of money!

From Baike, a Wikipedia-like site:

?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????Spiritual Ocean International Education Group holdings: SOI Consulting Corporation, Ltd.; Miracle Enterprise Management Consulting Corp. Ltd.; Life Master In'tl Training Company, Ltd.; Heaven on Earth Int'l Company, Ltd.; PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION [emphasis mine] Int'l Stock Company, Ltd.

You Mingyu and Wang Tingrong, husband and wife, established the Miracle Enterprise Management Consulting Company, Ltd. (has stock) on November 20th, 1989. ([Basically, just part of another entity, the Miracle Int'l Training Organization])

????????????????????????Dr.Chuck Spezzano ? Lency Spezzano?????P.O.V?Psychology of Vision?????????????
??In the same year [author seems unsure, so has ?? before "same year"], they acquired the sole rights to represent Psychology of Vision, established by Chuck Spezzano, Ph. D. and Lency Spezzano in Taiwan!

.... [Also mentions that they do work with Brian Tracy, and have established a lot of other companies.]

In September of 2001, they developed the International Organization for the international POV Research Series and also set up the POV Int'l Company Ltd.

In October of 2001, they expanded into Mainland China to develop the motivational training market, establishing the Spiritual Ocean Training Technique Consultancy (Shanghai) Company, Ltd.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2013, 04:21:20 pm »
As Piff mentioned, Spiritual Ocean International Group organizes the Singapore, Taiwan and China classes. The group also seems to have a monopoly on representing and setting up classes for POV in both Taiwan and Mainland China, see below. SOI seems to be quite big, with all kinds of classes (not sure all are POV) offered all over Asia. Their angle seems to be promoting POV as a way to become a better sales person or do better in business. The titles of many of their classes seem to directly imply that POV can make you rich. More interesting, though, is the fact that POV has a history in Taiwan dating back to the 80's. I'm guessing the Spezzanos have made a lot of money!

Lency shows off their "beach place" in Hawaii, a condo, looks to be owned not just leased. The painting she highlights is by Spar Street This might be the artist also of all the paintings Chuck Spezzano stand in front of during various videos. The Spezzanos are listed as private collectors of his work Unless the Spezzanos get a discount, my guess is that these commissioned pieces are pricey.

(later addition: Chucks videos were filmed by Noni Films and Media at Spar Street's gallery on Maui )

From a neighborhood board meeting in 2003:

Conditional Use Permit, Dr. Spezzano, Waihee Place - Luersen moved, seconded by Kaluhiwa that Kahaluu Neighborhood Board No. 29 support the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) given the statements that have been made tonight about the restrictions that have been placed on it, and  would include no more than ten times a year, no more than fifty people, no sleeping on site other than the resident house, maximum of fifteen cars on site at one time, the structure itself not be expanded beyond the staircase and the exterior lanai. The motion carried 8-0-0.

Chamber of Commerce listing for Spezzano & Associates Ltd

Their home and property (2 acres) in Kaneohe, Hawaii is assessed at $696,100.

The Spezzanos don't seem to think highly of all the people they get so much money from, these quotes from Lency:

I'm still in the research stage with this, but it appears that in the Psychology of Vision seminars, and in private sessions, we are able to lead people into enlightenment.

My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low.

I did the first annihilation process with the Chinese group, and despite being new to the work, they did very well. As well as a group of Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan, and better than the Japanese and Germans I have done the process with.

Seminar participants in China are an interesting mix of people. More billionaires as well as mafia dons than we see in any other place.

I emailed POV and asked what shamans Chuck studied with, as that is one of his claims, I did get a reply that my email would be forwarded to him, and that he is in Cologne Germany and probably won't be able to respond for awhile. :) Although surely a response with the names of those shamans would be easy enough to send.

(update) In that neighborhood board info, concerning a conditional use permit:

3) The existing barn is currently used as the headquarters for their worldwide networking in the field of Inner Healing.

My bolding there for yet another clue. "Inner Healing" is a controversial counseling movement

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 12:14:12 am by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2013, 04:34:43 pm »
For anyone researching this Chuck Spezzano, be aware that is can be easy to confuse records for him with that of another Dr. Charles Spezzano. Even some library records confuse the two, and assume they are the same person.

Our Chuck Spezzano is Charles Lee Spezzano, he does use Dr. in some public records. He was born in 1948.

There is also a Dr. Charles Joseph Spezzano, a psychologist, born 1949. Different person than who we are researching here.