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Frauds / Re: Margaret Noodin, Professor
« Last post by educatedindian on August 27, 2024, 04:28:13 pm »
This isn't how any university anywhere would normally handle an investigation, even one where they only care about covering themselves. You get someone in administration, or even from outside the university.

She wasn't "vindicated." Part of how her close friend covered for her was by asking the wrong question. Not "did she fake her identity" past tense, but "is she faking her identity" in the present. Myself and several others were in contact with her by a series of emails and with one us by phone. She did sincerely believe false stories about an ancestor. That was never the problem.

The problem was always that she continues (in the present) to present herself as Native and Ojibwe despite overwhelming evidence she's not, never was. That's not only unethical, it's delusional. I was one who defended her once she stepped down from one position. If she'd been honest from that point on, this whole thread would have been archived, and she truly would have been vindicated.

Then she decided again and again to still pretend to be Ojibwe. It was never about her "foundational beliefs and experiences." That a white way, an outsider's way, and a Newage way of thinking. She says the only thing she learned was not to talk about it. Then she still hasn't learned.
Frauds / Re: Margaret Noodin, Professor
« Last post by Sparks on August 25, 2024, 12:40:07 am »
Mark Freeland, Margaret's hand picked successor (as she made clear in a post on this forum), has "cleared" her of faking Native American ancestry. Freeland was appointed by the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee to conduct a review.

Also reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

(The article is marked "For Subscribers" but I can read all of it.) It links to an earlier article, which I quoted in full here in the NAFPS forum on Nov. 04, 2023. (It's now "free for all readers" since Jan. 8, 2024.)

From the most recent article:
To Noodin's critics, however, UWM's handling of the matter was problematic and highlights how universities are ill-equipped at addressing these complicated cases.

"All I can say is wow," said Sarah Gordon Altiman, a UWM graduate student who took several classes with Noodin; she is also an enrolled citizen of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. "It is interesting that the university had her hand-picked successor be the so-called expert on Indigenous identity. (Noodin and Freeland) are personal friends and knew each other prior to his hiring — talk about a conflict of interest.

UWM declined to answer questions about how it conducted the investigation, saying they could not comment on personnel matters. Freeland said his relationship with Noodin "can only be described as professional and collegial. Any suggestion that my integrity is compromised is misplaced."

For her part, Noodin expressed a sense of vindication.

"After intensive investigation, UWM concluded that I had done nothing wrong morally, ethically or professionally," she wrote in an email to the Journal Sentinel. Still, [UWM Provost Andrew] Daire's instruction to consider how she represent herself made her "far less willing" to talk with anyone outside her family about their history.

"I continue to believe that identity is complex, personal and I cannot change any of the foundational beliefs and experiences that have made me who I am," she wrote."
Frauds / Re: Margaret Noodin, Professor
« Last post by Advanced Smite on August 24, 2024, 09:43:09 pm »
Mark Freeland, Margaret's hand picked successor (as she made clear in a post on this forum), has "cleared" her of faking Native American ancestry. Freeland was appointed by the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee to conduct a review. I'd LOVE to know what that "review" actually entailed and why someone independent was not engaged by UWM. I bolded an interesting quote from Margaret below. Is being Native American a personal belief now? Ridiculous.

Article: "Professor cleared of charges about faking Native American ancestry, despite criticism" - Campus Reform
Archive Link:

UWM agreed to re-open Noodin’s case after she requested an additional review. The school appointed Mark Freeland – one of Noodin’s most vocal supporters – to lead the review. Freeland is also allegedly a friend of Noodin’s.

Freeland cleared Noodin of the charges, an assessment that the university accepted but that faced opposition from others.

One student who had enrolled in some of Noodin’s courses told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “It is interesting that the university had her hand-picked successor be the so-called expert on Indigenous identity. [Noodin and Freeland] are personal friends and knew each other prior to his hiring—talk about a conflict of interest.”

Noodin told Campus Reform: “I believe in putting students first and am eager to get back to teaching this fall. I understand that I am a public servant and can be investigated and held accountable for following all policies and guidelines. It is my hope that I will be allowed to maintain my personal beliefs about who I am as taught to me by members of my family and community.

“However, I also believe there is no need to make discussion of myself part of my role at the university. I think it is important that I create neutral and safe spaces in my classes so that all students can seek an education free of any bias as they each form their own character and find their future,” she added.

Campus Reform has reached out to UWM and Doug Kiel for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.

I question whether Margaret's family truly share her "personal beliefs" about being Native American. It would be interesting to know what her cousins think about the very specific claims she made about their father. Would they corroborate her story?
Frauds / Re: Andrew Soliz
« Last post by educatedindian on August 22, 2024, 11:27:26 pm »
Any ceremony selling he now does must be in private. It appears he isn't making as much as before, nothing on the Alchemy site or "Sacred" Ways. Now he's a carver using a faux Lakota business name, pretending it's spirchul.

There is a video by the partner admitting she as a white woman has more Lakota ancestry than Soliz does. Then repeatedly lies and claims he's Lakota and a medicine man.  and 
At 2:00. "Andrew my husband is Lakota Native American. Now during a DNA I found out so am I. I'm actually more than him which is pretty funny. So he is a traditional ceremonial man."

There's no DNA test that can show tribe. Soliz has always appeared to be mostly European. And he's never made anything but vague claims of being "Mayan" and "Pueblo," never naming any of the dozens of groups in both. Likely he just saw where his ancestors were from and assumed.
Frauds / Re: Sandra Ingerman
« Last post by debbieredbear on July 13, 2024, 06:04:44 pm »
This woman is still around and doing workshops. 
Frauds / Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Last post by Sparks on July 12, 2024, 06:12:03 pm »
A few updates to Adam DeArmon's Facebook and Internet presence. Fraud is still going on at a grand scale:

Facebook Page: [Adam DeArmon] [NOT AVAILABLE]

(Link to: [Adam Yellowbird DeArmon]) [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Profile: [Adam DeArmon] [STILL AVAILABLE]
Present description:
Eagle Condor Project
Consultant for International Center for Cultural Studies - ICCS
Consultant & International Ambassador for International Center for Cultural Studies USA
Event Planner/Coordinator for Foundation for Global Humanity
International relations for Oklevueha Native American Church [NO URL GIVEN]
CEO & Founder for International Center Of Spiritual & Ancestral Wisdom
International relations for Earthdance 8 International Multicultural Gathering [NO URL GIVEN]
Minister for International Center Of Spiritual & Ancestral Wisdom [SEE TWO LINKS ABOVE]
Earth Custodian for Nature [NO URL GIVEN]
Went to Fairfield High School Fairfield, IA
From Baltimore, Maryland
Became a member [of Facebook] August 2007 [Adam DeArmon • 114 subscribers • 28 videos]
[Adam DeArmon Legal Fund $40,330 USD raised] > > > [NOT AVAILABLE] > > > [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Public Group (6 members): [Freedom for Adam DeArmon] [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Public Group (Now 666 members): [Plant Medicine Advocacy] [Name Changed (several times)]
About this group:
Consultations 30 min $150 1 hr $250
Law & Order
State Laws Federal Laws
Ancestral Spiritual Laws of origins
Laws of origin of each plant medicine
Native American Church’s
Religious freedoms
Cival rights
Should every one use plant medicine
Policy and proceeders
Cultivation & Preservation programs
Backed by a team of lawers
Research & Legal fund
Workshop weekends
legal venues for plant medicine
Building a national and international Ancestral Plant medicine dialog.
[Location] Sedona, Arizona
[Names three past years; newest first]:
Plant Medicine Advocacy
Peyote Church Support
Adam DeArmon Religous Freedom
Adam DeArmon Law And Order
Freedom For Adam DeArmon
Medicine Nation Rising
Medice Nation Rising
Peyote Church Support
Here is how they gradually were found out:

Karima Manji wanted it all for her twin daughters, Amira and Nadya. And she found a way to help them get it: financial aid earmarked for Indigenous kids. The fact that they weren’t remotely Indigenous wasn’t going to stop her


Canadian woman gets three years’ jail in first ever sentencing for a ‘Pretendian’
Karima Manji, whose daughters accessed over C$150,000 in benefits for Inuit residents, pleaded guilty in February

Many more details and interesting links in the article.
I received accounts from those who've known Dawn a long time. It's confirmed he has zero ties or Native ancestry at all.

Dawn's impersonation began in 2015. It's pretty much a game for him. He lives a comfortable middle class life most of the time, just like his parents. But online he plays at being NDN and plays at being a white supremacist hoping to get as many to talk about him as possible.

There's some speculation it may be mental illness and worry he could be drawn into something dangerous. Some who've known him a while are angry with him over his games and harm he's done.
The article I quoted from is referred to on the Radical Anthropology Group's Facebook page:

Also on Mastodon:

There is a 1:24:45 background video around, it can be seen at two places:

Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin: a worldview practised by the Oji-Cree of Lac Seul, Ontario November 8, 2022
Archaeologist Alicia Colson and GP and mental health researcher Sophie Redlin will be joined by a panel of Oji-Cree anthropologists, scholars and artists (via ZOOM) including George Kenny, Michael Auksi, Mary McPherson, Adar Charlton, John Bonnett and Susannah Cass.
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