Author Topic: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott  (Read 184854 times)

Offline Otter3

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #90 on: March 31, 2013, 02:05:00 am »
More about Phillip Scott:   
He says that he is a Heyoka.  This can be confusing during ceremonies if he decides to change things.
 He says that he was given a "bundle" to be a Yuwipi man. 
He tells people that his organization isn't a cult because followers worship the Creator, not him.  He talks at length about this and mentions Jim Jones. 
 He calls NAFPS a hate group.
 He says that if anyone says they're a shamen, they're not.
He says that he faces discrimination because he doesn't look like a Native; he looks white. 


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #91 on: March 31, 2013, 04:24:55 pm »
More about Phillip Scott:   
He says that he is a Heyoka.  This can be confusing during ceremonies if he decides to change things.
 He says that he was given a "bundle" to be a Yuwipi man. 
He tells people that his organization isn't a cult because followers worship the Creator, not him.  He talks at length about this and mentions Jim Jones. 
 He calls NAFPS a hate group.
 He says that if anyone says they're a shamen, they're not.
He says that he faces discrimination because he doesn't look like a Native; he looks white.

He's using "heyoka" as an excuse, other frauds use "crazy wisdom", "trickster", and the like. Part of the con game to say "don't look at my hands, look over there, this isn't my hand on your wallet, I can do no wrong cause I'm crazy wise heyoka coyote trickster super special!". Plus supposedly none of us can understand his brilliance fully because we aren't special like he is.

Many cult leaders talk on and on about how they aren't cult leaders. The leader of the group I was part of asked me directly if I thought I was in a cult, because I was a loyal member of the cult I shook my head and replied "No, not at all.".

If he truly was all about people having their own spiritual integrity, he wouldn't have followers. He wouldn't rip off other cultures.  He wouldn't be here on this forum as a Fraud.

Claiming that NAFPS is a hate group and that he himself is discriminated against - all part of the con artist play book. In order to keep a cult group together there has to be an Enemy. There has to be an Other pointed to as the source of all the problems. This keeps his group in a tense, stressed mode so they are more likely to stick close to him.

He's using words like "hate group" and "discrimination" as buzz words, to draw followers close, and to confuse the actual issues. He's certainly not the only one who does this. Neo-nazis claim that civil rights group are hate groups. White racists claim that they are discriminated against because they are white.

He keeps his followers stressed and presents himself and his "teachings" as the solution to the stress.

So the answer is for followers to get away from him, read up on psychological abuse / con games / cults, and enjoy their lives.

Offline Otter3

  • Posts: 21
Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #92 on: April 03, 2013, 05:59:36 pm »
More about Phillip Scott:   
He says that he is a Heyoka.  This can be confusing during ceremonies if he decides to change things.
 He says that he was given a "bundle" to be a Yuwipi man. 
He tells people that his organization isn't a cult because followers worship the Creator, not him.  He talks at length about this and mentions Jim Jones. 
 He calls NAFPS a hate group.
 He says that if anyone says they're a shamen, they're not.
He says that he faces discrimination because he doesn't look like a Native; he looks white.

He's using "heyoka" as an excuse, other frauds use "crazy wisdom", "trickster", and the like. Part of the con game to say "don't look at my hands, look over there, this isn't my hand on your wallet, I can do no wrong cause I'm crazy wise heyoka coyote trickster super special!". Plus supposedly none of us can understand his brilliance fully because we aren't special like he is.

Many cult leaders talk on and on about how they aren't cult leaders. The leader of the group I was part of asked me directly if I thought I was in a cult, because I was a loyal member of the cult I shook my head and replied "No, not at all.".

If he truly was all about people having their own spiritual integrity, he wouldn't have followers. He wouldn't rip off other cultures.  He wouldn't be here on this forum as a Fraud.

Claiming that NAFPS is a hate group and that he himself is discriminated against - all part of the con artist play book. In order to keep a cult group together there has to be an Enemy. There has to be an Other pointed to as the source of all the problems. This keeps his group in a tense, stressed mode so they are more likely to stick close to him.

He's using words like "hate group" and "discrimination" as buzz words, to draw followers close, and to confuse the actual issues. He's certainly not the only one who does this. Neo-nazis claim that civil rights group are hate groups. White racists claim that they are discriminated against because they are white.

He keeps his followers stressed and presents himself and his "teachings" as the solution to the stress.

So the answer is for followers to get away from him, read up on psychological abuse / con games / cults, and enjoy their lives.

Thank you, Epiphany.  I didn't realize there were so many subtle things going on.  There really was a lot of control that I was unaware of, but now that I look back on it, with this information, I see it. 


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #93 on: April 03, 2013, 08:32:05 pm »
One must meet Phillip Scott for themselves, look at the scars over his body, stare at the lightning in his eyes, and observe his behavior and consequent Medicine.

I judge everyone by their body language, speech, actions, and the effect they have on their environment and those around them. By these criteria Phillip Scott has very potent Medicine.

He is doing a great service to the traditional ways with his excellent and protective practice. His work is strengthening many fruitful trees.

As a preface to this transmission, employing the impersonal medium of the internet for matters of this nature is not my preferred method of communication.

The first  3 quotes are from people who say they are followers of Scott in this thread, the last one from Scott himself.

Notice how the quotes from followers are from devotees, they are enchanted with Scott, they are under his charismatic sway. The language is also sort of weirdly sexualized, lots of virility metaphors. Scott has seduced them, he has convinced them that he is potent, virile, and can strengthen fruitful trees. And he transmits. In other words: he's the man.

So, since he is the man there are going to be those who have crushes on him, who want to be like him, who want him as their lover, father, husband, brother - all the man stuff. They are going to crave being seen by him, acknowledged.

This is charisma and seduction at work.

Something that can help people get further free of him is to start describing his actions (at least in their own mind) as "he's a jerk". "He's being a jerk.". "He's full of b.s.". Anything that comes to mind that is plain and simple fact. No intricate philosophy, nothing that uses Scott's language. Scott is using loaded language, which can be confusing and keep people in that trance, so simple common expressions can really aid in getting free of him.

Another thing that can help is to pay attention to his "poor me" act. Poor Phillip Scott, he is so persecuted, and all he wants to do is help humanity. He's so virile and magical, surely we all should follow him. Not.

My guess is that there is inner turmoil in this group, that Scott cultivates. Cults do well to have inner and outer circles, along with a chosen "enemy" to focus attention on.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2013, 01:33:53 pm »

 He calls NAFPS a hate group.

He says that he faces discrimination because he doesn't look like a Native; he looks white.

How would these two pieces of nonsense even work?

A multi racial multi faith group is somehow a "hate" group?

And he faces discrimination because he looks (and is) white?

If he looks white, obviously he won't face discrimination as an NDN. No being hassled by cops or white racists.

He's obviously never been called a redskin or prairie nigger, never had a redneck tried to pick a fight with him. Never had little kids put their hands over their mouths and make whooping sounds.

So how are w mean mean brown skinned people supposed to have discriminated? Did we deny him housing? Jobs? Arrest him? Hassle him on the street?

No we obviosuly have no power to do that. The "discrimination" apparently is simply pointing out he's a white imposter posing as a medicine man.
Yes, white. He's obviously far more white than any ALLEGED Native ancestry. There's no evidence at all of him being Cherokee, and culturally he's not either.

What he does instead is con people while doing poor imitations of Lakota ceremony he learned only from fellow white imposters and con artists, Mary Grimes and Michael Hull.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #95 on: April 04, 2013, 03:32:42 pm »
Its because we object to him playing Indian medicine man
In Spirit

Offline PhillipScott

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2013, 01:54:30 am »
Though a few of the critical commentators on the site convey the impression of and even directly represent themselves as being educated, it is ironic that all of the myopic theories posited, the false narratives and erroneous conclusions drawn are not particularly intelligent and indicate a lack of the most fundamental of Indigenous attributes - namely, common sense.

As previously articulated, there never has been, nor will there even be, a charge for ceremony. I serve all beings equally, without prejudice. Consequently, this involves interacting and being of service to individuals, groups and organizations oft times wholly unfamiliar with Native practices and Sacred protocols. The Love Spring community is a case in point. The organizer contacted me to sponsor a Purification Lodge. After providing her with the specifics, she, without my knowledge or review, drafted a document announcing the ceremony with misinformation regarding a charge, sent a broadcast e-mail to their members and posted it on their website. Once it was brought to my attention, I immediately notified the organizer who rectified the situation by sending another e-mail with the amended information, yet was remiss in not removing the error from their website. No harm, no foul.

Even full blood Native relatives and colleagues from various Nations and locations who attend the Lodges and ceremonies I conduct can attest to the veracity there is no charge for participation.

Those of you who attempt to find inconsistencies and dishonour in regard to my words and conduct will not be successful. Placing words in my mouth remain your words, not mine.

In yet another striking example of ignorance being passed off as inside knowledge, be advised the assertion that "my" Purification Lodge was taken down at the Lampasas, TX Sundance as a result of personal issues and politics with the people is patently false. To begin with, it was never "my" Lodge in the first place (in fact, no one ever owns a Lodge). In truth, the Lodge existed well before I commenced attending this Dance and was dismantled in recognition of the passing of one of the principal beloved elders who had been present since its inception.

Regarding the allegations of verbal and physical abuse, community members will corroborate these accusations are utter nonsense. There are instances when I am sought out for healing by people with extremely deep wounds and serious disturbances. Some of them take medication or self medicate The individual leveling such claims is emotionally unstable and psychologically imbalanced. Unaware of her own issues and incapable of taking responsibility for her actions (the quintessence of perpetuating victimization), it was she who was actually abusive to several members of the community and myself – a classic illustration of projection on her part.

In an obvious attempt to continue to engage and goad me, I will not squander precious time and energy addressing each point of contention and every aspersion the detractors on your website are compelled to cast upon my character and reputation. My attention is more wisely directed in service to the people.

The precepts, principles and protocols of the Canunpa Wakan guide adherents to refrain from interacting and associating with those whose intention and agenda is the fabrication and promotion of gossip and lies. Seeing as I am faithful to the directives of and from this Holy and Sacred Instrument, this serves as my final correspondence.

For those who intend to continue the rhetoric and condemnation, that is your choice and folly. Remember the adage that when one points a finger, there are three fingers directed back. This being my 21st consecutive year of Sundancing, as my relatives, I pray for your liberation from fear, judgment, ignorance and delusion. All of you have my forgiveness. Hece Tu Elo. Mitakuye Oyasin.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2013, 02:47:46 am »
Convienient you will not be responding again.

In an obvious attempt to continue to engage and goad me, I will not squander precious time and energy addressing each point of contention and every aspersion the detractors on your website are compelled to cast upon my character and reputation. My attention is more wisely directed in service to the people.

The one question you have continually failed to answer...The one you have avoided over and over is this:

How do you justify being Non-Native and claiming to be a practioner of Native American Ceremony?  You are not Lakota.

But please continue in your quackery, racism, and appropriation of cultures that aren't yours.  NAFPS isn't going anywhere.  I will continue to speak out against these practices, and share what I have seen.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2013, 01:26:10 pm »
Though a few of the critical commentators on the site convey the impression of and even directly represent themselves as being educated, it is ironic that all of the myopic theories posited, the false narratives and erroneous conclusions drawn are not particularly intelligent and indicate a lack of the most fundamental of Indigenous attributes - namely, common sense.

As previously articulated, there never has been, nor will there even be, a charge for ceremony. I serve all beings equally, without prejudice. Consequently, this involves interacting and being of service to individuals, groups and organizations oft times wholly unfamiliar with Native practices and Sacred protocols. The Love Spring community is a case in point. The organizer contacted me to sponsor a Purification Lodge. After providing her with the specifics, she, without my knowledge or review, drafted a document announcing the ceremony with misinformation regarding a charge, sent a broadcast e-mail to their members and posted it on their website. Once it was brought to my attention, I immediately notified the organizer who rectified the situation by sending another e-mail with the amended information, yet was remiss in not removing the error from their website. No harm, no foul.

Even full blood Native relatives and colleagues from various Nations and locations who attend the Lodges and ceremonies I conduct can attest to the veracity there is no charge for participation.

Those of you who attempt to find inconsistencies and dishonour in regard to my words and conduct will not be successful. Placing words in my mouth remain your words, not mine.

In yet another striking example of ignorance being passed off as inside knowledge, be advised the assertion that "my" Purification Lodge was taken down at the Lampasas, TX Sundance as a result of personal issues and politics with the people is patently false. To begin with, it was never "my" Lodge in the first place (in fact, no one ever owns a Lodge). In truth, the Lodge existed well before I commenced attending this Dance and was dismantled in recognition of the passing of one of the principal beloved elders who had been present since its inception.

Regarding the allegations of verbal and physical abuse, community members will corroborate these accusations are utter nonsense. There are instances when I am sought out for healing by people with extremely deep wounds and serious disturbances. Some of them take medication or self medicate The individual leveling such claims is emotionally unstable and psychologically imbalanced. Unaware of her own issues and incapable of taking responsibility for her actions (the quintessence of perpetuating victimization), it was she who was actually abusive to several members of the community and myself – a classic illustration of projection on her part.

In an obvious attempt to continue to engage and goad me, I will not squander precious time and energy addressing each point of contention and every aspersion the detractors on your website are compelled to cast upon my character and reputation. My attention is more wisely directed in service to the people.

The precepts, principles and protocols of the Canunpa Wakan guide adherents to refrain from interacting and associating with those whose intention and agenda is the fabrication and promotion of gossip and lies. Seeing as I am faithful to the directives of and from this Holy and Sacred Instrument, this serves as my final correspondence.

For those who intend to continue the rhetoric and condemnation, that is your choice and folly. Remember the adage that when one points a finger, there are three fingers directed back. This being my 21st consecutive year of Sundancing, as my relatives, I pray for your liberation from fear, judgment, ignorance and delusion. All of you have my forgiveness. Hece Tu Elo. Mitakuye Oyasin.

While your attempt at an insult of people's intelligence was cute....let's just say it's duly noted.  My impression of you is the same impression I have of anthro professors from 80's and 90's.  Your diatribe confirms that. 

You conveniently left out the "contract" (that you also conveniently verified the authenticity of) that your followers have to sign to use your services.  There were tickets sold for a sweat lodge you conducted....that's the problem with what you do.  You can claim innocence...but when you administer to strangers, and their first impression of "Native practices" is you....then it's all wrong and goes awry.  You know that.  There's a lot of minimizing and justifying in your post....not a lot of real honesty.

There is a lot of precociousness and preciousness in the way you refer to what you do.  I pray for you....most of all, I pray for those that you fool with your system, which is not unlike techniques used in any cult following.  You still advertise sweats and ceremonies and at the end of every advertisement you lay the impression that a donation is expected.  You need to own that as well...donations are not "customary" in any "Sacred protocol" (which is precocious even of itself that you would attempt to speak that way and carry yourself in this manner that you somehow speak for all Natives).  You have a lot to learn.

The only narrative is yours. 


« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 01:40:10 pm by Superdog »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #99 on: May 21, 2013, 11:51:19 pm »
as a Lakota-Dakota woman i can say to you that i know you are misleading the people and doing
things that are not right
In Spirit

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #100 on: May 22, 2013, 03:12:37 am »
agree with epiphany...............every shyster claiming to be lakota claims to be a heyoka......that way if they are questioned they have a little more wiggle worm

i do know all siouxan people are very upset about the amount of people going around claiming to be heyokas


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #101 on: May 24, 2013, 01:13:47 am »
Thank you for forgiving us, Mr. Scott.  I am sure that makes YOU feel a lot better.

Unfortunately, your arrogance remains--and that has to be a heavy weight.

Offline Otter3

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2013, 07:24:04 pm »

Regarding the allegations of verbal and physical abuse, community members will corroborate these accusations are utter nonsense. There are instances when I am sought out for healing by people with extremely deep wounds and serious disturbances. Some of them take medication or self medicate The individual leveling such claims is emotionally unstable and psychologically imbalanced. Unaware of her own issues and incapable of taking responsibility for her actions (the quintessence of perpetuating victimization), it was she who was actually abusive to several members of the community and myself – a classic illustration of projection on her part.

This is an excellent example of what happens inside a cult.  When a person first joins a cult, they are welcomed. Everyone smiles, says "I love you." Hugs.  However, after paying the cult leader to be a student, the leader, Scott, develops a plan to keep the student (cash cow) indefinitely.  In order to do this, the cult leader has to instill in the student the idea that he or she is in such bad shape emotionally that only he can "save" them.  One way is to  tell a student that he/she is abusive to the leader and other members. First during the private sessions that students are required to attend.  Then, scolding the student in front of others for optimal humiliation.  Scolding for something the student didn't do or say, then saying,"Really?  You don't remember?  Your memory is really bad.  You said some terrible things.  You don't respect me or the group."  Or, "Didn't you get my emails?  What's wrong with you?"  When there were never emails.  Scott and his partner both do this, a combined attack.  Scott's vicious lies in the quote above show how he handles people who left the cult. His arrogant "damage control." Beware!


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #103 on: May 26, 2013, 01:02:31 am »

Regarding the allegations of verbal and physical abuse, community members will corroborate these accusations are utter nonsense. There are instances when I am sought out for healing by people with extremely deep wounds and serious disturbances. Some of them take medication or self medicate The individual leveling such claims is emotionally unstable and psychologically imbalanced. Unaware of her own issues and incapable of taking responsibility for her actions (the quintessence of perpetuating victimization), it was she who was actually abusive to several members of the community and myself – a classic illustration of projection on her part.

This is an excellent example of what happens inside a cult.  When a person first joins a cult, they are welcomed. Everyone smiles, says "I love you." Hugs.  However, after paying the cult leader to be a student, the leader, Scott, develops a plan to keep the student (cash cow) indefinitely.  In order to do this, the cult leader has to instill in the student the idea that he or she is in such bad shape emotionally that only he can "save" them.  One way is to  tell a student that he/she is abusive to the leader and other members. First during the private sessions that students are required to attend.  Then, scolding the student in front of others for optimal humiliation.  Scolding for something the student didn't do or say, then saying,"Really?  You don't remember?  Your memory is really bad.  You said some terrible things.  You don't respect me or the group."  Or, "Didn't you get my emails?  What's wrong with you?"  When there were never emails.  Scott and his partner both do this, a combined attack.  Scott's vicious lies in the quote above show how he handles people who left the cult. His arrogant "damage control." Beware!

Exactly what I went through in a cult group.

Initially there is love bombing. Attention, affection, recruitment. Victims are told they are recognized spiritually as part of the family, this is their destiny, this is their reward, they've finally found what they've been searching for.

Next step is to ensnare them. Build an us vs them mentality. Leader = good, outside others = bad. Make it really important that the leader be kept happy and also make it impossible to ever really know how to consistently keep the leader happy.

As the cult leader sometimes treat your people well, then with no warning treat them badly.

Abuse, the abuse cycle involves a honeymoon period, a build up of tension, then an explosion then round and round the cycle goes again.

A cult leader wants their followers confused, crazy, and totally under their power. This includes,as Otter details, the technique of gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions. Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse. It makes victims question the very instincts that they have counted on their whole lives, making them unsure of anything. Gaslighting makes it very likely that victims will believe whatever their abusers tell them regardless as to their own experience of the situation. Gaslighting often precedes other types of emotional and physical abuse because the victim of gaslighting is more likely to remain in other abusive situations as wel

Victims of Phillip Scott - you can get help. In fact you can even call The National Domestic Violence Hotline. This is for men and women 1 800 799 SAFE (7233) or TTY 1 800 787 3224.

And come to think of it - why the hell is Scott doing this:

There are instances when I am sought out for healing by people with extremely deep wounds and serious disturbances. Some of them take medication or self medicate

There is absolutely no way that Scott should ever ever ever be working with people who have serious challenges. He should be immediately telling them that he does not have the proper training and that they need to find professional help elsewhere.

So he wants us to believe that seriously disturbed people come to him and are somehow oh so innocently taken lovingly into his group until he discovers (oh poor Phillip!) that they are actually really messed up.

If that were true, he needs to get a clue and stop it. All of it. Stop presenting himself as a healer.

Phillip Scott and his partner are dangerous, unethical people.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 01:25:15 am by Epiphany »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2013, 08:11:16 pm »
Mr. Scott, it is quite telling that you refuse to answer many questions about yourself, and that you refuse to discuss, prefering instead to make hit and run attacks with ad hominem smears upon those who question you. That only shows your lack of character and distinctly UNspiritual nature.

It's also telling that virtually none of your followers are willing to discuss either, and seem to only make hit and run testimonials that look coached.

You claim you won't come back, but I doubt it for three reasons:

Your ego won't let you stay away. You love seeing your name and being discussed and being the center of attention. That's why you came back after this thread had not been discussed in months.

You're so used to having control and having people never doubt you that it kills you so many people now see what you truly are. Without the phony spirchul leader pose, you're a clueless white guy, lost and not knowing what to do.

And the discussion of you in here has likely had quite an effect. I'd bet people are now asking questions more and more about your abusive behavior, and that's why you felt you had to respond. Your profit margin is likely feeling the effects of this research thread too.

So go ahead, prove me wrong. I'll bet your ego and bottom line won't let you let this go.