Author Topic: Great Turtle Island Federation, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose  (Read 47599 times)

Offline Superdog

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I don't think this will stay in the "Research Needed" forum long.

A separatist website.  A few individuals banding together...declaring themselves "traditional chiefs" and claiming to be in charge of everybody.

Robert's the son of Princess Palemoon.  Apparently he's issuing driver's licenses and plates, members can apply for CID (Citizenship Identification Number) to replace their social security number.  In fact, you have to give up your ss# altogether to receive "full citizenship benefits".

Pay attention to the legal notice page.  Apparently he's claiming to copyright everything under the sun and threatens $550,000 in legal action just for typing or writing his name without permission.

And here is another thread from a tuscarora site discussing them and one of their members attempting to chime in.

Have fun everyone.  This one's a doozy.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2021, 07:13:49 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 11:50:30 pm »
Oh yes, "Princess Pale Moon" AKA Rita Mae Suntz, a right winger with her hands on several dubious charities.

Some of their news is interesting.

" 7-31-08  Official Notice, Russell Means Of Republic Of Lakotah Has Expressed An Interest In  UNOTI "

Not the best advertising of the group's legitimacy.

"4-24-08 Official Legal Announcement, Chippewa Nation Of Indians Repatriated

 Chief Ron Delorme & Keith Delorme Full Fledge Citizens Of The Little Shell Pembina Bands Of Chippewa Nation Of Turtle Island Who Have Defected From The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In Order To Repatriate, And Be Able To Assert Their Treaties.... Chief Ron Delorme & Keith Delorme Have Decided To Repatriate This Name In Order To Full Fill The Full Repatriation Of Chippewa Country. 
 Chief Ron Delorme & Keith Delorme Now Together Hold The International Copyright On The Names Chippewa Nation Of Indians,- Chippewa Nation Of Turtle Island,- Pembina Bands Of Chippewa Indians,- Chippewa Country,-  Little Shell Pembina Band"

The Pembinas are a militia group, and now it seems their tactic is to copyright names of actual tribes to spread confusion, or perhaps demand money.

And this announcement, of frauds ripping off frauds.

"3-13-08  Official Legal Notice WARNING Please Be Advised

UNOTI ICJ Justice Napwe Has Ordered Special Rapporteur Chief Robert Swift Arrow Rose Gahliduh Ayahnooli To Investigate And Report All Of The Illegal Activities Of JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY And PATRICK HOLLEY  A.K.A. THEDAWAKA Involving Banking Fraud Counterfeit PassPorts & Counterfeit Driver's License. If Anyone Has Any Information About These Individuals Activities
Please Contact:  Office Of The Special Rapporteurs 202-957-5731

JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY Is Not Authorized To Represent United Nations Of Turtle Island In Any Way.
PATRICK HOLLEY THEDAWAKA Was Issued A Valid International Driver's License Through United Nations Of Turtle Island DMV And A Valid PassPort Through United Nations Of Turtle Island International PassPort DataBase Agency, Although PATRICK HOLLEY THEDAWAKA Was Never Given The Authority To Issue UNOTI Driver's License Nor Was He Ever Given The Authority To Issue UNOTI PassPorts. PATRICK HOLLEY Has Already In The Past Admitted To His Wrong Doing And Over The Telephone Stated That He Would Never Do It Again,- He Lied.
JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY Through A Recorded Conversation Over The Telephone  Admitted To Trying To Set Up Four Banks On Behalf Of UNOTI. An Ongoing Investigation Is Now Ordered By Justice Napwe Of United Nations Of Turtle Island International Court Of Justice. Anyone In The Possession Of A UNOTI International Driver's License Or UNOTI  PassPort Should Immediately Contact United Nations Of Turtle Island To Verify If The Document They Are Holding/Asserting Is Valid/Legal Before Navigation/Driving Or Embarking On A Journey To Go Anywhere."

Also this item I highly doubt:

"1-24-08  Today Special Rapporteur Gahliduh Ayahnooli Had An Official Meeting With The  Embassador Of Bolivia Who Acknowledged Cherokee Country Internationally, And Who Also Approved The Issuing Of Our International Driver's License For Indigenous People Who Are From Bolivia But Living Or Traveling In The Northern Part Of The Continent Of Turtle Island."

This is a weird claim.

"2-7-07 As a special announcement, we are happy to receive Jose Acevedo as Representative of the  Aztec Government, Of Aztec Country."

Somebody forgot to tell the millions of Nahua people they supposedly have a govt.

And remember this guy, the would be royalty?

"9-20-06 Kaneekaneet is free, hopefully now with a reaffirmed proper relationship, as two vessels living side-by-side, and as friends, and allies. Now the justices of ICJ will make a ruling on this case.

9-18-06 Two Embassadors incarcerated by subjects of the crown of Great Britain in the Canadian part of Turtle Island. Tuscarora Citizen Thedawahka now free, but
Kaneekaneet is still a political prisoner. REGINA POLICE attack the Family of Soto
Nation-Anishinabe People, get the full story soon."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 06:30:23 pm »
Got an email from Rose. He sent a scan of an article by a military paper that mentions him, claiming it to be proof the Pentagon accepts him as an official representative for the Cherokee nation. Then he demands removal of any criticism, followed by threats of legal action.

I'm guessing that means we'd be "tried" by their "court". ::)

First is his email followed by my response.


From: Gahliduh Ayahnooli Tsiskwah <>
Subject: Complaint about the Post started by [SUPERDOG] on August 12, 2008, 05:37:19 pm

Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 8:38 AM

Sheeoh-Siyo-Osiyo- "Greetings" To All Our Relations             December 15, 2010
From: Traditionally Appointed- Ugvwiyuhi "Chief"
          Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose Gahliduh Ayahnooli
          Representative of The Cherokee Government
          of Cherokee Nation of Indians of Cherokee Country
          Treaties of 1730 & 1791
          United Nations of Turtle Island- Federation of Turtle Island

          On November 1st, 2006 the [U.S. PENTAGON] on the [U.S. PENTAGON NEWS CHANNEL] released the information acknowledging me as a "Representative of the Cherokee Government". Please see attachment. And United Nations of Turtle Island -Federation of Turtle Island has now won 9 Court Cases proving our collective sovereign powers of authority to issue navigation documents. Being appointed as an Ugvwiyuhi- "Chief" by the ani/family clans of my Nation-being "Cherokee Nation of Indians" the original treaty signatory name that we repatriated, I must respectfully request that by not being a newager, nor a fraud, nor a plastic shaman, that you remove any and all content from your website involving United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose, and everything else that [SUPERDOG] directly copied from our website without our written permission, and then posted on your website. I agree with most of what your website is trying to do to inform people about the issues involving frauds, although I am disappointed that you didn't show respect for our Nations and elders who operate United Nations of Turtle Island by allowing [SUPERDOG] to post what he did. So we are respectfully requesting that you now remove all content posted about us, our people, and our Nations who have united together on this Great Turtle Island as a Federation- United Nations of Turtle Island.
If the post by [SUPERDOG] is not removed immediately then we will see the post as a case of defamation of character.
Sgi-Skee-Wado- "Thank You"
All Our Relations- Nvwatohiyadv- "Peace"


You are not recognized by the federal govt. The Pentagon does not recognize you and has no power to recognize tribes nor representatives of tribes anyway.
A military reporter briefly mentioned you in an article about diversity and carelessly accepted your self identification, without bothering to check the truthfulness of your claim. That's it.
Nowhere in any of the posts does anyone claim you or your organization to be New Age nor plastic shamans. However, you do have many dubious claims about who you represent.
If you would like to make a statement for us to post, we'd gladly do so. We always welcome as much information as possible. Evidence of recogniton by the three Cherokee tribes, for example, or support from traditional elders.
Could you tell us about the nine cases you say you have won?
Al Carroll, moderator

Offline Superdog

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 07:24:33 pm »
Apparently he can't read either as I didn't copy anything from his pages.  Merely provided links to them for others peruse along with my comments.  So I'd ask Rose to take back his threats, especially against me as:

1)  You're talking to Indians here, Pentagon News acknowledgement is a far cry from recognition we all know, doesn't count for diddly.  They are the Dept of Defense...not the BIA.  You are not recognized by Cherokees as their representative and that's where I put weight to legitimacy.  Apparently Rose, you put all your weight in what the government tells you...good luck with that.

2) There is nothing copied and pasted from your website in my post.  Nothing.  What you have are links.  The typing in the post is my own comments, which, as original thoughts, are my own and I'm entitled to my opinion.  If the information on your own website is defamation against better commence suing yourself.  The best part about that're gonna win for sure.

3) The e-mail you've sent is some of the most damning proof against you.  I can easily refrain comment on it to satisfy you...anyone reading it will form their own opinions.  Should we take a poll?  What do you say everyone....legitimate or not?   ::) Once again...are you gonna sue yourself for defamation against yourself?

Some leader.... :-\


Offline Superdog

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 07:58:27 pm »
And just for a complete picture of what people are saying about UNOTI here's a few other boards with other discussions.  I may just be doing you a favor Rose as, along with the tuscarora forum linked above, these forums do have copied and pasted information from your site and have for more than a year....yet the information still stands and proves there's nothing you can do about it.

And somebody seems to using your copyrighted everything to make a profit.

I'm assuming you have something to do with that Rose..and if that's true...these images are out in the public domain.  Not to mention...just selling the items with imagery attached has the website violating your copyright laws....interesting conundrum.

One of the offshoots selling medallions...once again for profit.  Part of the "sovran" movement and associated with UNOTI.

There's also a link from Chaska Denny and the Dahcotah Nation....more of the same.

I see a theme here.  Charge people for governmental services...sell everything under the sun with the name of the group on it....outrageous claims with no real proof to back it up.  How's business these days?....'cause that's all I and making money.

Read through the "cases" you claim you've won as well.  None of them provide much proof of anything.  We're talking a letter that shows one of your UNOTI licenses was reason why it was taken in the first place....most of the rest of the evidence falls along that line.  If that's the best you're hurtin...

By the format of the e-mail sent by seems to be a form letter where he simply has copied and pasted my handle on here into the appropriate spaces.  Next time at least take the time to pen an original thought.

Back to the real world,
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 08:32:17 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2010, 09:04:09 pm »
Even more fun.....apparently he's declaring my handle a "cyber terrorist" and actually falsely accuses me.  Just for conciseness...I've never declared Rose a "newage fraud" so that's clearly a lie.  I've also not posted erroneous was stated, I linked to HIS OWN WEBSITE.  If somehow that is erroneous....err...I don't know....I gave an opinion that the thread would not remain in "research needed" for too long.  I don't have the power to declare anything. 


"User name: Superdog has posted erroneous information on a website
which in my opinion is a case of defamation of character, and as you can see it has been read by 2215 people. I will seek justice. Superdog says that I, an...d others are newage frauds, I think who ever is hiding behind "Superdog"is the real fraud. We will now perceive "SUPERDOG" as a Cyber -Terrorist and inform the entities who support their website of the crimes that we believe that they are co conpirators of.

Here is the post by SUPERDOG
Topic: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island,
Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose (Read 2215 times)
Posted by : Superdog

Posts: 248

UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« on: August 12, 2008, 05:37:19 pm »
go to their website to see more"


He's also made a threat to use contacts at the Pentagon against the forum for acts of "intellectual murder, defamation of character, and cyber-terrorism on Cherokee Nationals"

Overreact much?  Rose...I'm probably the first one to say, come to the forum and make your case.  Everyone here at the board is willing to discuss things with you...however, real facts would be required.  I haven't proven anything, the information is out there for everyone to see and I didn't create it.  I simply started the thread to bring about a discussion on it.  Everything posted in this thread is available through a google search and the most damning words against you are written by others on other websites as well as yourself.  Why you've chosen my handle as a target is beyond me.  I have an opinion and I'm entitled to it, but if you've ever checked out the site you might notice that I would engage with anyone in a respectful manner.  I'm not mad at you for coming after my handle, but you may want to reconsider the harshness of your rhetoric as it may come back on you, not by me, but by all of our individual sense of balance....when there's two sides to a story, the truth often lies somewhere in the middle so I'd invite you to make your case, prove without a shadow of a doubt what you say.  As of this moment, with the methodology of rhetoric and intimidation I'm not convinced and I'd take a guess that anyone reading this thread and all the other information out there about your group might agree with me.....can't put words in their mouths...just a guess.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2010, 09:38:53 pm »
His latest hysterical and incredibly delusional further comment needed. Can't waste time on a battle of wits with someone whose unarmed...


Sheeoh-Siyo-Osiyo- "Greetings" To All Our Relations             December 15, 2010
From: Traditionally Appointed- Ugvwiyuhi "Chief"
          Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose Gahliduh Ayahnooli
          Representative of The Cherokee Government
          of Cherokee Nation of Indians of Cherokee Country
          Treaties of 1730 & 1791
          United Nations of Turtle Island- Federation of Turtle Island

    I am acknowledge by the [U S FEDERAL GOVERNMENT] and the Nation I represent is the only Cherokee Treaty Nation that exists today. The other Cherokee groups are using new names, but they are not using the historically known Treaty name that was used in over 11 Treaties that we have found so far. The other Cherokee groups are"Recognized" by the [U S FEDERAL GOVERNMENT], but only in [BIA] [DOI], but not in the exterior asserting any Treaties. If you check the Treaty database you will not find any Treaties with their names on the heading. If the other Cherokee groups wish to get involved with our repatriation process then they may do so, and we would welcome their participation, although we do not need recognition from them, because we are the only ones using the correct treaty name, and therefore we do not need to go backwards, but rather forwards. Our  Cherokee Government is Sovereign and none of our Government Representatives are [U S CITIZENS] like the other groups are. Sovereignty is - "Supreme Political Independence". I will now be bring up a complaint against you and your fraud site for defamation of character and treaty violation. Remember I am not a [US CITIZEN] like all the other elected Cherokee Chiefs. You can not use intimidation on me to coerce me to give you any other information regarding these matters. Obviously you are very angry at me, but it is rather I who am very displease with the activity on your website and will seek justice, and if needed shut your website down for acts of cyber-terrorism. This is your last warning to cease-and-desist from posting any erroneous information regarding the topic that we are now discussing, and remove all information involving posts related to this subject. You may post an apology if you wish but that is all. You have 7 (seven) days to remove the posts or we will continue to seek legal action against you. Think about your next action very seriously. You, through your website have just crossed the line over the "Two Row" Supreme Law of the Great Turtle Island, and by law I have the right to stop you from proceeding to commit intellectual murder on me and any of the people I represent. Changes your ways and go in peace. Nvwatohiyahdv

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2010, 10:26:58 pm »
Wonder what Judge Steve Russell over on Indianz might say about this.  I do believe he is CNO?  "LittleOldMan" ::) ::)
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline Laurel

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2010, 11:51:08 pm »

I am acknowledge by the [U S FEDERAL GOVERNMENT] and the Nation I represent is the only Cherokee Treaty Nation that exists today. [...]I will now be bring up a complaint against you and your fraud site for defamation of character and treaty violation. Remember I am not a [US CITIZEN] like all the other elected Cherokee Chiefs. You can not use intimidation on me to coerce me to give you any other information regarding these matters. Obviously you are very angry at me, but it is rather I who am very displease with the activity on your website and will seek justice, and if needed shut your website down for acts of cyber-terrorism. This is your last warning to cease-and-desist from posting any erroneous information regarding the topic that we are now discussing, and remove all information involving posts related to this subject. You may post an apology if you wish but that is all. You have 7 (seven) days to remove the posts or we will continue to seek legal action against you. Think about your next action very seriously. You, through your website have just crossed the line over the "Two Row" Supreme Law of the Great Turtle Island, and by law I have the right to stop you from proceeding to commit intellectual murder on me and any of the people I represent. Changes your ways and go in peace. Nvwatohiyahdv

 ::) ::) ::)

Offline Cetan

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 05:22:45 pm »
Wonder what Judge Steve Russell over on Indianz might say about this.  I do believe he is CNO?  "LittleOldMan" ::) ::)

Even better I'd like to see John Cornsilk's reaction!

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2010, 10:09:02 am »
John Cornsilk OH YEAH  ;D ;D ;D  "LOM"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2010, 03:45:29 am »
All I got to say is........

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2010, 03:57:21 am »
Heehee ;D

Offline earthw7

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2010, 07:06:25 pm »
wow is all I got to say
In Spirit

Offline Superdog

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Re: UNOTI, United Nations of Turtle Island, Robert Swift Arrow Daniel Rose
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2013, 03:01:08 pm »
Time to bump this topic....

As we all know from the Leah Sampson thread UNOTI has now officially changed their name to The Great Turtle Island Federation.

There seems to be some discontent on the GTIF fb page.  A former member Dolores has posted about feeling attacked for speaking out about GTIF and added her account of its creation to the wall.  Hasn't been deleted yet.  I edited a name of someone who has no dog in this fight.
Dolores Taylor posted to Great Turtle Island Federation
20 hours ago


I don’t know you personally, but I feel that my relationship with brother was such that I
should be able to talk openly with you straight out…hope that me just talking straight is not offensive to you, but that only way I know. Guess there some things I need say first. I met brother thru Paula..she introduced us…and as you can see in the photos brother helped rebuild the lodge here at my house in 2007. Dega XXXX XXXXXXXX had come to visit…there was 4 eagles came to the place where the lodge is now located…I never asked or wanted anything…just way Tunkashila brought the lodge here. After those eagles came is when Dega talked about putting a lodge there, which we did. Dega still comes every 4 yrs with his son to rebuild and bless the grounds and lodge. In between we do it ourselves with help from relatives like Brother.
First and foremost..I am a Sundancer...I walk this walk in a good way best I can…just a humble woman who WANT THE PEOPLE TO LIVE..that is my reason..FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. I don’t have nothing to lose or gain by lying to you.

So, let me tell you from the beginning how I was involved in this to make the connection for the Clan mothers at Brother Chaske request with ROBERT IN AGREEMENT ALL THE WAY. Robert was EAGER for the Clan Mothers to be on board and give their support and blessing (although I didn’t know about the money at that point ROBERT DID and he needed Clan Mothers to be able to access that money which I found out later).
Not long after the Eagles came and we put up lodge here was when Brother spoke to me about a guy name Robert. Brother told me about this new organization that would be good for the people and allow them to return to the original sovereign status that we had inherent right to do and remove our people from Govt and BIA control. I thought it was a good thing and would really help our future generations and be good for the people. After I had clear idea of it all brother Chaske gave me Robert phone number and WE ALL THREE were in communication and AGREEMENT for me to bring this to the EBCI STOMP DANCE CLAN MOTHERS. I still have the documents on hard drive that Brother and Robert emailed me to take to the Clan mothers…I be happy send them to you if you feel like you need the verification. There was NO WAY FOR ME TO HAVE THEM IF SOMEONE DIDN’T SEND THEM TO ME. THE REASON Brother and Robert wanted me to open the door is bcuz I participate in my traditional stomp dances here and know the traditional people here and we had to approach this in a way where the clan mothers would be willing to listen to what is was we were trying to accomplish FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. (Remember, I didn’t know about the money at this point!)

So, that where it started and it was during all this Robert was supposed to use his so-called gift of discernment with me at the fire…which never happened bcuz he backed out…something always came up and it never got done. Look, I was lead to believe this was FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE AND FUTURE GENERATIONS that why I even got involved in first place. I worked with Chaske and Robert to get understanding so I could bring the idea in a good way to the Clan Mothers. I even talked to Paula many times about the progress and what I was trying to do. I stuck my neck out to bring this to our Clan Mothers at huge risk to my respect and place among my people, but I went ahead bcuz I believed it was for the good of the people. As I told you, I spoke to 2 Clan Mothers, and when time came for him talk to Bernice he panicked and did not want to talk to her. All sudden Robert didn’t want talk to me or any legitimate clan mother from Eastern Band of Cherokee. WHY WAS HE SO AFRAID TO BRING IT TO THEM AND LAY IT ON THE TABLE?! To this day that has not happened. So now Robert has even gone so far as to say he has his own Clan Mothers and going to take a seat on the UN as Cherokee Nation. Being a Clan Mother is serious business and Robert obviously doesn’t truly UNDERSTAND or RESPECT that. Is this how he shows respect for the Clan Mothers by snubbing them?
You tell me Leland, HOW CAN ONE SAY THEY REPRESENT THE PEOPLE WHEN THE PEOPLE THEY CLAIM TO REPRESENT ARE NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE, BE INVOLVED, AND NOT EVEN INFORMED OF WHAT IS GOING ON!? Something is really wrong with that picture no matter how you twist and turn it. If a person truly respected their people and protocol it would have been done in honorable way long time ago. Never mind our people did have a govt before the white man ever came here and that system was in place. There are Cherokee who have that knowledge of Cherokee traditional protocol and they didn’t get it from research or a book. My experience has been if Robert doesn’t like what you say or you don’t bow down and agree he has power as Chief over all things Cherokee, then you are attacked and cut that the way we as native people do things?! Give me a break here! Surely you know better than that! Hell, people tell the chief here what they think all time and he don’t try to stop them from participate tribal affairs. When he was on the phone with me and Paula he sounded like a tyrant throwing a hissy fit.

Far as the thing with Carlos…(when Carlos and Gina came to me for help, I called my relatives in Cali for Carlos to go into treatment get help for his alcohol problem. When he got out rehab he went and got beat up and robbed on the beach before he even left California. It was very sad, he came home all beat up. After he came back from rehab he fell off the wagon…Carlos was struggling to stay on the Red Road. Brother Chaske made a comment about Carlos pouring water at this lodge for the people. I strongly disagreed so I said that Carlos was not going pour water here at my place and Brother didn’t have right to suggest it bcuz Dega put the lodge here when them eagles came so it was Dega had the authority over this lodge. I also told brother I felt he was wrong bcuz when a person is using they are sick…and that sickness if pouring water could affect those relatives in the lodge in bad way... I was not and never have been against wellness and sobriety; I WAS AGAINST CARLOS POURING WATER WHILE HE WAS STILL DRINKING OFF AND ON. I even called Arvol to check myself make sure I wasn’t wrong in my thinking. Carlos has been mad at me since that day. I knew Carlos Grandma Nora…poured water at her lodge for years…met his mother Linda in prison in Cali where I got on the Red Road. I wish Carlos all the best and whatever gossip is said about me by Carlos or whoever don’t bother me…malicious gossip is sad for the person doing it.

And for the record I am not enrolled member of EBCI and I never hide that from anyone (But neither is Robert and MOST ALL the people he is recruiting so what is the point of him say that?) FROM HERE TO SUNDANCE I DO NOT HIDE THAT FACT IM NOT ENROLLED EBCI AND IM NOT ASHAME OF THAT). My people and relatives who walk traditional path can see my Indian blood with their own eyes. If someone else has issue with it too bad for them…their problem not mine. I been Indian all my life...that aint gonna change bcuz of someone else opinion or judgments of me.

I don’t care what happened between Robert and the other guys (Gary Lee, Regan etc,) I wasn’t there and don’t truly know the facts. They are each accusing the other…. I don’t have no dog in that fight. Like Arvol said…ever since Brother passed away it has become all about the money...I agree. It seems the honorable intent of how this started and respectful way of how things were done is gone. I know you will probably send this to Robert. I know you have obligation to him, but I don’t and I have nothing to hide so I will send a copy to Robert as well. I will be give copy of this also to our Clan Mothers here and Paula. The Clan Mothers will make the decision how to proceed to make sure that our people are not excluded from anything that is for the good of the people….ALL THE CHEROKEE PEOPLE, NOT JUST WHO ROBERT WANTS.
Like I said I got nothing to lose or gain by lying. What I don’t understand how you can do what you are doing…just listen to what he says without question and turn on even someone like me calling me a liar and you don’t know me well enough to judge me that way. I AM TAKING A STAND HERE TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT.
---------------------------------------end of quoted material----------------------------------------

She posted another small post about being attacked by Robert Rose for speaking out about him.  GTIF posted a warning about "erroneous comments" and "defamation" threatening banning.  I've also noticed the questions posted by Leah Sampson have disappeared, though it's hard to say if she deleted them or GTIF did, but there definitely has been some cleaning up on their wall.
