Author Topic: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk  (Read 62109 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« on: October 27, 2004, 02:00:59 pm »
LInda pointed this out on the yahoo group. Seems "Waterhawk" is making his way down to my neck of the woods this Friday, so we have to act fast.

And Where There Are Drummers, There Are Dancers.

We have invited Don Two Eagles WaterHawk and Daniella Bluestar WaterHawk to join us again this year as guest speakers and to facilitate a very special dance workshop and a discussion about blending traditions and finding your path..

Dance Of Life
2:00 Friday, Magickal Meadow

This is a variation of an ancient spiritual dance purportedly done by the Tsalagi people, The Tsalagi Dance of Life. Its movements are much like Tai Chi from the Eastern people. We use the Owl and the Eagle as our balancers in Life, and work the energies of the Four Directions as they revolve around our connection with the All. You will learn how to use this tool for the progression of one’s understanding of Spirit, the People, and yourselves. This particular variation of the Dance will be for Grounding and Centering. It will be taught so that one may use it no matter what one’s path is. Of the three aspects of the dance, the choreography and breathing techniques will be learned; the philosophy will be shared but made eclectic.

It is an easy dance to learn and to remember, and to pass on to others.
Thousands of people have learned this form of spiritual movement and have given praise to its effects on their life. Even those with physical limitations have found this dance available to them and rewarding. We ask that those attending not to come under the influence. Wear comfortable clothing (or none) and bring at least one bottle of water and a blanket or something to sit on.

What’s my Path?
10:00 Friday, Amphitheater

Plagued with the uncertainty of whether to blend cultures and ways together?
Can't figure out why you can't find "your" path? Scared you might do something wrong and anger a Goddess or God, Grandfather or Grandmother, because you really don't feel you know what you are doing? Do you believe that the definition "Duh" has a double meaning for you. Afraid of doing what you heart tells you to do for fear of some religious "Taliban" hiding in the bushes? Then this workshop just might be for you. We will talk about "the Blending" of ways and people, and why we can't get away from it. If you are a fundamentalist, or some sort of religious Taliban, then stay in your tent and foam at the mouth. But, if you want to set you heart free to walk YOUR sacred "path", then please join us.

Don Two Eagles WaterHawk

Tsalagi (Cherokee)/Mesquakie (Fox), German/Austrian heritage, Viet Nam Combat veteran, and former 13 year veteran police officer. Don is a Ganji initiate of the Wolf Clan of the Seneca Indian Nation. He is not only an artist, but also a Council facilitator and sharer of ancient knowledge. Don has been in the art world all his life. As an accomplished silversmith and stained glass artist, among other art mediums, Don has established a new technique using nickel/silver for his artwork, and by employing this new technique, he has created new and one of a kind pieces that have been recognized all over the world. His works have graced the pages of national and international magazines, TV shows, and various major motion pictures.
His works have been shown worldwide in shops and art galleries.

Daniella Bluestar WaterHawk

Born in NYC, Daniella believes that her gypsy heart has brought her much adventure and insight. Travel has given much realization, clarity and a closer relationship with Earth and Water Goddesses. She seeks her own Spiritual path and has studied many various philosophies, blending a diversity of university and self-taught knowledge into her Path.

Daniella met Don in 1994, and it was love at first site and they were married in 1996. It is the energy of this love that enables both of them to create the magical creations that they do. She developed her own style and brings that into WaterHawk Creations. Daniella is a member of the "Changelings" Clan.

This pagan group calls itself Council for the Magickal Arts. Here's where you can send your protests.

I'd concentrate on pointing out that Don doesn't do anything remotely related to Cherokee or Seneca beliefs as he claims, and that far from his tolerant stance his circle tries to shut down anyone who dares point out he's a fraud.

Post any letters you send here as well.

Event Services Manager  
Greivance Committee

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 03:06:42 pm »
Anyone is welcome to use it as a model.

Dear madam or sir,
Hello, my name is Al Carroll. I'm a Native historian and activist of Mescalero Apache blood, also co-founder of a group called NAFPS (New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans). We work to warn the public about imposters who pose as Native medicine people or elders, and have both Native and non-Native members.

Our homepage is
A Cherokee member of our group wrote up her opinion of Don "Waterhawk" at

As you can see from her critique at the bottom, what "Waterhawk" (real name unknown at this point) does has no resemblance to Cherokee beliefs whatsoever. If he wants to be a pagan, we certainly have no problem with anyone practicing pagan beliefs. About one fourth of the members of NAFPS are white pagans, who prove to be some of our most fervent and understanding supporters. After all, we have much in common, a strong belief in the sacredness of the earth and a common position as little-understood religious minorities.

This is why it is all the more distressing to us to see a man such as Waterhawk taking advantage of pagans by falsely presenting what he does as Native or Cherokee when it clearly is not:

1) Waterhawk tosses around New Age phraseology and pseudo-rituals that are commercialized versions of Lakota ceremonies. Lakota and Cherokee ceremonies and beliefs have about as much in common as Hindu beliefs do with the Church of England.

2) The "Dance of Life" ceremony you are hosting on Friday is in no way, shape, or form a Cherokee ceremony. It is entirely Waterhawk's fabrication.

3) Waterhawk claims training by Dhyani Yawahoo, a Mexican who impersonates being Cherokee and passes off Buddhist beliefs as Cherokee. This she does in order to build a cult around her and for enormous profits.
Here is a critique of her by the same Cherokee member of NAFPS.

4) Waterhawk also claims training by the "Seneca Wolf Clan" who are actually white New Agers falsely claiming to teach Seneca ways. Again, this is a cult, one that makes an enormous profit, in part by "franchising" out fraudulent versions of Native beliefs.

5) Waterhawk also encourages masturbation inside his New Age knockoffs of Lakota sweatlodges. This offends Native people about as much as Catholics would be offended by someone urging masturbation using a crucifix inserted in the vagina.

***Even more disturbing is that some unscrupulous New Age operators use the sweatlodge to prey upon its participants <a target="_blank" href="">sex</a>ually by getting them to confuse the heightened state within a lodge with <a target="_blank" href="">sex</a>ual excitement. Molestation and rapes (including of people who have passed out) are quite common within New Age knockoffs of sweatlodges.***

***It is also quite common for people to relive child molestation or rape traumas while in a lodge. Thus the mastrubation he encourages is incredibly irresponsible and insensitive to their plight.***

Again, what is distressing to us is the *misrepresentation*** of Native beliefs, in addition to the possible dangers to your group's members.

The members of NAFPS (white pagans included) strongly urge you to take all precautions for the physical and emotional safety of your members.

6. Finally, we know from first hand experience that his claim of tolerance in the workshop he is giving on Friday is just a hypocritical pose. He apparently has members of his inner circle monitoring the net for any criticism which could expose his false claims. Barely a few hours after someone in NAFPS mentioned Waterhawk, half a dozen members of his inner circle tried to disrupt our message board and shout down anyone who disagreed with them. They also threatened a lawsuit, which not surprisingly they never followed through with, since truth is an absolute defense to libel.

We want to be extremely clear about what we are asking you to do.

We are *not* asking to you bar Waterhawk, though we would not raise any objections to your own decision to do so, and we certainly hope his lack of ethics and training by people who similarly have little ethics would cause you to be protective of the people at your gatherings.

What we ask is that you monitor his gathering very carefully for signs of abuse.

And almost as important, could you please quit falsely claiming what he does is a Cherokee ceremony?

Could you include a disclaimer on your website and on the entrance to his "ceremony" that states simply "This is not a Cherokee ceremony, but entirely Waterhawk's own invention."

Could you ask him to *not* say he is doing a Cherokee cermony?

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to email me with any questions. I would especially be interested in talking with your historian as a fellow historian.
Our best wishes to your members, and our hopes that they will not be harmed by Waterhawk as so many others have,
Dr. Al Carroll, PhD.
Co-Founder, New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans (NAFPS)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2004, 07:21:42 pm »
Send your letters to her, everyone. She's barred anyone else in her group from talking about this.


Dear Ms. Eller,

My name is Al, so I'm curious as to why you wrote madam or sir.
I also found about four of the email addresses I contacted to not be in working order. works fine. We have never had any complaints about it not be in working order. The same is true of the Gohuyihi site (translates as "respect" in Cherokee).
I am glad you are giving this matter the serious consideration it deserves, and thank you for your time. Below are the texts of the sites you asked for in entirety.
I do *not* engage in "character assassination." I am a professional historian with a number of professional publications to my name, and from a culture which values truth highly. The latter is something apparently foreign to Mr. "Waterhawk". Even his very name...well to start with, it is not a Cherokee name, but the name of someone who seems to have a notion about Indian naming learned from Dances With Wolves.
We at NAFPS take a great deal of care with the accuracy of what we say. Trisha Jacobs, the author of the Gohuyihi website, is an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, a medical student, and very studious in her understanding of Cherokee tradition and beliefs.
Again, to stress what I said in my earlier letter:

We are simply asking that you state clearly to all people who attend that "Waterhawk's" "Dance of Life" ceremony is what it actually is, an invention of his own influenced by a Mexican woman calling herself "Dhyani Yawahoo" (also not a Cherokee name) who passes off Buddhist beliefs as Cherokee.
A final note: We could easily put you in touch with Dr. Richard Allen, an analyst for the Cherokee Nation who has written on and keeps tabs on the more than two hundred imposters out there who impersonate being Cherokee medicine people.
Thanks again for you time and consideration,
Dr. Al Carroll

Maeven Eller <> wrote:

Dear madam or sir,
Based on the charges you level against our friend Don Waterhawk, I am respectfully requesting a working link and that you deal with me directly as Executive Director of CMA.
I followed the link and found it did not work, nor did any of the other links you provided, well at least I never saw anything about the Waterhawks.
And in regards to the review by one member of your group that you referred to in your first email, one email opinion written on a website of this nature will not change my opinion, nor will it entice myself or my staff to make any changes in the way we treat Don Waterhawk, and that is with respect.
While the work you do may be sincere and genuine, such character assassination is costly to all involved, and does little to forward your work.
As someone who has been the target of such 'truth be told' websites, I tarry very lightly into such "courts of no faces" when they are presented to me about others.
I encourage all of the CMA family and staff who received this email to refrain from responding to it, or from forwarding it anywhere. I will discuss this matter with the Waterhawks myself. As this is the only honorable thing to do.
May the Ancients guide and protect us all,

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2004, 03:07:07 am »
After I received some disturbing news that changed everything.

Deeply Disturbing News RE: Don Cakerice/"Waterhawk"  

Dear Ms. Eller and other members of CMA,

I thank all of you who contacted me, and the people some of you contacted in turn who confided in me. Frankly so much of what some of you passed along is so disturbing that I (and I'm sure other members of NAFPS will join me in this) feel the need to withdraw our previous request.
Several of you reported fears of physical violence directed against yourselves by Mr. Cakerice and his associates, and two reported witnessing such incidents firsthand.
Given the choice between allowing a ceremony falsely presented as Cherokee to continue, and others being threatened with violence because of our request, we at NAFPS would prefer the former in order to not see anyone physically harmed.

***Naturally, if such violence were to be carried out, I would feel bound to pass along to the authorities the evidence presented to me.***

There are some deeply disturbing dynamics going on within your community that I and the rest of NAFPS have no desire to worsen, and I only pray all of you can find your ways to a better place, one in line with the very noble code of ethics I see at and being violated by confederates of Mr. Cakerice, namely:
"1.Knowingly and willfully making a false statement...
6. Deliberate intimidation, coercion, or manipulation of any individual..."
I leave you to decide the truth about Mr. Cakerice/"Waterhawk" yourselves, and hope you will consider in addition two final sets of facts.
Mr. Cakerice does not know any Cherokee, other than the greeting "wado" which is widely used in intertribal settings anyway. The "Cherokee" he uses in his ceremony is not Cherokee at all.
Consulting any Cherokee-English dictionary will confirm this. Like his "dance of life", his ceremonial phrases have never been used in all of Cherokee history.
Finally I leave you with the official statement of Dr. Richard Allen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma regarding imposters who pose as Cherokee medicine people, and let you decide for yourselves about Mr. Cakerice.
In addition, we are contacting the Seneca Nation regarding Mr. Cakerice's latest claims.
My best regards to all of you, even those who are so misguided as to threaten others. I will pray for you. My door remains open to help other victims of Mr. Cakerice, as it was to those who bravely came forward.
Dr. Al Carroll
Co-Founder, NAFPS

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2004, 09:40:08 pm »
My reply to an unintentionally funny letter sent to me.

Thank You For Being So Amusing, Mr. Beauregard
To: "Tony Beauregard" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Mr. Beauregard,
I find your silly attempts to sound threatening immensely amusing, and I must thank you for the belly laughs.
As I said to Ms. Eller (in reply to the same letter in which she slapped a gag order on your group), I am a professional historian with a number of professional publications to my name.
So friends and followers of a white wannabe such as Mr. Cakerice/Waterhawk/Two Eagles who pay him so they can engage in group masturbation in a New Age version of a sweatlodge who say they will list me as "unreliable" or "fraudulent"...
...would be about as widely believed as UFO nuts.
I'd probably get an enormous amount of compliments from Natives, much like I've already received an enormous amount of encouragement from a number of members of CMA.
As I pointed out in my second email, many CMA members are fed up with feeling intimidated and being physically threatened by followers of Mr. Cakerice. While they may fear Mr. Cakerice's followers, I do not, and would look forward to the chance to end his abusive ways through legal remedies.  
Mr. Beauregard, I would be more than happy to come meet with you in San Antonio, since I live nearby.
However, since so far all you've said to me is a variation on the childish taunt, "I know you are, but what am i?" or "Sez you!", I would hope any meeting would be more productive and include people more open-minded and not as filled with kneejerk hostility as yourself.
What would you say to the meeting including members of the press? I've spoken with Lisa Sorg of the San Antonio Current before about doing an expose of fraudulent New Age operators and spiritual exploiters such as Mr. Cakerice/Waterhawk/Two Eagles.
I think she and her paper would be fascinated to do an expose so close to Halloween about modern day witches who support the exploitation of Native beliefs.
I will be contacting her today, as well as other media in San Antonio and Austin. This should be fascinating.
What do you say Mr. Beauregard?
Shall we see who the public believes, a Native historian with a PhD. and evidence from other Natives including the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma...
...or white wannabes who play with themselves in the woods?
Thanks again for being so amusing,
Dr. Al Carroll

Tony Beauregard <> wrote:
If things are as you say, I invite you to come to San Antonio and meet with members of our group to explain this problem as you see it.
The current problem is that, with the information you have provided, your group is looking like the fraudulent party. At least that is how NAFPS is beginning to be thought of in the state of Texas.
I'm afraid that any more email correspondence on this subject (containing bad website links, or links of questionable quality) will not help your case.
Please consider a different choice of action before the names Al Carroll and NAFPS are placed upon a list of "questionable characters and organizations".
Thank you,


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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2004, 09:20:02 am »
slight typo up above Al, I'm not enrolled anywhere nor do I care to be. My family is from the Eastern Band yes, but my branch of it isn't enrolled.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2004, 05:04:03 pm »
Send your letters to her, everyone. She's barred anyone else in her group from talking about this.

Then she's violated with astounding hypocrisy the very first article in the `Seeker's Bill Of Rights' on her website:

I. The Right to Verify Credentials: Seekers shall not be obstructed from contacting persons who can substantiate or disavow claims made by a group or teacher.

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2004, 12:29:04 am »
An update for everyone.

The last I heard on this was from a woman with CMA who asked for (and asked for, and ASKED for, over and over in the same letter) my credentials.

She also claimed they asked Cakerice for his credentials, but didn't give any more details.

I complimented her group for the last action, and then gave her my resume.

Then I pointed out the double standard, that I was being asked for credentials in detail because they didnt like what I was saying, but that they'd never bothered to ask Cakerice before because he pandered to white fantasies.

Never heard back from them again. In fact, a few days later I sent them the warning from Australia's Medical Assn on phony sweats. Got a "You have been put on a list of senders the owner does not like" message.

That sure made me smile...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2004, 12:29:14 am »
An update for everyone.

The last I heard on this was from a woman with CMA who asked for (and asked for, and ASKED for, over and over in the same letter) my credentials.

She also claimed they asked Cakerice for his credentials, but didn't give any more details.

I complimented her group for the last action, and then gave her my resume.

Then I pointed out the double standard, that I was being asked for credentials in detail because they didnt like what I was saying, but that they'd never bothered to ask Cakerice before because he pandered to white fantasies.

Never heard back from them again. In fact, a few days later I sent them the warning from Australia's Medical Assn on phony sweats. Got a "You have been put on a list of senders the owner does not like" message.

That sure made me smile...

Offline groundhog92000

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 07:57:24 pm »
He is booked at starwood in July, doing the "dance",,see this link


Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2005, 08:13:06 pm »
He is booked at starwood in July, doing the "dance",,see this link

Oh yeah...   He is a Pipe Carver too it's on pages 31 and 32 of the .pdf file.


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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2005, 07:11:04 pm »
That pdf link is for 2004. Is there a 2005 one yet?

Seems that Starwood got even worse in its embrace of frauds. They've also got three others, Joy Weydemek and Gene and Linda Rowand.

And this one made me laugh. "American Indian tribal belly dancing".

(Trying to picture someone doing fancy dance and belly dancing at the same time....)

Joy Weydemek (or Apetibii Osa Irosun as she also calls herself) I couldn't find anything on, though she says she's one of Nitsch's Wolf Clan people.

Gene and Linda Rowand are doing sweats. They run the "Rowand Clan". Check out these pompous claims:
"In 1994, Gene and Linda Rowand wentto Sisseton, SD in answer to a need towork in an alcohol/drug treatmentcenter for Native American teens. Gene going first instantly befriended awonderful man of the Dakota Nation.When Linda arrived, the man asked herwhere she had been so long; “you are mysister and I’ve been waiting for you, butyou have changed.??? One evening Genejoined the man and his family in theInipi. They sang Dakota songs andincluded Gene. Although Gene is ofCreek Indian heritage, when asked wherehe had learned the song, Gene could notsay; he just knew them.Linda’s instruction in lodge beganalmost as soon as she arrived. Genehowever spent the next four yearsbuilding fires, Inipis, the Sun Dancearbor, and even giving flesh at SunDance. He wanted to know when hewould learn to pour an Inipi, the answer was “you already know…justremember.???“Living on the Reservation, we learnedtheir culture and ways of life. It is whowe are.???

Offline groundhog92000

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2005, 06:33:43 pm »
As soon as it is, I will post it.

Online debbieredbear

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2010, 10:03:42 pm »
He is still up to his tricks. Sent by a friend:

In the Review of Sirius Rising Festival, Aug 08, 2010 via WitchVox

the excerpt states who one of his Wolf Clan Sisters is.  Twyla's teachings are apparently still popular with festival goers.   


""(Peg here, thanks to Don and Daniella for asking me to chime in! I actually had time to attend several workshops, in addition to presenting a couple, and really enjoyed myself. One high point for me was Hanowah’s workshop on Grandmother Twyla’s teachings. Hanowah is Waterhawk’s Wolf Clan sister and the author of Mr. Picky and Me,""   




From Brushwood Folklore Center 2010.


""Don Two Eagles WaterHawk is of Tsalagi (Cherokee)/Mesquakie (Fox) and German/Austrian heritage. Don is a Ganji initiate of the Wolf Clan of the Seneca Nation and a Red Feather Brother. He is the staff photographer and Festival reviewer for "Witch Vox". Don is not only an artist, but also a Drummer Council facilitator, holding hundreds of Councils all over America , and "Sharer" of ancient knowledge. He is the co-author of "Sacred Beat-From the Heart of the Drum Circle .

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2012, 11:01:47 pm »
He is mentioned in a number of threads here, including this one in archives: