Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663556 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #420 on: March 18, 2015, 12:25:06 am »
There's a new option at the bottom of the UK SALPOV splash webpage, "Trainer websites" and when you follow that button it gives you a link to Jeff and Sue Allen's VisionWorks page. As of today no other links are provided in that category, but since there are only two other trainers in this group I wouldn't expect a ton of extra UK trainer links to be added.

This is part of a recent development in the last few months for various sections of the UK SALPOV webpage, where the reader is increasingly led to the VisionWorks site as the end destination. Another indicator that UK SALPOV is in a state of major transition and experiencing some sort of power shift.

Also the website, the UK site used to promote the Spezzanos personally, has been down for three months.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #421 on: March 19, 2015, 06:04:14 pm »
Francine Girard has always been something of a mystery to me whenever I encounter her name in connection with Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV). According to the 2011 English language Trainers Manual, she is a member of the elite SALPOV Steering Committee and has additional duties as a Program Administrator in charge of the trainers. In fact, Francine wrote the Trainers Manual and even has credit for authoring the German version, which meant she must have been fully aware Section K (First Nations Fund) was not to be shared with English-speaking readers via their manual, particularly with FN but also including the Canadian trainers themselves! Yet Canadian trainer Susan How administers the Fund! What is up with that?! I would so much love to know who made the decision not to include Section K in the English version and why.

From my sources I understand that some other SALPOV trainers quietly grumble and do not quite understand how Francine managed to climb so high and so fast up the corporate ladder in this for-profit business. This is a cult with a steep hierarchy, yet there are some players who appear to have unique associations with the Spezzanos and be the subject of inexplicable favoritism. We have already covered to some degree two characters who fit into this category-- Michael North and Django Hediger. Ms. Girard is a third person who can be classified into this slot. Public information regarding her career is sketchy at best.

In this post I'll examine some Youtube presentations that yielded more information on Francine. With Julie Wookey now gone, Francine is the second highest ranking SALPOV female after Lenora Spezzano in the North American/Europe half of the cult, yet we know little about her.

From previous work by Piff we know that Francine lives in Everett, Washington, USA, north of Seattle. She is possibly still a Canadian citizen, but married to an American. As far as I can ascertain, she has never held a SALPOV workshop in her home area. But she has visited the ASK SALPOV crew over in Asia more than once, and seems to have been a headline speaker there in recent years.

Her topics are family dynamics, particularly in the area of child raising. Francine is a good presenter. She's articulate, employing a relaxed conversational tone. She exudes a convincing sincerity that eludes either of the Spezzanos when they perform their own shows. I give her strong points for form, but we'll get to the content later. Aye, there's the rub.

Here are the links to the Youtubes. They were loaded by ASK Hong Kong in 2012. There are two presentations, each split into 5 parts.

Francine's talks are in a small room not really big enough for the group. A SALPOV triangle (swiped from Bob Trask) is in the background. The translation is provided by SALPOV trainer Peter Lo who is always at Francine's side.

A word about Peter. Here is the clunky Google translation (e.g., "fathered a child and a daughter") of his background on the SALPOV Asia site--   
Lu Weixiong Peter Lo

Personal qualifications profile:

He graduated from the University of Wisconsin, the heart of the current ASK Power International Business Consultants Ltd. (Taiwan / Hong Kong) president, fathered a child and a daughter. 1997 ARC International Ltd. of Hong Kong into work, training to become a source of basic courses and online course instructor, in 2003 entered the PoV study and complete the second phase of India's unity baptism in 2010.

Embrace of the "Friends Helping Friends, healing the soul, save the planet," the vision, the integration of the school itself, contains the basic courses in the "awakening", a source in the online course "surrender and lay down," known in psychology to see "Love and healing "with his usual humor, wisdom and humor, lead the students together at different heights, more in-depth self-exploration, focus, and further initiating cells deep memories of the" wisdom "and" the real me. "

Personal Contact Phone Number: 88626600-8811

Facebook: Peter Wai Hung Lo


Communications Address: Songshan District Taipei, Keelung Road as well as the second floor Floor


Hmm, what is this "India's unity baptism in 2010" stuff? Why, Oneness University, I'm betting! But wait, Lenora said "There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs." What's the deal here? Let us take a look at Peter's Profile Engine, where he is proudly standing in front of OU (also I took the liberty of attaching the image)--

Here's a webpage where Peter is mentioned along with Lenora glowing about "Oneness" and Charles Lee Spezzano is called a "guru"--

Back to Francine.

You might ask, how is Francine qualified to be lecturing on this topic? Well, according to her, "I started to be a spiritual seeker very young. I was about 13." And, "As a parent myself, as a teacher of POV, but also before POV I taught for 13 years, children. So there's just some experience." 13 seems to be a key number here, but let's move on.

We'll dismiss the SALPOV experience she cites as a worthless credential since we are talking about a dangerous personality cult run by two unregulated, unlicensed, unprofessional  charlatans who are all about the money. The mention of 13 years of teaching is intriguing. Where? When? For who? What are her qualifications and what training did she have for this? This is the only place I have ever seen mention of her educational occupation in the past. Why is this not in her official SALPOV biography on the Canadian website? 

Her declaration of being a parent is her best qualification. She tells us she has two small children, both of them at the time Kindergarten age and younger. And she displays many of the naive notions of parents with children that young. I think most of my fellow survivors of raising teenagers to adulthood would watch Francine set forth her earnest program of guidelines for raising children and ... how can I say this without sounding condescending? I guess I can't, so I won't, except to say Francine is in for some real "enlightenment" in her future, and not the commercial fakey kind peddled by Lenora. No. Instead she is going to get the real life lessons that are much more challenging and potentially rewarding. And there will be parts where she will find herself having to choose between SALPOV and her family. She touched on this a bit during her talks and rationalized it away. The first cracks in the "split mind" are starting.

And as much as I know loving our children is a universal thing around the world, cultural differences are very real and need to be respected. For Francine to tell Asians how to raise their children seems an extension of the North American Manifest Destiny that is at the core of the ethnocentric Spezzano cult theology. Actually, what Francine really did was tell us a lot about her own family dynamics and used that as a model for her Asian audience to follow. I now know more about her family than I ever wanted to. She overshared.

Although these presentations were under the auspices of SALPOV, Francine did not really praise the cult directly except for in the 5th link I provided, where she gushed about Lenora and used the "you can have it all" appeal.

Now here is the part that is sad and ironic. In the very last of the ten links I provided, Francine says that she wants "to be more and more harmless in my ways, but I don't want to give up my power."

OK. OK. I get it. I hear what she is saying. But here's the twist. Francine is a high-level person in a toxic and destructive personality cult. During those sick and perverted "downloading/joining" videos we recently profiled, Francine was frequently shown in the audience smiling and approving of this abuse where Lenora Kay Spezzano kept telling the victim to "surrender." And she belongs to a cult that demonizes the ideas of independent and critical thought as "astral attacks" or "anal lies." In fact, the concept of being an independent and free human who can scratch where it itches and declare the Emperor (Charles Lee Spezzano) has no clothes is verboten in SALPOV. Those who do are really working out their rebellion toward God, don'tcha know?

The only thing this cult is about is the Spezzano bank account. Would she really want her children to be sucked into this scam? One day her kids are going to figure what kind of cult Mom belongs to, and then what? How is that going to work? They watch what we do, not what we say.

It always saddens me to see seemingly intelligent people being manipulated and drained of their finances and time because in their pain and vulnerability they are merely seeking an alternative to our crazy system. Predators like the Spezzanos are out there waiting to take advantage of y'all. 

So, instead of getting depressed about this, let's dance! I haven't linked to the SALPOV theme song in awhile--

It's all about the money--

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #422 on: March 31, 2015, 12:17:10 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision
Part 1:

Offered below is a list of videos available online concerning the cult known as Psychology of Vision. In no particular order, I have provided the links with the source of videos. I have also added summations using the most objectivity I can muster.

This video comes and goes in terms of being available online, but it does have some informative text even without the visuals. The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network program APTN Investigates had a segment called "Plastic Healers" by Rob Smith. The program aired in early Nov. 2013. The piece presents a journalistic look at two cults active on Haida Gwaii: Erick Gonzalez, and, Psychology of Vision.

Lency Spezzano
These 33 videos include several "downloading/joining" sessions, testimonials, Skype advertisements, archival footage from 2001, and some personal vignettes such as her tour of (in her phrase) her "exclusive" condo at Turtle Bay, Hawaii. The "downloading/joining" videos have been reviewed, starting at this link:

Chuck Spezzano
The first link includes 40 videos of Spezzano giving lectures on various topics to a stationary camera. Most of them have been commercially packaged and as a rule they include the paintings of POV follower Spar Street in the background. The second link leads to a single video, "The Year 2010," where Spezzano makes predictions.

Psychology of Vision
Presentation of a single video, "India Apprenticeship at Bethsaida Hermitage Resort" from 2007. No narration is provided, only music.

Next Evolution 2009
Six videos mostly produced by Louisa Wu, four of them promoting a joint workshop in 2009 in Los Angeles with the Spezzanos and Guru Singh.  Oneness and the 2012 phenomenon are among the topics. Guru Singh is pictured with Oneness University in the Chuck Spezzano segment. Quite unusual in two regards. First, the Spezzanos are collaborating with another headliner, and second, the event takes place on the US mainland. Also includes a testimonial by a well known New Age guru to celebrities, Habib Sadeghi. An abridged 2007 POV promotional piece includes appearances by Susan How, Sue Allen, Jeff Allen, and Spar Street. The full version will appear below under the Inner Vision collection.

ThinkTech Hawaii
Michael and Xiao Fang North are interviewed by Dr. Keli'i Akina in this 50-minute piece as they discuss the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute and relations with China.

Stefan Götz
Götz interviews Chuck Spezzano in a 4-part series (combined they total one hour), "Chuck Spezzano & The Leadership Revolution," which seems to have been filmed about 2011. Spezzano uses his "anal-lies" term when discussing the "split mind" and stresses competition is fear-based and independence is negative. After a few lewd jokes and several judgemental pronouncements, Spezzano tells us it is wrong to judge. Although Götz is a friendly interviewer, he still asks several good follow up questions, which appear to put Spezzano in a defensive mood as his voice and mannerisms are more animated and shrill than usual.

World Voices
The first link is a short Skype presentation promoting the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute. The text introduction includes the often repeated error that Spezzano is a "psychologist." The second link features Spezzano's 30-minute acceptance speech in 2012 when he was awarded with the "Hero of Forgiveness" title. Among other things, he reveals that the phrase "Friends Helping Friends" came from "The Voice." He also addresses aboriginal issues mainly using Haida Gwaii as an example, and stresses how victims of white colonization, as well as women who have been raped, need to forgive those who committed these crimes against them. The concept of seeking legal justice is not addressed.

Malcolm Smith
Produced around 2009, eight minutes long, entitled "Experiences with Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision," and includes praise for Spezzano's seminars from Smith himself plus five other people. One participant calls Lency "a window to God." Smith is a naturopathic physician in Portland, Oregon, USA. One of the tags on this video is "oneness university."

Melissa Meyer
Melissa Meyer's two or three APTN "First Talk" appearances promoting POV appear to have been deleted from Youtube within the last year.

Janie Ticehurst
Chuck Spezzano's 2010 "Self Health" Youtube was deleted over a year ago. This was the one where he said, "You can't have health problems unless you feel guilty about something, and then at an even deeper level you can't have a health problem unless you're getting revenge on someone."

Master Sha
Dr. and Master Sha gives a "soul healing" for Marianne Vermilyea, a former Canadian POV trainer and current staff member for POV, to counter her macular degeneration. Five minutes, 2013.

Elsbeth Maurer
"I'm sensitive to energy, so I can feel it in crystals, I can feel it in nature ..." so says Chuck Spezzano as he supplies a commercial endorsement for Maurer's "Lovy-Heart" merchandise in this 2013 three-minute video. Produced in Switzerland.

Inner Vision
Matthew Blythe has uploaded eight videos, and six of them could possibly be classified as New Age artistic expression. The remaining two are POV promotional pieces, both created by Sutherland Productions in 2007. "Chuck and Lency Spezzano - Psychology of Vision - Trailer" is eleven minutes long. Includes appearances by Susan How, Sue Allen, Jeff Allen, Peter Shapiro, and Spar Street. An abridged version of this appeared in the Next Evolution 2009 entry above. In one part we hear Lency say "joining sessions" are now being called "Oneness sessions." The second POV promo piece, entitled "How to Have a Successful Relationship," is a 4-minute commercial for a DVD for sale. Testimonials include a statement from Jeff Allen.

Susanne Ernst
These are two short videos promoting POV events in Central Europe in 2012. The first has POV trainers Susanne Ernst and Mathias Keller speaking directly to the camera. The second video, which is a bit longer, contains several testimonials, including from Alexandra Angermann, Rebecca Wildi, Mathias Keller, and Susanne Ernst. In German. 

Torsten Konrad
Most of the videos from this German POV trainer reflect his interest in body performance and artistic expression. However, about a half dozen of these are very static and non-creative talking head presentations where Torsten is apparently promoting a POV event or concept. I say "apparently" since my grasp of the German language is woefully minimal. The one video here I can identify that combines POV with an artistic interpretation is the 2015 "You Never Know" which is described as "Life From A Joining Session."   

Lotta Gaber
Gaber interviews Chuck Spezzano in this almost 5-minute video from earlier this year. A POV follower, Gaber does not subject Spezzano to any hard questions. He promotes a book he wrote about sex that has recently been translated into Swedish. In the process he mentions how metaphors and hypnosis work together. When this video was originally released it used the music of Israel "Iz" Kamakawiwo'ole but then within a few days the soundtrack was changed to something more generic.

Lauretta Hickman
Hickman, a life coach and Spezzano student, has over 40 videos online. Six of these concern POV, uploaded six years ago. In all six, Hickman is using the POV triangle as her source as she presents a lecture in German.

Django Hediger
"Living Your Inner Gifts" or "Deine Gaben leben" is an 18-minute talking head presentation where Mr. Spezzano speaks in English, and Torsten Konrad translates into German. Both gentlemen are in different locations so the screenshot toggles back and forth in what seems to be a Skype generated production. Designed to promote a workshop scheduled for April 2012.

Powerful Events
Consists of nine videos, most of them by Django Hediger as he markets POV. Some of these had formerly been enhanced by the song "Our Hearts Have Been Misplaced in a Secret Location" but for a number of reasons it felt true to the group that created and performed this piece, Uniform Motion, to distance their song from this cult. So the music has been stripped. Videos include a 9-minute Skype lecture from Chuck Spezzano on "Acceptance" (2014), where he appears to be ill. Jeff and Sue Allen promote their 2014 Spain 5 day workshop via Skype in a 5 and half minute talk which includes shots of the expensive looking accomodations. In "Herbsttour 2013," Spezzano begins by describing how his annual visits to Central Europe are basically book selling tours. He also uses his stock tale about hearing "The Voice." In the eight-minute "Die Kraft der Liebe" Skype presentation, Spezzano has Torsten Konrad sitting right behind him, providing the German translation in audio in this talk about love and "soul patterns." The conclusion of this last video is one of Spezzano's more energetic performances.

Psychology of Vision - Europa
Two videos, both of them over five minutes long, of Chuck Spezzano self-promoting his Central European tour. These were two more videos where the music of the group Uniform Motion was stripped out due to their request not to be associated with POV. In "Die Spiegel deiner Seele" (2015), Spezzano says he has been a "therapist" for 42 years and glowingly quotes "the Native American Sun Bear." In "Europatour September 2014 - Emotionale Reife," Spezzano tells us the world is filled with "intra-psychic pollution" by ignorant and unenlightened people who do not understand their own emotions.

Frankfurter Ring
On their webpage, the Frankfurter Ring repeats the frequently stated error that promotes Chuck Spezzano to the status of "psychologist." This particular video is a three minute promotion for Spezzano's appearance in Burg Rothenfels in 2014. One testimonial is included. At one point a group of people circling an evening campfire while one of them beats on what appears to be some kind of non-European aboriginal drum is portrayed.   

More to come on Part 2 ...

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #423 on: March 31, 2015, 02:07:24 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision
Part 2:

In a single short piece called "Psychology of Vision - how it works," POV attendees in the UK provide testimonials, including from Nick Williams. Uploaded in 2011. The povevents website, designed primarily to promote the Spezzanos in the UK, has been down since mid-December 2014.

Alternatives St. James's Church
The first link attaches to a short sample of Lency Spezzano, where she tells us she worked with the deaf in Arizona prior to her move to Hawaii and reveals that she suffered from a burnout and distancing-the-inner self phase commonly experienced by most who work in social services. The second link is a sliver of Chuck Spezzano explaining why he believes being independent is a negative thing. Apparently both of these links were posted without the Spezzano's involvement. The third link attaches to a DVD that is not available via Internet, but I have a copy and since it was presented at this same venue, I felt linking to my review of it was appropriate here. In this third link Spezzano talks about First Nations and performs a Deeksha Blessing. All of these took place during the time the Spezzanos were involved with Oneness University.

Jeff Allen

The first link consists of ten videos, seven of these deal with Jeff's work in Africa, the remaining trio are Jeff and Sue Allen promoting their POV workshops.

The second link leads to 60 POV videos with presentations by Julie Wookey, Jeff Allen, Chuck Spezzano, Lency Spezzano, chiefly related to the Steps to Leadership POV program. Several videos are in German. The Allen/Wookey lectures are more religious in tone than the Spezzano talks, and combined give an overall view of the complicated POV matrix of belief. These are presented as doctrine rather than theory. The comment section has been disabled. Some of the more noteworthy videos--

10, Basic Joining: An early example of "joining" as explained by Lency Spezzano. Chuck sits behind her, next to the POV triangle as she lectures to an all-female audience, probably in Canada since trainers Joanne Roberts and Susan How are present. The action starts at 10:40. Lency approaches a couple women and rubs their thighs while staring at them. Another member of the audience has two people working on her, with Roberts coming from behind and rubbing her breasts. At the very end we see Chuck Spezzano performing a "joining" as well.

19 - Accountability and Problem Solving - Part 2: Julie Wookey and Jeff Allen use a POV modified form of Tarot ("process cards") by employing special cards. "This is not random, this is a process," says Allen, although he does not elaborate.

24 Happiness and Purpose: Jeff Allen tells us we have all been sent to Earth by design for a purpose that we need to discover. He quotes heavily from the Bible.

27 Lency Joining with watermark: Lency Spezzano giving a presentation on "joining," Oneness, guilt, and how our world is not real. Some quotes worth highlighting:

"Once your chakras are open you become a grace receptor." "Aboriginal people, native people of the Americas, love Psychology of Vision. I've heard so many times that it is the only healing art that really works for them because it fits so well with their own healing practices and their own world view. It's the world view of Oneness." "Who do I think I am that I would abandon God? That's evil."

1 Introduction to Steps to Leadership and Psychology of Vision: Introduction by the Spezzanos, Jeff Allen, Julie Wookey. Lency Spezzano tells us POV has produced several mystics.

10 Awakening by Lency Spezzano: This video was reviewed at length at this link:;topicseen#msg37537

Archive Mod 30 Graduation: The Spezzanos officiate. Chuck Spezzano says, "There's no problem you have that isn't some form of self-attack."

Archive Mod 19 Accountability and Problem Solving: A presentation by the Spezzanos. Chuck Spezzano says he has the ability to have a choice whether or not he can catch the flu or a cold. He also promotes the idea that misfortune could be the result of bad things from past lifetimes. The POV version of Tarot cards are demonstrated.

The third link leads to a couple Allen/Wookey promotional videos.

Nick Williams
UK life/business coach and former POV student Williams has uploaded many videos, including interviews with Chuck Spezzano, Julie Wookey, and Jeff Allen. In an interview with Chuck Spezzano (uploaded May 15, 2011) we are given some of Spezzano's biography as well as his belief that he is guided by and a messenger for Divine forces.

Pam Carruthers
Spiritual coach, astrologer, and former POV trainer Carruthers has a few videos promoting the Steps to Leadership. Chuck Spezzano is referenced several times in "Healing Your Birth Story" and probably in her other videos since he is also frequently mentioned in passing on her website as her mentor.

Kenneth Bok
Bok interviews Arielle Essex, a POV follower who erroneously calls Chuck Spezzano a "clinical psychologist," which is something of a double error, actually. Interestingly, Bok's first response to POV is that it sounds to him like a form of behavior modification.

Alison Banks
A brief advertisement for Banks' Parenting Tutor project in 2012. She was a POV trainer at the time.

Jane Kirby
In the course of promoting the Steps to Leadership program to an audience in India, Jane describes her history with Psychology of Vision.

Gary Watkins
Jeff Allen speaks about "Why are relationships so difficult." Uploaded 2014, five minutes.

Three videos centering on Japanese POV trainer Hideaki Kurihara. In the short presentation "The Story of Tarzan," Kuirhara speaks in English while POV trainer Ian Y. Lai from Taiwan translates.

ASK Hong Kong
There are over 275 videos in this group, most of them beyond my language skills. Among the POV trainers I recognize are Franklin Fan, Kelvin Ho, and Peter Lo. There are ten videos guest starring Francine Girard, which have been reviewed at this link:

A set of fifty videos, including with POV trainers Franklin Fan, Peter Lo, Camille Liu, Twiggy Lam, and Kelvin Ho. The Spezzanos appear in one short video promoting a 2012 workshop in Thailand.

Japanese POV trainer Hiromi Kurihara promotes the cult in Singapore, with six additional short video testimonials from participants.

Vision Dynamnics Institute
"The direction to find Heaven is always through your partner," says Chuck Spezzano in his short promotional video. Additionally there are five presentation videos from VDI in Japanese, and three testimonials in English.

One of these videos shows Lency Spezzano receiving a birthday cake in Taiwan in 2008 and then giving instructions to a woman who appears to be POV trainer Barb Jones amid the hoopla.

Among these mostly personal videos are some very brief scenes of Chuck Spezzano and Hiromi Kurihara in Taiwan, 2007. Spezzano is wearing a suit and tie.

Three videos uploaded 2015 showing Chuck Spezzano at work in a seminar, a promotional video from Spezzano, and a testimonial. All set in Japan.

"Psychology of Vision International Training In Japan with Hideaki & Hiromi," five minute promotional video, 2015.

Timothy Shih
A four minute promotional piece for POV Asia, 2012.

Spar Street
"A short video montage of some of fine artist Spar Street's more well-known collectors, an extraordinary group of individuals." From 2008. This one is remarkable for who we don't see among the luminaries.

Jordan Kao
Jordan, a POV trainer from Asia, has uploaded seven videos, mostly connected with POV. One of them is a short piece filmed in the summer of 2014 on Vancouver Island entitled "Chuck Spezzano & Lency Spezzano blessing of the Association of Kaohsiung POV."  The Spezzanos seem a bit off their game. I have my own views on what is going on here, but I'll save that for another day. 


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #424 on: March 31, 2015, 05:38:50 pm »
Thank you for doing all this work Sandy, this will immensely help researchers of POV.

This 10 Basic Joining video is really hard to watch. The worst part is towards the end, when Lency and trainers basically feel a woman up. Lency crouches down close to the women, crowds them, while doing her predatory stare. Lency rubs the woman's legs pretty much up to crotch level. The trainers join in on. Chuck also does the close up predatory stare, so this group of women victims are all physically blocked off, they can't move, they are being stared at and groped. Yuck.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #425 on: March 31, 2015, 05:39:49 pm »
Some photo clips from the video

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #426 on: March 31, 2015, 06:05:07 pm »
^OMG WTF??? That is horrid.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #427 on: March 31, 2015, 06:45:42 pm »
^OMG WTF??? That is horrid.

Yep, exactly. People, mostly women, pay to go to these seminars where they are mind numbingly lectured on bogus guilt producing Nuage b.s., bathed in sappy Nuage music that makes them cry, then stared at, groped, and rubbed invasively. People hyperventilate, have tremors, feel suicidal. And pay for more.

POV claims they are helping create a First Nations cultural renaissance. In truth, they are white colonizers ripping FN people off once again.


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #428 on: March 31, 2015, 06:55:26 pm »
^OMG WTF??? That is horrid.

Yep, exactly. People, mostly women, pay to go to these seminars where they are mind numbingly lectured on bogus guilt producing Nuage b.s., bathed in sappy Nuage music that makes them cry, then stared at, groped, and rubbed invasively. People hyperventilate, have tremors, feel suicidal. And pay for more.

POV claims they are helping create a First Nations cultural renaissance. In truth, they are white colonizers ripping FN people off once again.

Yes, that is very creepy.  It is obvious that this video was taped maybe 20-30 years ago (Lency and Chuck are both thin and I used to wear those baggy slacks myself), but they are still preaching the same "A Course in Miracles" dogma as today ("There is only one of us here.  We are all of the same mind" type of stuff).  It seems nothing ever changes with them, unless it is their waistlines.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #429 on: April 09, 2015, 02:31:08 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 1

Frankfurter Ring
A static talking head shot of Chuck Spezzano standing in front of the POV triangle as he promotes his appearance for the annual Burg Rothenfels event, which costs about $666 dollars American. 2 minutes, camera and sound by Django Hediger. This one is absent any music.

VisionWorks for Life
As Jeff Allen appears to be the heir apparent in the UK and perhaps all of Europe as POV transitions into a splatter of spinoffs, he has within the last few months started his own Youtube channel for VisionWorks for Life.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #430 on: April 11, 2015, 06:40:58 am »
Here's an email message from the followers of Charles Lee Spezzano to those in Canada who still have money in their savings account or public funds to pay for their trip so they can go shopping in Vancouver! I have intercepted with a few comments.

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015
To: [Yeah, right. Like I'm going to reveal this]
Subject: Chuck Spezzano's 2015 June 5 Day Seminar - Register Now to SAVE $200 USD

What Happy People Know 5 day seminar with Chuck Spezzano in Vancouver June 6 - 10, 2015

"Welcome love into your problems. Welcome love into your relationships and into your relationship with yourself. Love always comes when invited and love heals all."

A Five Day Workshop with Chuck Spezzano
An exceptional opportunity 
Register by May 8 to save $200 USD
This is a chance to experience the transformational power of a 5-Day Psychology of Vision seminar with its co-founder, Chuck Spezzano.

Chuck Spezzano's only seminar in Canada this year!

The "only seminar in Canada this year!" This means the annual brainwashing session at Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort in Parksville on Vancouver Island will not be taking place in 2015. The absence of this periodic event is significant. The Spezzanos are winding down, and are  letting go of Canada in the process. [And here Sandy S. clears his throat in a stagey manner] This might be the last opportunity for the RCMP to have a discussion with Charles Lee Spezzano on Canadian soil. Journalists too. [And here Sandy S. clears his throat in a stagey manner a second time just for dramatic emphasis].

To be happy is to know your own emotions, and to live from your authentic nature. This emotional maturity makes you open, attractive, and true.

The first step to becoming happy is to learn about emotions, what they are and how to handle them. Since emotions are a choice and not determined by something outside of you, you can learn to recognize and release them.

Spezzano's lewd jokes aside, it is my understanding he also has been known to throw tantrums to a bullying degree, which has prevented at least one person formerly associated with him from coming forward to testify in public. I'll happily supply the information to any law enforcement or journalism professional who wants to know the juicy details.

The premise that "emotions are a choice and not determined by something outside of you" is open to debate. Since Spezzano has never submitted anything to a scholarly journal, he can rest fat and smug in his own little kingdom without critical review. His statement really puts a lot of pressure on the client and increases the guilt factor, a tried and true POV cult manipulation device. 

Awareness and the desire to begin the healing process is what is needed. Rightly used, the energy of your emotions transforms into positive feelings used to live your purpose and contribute to life. Becoming more centered, you add to your self-value and gain greater love and fulfillment.

Excuse me while I clear my throat-- haarumphbullshit!

This seminar will focus on the principles of emotional maturity developed by Chuck Spezzano. Chuck's workshops offer a deep experiential learning opportunity in a supportive environment. His seminars are famous for their depth and humour and the connection that occurs when everyone's heart is open.

Emotional maturity? Charles Lee Spezzano is famous for his dirty jokes, which are now sort of out of date in a Hugh Hefner way. "Cunt-rol"? "Anal-lies"? Give me a break.

Join us to discover "What Happy People Know".  REGISTER NOW

The Fast Track with Chuck
Are We One?
Are We One?

The above snippet has a link to Spezzano's Youtube, "Are We One?" where he touts the idea of "Oneness," cites quantum physics directly, and displays his Jungian and Oneness University influence indirectly. The employment of quantum physics to sell his nonsense brings to mind the following link:

Chuck Spezzano PhD is a man with a vision. For over 40 years he has traveled the world empowering people to choose love over fear. His work is a path of the heart, which combines his many years of experience as a relationship coach, spiritual teacher and practical mystic. Chuck co-founded The Psychology of Vision model with his wife Lency Spezzano. It is a healing model that is committed to helping people lead happy lives.

A "practical mystic"? What the heck is that? Remember, Psychology of Vision is group that has promoted Oneness University Deeksha blessings, downloading Heaven's grace and channeling it, being sensitive to the energy of crystals, past life regression, producing mystics, using empath powers, predicting the future, manifesting miracles, changing the weather through mind power, blaming the victim for diseases-birth defects-misfortunes, and using cards for fortune telling. In short, these people are not scientists or professionals in the area of therapy or healing. Spezzano's PhD in "Professional Psychology" is not medical and is unaccredited by the APA. In fact, the Spezzanos were fined by Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be professionals. 
A 5 day workshop with Chuck will transcend years of individual therapy through the power of the group mind. It is an invaluable process that brings renewed hope, vitality and lasting change.

Group mind!?! Do you mean like having people quake and quiver and being either hypnotized or sexually groped like they were in the video examples we just recently posted? Do you mean like having people humiliated in public in an uncontrolled setting by an unlicensed and unregulated little tin God who charges over $1100 an hour for a personal consultation? Do you mean like the way Babs Stevens was manipulated like a ventriloquist dummy in Lenora's Youtube? In POV a "group mind" is defined as surrendering and submitting to the Spezzano mind. The only contribution of yours that matters is the one to their bank account.
Visit Chuck and Lency Spezzano's website: 

5 Day Workshop
June 6 - 10, 2015

Full Price $825 USD + tax

If you have this kind of money to throw away and you feel vulnerable, please, please, don't waste it on this clown. Go. To. A. Professional. The Spezzanos are not qualified to do what they do, and they provide no follow up unless you are willing to dish out more bucks. Psychology of Vision is a scam and a personality cult. 

SAVE $200 USD 
Tuition is $625 USD + GST
When you register by May 8

with a deposit of $300 USD + tax

This is the only seminar in Canada & North America this year.

Location: Executive Hotel, 4201 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby, BC  

For information contact
or Call Marianne 604.526.4521
or Myrna 604-669-7400

Tuition for Couples, Seniors, Students, 100 Day Graduates
 and First Nations go to or contact us.

If you have to sign a waiver before attending, turn around and run away. Even if you lose hundreds of dollars in the process, not attending will be mentally healthier for you. Psychology of Vision is a toxic cult.  It's all about the money.


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #431 on: April 14, 2015, 03:53:50 pm »
Torsten Konrad, a POV trainer level 1 in Germany, is now doing coaching webinars for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.

Google translation:

To be true to themselves and unusual life and approaches and to advocate on the other hand, an important commitment in the encounter with social customs of the mainstream. In this way, but can also often pass unnoticed traits excessive independence, hardness of heart and rebellion in our lives.

 From inner conviction to develop new lifestyles and values ??and definitions
To question conventions are the same as the cultivation of male and
feminine qualities about gender roles addition, important contributions to the LSB & T community
to overall social development.

This willingness, despite strong societal pressure and many unpleasant effects to express the inner truth, is heroic!
These webinars offer LSB & T to support the possibility of their career, relationship and regular family development by means of the dynamic and effective methods of Psychology of Vision.

This is another example of affinity fraud, just like that done to First Nations. Market to a targeted population. Persuade and manipulate people to believe the toxic precepts of POV. Teach people to blame themselves for everything, including for societal ills and oppression.

Previous posts including him:

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #432 on: April 20, 2015, 12:29:44 am »
The Spin on "The Spin"

In what is quite possibly the most bizarre of the videos issued by Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) is one that is an example of "downloading/joining" entitled "Greater Intimacy with God." Here is a link to my NAFPS review of this work which in turn includes a link to the actual video--

We SALPOV watchers refer to this one as "the Spin" and cannot even begin to guess what the heck is going on here, except that we feel we are seeing a classic case of hypnosis being employed under the guise of delivering Heaven's grace. This "downloading/joining" is just one of the fabulous services provided by SALPOV for a very large fee. Becoming enlightened is a rather expensive process with the Spezzanos. 

Anyway, quite a long time ago someone asked Lenora what The Spin was all about in the Youtube comment section. Mrs. Spezzano ignored the question, but Sharilyn Stalling, who "specializes in soul retrieval, exorcism, curse removal, vision interpretation and is a master of reading the Akashic Records" jumped in and supplied an answer.

Here is Sharilyn's website--

Someone goes through and routinely prunes out any critical comments on Lenora's Youtubes in a very passive/aggressive way (which is why, among other reasons, I have never bothered to contribute there), and for some reason the rather tame and polite question regarding The Spin was censored (the question simply went something like, "What is the spinning all about?"), but Sharilyn's answer to the question was kept--

Sharilyn Stalling 1 year ago
Dear Lenzy, What a privilege to see you in action channeling the power of unconditional Divine Love! It does take enormous courage to take on the deep emotional pain of another human being. I do Akashic Record healing which means I relive the past events wherein pain is stuck; I am the person of the past in all the emotional anguish. What I witness here is you doing this work in a uniquely powerful swift manner. The spin you did I have done similarly when I am pulling out entangled strands of emotional pain. How to explain this to someone who is stuck in ancient beliefs and ancient pain is not possible unless he experiences it for himself. Thank you for your dedication and love connectedness that you share so freely. Blessings on you and all that you do.

So this sat for a long time. But within the last week Lenora has supplied an answer!

Lency Spezzano 6 days ago
+Sharilyn Stalling Thanks so much, Sharilyn. I have received a lot of attack on the internet for being myself and doing the work I do. I appreciate you understanding that spin - it doesn't happen often, but I trust it. Thanks again for the encouragement.

Why Lenora waited so long to address this is a mystery. But now we know she endorses the definition of The Spin as explained by Sharilyn, and, we see Lenora is not afraid to play the martyr card. There's that use of the "attack" word again, revealing her belief in dualism and an "us vs. them" mentality. My question on whether or not she is delusional or cynical remains, but either way she demonstrates what a crazy and toxic cult SALPOV really is. Embracing the Stalling explanation and belief system is of course not bad in itself, but after doing so Lenora cannot go on and pretend to be a professional in any way in the field of psychology, as she did in her response to the Ripoff Report:;topicseen#msg37020

To cite "religious freedom" as a protection for SALPOV in the face of us critics is in error. This is a registered for-profit corporation, not a religion. SALPOV was created as a money-making venture. SALPOV is a business. And the business of business is to make money. Those of you on Haida Gwaii take note when Babs Stevens and her toadies use this freedom of religion argument to defend their highly questionable actions and subservience to the Spezzanos rather than their own constituents. My friends on Haida Gwaii have been culturally, socially, economically, and politically sold out by those willing to hand over their power and influence to a couple of rich Americans. Follow the money, folks. The coin of the realm is the true God in SALPOV. If Haida Gwaii really wants the "cultural renaissance" Lenora talks about, the first step is to kick out all traces of SALPOV.

If you are in a vulnerable state of mind right now and are considering signing up for a course in SALPOV or Steps to Leadership, my advice is turn around and run for your life. For your life. There is more to existence than feeding the Spezzano or Allen bank account.

But I am glad to see Lenora finally addressing one of our long standing questions. Maybe she'll answer some of our other queries, starting with this list (and we have many more unanswered problems since this list was created)--

And for your amusement here is a link to the Card of the Day on Martyrs:

Here is a link to the Card of the Day on Passive-Aggression:

Here is a link to the Card of the Day on Dualism:

Y'know, it is pretty bad when even the founders of a personality cult cannot remember the basics of their dogma and by their actions go against their own rules. I'd say that is living in denial.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #433 on: April 27, 2015, 10:34:27 pm »
i find it interesting that lency spezzaon says she's attacked on the internet for being herself ??  i don't think she reall knows who herself is, and from what i'm reading about them her and her husband, they;'re running a cult ,conning to deliver all this quick fix healing in 5 days that'll take years with a real licensed psychologist.
 it isn\t an attack lency, it's public education about a harmful cult that targeted first nations healing n=money and what makes you people so sickening is that you targeted a group that has been traumatized so bad in residential school and you aren't bothered by this, you still think you're doing good ,all you're doing is chasing after money for yourselves, can you honestly post an answer about the value for dollar about how mwny residential school survivors and how much your registered business called psychology of vision and your cult outpost group called ngystle spent on themselves compared to how many actual residential school survivors got, i know the answer, i want to hear what you have to say
this is just a small amount that was scammed under the guise of healing, that screwed up video of you with babs stevens is a dead give away that these people are hypnotized and babs called this the most amazinf=g healing she ever got, i dare you to send this to mental health canada and ask for an evaluation and review about how this can be called healing
 lency spezzano, this is not an attack, you can safely place this in the public education department about exposing 2 scam artists chuck spezzano and is wife Lency spezzano, you can;t take any critique ,i't always an attack , if you were someone legit you would listen and try to correct what is going wrong, but, nope, you have to atack anyone that goes against what your cult teaches ,this is just one of many cult characteristics you and your cult leader husband do when critiqued or anything you see as negative is brought up about the Pov cult.
 many first nations villages in BC are onto you two now.
 it'll be difficult for you to show yor faces anywhere now, the word is out your nothing but a cult , the government funders know how to look at the airy fairy grant applications for :healing" now, and especially when Pov is mentioned ,the red flag gets raised right to the top ,
babd councils that got sucked into your bs are being scrutinized and any Pov people placed in positions of authority where they're at you bidding, like babs stevens are all watched and people know this is not healing , i'm glad to hear that Pov is not allowed into some indian villages now, it will be great when all villages don't allow you to bring harm to people that have been already traumatized,
an attack this isn't, it's the real truth about chuck & lency spezzano is coming out ,people are speaking freely about you 2 and the damage you've done to first nations culture, you sure caused a big mess and it's going to get cleaned up, and all with your indoctrination and dogma, you di=on't belong on any indian reserves, all you're doing is finishing off what the original colonizers started, and that is not welcome on any reserve
                                 THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OF US HERE.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #434 on: April 27, 2015, 10:52:21 pm »
i find it interesting that lency spezzaon says she's attacked on the internet for being herself ??  i don't think she reall knows who herself is, and from what i'm reading about them her and her husband, they;'re running a cult ,conning to deliver all this quick fix healing in 5 days that'll take years with a real licensed psychologist.
 it isn\t an attack lency, it's public education about a harmful cult that targeted first nations healing n=money and what makes you people so sickening is that you targeted a group that has been traumatized so bad in residential school and you aren't bothered by this, you still think you're doing good ,all you're doing is chasing after money for yourselves, can you honestly post an answer about the value for dollar about how mwny residential school survivors and how much your registered business called psychology of vision and your cult outpost group called ngystle spent on themselves compared to how many actual residential school survivors got, i know the answer, i want to hear what you have to say
this is just a small amount that was scammed under the guise of healing, that screwed up video of you with babs stevens is a dead give away that these people are hypnotized and babs called this the most amazinf=g healing she ever got, i dare you to send this to mental health canada and ask for an evaluation and review about how this can be called healing
 lency spezzano, this is not an attack, you can safely place this in the public education department about exposing 2 scam artists chuck spezzano and is wife Lency spezzano, you can;t take any critique ,i't always an attack , if you were someone legit you would listen and try to correct what is going wrong, but, nope, you have to atack anyone that goes against what your cult teaches ,this is just one of many cult characteristics you and your cult leader husband do when critiqued or anything you see as negative is brought up about the Pov cult.
 many first nations villages in BC are onto you two now.
 it'll be difficult for you to show yor faces anywhere now, the word is out your nothing but a cult , the government funders know how to look at the airy fairy grant applications for :healing" now, and especially when Pov is mentioned ,the red flag gets raised right to the top ,
babd councils that got sucked into your bs are being scrutinized and any Pov people placed in positions of authority where they're at you bidding, like babs stevens are all watched and people know this is not healing , i'm glad to hear that Pov is not allowed into some indian villages now, it will be great when all villages don't allow you to bring harm to people that have been already traumatized,
an attack this isn't, it's the real truth about chuck & lency spezzano is coming out ,people are speaking freely about you 2 and the damage you've done to first nations culture, you sure caused a big mess and it's going to get cleaned up, and all with your indoctrination and dogma, you di=on't belong on any indian reserves, all you're doing is finishing off what the original colonizers started, and that is not welcome on any reserve
                                 THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OF US HERE.
here is a video showing babs stevens getting knocked right out of her own reality, taken over by lency spezzano,
this is the one wher they say it looks like babs got hit on the side of her head with a 2x4 and is manipulated like a ventriloquist dummy, personally i think babs stevens was made to please lency spezzano and emulate lency, besides thinking she could start her own money making cult business, people are onto all of these pov people including the "advanced trainers" recruiters, as they say.... the gig is up
 they call this true healing. i wonder if Amy Janeck from the college of registered psychologists saw this and call this
and call it real healing ?? actually i would like ti=o hear what she says about this ?
 i know she said that chuck spezzano was never a licensed to practice as a psychologist in bc or the rest of canada, yet with his tricky advertising he deceived people that he is a phd i psychology sp people will go and get brainwashed at his "workshops"