Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 173380 times)


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2014, 08:02:12 pm »
Just found another photo, emailed Erick about this one too, they both need to be taken down right away. As Autumn points out, it it clear that Mr. Brooks wanted nothing to do with Gonzalez at all.

In the photo gallery about 19 of the photos include identifiable people other than Erick Gonzalez and his crew. This photo of Erick talking to young children especially bothers me. About 17 kids, many could be identified in this photo. Does he have specific parental permission for this? Will the children themselves want this photo up when they are older?

Many people don't have computers, are not online, and may not know Erick is using their photos in this manner.

Some former followers who want photos taken down may not be able to contact Erick directly, Erick has many people confused and manipulated, they believe he has powers, they believe they may not be safe if they contact him.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 07:44:46 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2014, 12:50:55 am »
Erick's wife Heddi Neale can be reached at . She's responded to my request, but for some reason she is just too too busy to comply.

Subject: Re: Please take down photos of Albert Joseph Brooks - thank you

I will do this when I am able- we are in the middle of many many things that all need my time and attention, so the most urgent things have to take priority. I am the only one that manages our website so it is dependent on me.

Thank you,
Heddi Neale

(Updated after photos finally taken down.)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 07:49:09 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #47 on: February 26, 2014, 07:47:37 pm »
The photos have finally been taken down, apparently they will be edited and then reloaded.

It has been done. We are going to edit out his image in the photos and reload them at a later time... The confirmation of the ancestors through the rainbow was an important moment to capture from our history. 


Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2014, 03:12:38 am »
Erick's wife Heddi Neale can be reached at . She's responded to my request, but for some reason she is just too too busy to comply.

Subject: Re: Please take down photos of Albert Joseph Brooks - thank you

I will do this when I am able- we are in the middle of many many things that all need my time and attention, so the most urgent things have to take priority. I am the only one that manages our website so it is dependent on me.

Thank you,
Heddi Neale

(Updated after photos finally taken down.)

If it is dependant on you then why do you  choose to continously  exploite elders, children, women and unsupecting bystanders to promote your Business? You are monopolizing the images of people who pray and participate based on a purpose. It is repulsive to exploite the innocent and old , as well as the caregivers of our community , the women and men. This behaviour demonstrates how you mislead participants in your motives . You can't authentic your business by exploiting our relatives.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2014, 06:39:24 pm »
The way Erick's people talk about drugs on Facebook is interesting, for instance a follower posted a photo of peyote, many people then lined up in comments to rave about peyote in a manner that sounded completely like recreational drug use.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2014, 06:56:41 pm »
Is the description here of a Temascal, as a "Mayan Sweatlodge", is that description accurate?

Spring Equinox Community Prayer and Telegreeting
Mar 21, 2014

Come gather, all our Relatives, around the virtual fire for a Community Seasonal Prayer and Telegreeting to mark the passing of the Spring Equinox. Led by Earth Peoples United Spiritual Leaders Tat Erick Gonzalez and Nan Heddi Neale.

Friday, 21st March @ 5.30pm PT

Following ceremonies at the Patziapa Ceremonial Center at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala to initiate a new Temascal (Mayan Sweatlodge), Tat Erick and Nan Heddi will be calling in while on pilgrimage with other community members and Mayan Spiritual Elders.

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2014, 10:38:25 pm »
He uses Amanita Muscaria? Seriously? While it is true that it has been used to put people in a state of delirium, for shamanic reasons, it is dangerous. I belong to the local mycological group and amanita muscaria destroys part of your liver EVERY time you use it. EVERY time. There was a study done in a Scandinavian country, can't remember which one off hand, where there was a village that men died in their 40's and women lived into their 80's. It was found that the men, starting at puberty, took amanita muscaria during rituals. By the time they readched their 40's, their livers were gone. The women never used it.  And I am clear on the word delirium. That is what the toxin causes. This guy is stupid and he is harming people.

Below is the waiver Erick Gonzalez and his spiritual business Earth Peoples
 United expect innocent participants to sign. Notice it instructs you to get traveller’s
accident insurance but fails to inform you that medical insurance does not cover
experimental sacred medicine events.
 In fact if you are harmed by such an event and need medical attention , your
 medical insurance will be void as there is no medical travel insurance that will
 protect you for this kind of self harm or risk.
What kind of spiritual human would ask you to sign such a waiver and expect you
to  feel cared for? What is the purpose of risking your health,mind and life
 for the security of this business?
It even states how  there is no medical help or psychotherapy care available to
you ,yet in their Ceremonial Guidelines you are asked to obey and follow “TaTa
Erick” and to seek help from the group.

At this event participants were poisoned by copious amounts of a thick brew of
 amanita  poisonous mushroom .”No one knew this was the sacred medicine of
choice prior to signing his waiver”.
 Participant's fell into a toxic coma , next day they
 were  told that they were learning the soma way of the soma medicine.

Do not sign waivers like these and do not fall for spiritual businesses that cover
their own asses at the cost of their own followers!

Mayan Shamanism / TJU-EPU   P.O. Box 96 Yreka, CA 96097 
Phone: 530-459-3471 Fax: 530-459-3176   E-Mail:
Please complete the following (write legibly) and Fax or email back to us.


I hereby apply to participate as Member of the Self-Transformational Journey to Guatemala organized by Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU, and taking place November 16- Dec 5, 2009.  Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU acts only in the capacity of tour sponsor and while exercising every possible precaution is not responsible for injury, damage, loss, additional expenses, accidental delay or other irregularities which may be caused either through willful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of the companies or individuals providing or engaged in transportation, accommodation, or other services related with the execution of this journey and/or any travel participants choose to do before or after the organized trip. Furthermore, Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU shall not be legally or financially responsible to any trip member in the event of cancellation of all or part of any trip due to acts of nature, government actions, civil unrest or hostilities, acts of terrorism, or for the default of any tour operator, travel supplier, process facilitator, speaker, medicine person, acts of God and any other events beyond their control. In addition, Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU reserves the right to modify or withdraw and tour arrangements deemed necessary for the best interest of the tour members. The right is also reserved to decline to accept or retain any person in the participation of any of the scheduled activities.

Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU recommends the purchase, by each tour member, of appropriate travel accident insurance, baggage insurance, tour operator/carrier default protection insurance, trip cancellation insurance, health and life insurance, and possible vaccinations when deemed necessary. Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU is not responsible for any of the above mentioned items.
I, ___________________________________________________ (full name), understand that this event is intended to offer participants deep inner transformation, significant personal input and spiritual insight, and is designed to provide an opportunity to activate and integrate emotions and feelings which might be intense in nature. I understand that I might experience deep emotions and unusual physical sensations during ceremonial and other altered state processes offered during this event. I understand that nothing relating to psychotherapy or medical care will be provided to me by anyone connected with the organizing of this event. I understand that meditation, chanting, breathing processes, sacred medicine practices, and indigenous healing ceremonies and initiations are experimental in nature and that their effect (if any) on pre-existing or latent pathological mental, emotional, or physical conditions is unknown. I understand that no claims are made about any specific results that I might receive from this self-transformational event. I understand that this event is a self-selected improvement process and that all results that I get from this event are created by me and by no one else.

If I have any concerns about the effect that this event might have on my physical, mental, or emotional condition, I understand that it is recommended that I consult a licensed physician or psychotherapist prior to participating in this event. By this application, I hereby assume all risk for any injuries or discomfort that I may sustain in the pursuit of the activities included in this event. I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, distributees, guardians, legal representatives and assigns, do hereby remise, release, and forever discharge Mayan Shamanism and/or TJU-EPU and any other facilitators of this event, their affiliated organizations, employees, and independent contractors, from any actions, claims, suits, damages, or judgments that may result from any injury (physical, mental, or emotional) or disturbance that I may sustain as a result of my participation in this event. I further agree to indemnify fully anyone who is sued on my behalf in connection with this event and to fully pay any legal fees they incur in connection with such lawsuit. My signature on the bottom of this LIABILITY WAIVER will confirm that I have carefully read and that I understand the nature of the self-transformational event described by this document.

NB “By accepting this waiver you may be waiving legal rights and claims. By signing you are assuring that you understand the extent of this waiver and accept its terms.”

Name: (please print)______________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Ceremonial Guidelines

1. Tata Erick is our guide in Guatemala and we need to trust and follow any instructions he may give.
2. The Sacred Fire – around the Fire, you have entered Sacred Space and  need to be conscious of:
Listen to, and follow the instructions of the spiritual leader. One should not make assumptions that the way it has been done in the past or the way it has been done in other ceremonies, is the way it will be done this time. Trust the spiritual leader and the process.
Only put the offerings you are given into the fire.
How you walk and step around the fire is important. Sink-in and feel the energies.  It is not appropriate to kick at the Fire or disrespect it.
3. The Ceremony – Every action and word is a part of the ceremony. As we are laying the materials for the fire, we are making an offering to spirit and the whole process becomes an offering in which you are participating. During ceremony, if a request is made of you, do it well with beauty & love.                                                                                                                                           If you choose to participate in ceremony, honor the sacred space and keep the circle strong by maintaining your presence until it completes.
4. Be on time.  Do not make the Elders wait.  Everyone serves the group by being attentive and focusing their energies so that things move in a sacred rhythm and flow. 
5. Confidentiality. Respect others by keeping what they share about their personal affairs confidential.
6. Take care of yourself and be responsible for your own well-being.  Do not do anything that puts your emotional, physical or spiritual well-being at risk. Pace yourself and be your own monitor.  Seek out someone from the designated support team, as needed.
7. Be in integrity. Be respectful of others and listen to all that is being offered.  Communicate consciously and be aware of the impact your words and actions have on others.  Be aware when others are speaking and do not interrupt. 
8. Honor and respect our indigenous brothers, sisters and Elders. It is traditional that the Elders eat first. Around the sacred fire or meals, be attentive, consider offering your chair or serving a meal or beverage.
9. Let us know in advance if you are not able to hold these guidelines.

Matiox Chawe. :'(

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2014, 10:49:45 pm »
here is a post taken from Huna is not Hawaiian  f-book site,

this sentence describes exactly what erick gonzalez did to some haida people,

We tend to think of this as cultural exchange when really, it’s no more an exchange than pressuring your neighbors to adopt your ideals while stealing their family heirlooms.

- See more at:

he posted pictures of what he suggested to some Haida and some white people to bring to his "altar" so their prayers would be recognized and answered more easily by the "spirit world". This just shows and proves that the Alter is himself, since he hi grades and takes the items he likes best for decorating his home, or mayby his home is the "altar"now and everyone that's getting antsy thinking they need another drug fix will go there and for the Mish-Mash drug ceremony he sells.

i think people should know about people like erick gonzalez that cross boundaries and have absolutely no respect for other peoples cultures,traditions and medicines especially when he sees a chance to make money for himself from stealing them and making a mish mash of his own version of healing or spirituality, it looks like some people are totally aware of this fraud but the lure and personal need of the hallucinogenics is stronger than the common sense needed to free themselves, along with the already embedded commands that trigger them to stay with him ..this must be a tough situation to end up in.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 11:38:49 pm by moreinfo »

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2014, 08:38:19 pm »
Ceremonial Retreat in beautiful 
Santa Ynez, CA (near Santa Barbara)
Thursday, Feb 20th (1 Keme) -
Sunday Feb 23rd (4 Toj)


    Thurs 2/20 (1 Keme): Arrive by 5 pm, Welcome & Dinner
    Fri 2/21 (2 Kiej): Breakfast, medicine plant teachings, lunch, mesa/altar teachings & set up mesas/altars, dinner, all-night prayer vigil
    Sat 2/22 (3 Q'anil): Sunrise ceremony, rest and integration time. Working directly with the plants and preparing offerings for the fire ceremony, dinner, sharing circle and close altars
    Sun 2/23 (4 Toj): Breakfast, Mayan Fire Ceremony and potluck (more info below), depart

Contribution:  $400 as One of Four Ceremonial Gifts
Participants must arrive by 5 pm on Thursday, Feb 20th 

Meal Preparations will be Community Style (food offerings are another one of the 4 Gifts)

Limit 20 People

For more Information and to Reserve your Space,

Please Call Kirana at 602.758.1213 or

Registration will close on Friday February 14th.
Sunday, Feb 23rd - (4 Toj)
9 am - 4 pm
Santa Ynez, CA

Join us as we continue to make offerings for our Mother Earth and pray to set a good destiny for our future in Santa Ynez, CA at this ceremonial fireplace in Southern California.

Bring offerings for your personal healing and to align with your spiritual destiny!

Followed by a potluck, please bring a prepared dish to share.
Suggested loving donation: $35-50 to support our Medicine People and cover ceremonial materials.

We strongly encourage bringing offerings for the fire (dried herbs & flowers, sugar, chocolate, honey, candles in the directional colors), contact us for more details...

Click here to learn more about Mayan Fire Ceremonies... 

For more information and directions, contact
Kirana at 602.758.1213 or

Gonzalez's spiritual opportunities continue into 2014. 20 people x $400=$8,000 and this is just one of the "gifts"! of his ceremonial fork it over gatherings. Exploiting innocent participants in believing you must pay to be seduced and drugged by Gonzalez whom portrays himself over and over to be an  authentic "healer", how tragic to fall victim to this organized group and their "spiritual leader" who have refined a premeditated scheme to extract continuously from people who have not yet heard of Erick's ugly and damaging  track record in the North. He and his helpers at  Earth's People United conveniently continue their crimes against humanity by "keeping their secrets of desecration to others", How long will it take before US citizens find out the truth of these perpetrators?   
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 11:33:03 pm by volcano woman »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #54 on: May 04, 2014, 01:43:53 pm »
More ceremony selling from Gonzalez. He also can't keep straight which tribe his group is play acting at, since he tosses in Navajo phrases and ceremony buyers are "integrated in tipis."

That makes it sound like they're being woven into the tipi hide. ::) And of course there's vortexes and stargates and shifting frequencies...


Renew your spirit and walk the beauty way.
Spirit Jaguar
Waqxaqui (8) B'atz Ceremonial Retreat  at Deer Mountain

Tues May 13th - Sun May 18th, 2014
(5 Q'anil - 10 Aj)

Join Tat Erick Gonzalez and Nan Heddi Neale as we work with the important energies of the Mayan Calendar that take us through the "Mayan New Year" of 8 B'atz. We will be giving to ourselves, each other, and all of life through teachings, sacred gifting ceremonies, sweatlodges, a community Mayan Fire Ceremony, and personal Mayan Fire Ceremonies focusing on what we want to crystallize in our lives as we begin this new cycle of life!

The day of Waqxaqui (8) B'atz in the Mayan Calendar is celebrated by millions of the Maya throughout Guatemala and Central America as the day of Spiritual Renewal for all life that has come through the matrix, when another 260-day (9 month) cycle of Life is completed (this day is often referred to as the "Mayan New Year"). The energy of B'atz is that of the threads of life, the cords of energy that flow from our umbilical cords and connect us to all of our past and future generations, with 8 being the number of completion. It is a powerful opportunity to join together around the Grandfather Fire to weave our thoughts, prayers, intentions, and actions together for a better future on our Mother Earth. We offer generous amounts of ceremonial gifts to the fire in gratitude and payment for our lives and the spiritual and elemental forces that guide and protect us....   

Loving contribution for full retreat:  $750 
Weekend only (Fri evening - Sunday): $400

Waqxaqui (8) B'atz Community Mayan Fire Ceremony
 Fri May 16th,  9 am - 5pm
This ceremony is being opened up for the local communities to join us for the day. Please arrive by 9 am to be taken up the mountain for the ceremonial and a communal meal afterwards, and be back down the mountain at 5 pm.
Suggested loving donation of $50 to contribute to ceremonial materials, time & energy of the spiritual leaders, and support for the sacred sanctuary of Deer Mountain. Followed by a shared meal, please bring a prepared dish to share.  We strongly encourage bringing offerings for the fire (dried herbs & flowers, sugar, chocolate, honey, candles in the directional colors), contact us for more details...   
Tues May 13th - 5 Q'anil
•Arrive between 1-4 pm.

Wed May 14th - 6 Toj
•Sunrise ceremony to create and strengthen our relationships through generous loving gift exchange. Each person will bring something beautiful and special to be gifted to someone else, for the purpose of connecting to the Toj- the payment and the receiving. In this gifting ceremony we collectively and individually make a ceremonial action for each other, ourselves, and our spiritual connection to Life.
•Pilgrimage to the springs to give gifts to the source of life. Bring small, natural gifts for the springs, things like: flower petals, cornmeal, cacao, cedar, sage.
•Dinner & rest

Thurs May 15th - 7 T'zi
•Sunrise wood fire ceremony with offerings for Wuku (7) T'zi. Traditionally the women lead the ceremonies on this day as the carriers of the genetic code, and the children are brought closest to the fire. Special offerings are given to the fire on this day to bring nourishment and strength to the Mother Earth and the elemental and spiritual energies.
•Breakfast •Teachings •Lunch
•Start fire for lodge after lunch, women's sweatlodge (and men's if there are enough men!) in afternoon. On Wuku T'zi we want to complete and let go of anything from the past cycle that we don't want to bring into the new cycle starting the next day on 8 B'atz.
•Dinner & rest

Fri 5/16 - 8 B'atz
•Sunrise ceremony •Breakfast & lunch prep
•Prepare for ceremony
•10 am - sharing and set fire
•Noon - light fire
•Weekend-only people arrive at bottom of hill by 5 pm, head up hill, welcome and orientation, set up camps
•Dinner at 7 pm
•Sharing circle around campfire, get ceremonial materials ready for next day's fires

 Sat 5/17 - 9 E
•Sunrise ceremony •Breakfast
•Pilgrimage to Pop Jay with ceremonial materials
•Personal fires to birth our new destinies, focusing on "what do you want to crystallize for your life?" Teachings and instructions how to ceremonially holograph your vision through the ceremonial fire- creating a vortex of energy (elemental stargate) to shift the frequency of our experience in this world. And though that, the fire also creates a shifting in the collective consciousness of humanity.
Integration circle in tipi
•Dinner & rest

Sun 5/18 - 10 Aj
•Sunrise ceremony focusing on the staffs of our beings, anchoring ourselves between heaven and earth.
•7:30 am: Breakfast •9-11 am: Sharing circle & closing


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #55 on: May 09, 2014, 08:03:37 pm »
I sure wish USA authorities would shut Erick Gonzalez down, make it near impossible for him to run drugs and hook recruits.

In this video Plastic Healers one of his long time devotees claims that public schools are bad residential schools and that hospitals are part of the colonial systems. She sounds like she is repeating what Erick says. This has been offensive to many people who say that current public schools are not at all like past residential schools - that they want their own kids to of course have access to good public education and medical care.

Erick in an audio intro to their "crystallizing your vision" course sarcastically mocks the idea of people wanting jobs, to pay their bills, get a car, finish school. He sounds to me like a bully when he does this. According to Erick, those type of goals are somehow stupid, we should instead have goals like "make the world better".  All while Erick rakes in $ and cultural treasures. And brags about his own various vehicles.

This all got me to thinking that Erick is targeting white hippies along with people who haven't heard any kind of counter culture message before. What Erick teaches is not new, it is just a jumbled mess arbitrarily organized in a way to keep people occupied. The "mayan calendar", "nine fires", ceremonies, and retreats are all designed to hook people's attention and keep them occupied.  The drug focus keeps people occupied too.

Their web site, Heddi's art work, and photos of their ceremonies also makes me think of white hippie types (I used to be one myself), people drawn to the counter culture message and drawn to the "color".

All us past, current, and aspirational hippie types would be far better off putting in some time with actual community work, like work at a food bank or soup kitchen, rather than dancing to Erick's tune.

I wonder why they use terms like "Aho!". I also wonder about Heddi's art, for instance Eagle & Buffalo , Sacred Medicines, Water Kachina, and others. Why are they claiming that Erick is a "hollow bone" and that they teach how to "walk the beauty way"?


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2014, 04:34:58 pm »
The planned 8th Annual Wisdom Keeper and Youth Council for this August has been postponed. Hopefully this will allow more time for the word to spread on how dangerous Erick Gonzalez is.

Some youth that have been recruited for events in the past learned to their dismay that drugs are used, and it was not fun for them to be around drugged, unsafe adults.

From a recent newsletter:

Leading up to and during the recent summer solstice ceremonies at Deer Mountain, powerful reflections came to show us that we were not prepared with what we have to work with this year to be able to create and offer the Wisdom Keeper & Youth Council in a balanced way. Following the decision by our Spiritual Leader Tat Erick Gonzalez, we have decided to postpone the 8th Annual Wisdom Keeper and Youth Council for this year, originally scheduled for August 7-12th, 2014 so that the energies may be honed, harvested and effectively directed for a more potent resurgence next year with new collaborations and weavings more firmly in place. As part of this decision, EPU has also chosen to enter an incubation phase and tend to hearth and home, community development, and tending to the land at Deer Mountain as directed by spirit and listening to our hearts.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #57 on: July 16, 2014, 03:14:05 pm »
Erick instructs his devotees to get tattoos, he says this will help spirits recognize them as medicine people.

Tattoos can include designs of peyote buttons on their ankles, chin tats, elaborate tats on their backs.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2014, 06:04:56 pm »
I am not sure in my remember, do they use amanita, in German Fliegenpilz (Muscaria amanita)?
The different psychedelic contains has varying higher / deeper concentration depending by the time where the mushroom was collected and how long it has dehydrated. It needs a lot knowledge about how to use this medicine. If Gonzo do not know enough it seems to me he don´t know what reaction could come up .... or  is he offering a new experiment .... with adults and with youth? Youth are not just "small" adults, their physiologies are working and reacting different than those of adults, ... also depending of their age, their weight and constitution.

What must happen that those frauds wish to stop making experiments (... too often they are not more than experiments... ) with natural and chemical drugs, those frauds who tell people they are healer ....


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2014, 04:09:39 pm »
I am not sure in my remember, do they use amanita, in German Fliegenpilz (Muscaria amanita)?
The different psychedelic contains has varying higher / deeper concentration depending by the time where the mushroom was collected and how long it has dehydrated. It needs a lot knowledge about how to use this medicine. If Gonzo do not know enough it seems to me he don´t know what reaction could come up .... or  is he offering a new experiment .... with adults and with youth? Youth are not just "small" adults, their physiologies are working and reacting different than those of adults, ... also depending of their age, their weight and constitution.

What must happen that those frauds wish to stop making experiments (... too often they are not more than experiments... ) with natural and chemical drugs, those frauds who tell people they are healer ....

Yes, Erick does give his people amanita, along with other drugs.
The intensives were essentially a psychoactive drug retreat where he controlled our every move thru a dusk to dawn event and we could approach the altar to consume whatever he was dishing out as many times as we liked and any amount that we wanted to spoon into our mouths, or drink down the concoction that was there. We had to have permission to go to the bathroom, which was outside in the dark and had to have permission to come back in. We had to wait for the right cues to approach the altar and on and on it goes.

He had very strong concoctions of peyote brew and powder, wachuma, and the frog venom which he had us smoke from a glass pipe. He also administrated ammanita brew and ammanita caps, many addicted people hooked on cocaine, crack, pills, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana attended . We could not understand how this was going to heal anybody as they would always continue to do their drugs after he left. when the ceremonies were over he would give each participant a bag of peyote buttons and peyote brew and instructed them to share with those who they deemed needing the sacred medicine. so there was no damage control with his activities and his was continuously soliciting vulnerable people and making followers out of addicted souls.

One of us who experienced erick's amanita medicine events described the results to our local chief of staff at our hospital and they said we were having a full blown poisonous reaction and that we were damaging our livers and do not know what we are damaging. The one who reported this experienced severe memory loss and extreme arthritic attacks that lasted for 3 years.  Erik is very dangerous and we want people to know that he doesn't care about you, even if you die, people need to know that he is greedy to any extent and will create poverty in your family, and will not give up to continue to get more.

Erick uses his followers to transport and distribute illegal drugs. He is a destructive cult leader who abuses his followers, feeds them dangerous addictive substances, and uses them to finance his income.