Author Topic: NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)  (Read 28614 times)

Offline Rustee

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With Naga (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2019, 05:32:55 pm »
Just wanted to wish you luck in your battle in Cedar City and share what I've learned about NAGA.  I have no information that isn't available through web searches, searches of non-profit sites, etc, but did spend a certain amount of time going through thousands of web pages trying to figure out who was behind them and who funds them.
They were brought in by the faction in Anderson Township, Ohio that was lobbying to keep the "Redskin" nickname for Anderson High School.  They were mainly represented in Anderson by Eunice Davidson and Tony Henson.  In general, they volunteer to join all such fights around the country and provide cover for the local groups, who can then claim "See, there are lots of Native Americans who support us!"  I don't know what the process is in Cedar City, but in Anderson there was no forum to challenge their status, funding, or credentials.  The committee running the process simply allowed any interested party to make 3 minute statements at open meetings, and that is where NAGA weighed in.  They also provided so-called "research materials" to the local group they were supporting, which consisted of the Washington Post poll, articles written by Billeaudeaux, etc. 
Billeaudeaux's entire pre-NAGA career was in the Coast Guard.  He joined right out of high school and had the usual low-level jobs on cutters.  They sent him to get a bachelor's, master's, officer candidate school, and post-graduate training.  Most of his professional career was as an in-house reporter and public relations guy.  He keeps his online profile very buttoned-down...his LinkedIn account is basically an unused stub, as is his Twitter account.  You can glean very little from his public Facebook postings other than the fact he is a big Trump  MAGA supporter and a Build the Wall guy.  He has made some claims about himself that are kinda sorta true but don't really stand up to scrutiny.  For example, he claims to be a commentator for CNS News, a right wing site run by Brent Bozell.  He wrote some articles for them in 2015 at the height of the controversy over the Washington Redskins name and has published nothing there since then.  He also claims to be associated with a "federal think tank" in Monterey, CA.  To the best of my knowledge, there are no federally funded think tanks in Monterey, which might explain why he never lists the name.  He has also claimed to be "an award winning student of Philip Zimbardo".  He never studied under Zimbardo.  The truth is that one of his post-graduate schools gave him an award that they called in-house the Zimbardo Award.  He also claims to be a "defense strategic analyst", but there is no record of this other than being a media flack for the USCG.
He retired from the coast guard in 2012 and had no visible employment until starting NAGA in 2014.  His first foray into the Native American nickname controversy was writing a children's book called "How the Redskins Got Their Name" in 2015.  It has zero reviews on Amazon, and there have been a couple of scholarly articles debunking his thesis.
Despite forming in 2014, NAGA did not register as a non-profit 501 (c) 3 until 2017.  They have never disclosed who provided the seed money or subsequent funding.  They have never filed the required non-profit financial disclosure forms since registering, claiming an exemption of being under $50,000.  This seems ludicrous to me, as they have sent dozens of representatives around the country to various nickname battles, and I doubt that Billeaudeaux has been working for free since 2014.  Until very recently, they did not have a website or any on-line mechanism to even donate, so they certainly weren't living on small donations. One of the Anderson Township "keepers", Veldkamp, is the one who put up a website for them within the past few months.
My best guess is that the impetus to create the organization came from Dan Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins at the time there was a big push to change the name, and I suspect he is also the source of their seed money.  Can't prove it, but the timing and motivation make sense because that was the first battle Billeaudeaux entered into.
That's about all I know.  I would be happy to put you in touch with some of the folks who led the battle to change the name in Anderson (we lost, by the way).  They would probably know more about some of the other NAGA folks who showed up and spoke.
Hope this helps you.

Online Sparks

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2019, 07:37:01 pm »
Hello all,
I registered at this forum simply to respond to a query I saw on the "Research Needed" page about Andre Billeaudeaux and NAGA.  They showed up at my high school in 2018 to assist in a local group's efforts to retain a native american nickname and mascot.  There's very little public info about this group, so I wanted to add what little I know in order to help your member.

Good work, Rustee! (Re the previous post in this thread.)

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With Naga (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2019, 03:23:48 pm »
NAGA is heading to Skowhegan, Maine on Sunday, February 24th. The event is organized by Jennifer Pelotte Poirier who is a sitting member of the school board. It is being considered an invitation only event - except Poirier invited the school board and superintendent which now makes the event a violation of open meeting law. NAGA of course failed in their indigeneity and did not contact any of the four local Nations to consult prior to the event. Thankfully it would seem that the Not Your Mascot - Maine chapter is lucky in that there are legal reps ready to take up the cause if necessary. The individuals involved in retaining the mascot in Skowhegan, members of a group run by Poirier, have been incredibly toxic with threats of violence and allusions to rape.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With Naga (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2019, 06:32:50 pm »
Some things stand out about NAGA. Their chiefing in particular. Including your NDN name, stating you're full blood or an ancestor...who does that? People trying to play "I'm more NDN, really I'm soooo NDN." Not activists, typically, nor anyone running for office, nor any NDN writing most editorials. Basically someone who wants to convince outsiders, whites, those who don't know any better.

NAGA seems to be almost entirely Billadeaux's creation and org. He's written the most articles by far. Ad guess what? He also publicly testified in favor of keeping Jeb Stuart as the school name of his son's high school. That seems to have sparked his interest.
Also wrote on a counter protest to "take a knee." And ties the claim of threats from "open borders" to mascots here.
One of his articles written as a grad student while in the Coast Guard might indicate he argued for racial profiling. But it's on a paid site, hard to be sure.

For all their claims of having a board, they live far apart, in CA, AZ, VA, ND. Doubt they meet except when flown in together.

The Tsos have written the least. Their sole connection was being part of a group of DC team fans.

Yellowhorse/Beasley has only a few articles, mostly for American Thinker. Other than that he's enjoying being flown around the country for this cause.

Davidson was a professional token before, defending the UND mascot with a book and some editorials. Actually not much from her as part of NAGA.

Tony Hensons claim to be quarter Cherokee. If he were enrolled I think they'd include it. White guy who defended the Illini mascot.

One I can't find anything about is Pretty Deer Flower Eagleman. Nothing outside the NAGA site. Not her legal name or there'd be more.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With Naga (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2019, 10:13:54 pm »
Regarding NAGA participant Archie Fool Bear -
The following paragraph of

Gipp's Response indicates further statements were given to law enforcement which

allege Gipp stated "I'm going to come down there and fucking kill him. He is a child

molester. When him and Archie Fool Bear and Alfred Blue Earth were cops they used to

molest children." (A. 11).

« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 06:10:17 pm by Smart Mule »

Online Sparks

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2019, 11:04:43 pm »

Your link is broken [/.../] probably because you copied it from Facebook. I think this is the full URL:

Having noted that, I am uncertain in what way this stuff is related to the topic of this thread?

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2019, 02:07:26 pm »

Your link is broken [/.../] probably because you copied it from Facebook. I think this is the full URL:

Having noted that, I am uncertain in what way this stuff is related to the topic of this thread?

Thanks for correcting the link. Here is an excerpt
I’m originally from Cannon Ball, but grew up in Fort Yates, a son of the then Standing Rock Police Captain --- Archie Fool Bear. Who is now the present day spokesman for the recently developed ACTT group. A citizen of Standing Rock who claims to seek the truth of Standing Rock: what Archie has yet to realize, is that all he has to do, is take an honest look at his own family to find this truth he claims to seek. I reveal this information only with the consent of victims and witnesses of Archie’s despicable acts.

Much like the poor social state we see our reservation in today, which is the result of immoral & selfish men. Men who created a system that allowed for: lack of accountability for criminal acts, and for the shameful squabbling for power over limited resources, or to the false loyalties of corrupted traditions. Our family has also been poisoned by the sickness of one of these immoral men. In our case, an egocentric wannabe prophet with no conscience or remorse for any of the evil acts he has subjected others to.

He had a way of convincing his victims (and witnesses) through physical abuse and intimidation, along with emotional, sexual and verbal abuse, that all must remain loyal to family (meaning him) and keep silent about his many evil deeds. He insured his family (and relatives) that no one was more important or powerful than the great Archie Fool Bear, the Police Captain who had the legal authority to imprison, discredit and hurt anyone who stood in his way. He assured us he was the sole reason for all good things in our lives; indebting as many of us to his will as possible. We were prisoners in his deranged and violent world. I think many of us who grew up in these types of environments try to normalize these sick worlds we are forced into, in order to mentally survive and attempt to function as normal members of society.

Which brings us to the ultimate lie of my family: it is a lie that has devastated and destroyed many lives, a lie that has burdened our family for more than 20 years. You see, I come forward today because I recently lost someone very close to me, someone who was also haunted with the same guilt of not being able to protect a loved one from Archie. One of the most honorable men I’ve ever known --- Drew Red Dog. He was my 1st cousin, but all who knew of our relationship, know that Drew and I were the closest of brothers. There was nothing we would not do for each other, or for those we care for. We confided everything to one another, most recently about the dark secrets in our family’s history. The sick & depraved crimes Archie subjected our family to have been weighing on both of our shoulders, our entire lives. The abuses we were told as children to never talk about, in order to protect the family, (Archie). Like our culture teaches, we were also taught to always forgive family, but neither of us could ever bring ourselves to forgive an un-remorseful and cowardly man.

Like many of you already have some knowledge of, Archie was investigated for child molestation in the early 1990s, charges that were never filed due to lack of witnesses and evidence. This is where my debt must also be paid. The details of what I witnessed have no place in a public statement such as this, but the one thing I will profess, and so will the victim of this crime, is that Archie Fool Bear did indeed molest his daughter --- my sister Kerry. Along with several other children during that time period, yes while he was a SR Police Officer & Captain.

I walked in on it happening when I was very young, around 9 years old. So long ago, yet I can still remember the fear in my sisters eyes when she looked to me --- terrified and helpless. The abuse continued and several years later, when Kerry was in High School, she worked up the courage, stood up to him, and reported Archie to the schools guidance counselor, Helen Lindgren. One would have hoped that Archie’s reign of terror on his family was soon coming to an end; I suppose in some ways, it did.

I do not pretend to be a saint, nor someone who will ever be. I have committed more sins than I care to remember, and feel remorse and take responsibility for each. But the most remorseful sin of my life was not standing by my sister when she needed me the most. You see, I lied to the FBI when questioned about the sexual abuse I witnessed. I was intimidated by Archie and was too fearful of his repercussions to stand with her. So his lie then became my lie, and is now our family’s lie.

A short time passed after Kerry exposed him: charges were never filed & everybody abandoned her. She was left with nowhere else to go, but back into the sick world she escaped from, which only gave credit to Archie’s story, (where of course), he claimed she was lying. She was then pressured into believing that the best thing for “the family” was for her to recant her statement to the authorities, thus sealing Archie’s lie for the next 20 years --- until now. He has been building onto this lie ever since. Using it as an excuse to hold a debt over Kerry’s life, constantly bombarding her with the reminder of her betrayal to family (him), the lie he created is now his only salvation, and he will do anything to protect it.

Since my lie to the FBI; I’ve been trying to rationalize that decision ever since. As if I had any control over my world then. Yes I lived in a highly abusive home where personal safety was non-existent. Yes I was very young, barely a teenager when questioned by the FBI. Over the last 20 years; counselors, therapists, family members and friends have all said the exact same thing. That we were brainwashed, physically assaulted, mentally tormented and powerless in an environment controlled by the most powerful man in our community, (at that time). The man with the highest authority to cease one's life or freedom --- a corrupt Police Captain. I’m often asked: Who was there to go to? Who was there to stop him? Who could have protected us under his roof? I am always told not to blame myself, that I was a powerless child, yet I still do and probably always will. Much the same way as my brother Drew did.

I think most of us, who were ill affected by Archie, have always held out hope, that there may be an ounce of good left in him, and he would someday come forward as the honorable man he portrays himself as, and admit to his sick depravities. Releasing Kerry from the shadow of lies he holds over her and also freeing Drew, myself and everyone else from the guilt we’ve carried in protecting “the family,” but I have come to realize that Archie has long since sided with evil and is far beyond reconciling his sins, and we can no longer carry his burden for him.

The reason I know he will deny the truth and avoid responsibility for the rest of his days, is because 2 months ago when he began physically and mentally tormenting another family member. I told him bluntly, face to face, that his behavior would no longer be tolerated & that he was to begin repairing his relationship with his daughter Kerry. That if he didn’t, I was not going to protect him any longer. His other children have since given him the same choice. He’s had every opportunity to avoid exposure & make the transition towards being a father & honorable man. But instead, he has once again chosen his lie and is again attempting to strengthen his hold over Kerry. Hoping to once again, cover the sinful tracks of his past. Since our conversation that day, several relatives have come forward & revealed many more abuses that Archie subjected our families to; (during that same time period), 20+ years ago. Abuses I had no knowledge of until only recently. This new knowledge along with his blatant lack of remorse and continued selfishness, has added even more reason for his public exposure.

I truly believe that the members of our reservation and my family both owe my sister Kerry a debt of great gratitude, because without her standing up to him, he would most likely still be enjoying his legal power & authority over all of us. He may have continued with his depraved acts on the innocent within his own family, everything that ceased when Kerry exposed him two decades ago. She knocked him back onto his heels, and he’s been trying to regain his footing ever since. If he had remained chief of police, who knows how many more families may have been destroyed, victimized & corrupted? So thank you Kerry, you are truly an unspoken hero.

Tactics he will use in the weeks to come will be the same complete denial of his crimes, he will use his past status as a police officer, and he will also utilize his criminal justice system knowledge. He knows that the success of his lie depends on discrediting all who know his truth. This is the key. To distort the truth, and leave a possibility open for his lie’s survival. This is a strategy most used by defense attorneys, (to create a reasonable doubt). This is how he has avoided the consequences for his crimes all his life. As long as he can get enough of you to doubt his accusers, his lie remains intact & his debt will remain unpaid.

Instead of coming to terms with his truth; that he molested his daughter (and other relatives’ children), and also mentally and physically abused his wife and son every day for as long as he could. Hoping to survive the judgment of his peers, he will go to his grave in denial. I made a statement to the authorities on Aug. 2nd, revealing all this same information I share with you today, yet most likely, he will never be prosecuted, or even questioned. A failed system he helped create. I know I have not a right to condemn another man, but I do take comfort in knowing that when he reaches the next world, God’s judgment will be swift and just. He may have learned to convince himself, of his own lies, but those lies will end at the foot of God.

For many years, I lost faith in the sanctity of family, because I never knew what that truly meant. Family to me meant protecting Archie’s lie; & I saw no honor in that --- thus I saw no trust in family. But I now realize that family means much more, it means protecting the innocence of women and children at all costs, because I know personally that the damage done is venomous & lifelong. That loyalty to good should never be compromised with evil, no matter what the costs. Lies do not fade with time, believe me, it is quite the opposite. It is not the son’s burden to carry the guilt of a sinful father, nor is it the nephews to carry that of the uncles. So for Drew & my self’s families, our payment to (him) ends & his debt to you begins.

I am off-loading Archie’s burden back onto him. It is now his job to face this “tribal truth” he claims to seek. The truth, that it is immoral men like him that are most responsible for the mess we see our reservation in today. The primary reason why our families and community have broken down is because of a system he helped create; a corrupt system that allowed child predators and rapists to go un-punished, and the victims to go on --- un-protected. A shepherd would never expect a wolf to protect his herd, not even one disguised in police clothing. Yet on Standing Rock, this is what we have come to expect & accept.

I’m positive in the weeks to come; he will fight viciously to protect his lie and attempt to convince many of you, that he is the “victim” of some vast conspiracy plot against him. He’ll put on his humble man face and spread the word that his political enemies have gotten his children to lie about him, etc, etc... He will attempt to align himself with my brother Drew’s reputation, like he had anything to do with the great things about my brother. The truth is; Drew hated Archie for everything he’s done to our family. He expressed this to me (and others) on numerous occasions. Yet Archie, who never had a good thing to say about Drew, (until after his passing), in his sick & twisted little world, will try to use Drew’s death to his advantage. Don’t be fooled, my brother despised Archie and wished for him to be exposed.

He will spread baseless information (about me & anyone else, who knows his truth), to gain your confidence, just as he’s done in the past. He’s already begun his attack on Brenda & her family; spreading rumors that insinuate Brenda “may have” killed her husband. Knowing that Brenda knows his truth, he’s attempting to discredit her. He will also attempt to persuade Kerry to deny everything you’ve read today. He will claim to has taken & passed a polygraph, (lie detector test), which he didn’t. The truth is, he was offered the test to clear his name and he refused to take it. His lies will build onto one-another. The reason I know this, is because I have witnessed him do this my entire life. Cowardly selfish acts are exactly how he avoids responsibility for his depravities. But eventually his house of lies will collapse.

To answer the question why do I now come forward? After so much time has passed? The answer is that this isn’t a recent event, but rather a lifetime of living under his cloud of lies. I’ve come to realize that protecting “the family” means just that. Protecting those you love & who love you. It is time for both our community and my family’s healing to begin. Evil must first be acknowledged before it can be vanquished. Honor must be restored and our children’s futures protected. I will not go to my grave allowing Archie’s victims to go unheard, his crimes unknown or his lies uncontested. My brother Drew also desired that the truth be told.

My family’s lie reflects the lies of our community. As long as everyone keeps their silence about these deranged men, and our Law Enforcement System continues to turn a blind eye, their poison will spread and continue onto the next generations. Everyone needs to know the truth of Archie Fool Bear, (former Police Chief, One-time Tribal Councilman & Wannabe Chairman) so that history does not repeat itself. Those of you who have had similar experiences need to know that you’re not alone, that there is a healthier future, and we can do it together, as families of truth, part of one community. Men who victimize women & children are not men, they are cowards. There is no need to fear such people & I’m sure there are more. They have no place in our people's future. They never should have been a part of our past.

I do not take any pleasure in writing this, it is truly one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to do, but for the sake of truth, I know it has to be done. I have exhausted every option in allowing Archie to come forward (on his own) and save himself from the embarrassment of public exposure. I expect the worst is yet to come & that is fine. This statement is simply the “tribal truth” as I would testify to it, before judge, jury and God, and I will. I do not harbor any ill feeling toward the ACTT group or to the Fool Bear family, this is not an attack on them, but only an exposure of one immoral member, a member who has exploited and dishonored us all.

This is also my public announcement of dis-ownership of Archie Fool Bear, and anyone who will continue to support his lies. I do this in accordance with our customs and traditions, (publicly with cause). My loyalty has been misplaced in the corrupted traditions of a manipulative & un-remorseful tyrant, and it will now remain with those who need protection from such men. With this statement, I also announce the adoption of my traditional name, given by the late Joe Flying Bye, Mato Iyotake’ --- Sitting Bear. I sincerely apologize to my sister Kerry for not standing with her so long ago, and also for the prolonged suffering in silence that all other victims of Archie’s depravities have had to endure.


To Drew: I am honored to have known you. The truth has been told brother. Rest in peace.

Steven J. Sitting Bear, formally known as Steve Fool Bear

Fool Bear is involved with NAGA. Don't you feel it's important to expose this stuff? He is going into schools.

Here are a couple of links showing his involvement -

He has worked with Eunice since at least 2010

Online Sparks

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Re: I’m Currently Battling With NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2019, 05:09:53 pm »
Fool Bear is involved with NAGA. Don't you feel it's important to expose this stuff? He is going into schools.

Here are a couple of links showing his involvement -

He has worked with Eunice since at least 2010

Archie Fool Bear was not named earlier in this thread as an associate of NAGA, and neither was that evident from the first three links you posted about him, so I was somewhat puzzled.

Now with additional information I perfectly understand why you mentioned him, and I will look for more items with information like the three links you posted today. Thank you!

Online Sparks

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Re: NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2019, 05:53:51 am »
NAGA is heading to Skowhegan, Maine on Sunday, February 24th.
The event is organized by Jennifer Pelotte Poirier who is a sitting member of the school board. It is being considered an invitation only event - except Poirier invited the school board and superintendent which now makes the event a violation of open meeting law. NAGA of course failed in their indigeneity and did not contact any of the four local Nations to consult prior to the event. Thankfully it would seem that the Not Your Mascot - Maine chapter is lucky in that there are legal reps ready to take up the cause if necessary. The individuals involved in retaining the mascot in Skowhegan, members of a group run by Poirier, have been incredibly toxic with threats of violence and allusions to rape.

There are updates ("opinion pieces and letters to the editor calling for the retirement of the Skowhegan high school "Indian" mascot/team name") by now on that site (scroll down):

There is an event now (hosted by the blogger at the mentioned site) that might interest local readers:

FEB 28 Skowhegan school board meeting - show up for racial justice!
Public · Hosted by Lisa Savage

Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 7 PM – 10 PM EST

Skowhegan Area Middle School — 155 Academy Cir, Skowhegan, Maine 04976

This promises to be a dramatic meeting with possible legal action on the mascot problem. Let's keep showing up to remind MSAD 54 school board and administrators that we are not going away until the "Indian" mascot and team name is finally retired.

Agenda …

More about that event (check links in there, also "RELATED HEADLINES"):
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 01:26:32 pm by educatedindian »

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: NAGA (Native American Guardians Association)
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2019, 03:52:47 pm »
Just An Update:

I stand with the Iron County School Board’s decision to change the Cedar High Redmen Mascot here is Cedar and even reached out to the opposition to try and help our community to heal which is what is happening right now. I’ve never seen any issue divide a community like this conflict achieved; even the local Paiute are conflicted and divided on this “Redmen” mascot.

This is a follow up to let you guys know that the Native American Guardians Association continues to infiltrate and comment in our Fadebook community forums and pages to continue their divide and conquer tactics and then they play the ‘aggressor turning victim’ and I’ve had posts taken down and have been thrown into Facebook jail over calling these guys out on their dishonesty and meddling with our affairs. Mark One Joke continues to spew his drivel arguing that this is a national issue and a free country and can continue to do what ever he darn well pleases. All of NAGA and their out-of-state minions seem to pose an regular supporters of mascot while arguing and talking down to legitimate opponents of the mascot in Cedar City, including local Paiute and indigenous peeps that are tired of the dominant “white voice”.

Naga’s organization isn’t just another advocacy group; they are a right wing front that wielded a cultural issue into a right wing platform and they demonize any group or organization that doesn’t jive with their extremist far right agenda. Being conservative myself, I can see through their horse manure. I absolutely angers me that they continue to foment the division in our community long after their physical visit. I wish there was something more that we could do to scrutinize this org!?  Glad to see this thread in the “fraud” section here at NAFPS.

Online Sparks

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Tara Houska, Contributor
Citizen of Couchiching First Nation, tribal attorney, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, co-founder
[…]*Note: This is a cross-post of an article that was originally published at Indian Country Today

Ad fontes. Here is the original article, I tried to read the comments there, but didn't find them:
Tara Houska (Couchiching First Nation) is a tribal rights attorney in Washington, D.C., a founding member of, and an all-around rabble rouser. Follow her: @zhaabowekwe.

Online Sparks

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I’ve been embroiled with a local Native Mascot fight to unseat the Cedar High Redmen Mascot in Cedar City, Utah. We have a petition live:

This petition made change with 1,436 supporters!

'Updates' and 'Reasons for signing' at the bottom of the petition are interesting reads.