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Soquili Band of First Nation Cherokees

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THis group hosts off the same site as the "horse ceremony" people. Some things about them jump right out: An alleged band of people with distant Cherokee ancestry led by a Micmaq talking aobut the Anishnaabe Seven Fires prophecy.
"The Soquili Center is a place where people seeking a deeper and more whole Spiritual Path can come and participate in our Ceremonies and Ways...Our Goal is to help Others find the Spiritual Path which suits their Feet by sharing with them our Knowledge of the Earth and Great Mystery....
   We are told by Prophesy of a Time to come when, because of a sickness in the Earth, that Great Change would take place in the Earth that would cause much sickness and death, and there would be a Change in the Sky which would lead to natural disasters such as had never been witnessed before. The cause of these things would be the failure of most men to understand that we must Live and Act within the boundaries of Natural Law, and that we would forget our own Essences as Spiritual Beings and all Understandings of the meaning of it. We are told to Remember the Teachings of Great Mystery, the Prophesies and Visions of our Ancestors that were passed down, and to Keep our Spiritual Ways close to us, because the Time to Share these Ways with the Unega would come, and, if Shared freely and acted upon by the Unega and us, the Changes would not have to occur. The Soquili Center is one of the Places where that Sharing has been, and will continue to be, done. These are a part of the Teaching of the Prophecy of the 4th Shaking
The Care-taker
   The Care-taker of the Soquili Center, and the Keeper of most of the Ceremony and Teaching done here is Ed Littlefox.  Ed, who's full Native name is Tsutlasdi Anida Ada, and means "Small Fox, One of a Litter", is the last, known, inductee and Member of the Ani Nvqisi Sakoniga, or "Blue Star Society"; the oldest known Medicine Society of the Eastern Tribes. Ed, who's early life is documented is the "Growing Up Native" section of this website, was raised by his Traditional Grandparents. Ed's Grandfather, to whom he was apprenticed in the Spiritual Ways and Medicines for 12 years, was the Keeper of the Traditions of the Twisted-Hair Clan of the Oklahoma Cherokee. Ed is a member, by matrilineal birthright of the Wild Potato Clan, and a member-by-honor of the Twisted-Hair Clan, as he carries the Traditions of each. By the age of 15, Ed had completed the training and instruction necessary to meet the protocols to conduct the Ceremonies and pass the teachings he does at the Center and elsewhere, and was inducted into the Blue Star Society at that time.
The Physical Center
The Soquili Center is located on 200 acres of Farmland in Northern Davidson County, North Carolina. The Land is the Site of an Ancient Temple Mound Complex, the major feature of which is an Eagle Effigy Mound with a 'wingspan' of more than 2700 feet. The Ceremonial Grounds of the Center is located near the southern base of the Central Temple Mound."
"Soquili Center, ES is proud to Welcome Michael B. RunningWolf as a Trustee and Member of the permanent resident Staff of the Soquili Center Sanctuary.
RuningWolf is a M'ikmaq Algonquin from the Northeastern Woodlands who was raised on both sides of the Maine/Canadian border. The Stories he tells are the legends his People have orally passed down to each generation. He is co-author and illustrator of the Book, On the Trail of Elder Brother, which is internationally published in three languages, English, French, and German; published by Persea Books, New York, ISBN:0-89255-246-4.
  Found in the Historical Archives at Halifax, Nova Scotia, his ancestry can be traced as far back as 1655 through the colonial documents of both the French and English chroniclers. He is descended from the hereditary Grand and Band Chiefs of the M'ikmaq through the Perminuit, Noel, and Clememt bloodlines....Michael RunningWolf is a M'tou'lin, a Ceremonial and Spiritual Leader, or, "medicine man" -(a word we don't necessarily like, since we have our own, more descriptive and specific terms). Michael was brought up in the Traditions of his People--the "Old Ways", and trained in the Wabanaki traditions and ceremonies of the Medicine Ways at a young age by Senobi and Grandmother Madasin, (Penobscot), of Indian Island, Maine, where he worked also on the manuscripts and illustrations for On the Trail of Elder Brother....Michael officiates and co-officiates Ceremony, Teaches our workshops and retreats"

The ones in charge, Ed Littlefox.
"My name is Ed Littlefox,(really), and I am a Cherokee/Saponi Indian from, and living in, North Carolina, USA. I am 58 years old. I make my living raising Horses and doing Horse Clinics, and I own and operate Soquili Equine Services, LLC. I consider myself a "shade tree quantum mechanic". I have run SETI data for about 3 years, and decided to give Einstein@Home a try, due to the Gravity of the situation. Interestingly, the new version of the UFT is no stranger to my Culture.We have always based everything on Relationship and Resonance--and the UFT is about Resonance-----Ray."
"Returning to Right Relationships is a Special Clinic for Professional and Paraprofessional Therapists and Councilors, Professional Equine Specialists, and Educators involved in the fields of Equine Assisted Psychotherapeutics or Equine Assisted Learning. This Clinic not only delves deeply into Equus on a subtle level, but also introduces an entirely new Modality for use in the field. The Modal uses tools directly derived from Native American Culture which have been used by American Indian Medicine People for counseling and problem solving for thousands of years. Coupled with the Natural reactive and mirroring abilities of the Horse, this new Modal becomes a powerful and useful Tool for both Therapeutics and EAL applications."
"The Pipe Ceremony
by Ed Littlefox
In my home, usually on the third Saturday of each month, my family and I host an Open Door Pipe Ceremony for all who wish to come and take part. Our ritual is a special one, unique as pipes go, and it is very, very ancient. My teachings stem from my Southeastern Woodland Culture (matrilineal) heritage (on my mother’s side), which is Iriquois, and not Lakota. Our pipe has its origin deep in a 3500 year old legend of creation. The “secret??? to our great reverence for birds, especially birds of prey, and perhaps the key to humanity’s fascination with this particular animal lies in the legend.
It is our belief that humans were created by Spirit-Entities who manifested themselves as birds (and still do). These winged creatures acted on the authority of the Great Mystery, and were, themselves, created by the Great Mystery to help create the universe on an energy-to-matter basis. These winged creatures are the essence of Spirit-Energy. As such they need a “bed-plate??? of matter to continue the creation of a material plane. Humanity is that bed-plate. To take care of this new, material body, “Ego??? was invented along with consciousness. We are now separate from Spirit Nature (our True Nature) only because the Ego, with its will, rebels against the Spirit-Self.
Our Pipe Ritual is known as the “Eight-Breath Ceremony,??? and is dedicated to the world and to universal peace, which, we know, must first instill itself within individuals and then be manifest in the world."

A warning he wrote.

Michael Running Wolf


I copied this , below , from the above link , which is from something called International Aboriginal Ministries.


"Things to Avoid

Avoid anyhing which reaks of Cult. Avoid criticism and contact with AIM National as it is the job of this organization to supress and oppress True Teachers and to turn the Public Eye AWAY from the True Issues facing Native American People and the Tribes. Understand, there are two AIMs --- AIM National and the Old Warriors. The Old Warriors are NOT "Autonamous AIM" --- as some would have you believe. If you look deeply enough, you will see that AIM National will support many of the False Teachers ---and it does NOT take a rocket scientist to figure out what is actually going on here.

Be aware of anyone who sells ceremony. Remember, I said Ceremony --- there is no charge to be exacted from anyone for Ceremony. Donations, given from the heart, are acceptable and should be considered as the people qualified to do these Ceremonies have to eat and they need to be supported. Education is a different matter, so be prepared to pay for it, the same as you would for college tuition or to buy a book or a tape. Don't expect "the Moon" for a pack of cigarettes, you won't get it.

The idea that all it takes is a Tobacco Offering to recieve Knowledge is a Myth, started by AIM National to facilitate the PREVENTION of the Teachings we must, by Prophesy, share --- by restricting the ability of True Medicine People to ? move about and support themselves. Traditionally, a Tobacco offering only initiated an action on the part of a Medicine Person to consider helping someone ---and any action would ensue only if the Medicine Person accepted the offering. That Tobacco would be used to load a Pipe for that person, and nothing else."

This was written by Ed Littlefox , who also seems to be the founder of the Soquili Center.


So , this has me wondering ??? ?

This whole statement that it is OK to charge for traditional "teachings" , and it is only some disruptive faction of AIM that says it is not , seems completely bizarre to me .

The way I have always heard it , from Elders who had no direct involvement with AIM , a gift of tobacco is the only expectation for Spiritual guidence , but , then , I know almost nothing , about Cherokee traditions .

Ed Littlefox says he is Cherokee , and the Soquili Band was formed for the purpose of finding and recognizing the lost birds of the Cherokee . So maybe the Cherokee have some different traditions around charging for traditional teachings ?

Are there some types of teachings , within the Cherokee traditions , where payment is expected ?

Or ,are these guys just creating new "traditional teachings" to suit themselves , claiming they are the original ?

So many Elders have said, very publicly , and in no uncertain terms , it is wrong to charge for ceremonies , ? but as not as much has been said , in public proclamations , about protecting and respecting traditional teachings.

The Soquili website says all the money raised through workshops and retreats goes into maintaing the Soquili Center , BUT , I would find it a bit creepy , if these people are changing the original teachings and traditions to fit their own agenda , and are even going so far as to claim that the original way things were done, never even existed . Or is this expectation of payment something acceptable within Cherokee traditions ?

Can anyone out there clarify this ?

I am also a bit puzzled about who exactly is behind the International Aboriginal Ministries .

The article by Ed Littlefox which claims it was traditional to charge for teachings before AIM changed the traditions , is found on this website, but I do not see anyone else , who is living , named as an organizer . Some of what this organization claims to be doing sounds like it could be good , but who are they ? ? If they are doing all this , it seems a bit odd there is no one named as a board of directors or something .

I also see there is now a link on the Soquili home page discussing their being posted in the "needs investigation" section of NAFPS .

Sounds like they are not too happy about this .

Quite a sound off by Mr Littlefox..........................

States he is also a card carrying ndn, but there again.........

The selling of ceremony for the community is one thing (and is wrong) but the work of a medicine person doing 'work' for a private individual is another. Almost always, more than tobacco is offered. Whether that is money or some kind of barter is up to them. This is what I know and what I have been exposed to.



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