Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828474 times)

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #495 on: December 23, 2010, 10:12:09 am »
This is a bit off topic, but I am making the page in my blog now and if anyone wants to leave any specific comment about exploitation or cults or 2012 hoax or anything, pm them to me, otherwise I just use links I have  found earlier that explain how harmful certain things are and why and will post the videos and all about Kiesha as well.

Offline luna

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #496 on: December 23, 2010, 11:23:50 am »
Hi, I've been lurking here for a while, and following this thread with great interest.

Been thinking about the phrase that keeps being repeated about critics of KC - "not being in the heart". It's turning into a nice nifty mantra for psychological control. If you're not "in the heart" you're not one of us, you're bad, unenlightened, an outsider. I think a similar phrase was used in the "cult" video we've probably all seen:

It reminds me of the phrase used by James Arthur Ray in his workshops and retreats - "you're not playing full-on" - to make people feel bad for dropping out of any activity that was getting uncomfortable for them, to exert psychological pressure to push themselves to the limits. People would say this to themselves when they felt themselves flagging. And we all know what happened next...

Seems every dodgy organisation needs a nice little soundbite such as this.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #497 on: December 23, 2010, 01:11:37 pm »
Thanx luna, that's an excellent video.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #498 on: December 23, 2010, 01:56:05 pm »
excellent sky   8)

I think you put forward both the ecological and environmental issues, but also issues that newagers would relate to (hopefully) re the integrity of the earth etc.

I was unaware of these issues so your video was an education for me.

One thing about the photos you showed that concerned me is that many of the mines seem to depict child labourers.  I wonder if this is one more thing to put in a subtitle in the video? Something like "some crystal mines use child labourers to dig for quartz -  little children deprived of education, working in dangerous conditions".

Child labor is used extensively in mines in third world countries.  I'll make a new video after the holidays specifically focusing on this.  One thing to keep in mind is that several of the pictures showing shiny happy children, these pictures were taken at US mines where you can pay a fee to subject yourself and your children to hazardous conditions. 

Also I understand that quartz mining can be dangerous for the workers if quartz is inhaled in power form and is in the same hazardous category as asbestos and for this reason people aged under 18 are not permitted to work in any position where they encounter quartz in powdered form (which would I think include quartz mining).

an example

Detrimental Occupations
In addition to the 17 HOs, the WHA establishes nine detrimental occupations that the N.C. Commissioner of Labor has declared to be detrimental to the health and well-being of all youths under the age of 18. These detrimental occupations apply to most employers in North Carolina. The only employers exempt from these detrimental occupations are governmental, agricultural, and domestic employers. All other employers operating in North Carolina are subject to these detrimental occupations regardless of federal or state coverage. No youth under 18 years of age may be employed by an employer in the following nine detrimental occupations:

(2) Any processes where quartz or any other form of silicon dioxide or an asbestos silicate is present in powdered form;
For information on asbestos, go to


This could seem to be confirmed by this article on Silicosis, a serious lung disease caused by inhalation of silica dust generated in various industries including gem polishing and quartz mining.

So you may wish to add another title saying something like "unregulated quartz mines expose miners and gem polishers to the potential fatal lung disease Silicosis via inhalation of silica dust".

Interesting bit of history about how the Nazis use prisoners from death camps as slave labour to mine quartz

I'll include this as well.  There are more than a handful of detrimental health hazards.  I'll get as many together as I can.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #499 on: December 23, 2010, 02:15:35 pm »
Cutesy propaganda tailored to children:

Knowing Gets in the Way -or- Singing Little Grandmother's Song 1 of 2

Knowing Gets in the Way -or- Singing Little Grandmother's Song 2 of 2

" DO doubt the mind........." "......The time of prophecy has come, only it's not the dark doom and gloom of the 'Dark Force'! It's the 'Light Message'! the 'Right Message' that's come!......."

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #500 on: December 23, 2010, 02:23:34 pm »
Oh and heard the rumor that the first book from LG is coming next year...

you heard correctly

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #501 on: December 23, 2010, 02:26:22 pm »
I wonder how much it will cost.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #502 on: December 23, 2010, 02:54:44 pm »

An unedited Zurich video.  No fancy etc etc.  Just her talking and taking breaks for a German interpreter.  It's 40 minutes long and I haven't been able to watch all of it...but here's some gems.

-a long time ago some special beings were born on this earth...let's take Jesus as an example...

-Jesus remembered that he was the great I am....he remembered he was the son of God...just as we are...

-Instead of finding the great I am, people followed Jesus to learn what he learned....THIS is the beginning of manmade religion.

-All religion is manmade...

There's much more.  The jist of the beginning is that we're all "star people"/aliens energy and we made the choice to experience "earth life" and that's why we're here.  She's here to remind us of that.....

There is little bits of truth mixed in with some terrible untruths.  For anyone that's ever bothered to study Abrahamic religions there are 3 main branches.  Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Judaism is much older than Christianity and is definitely a religion so I don't know how she skipped over the entire Jewish religion and jumped ahead to Christianity as being the first manmade religion.  She also calls Buddhism a religion (I'd call it more of a philosophy..but there are many different schools of thought on it) and Buddhism's roots are also much older than once again she's skipped over that to jump to Christianity as being the first manmade religion.  The significance of Judaism to world history is it marked a change in how people saw religion.  Older philosophies/religions/shamanic practices (depends on the particular subject) tended to call life a version of suffering and people must adhere to the philosophy in order to gain acceptance into the afterlife in some way or another.  Judaism preached that human beings are born in the image of God and a divine afterlife was something you were born other words instead of striving for divinity through a life of suffering...your born with a divinity that is yours to lose.  It's much deeper than that and I apologize for summing up these religions in such simple terms, but the outlandish claim that Christianity marks the beginning of manmade religion in world history is sooooooo far off the mark.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #503 on: December 23, 2010, 04:35:06 pm »
Oh and heard the rumor that the first book from LG is coming next year...

you heard correctly

That's truly a waste of trees.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #504 on: December 23, 2010, 08:06:11 pm »

-a long time ago some special beings were born on this earth...let's take Jesus as an example...

-Jesus remembered that he was the great I am....he remembered he was the son of God...just as we are...

-Instead of finding the great I am, people followed Jesus to learn what he learned....THIS is the beginning of manmade religion.

-All religion is manmade...

There is little bits of truth mixed in with some terrible untruths.  For anyone that's ever bothered to study Abrahamic religions there are 3 main branches.  Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Judaism is much older than Christianity and is definitely a religion so I don't know how she skipped over the entire Jewish religion and jumped ahead to Christianity as being the first manmade religion.  She also calls Buddhism a religion (I'd call it more of a philosophy..but there are many different schools of thought on it) and Buddhism's roots are also much older than once again she's skipped over that to jump to Christianity as being the first manmade religion.  The significance of Judaism to world history is it marked a change in how people saw religion.  Older philosophies/religions/shamanic practices (depends on the particular subject) tended to call life a version of suffering and people must adhere to the philosophy in order to gain acceptance into the afterlife in some way or another.  Judaism preached that human beings are born in the image of God and a divine afterlife was something you were born other words instead of striving for divinity through a life of suffering...your born with a divinity that is yours to lose.  It's much deeper than that and I apologize for summing up these religions in such simple terms, but the outlandish claim that Christianity marks the beginning of manmade religion in world history is sooooooo far off the mark.


Well, maybe the importance of christianity comes from she trying to create something similar, only that Jesus is female this time. She is the great I am and the daughter of God ofc and people follow her and of course, she must pretend like she didn't like it even tho she includes all these little hints to make human subconscious to link the similarities and leave out the rest. Her "religion" or "spirituality" is as man made as the rest of them. Every belief on earth is manmade, some more closer to nature and some far away from it. "For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks." (Terry Pratchett) Which would be ofc lot easier system.

It is funny to me how person who is kind of "against" man made religion talks about God so much.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #505 on: December 23, 2010, 08:19:54 pm »
If I recall correctly, in one of the video's I tried to watch, she was explaining how she was called on the phone,
but before that she was raised in a Christian household, and as she went on about "religion" she was referring
to Christianity and her unsatisfactory experience with it. To me, in the bit I saw, it was very clear she had not
looked or learned anything of the other religions of the world and was basing her entire statement of religion from
her only experience of it from Christianity.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #506 on: December 23, 2010, 08:37:16 pm »
Ok, Kiesha's assistants been active on her fb page

Kiesha’s mother’s family has always and still does live on the reservation although Kiesha herself was not raised on the Flathead Reservation in Montana. Even though Kiesha did not grow up among tribal traditions, and had grown up away from...... the tribe, she was nevertheless made a shaman and lead threw the initiations by a Sioux named Falling Feathers at age 30. Kiesha has taken part in Inipi and other sacred ceremony under Brave heart and other Elders from other Native Tribes. Kiesha is NOT the shaman for the Sioux or Salish people and wants to make this very clear. Her Family does live on the reservation but their names will NOT be disclosed to all, so people of negative and spiteful intentions have a free for all with them. There are more important things in life than having to *prove one’s self* However, (and this is important), Kiesha was told by these elders that her “tribe” was to be the “Tribe of Many Colors”. The elders who Kiesha works with are fully aware that she was not taught the indigenous ways… She was never intended to lead traditional tribal ceremony, or to present herself as a representative of any particular tribe and its indigenous ways. To this day, she has never presented herself as a representative of the Sioux or Salish traditions. Some people who have linked to her videos on the web or written about her may have incorrectly stated this association or made this assumption—but Kiesha has never presented or described herself as a Sioux shaman. She was initiated into shamanism in the Native American tradition but does not use this language because it implies that she is working within a traditional context. She has been taught to pray and lead ceremony in certain ways, and many of these are in fact traditional ways (by different cultures and peoples, as she is a shaman for the Tribe of many colors and works with the Hawaiian Kahunas, the Waitiha Elders, and the Sami people of the North and so on. But she does not pretend to know or to follow any specific tradition to a T. That is not her role and purpose. Primary responsibility is to be shaman for the Tribe of Many Colors—which includes non-indigenous people of all backgrounds. If Keisha’s words have in any way alluded to being a shaman for a specific tribe she wishes to apologies and give her deepest respect for all traditional peoples and their ways. Little Grandmothers responsibility is to teach love and light and to teach the children of Mother Earth to remember who they are, the power of the heart and compation and she knows that as long as there is love and kindness being taught in the world there will always be those trying to tear it down and try to prove her wrong, belittle her or use hurtful words to attack. Her responsibility is to teach love and light as a shaman of the tribe of many colors despite attacks of negativity.

Who Recognizes Her as Shaman?
Kiesha was initiated into shamanism by Falling Feathers and Grandmother Lota in addition; she has been recognized as shaman of the “Tribe of Many Colors” and gifted medicine from the elders of indigenous tribes and peoples including Three Bears, Sister Wolf, the Cherokee, and Cheyenne individuals, (not the entire Nation of specific tribes. As well as Grandfather Kimmey of the Hopi, the Sami grandmother, the Aboriginal people, the Waitaha, the Maori, the Maya, the Zulu, as well as the lamas of Nepal and Tibet. These gifts began coming soon after she was initiated as shaman at age 30 and have been coming ever since.
Kiesha’s elders are not from just one tribe—She is being guided by the elders who comprise of indigenous people’s all over the planet, as well as receiving direct teaching from spirit guides and indigenous elders past of several different peoples from different traditions. Whether this seems incredible and unbelievable to some, this is the case—If some people think that matters of utmost sacredness should conform to our cultural expectations and prerogatives, that Kiesha should be teaching tribal ways and if she is not then she cannot be a legitimate shaman and wisdom keeper--no one will be able to convince them otherwise. ? She did not decide to become a shaman one day but was called to be and has gone through the initiations necessary. She does Not represent the Sioux or Salish tribal people or their ways, she does not teach tribal ways, she has stated time and time again she is not a leader, not a guru, not one who is higher than another but her mission in life is to teach the importance of love and light and remembering every individuals great potential and connection to Great Spirit. These attacks by people trying to prove that she does not represent certain tribes is a waste of time, if you were to ever listen to what Little Grandmother speaks about you would know this. Not only does she teach that she does not represent any one tribe, nor teaches Native American ways but that her purpose is to gather indigenous and non indigenous peoples together to start living in love, from the heart with compassion of others and their beliefs. Those who are attacking her are stating the same thing she herself is teaching; she does not represent any tribe or any one specific way of being. Her family to this day remains on the reservations and she will NOT be giving her families names to those with such malice in their hearts. Any human being would do the same thing to protect their loved ones. Whether or not people know who Kiesha is on the Flathead reservation makes no difference, in fact she was not raised on the reservation and would not expect them to know her in the first place. Kiesha was made shaman under the guidance of a Native American named Falling Feathers but she does not represent any Native American tribe nor intends to.

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #507 on: December 23, 2010, 08:48:10 pm »
"As well as Grandfather Kimmey of the Hopi, the Sami grandmother, the Aboriginal people, the Waitaha, the Maori...."

Oooh, she found the Samis. Even THE Sami grandmother. Huh??? Like...there is only ONE?  :D :D

Don´t go there, Kiesha, I know many Samis - there will be signed statements debunking any lies!

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #508 on: December 23, 2010, 08:56:19 pm »
i'm just getting mad.. and sick. am willing to help post info on each of these claims, and/or help get verified
statements from the people she mentions. the lamas in tibet no doubt.. and the zulu.. can't forget them..

i'm just sickened.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #509 on: December 23, 2010, 08:58:46 pm »
also, i thought it was fairly common and not offensive for ndn's to name their families?
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet