Author Topic: Grace Sanctuary  (Read 20555 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2014, 03:04:35 pm »
see what i mean there never should advertisement of a sundance but were you see
advertisements you will see non native with money. Its  shame that this is happening?
i always ask people what is story? Why do we do certain things what is the story most dont

In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2014, 03:21:23 pm »
We are entering ceremony time and i understand that people are looking for something but
I believe that they have the answers inside them when they look to others to fix their problems
they only create more problems. We have closed ceremony with no non native allowed and we are\very strict
Just like these things called moon camps we dont have those at sun dance only at dance were their is non natives
we laugh at them but but then we see the abuse of the culture and they dont know what they do. Sometime a little
knowledge is dangous
In Spirit


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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2014, 08:16:00 pm »

This dance in particular has an "air" of acceptability due to certain Natives sanctioning it and being there.  The "intercessor" of this Sun Dance participated for years up North.  He was given a bundle by a prominent Native American.  Uneducated people see that and think that it makes it OK.  I don't blame them.  I believed the same for a time.  It was a major challenge to realize just how wrong it is. 

I wish I could help people understand these things.  I can't though.  The allure of an "alternative" spirituality in response to the insanity of the world today is powerful.  Add to that the size of the group, how decentralized it is, and its links to "authentic" Natives.....  the only thing that really deters people is the sizable commitment level and cost of time and money.  It does nothing to address the underlying racist issues.


Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2014, 11:13:00 pm »
I know it like the Chipps who did this for years and because of that we have all these fakes dances everywhere
or the ones that Crow Dog helped with what a headache they leave us with.
What people dont understand if one person say its ok but the rest of the nation says No then its NO!
They also dont understand one person does not have the right to give away our ceremonies without our elders
consent and it must be all the elders not one or two
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2014, 10:45:40 pm »

What people don't understand is if one person says it's ok but the rest of the nation says No then its NO!
They also don't understand one person does not have the right to give away our ceremonies without our elders' consent and it must be all the elders not one or two.

I think we need to keep telling people this, over and over, because so many non-Natives either don't know this, or they want to pretend they don't know this. They will use any Native as their excuse, even if that Native never had any ceremonies, even it that "Native" isn't even a Native. It's racist tokenism that ignores cultural protocols and realities.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2014, 11:40:02 am »
thank you Kathryn it is hard for non natives to understand because their system is different
they have kings and queens, president and first lady who make the decisions but in my
country we are all equal which mean no one has that right unless it is a decision made by
all so one man can't make a person a chief, a medicine man, a sun dance leader, ect...
hat is why there is so disputed in indian country. For those who claim to be adopted
don't have the right to use our ways unless it was a decision of the people. That has
never happened/
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2014, 11:43:12 am »
i was looking at their site again this group is like a little cult
In Spirit

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2014, 07:58:19 pm »
Lacks of knowledge? Some may do not know what they are doing, they think they do right.

But: There are people with different personality disorder. Some got a lack of comprehending they are ill, some are akting with cheap propaganda. They are searching for those who marvel them and got a high influence to those.
And they get angry when you tell them not to practice ceremonies, you try to explain why - but you donĀ“t reach them, they cannot listen. They got too often no volition to look at themselves what they are doing and how they come across to other people.

One way would be to explain what is going wrong with those ill people, maybe other will be warned and maybe they keep distance.


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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2014, 04:20:46 am »
Benjamin Godfrey Chipps Sr. died this morning.


Offline earthw7

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2014, 12:30:20 pm »
yes i was sent a notice last night,
In Spirit


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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2015, 05:23:53 pm »
It is that time of year again. I still pray most everyday that they will see how their actions harm indigenous people, especially the Sioux - whose ceremonies they bastardize.


Offline Used2bnaf

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Re: Grace Sanctuary
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2021, 02:41:02 am »
This seems as good a place as any. I appreciate the work of this website.
However,  In looking squarely at my behavior from 2012 to 2015(6), I am filled with regret for my actions by posting this thread and others on this website.  I think that is why after a period of time I deleted my Account.  I cannot take back the words made indelible here. I can only apologize,  say I was wrong, I said these things from a deep place of woundedness, my intent was not to shine a light but to cause pain, and if my words caused anyone reading this harm, I am not difficult to locate. There are some I will contact directly to make arrangements to make f2f amends.

Used2bnaf a judgemental wounded idiot.