General > Frauds
Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Anyone heard of this guy?
Chief Richard of the Antinanco Metis Nation
King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux
Recieved this email today::
my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis!
I myself, and the Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation, and King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux. I find it very important to honor mine and my peoples' ancestry. Of which, I can do by completing my family history. Any information you provide will be helpful. All you have to do, without consenting that I am a Sitting Bull descendant, is just say yes or no that one of his daughters' names was Zizwin. God I hope so. Thank you for everything! We are all children of Grandmother Earth and have the right to know where we come from.
frederica: That guy is only a King, at least he chose not to be an Emperor.
"The Antinanco Metis Nation was founded on February 18th, 2006 by four Metis people in Oregon, USA.....Antinanco has become an International Recognized, fully-functioning, governmental, indigenous people"
And from their blog:
"Chief Returns Government and Constitution
June 17, 2008His Royal Highness, Paramount Chief Richard II has announced that the government will be back in operation starting June 18th, 2008, after three days of suspension."
"New Titles of Nobility to be GRANTED to worthy Citizens and Friends
June 12, 2008Paramount Chief Richard II has offricially enacted a new statute which will enable him to grant two different titles of Nobility of the tribe, of equal existence. His Royal Highness has enabled the use of the noble titles of Baron and Baroness, with the style of The Honorable."
"Reigning Paramount Chief Renounces Sacred Eagle Throne
April 20, 2008Paramount Chief Richard I has officially abdicated his throne and position and has passed the rights as Paramount Chief to his son and only heir, Chaske Richard, who is now formally known as Paramount Chief Richard II."
Old Paramount is looking for a Paramountess.
"Free Eugene Web Chat
I am the Paramount Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation of the United States of America, and am looking for a beautiful woman."
He's got his own blog.
"Hello and Welcome! My name is Richard Kincaid-Lake, but my stage name as an Opera/Pop singer is The Chaske, which is my native title as the son of the Paramount Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation. Chaske loosly translates as Crown Prince. i love to sing Opera"
OH MY!!!!
Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke....
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