Author Topic: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"  (Read 72235 times)

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #90 on: November 14, 2008, 10:12:38 pm »
Martina:  I think that I will weigh in on this just a little. Perhaps some clarification is in order.  (1).  This site is dedicated to the research and to the outing of those people who use Native American Spirituality in a way that is inappropriate.  (2).  Inappropriate is defined as misleading gullible people in some way as to part them from money or even in severe cases sexual abuse.  (3).  Native American Spirituality is a way of addressing the Creator and following what He has given as the correct way to live for that particular group "Tribe".  What is correct for a Cherokee may not be correct for a Lakota.  (4).  It is extremely offensive for any one even a Native American to sell ceremony.  (5).  It also extremely abhorrent when what we see, are for the most part deluded unhappy people searching for fulfillment in cultures that they are not a part of and in no way can be or even understand.  An Australian Aborigine would not have any understanding, as an example, of a High Mass in a Catholic Church.  (6).  Last but of all a most important aspect of a Native American Medicine Person no pay is ever asked nor accepted as it would be an insult to the Creator to charge for the use of a gift the he was given.  I an trying to clarify in a small way why the people on this forum try to research and to identify those who in the opinion of the Native American Community walk a dangerous path.  An offender does not have to worry about us so much but the Creator's opinion is not one to be taken either lightly or with disrespect.  Martina I am not attacking anyone just attempting to explain.  "LitttleOldMan"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #91 on: November 15, 2008, 03:03:14 am »
Thank you LOM for your words, the problem with people who tend to do these things without permission and acknowledgement from the native people is wrong.
In Spirit

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #92 on: November 17, 2008, 05:45:53 pm »
Dear LOM    :)
Thanks for writing i really enjoyed reading your words, i do agree that some people who abuse their gifts should be stopped. i never charged for healing and i will not in the furture, people with special gifts have to help others. all i am saying is the way the forum trys to stop people doesn't seem the right way to me and i think there is a need of CHANGE!!! the language sometimes is disgraceful people are judged with little knowledge. i alway believed respect towards other people is VERY !!! important ! there is alot of anger on this site and i have learned the anger doesn't get you any further. i'd like to explain why i am interested in Native American Culture, as a young child i had a native women spirit coming in to my dreams at the time i was very frightened, i saw her many times after that in the years that had followed, Why ?... i dont no. she showed me different ways of heeling i still use the same knowledge she teached me. Do i do native heeling ?... i dont know to me i do heeling ... Just Heeling. So do you think i am doing wrong by using the knowlegde she showed me? she sometimes comes into the room i am heeling in. i dont know why she comes to me or why she showed me different things i am not Native American everything happens for a reason so i dont ask WHY any more.

light and love to you

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #93 on: November 17, 2008, 10:00:35 pm »
Martina:  Let me try this a little differently.  I am an ordained Southern Baptist Deacon and I am follower of Christ.   If you ask my belief I will share it with you.  My trust lies in the wisdom of the Creator to open eyes and lead as He sees fit.  Your way is not my way.  Just like the Lakota Pipe is not my way.  Saying that, if I was at a Sun Dance or a Cherokee Stomp while it would not be appropriate for me to participate I could in all honesty and with a clear conscience offer up my prayers in support of the others   It is not my place to judge how you relate to the Creator or to comment either pro or con on what gift you may or may not have or even how you use them.  We who are of Native American blood have just seen too much abuse of the Native American Cultures and Spirituality.   This is why this board exists and why we are so touchy.  Too many times we find that unscrupulous people use corrupted Native American culture and spirituality in order to get power and money and in so doing abuse the trust of the gullible.  It is therefore of great importance that the person under research be able to give specific reference to the Elders of his Tribal Group.  Who are they and does the Tribe recognise them as such.  It seems to me that unless a person is a fraud and a charlatan they should be pleased to be able to furnish this information as a validation of their authority. Every Physician has on his wall his medical diploma as does a lawyer hs LLD.   As all ways I am "LittleOldMan"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline tate0617

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2010, 12:40:10 pm »
Scott thought those were for him and that your coments on the night were for him because he directed the coment to the girl who was pregnate...His comments were that you will be going to the hospital very soon, and she did go to the hospital 4 weeks early and almost lost the baby;

dear educatedindian,

i have no problem to apologize if i am wrong. so please read the quote, not ont word said that he wishes a miscarriage on anybody. if you can not read english properly, dont comment at all.  stop twisting what people say, so i think it is only right you apologize for lying. 

Paul AKA Anke,

The post you did as Anke was deleted. It was spam, identical to the last post you wrote to me. Would you explain why you have two IDs in here now and why you are spamming?


What you do in this forum, is like a witch hunt, difference is witches knew they were hunted and your victims are unaware of what is happening to them. (I will make sure that will change). You victimise loads of people on this forum, without them knowing. So to me it shows that you are not familiar with people standing up for themselves because you do everything behind peoples back. I spend hours looking through your forum and it is disgusting how you try to destroy peoples lives. You may have started this forum with good intensions but you lost your way along time ago. I am not sure if what your doing is legal, but be sure I will find out. Wouldn't suprise me if I would be the next one who gets BLOCKED becasue this might be your way so nobody finds out the truth. Have a lovely evening, and please for once think.


Offline tate0617

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2010, 12:42:02 pm »
It's no witch hunt Martina they are just exposing him for what he is...a phoney! I know him well. Its true he has a Abenaki grandmother she was a good woman but no Shaman.She was a French teacher and a healer very  dedicated to her Catholic faith..I feel sorry for you because he's mislead you. He is a fraud and knows very little about his real heratige, mostly what he has read in books and reaped from other peoples minds.He needs to just practice magic and quit trying to capitalize on the Native Americans heritage.These people have a right to be angry.

Offline tate0617

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2010, 01:08:35 pm »
Holy crow this has got to be the most insane thread I have ever read.

That being said I'd like to talk a little bit about Peter Giovi.  That would be Peter 'Searching Owl'.  He is a self proclaimed elder who operates out of the Charlemont powwow grounds.  He is not from MA but from NH.  He has a following of deluded people who believes the tonto-speak drivel that seeps out of his mouth. 

I can write more about Mr Giovi But right now just thinking about him makes me totally irate.  He is not a good person, he is not a nice person and he fully supports exploitation and individuals who find it acceptable to threaten women, children and elders.

Offline tate0617

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Re: About this Category!
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2010, 01:12:03 pm »
We both new him by attending his pow wows again he does not know him personally I recently traveled back to Massachusetts June and attended Peter's pow wow he didn't even know he had moved to the UK.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: About this Category!
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2010, 04:40:19 pm »
Hi, Who are you referring to?

Offline tate0617

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Re: About this Category!
« Reply #99 on: February 11, 2011, 09:16:26 pm »
Hi, Who are you referring to?
Peter Searching Owl
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:14:23 am by Kathryn »

Offline tate0617

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Re: About this Category!
« Reply #100 on: February 11, 2011, 09:49:26 pm »
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:13:09 am by Kathryn »