Author Topic: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders  (Read 37505 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2013, 11:31:00 pm »

Although Karin Tag's concoction of alleged ndn spirituality and Newage garbage is weird and daft, she does in fact manage to attract students to her courses from all German-language areas. Her students come from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

All of her students are Newagers, combining this garbage with other Newage practices and/or pseudo-medical treatments and pseudo-scientific devices. Some of them have become resellers of Tag's inventions, offering the same courses as Tag does, apparently under an „authorisation“ at fixed prices, i.e. the same prices as asked by Tag.


Christina Kurth, 51491 Overath

She is a „Bio-Energy Therapist“, a Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 3, and a salesperson for Provitec Water Filters and for Messrs Crystal Essence. She did her first seminar with Tag in 2010. Her list of Tag seminars reads:

Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1,
Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 2,
Initiation with the Atlantean Crystal Heart
Workshop Activation of the Atlantean Crystal Table and initiation into the Atlantean Priesthood

Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 3
Workshop „Serpent of Light“ with the Atlantean Crystal Dragon and Initiation into the Mystery of the Inner Worlds of Earth
Atlantean Crystal Library, Intensive with crystal skull Corazon de Luz
Atlantean Crystal Library, Workshop Moon Table
Herbal Seminar
Heart and Soul Opening at the Atlantean Crystal Library

Atlantean Crystal Library, Workshop Crystalline Man
Final course Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 3
Avalonic Crystal Guardian
Atlantean Crystal Library, Activating the Nasca Table and Opening of Nasca Oracle at the winter solstice 2012
Avalon's Light – journey to the stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge and initiation of my Avalonic abilities

Wirak Wayra – The white wind – ex as a shaman guardian of the earth
MasterCode of Universe – CodeMaster healing

She is a reseller of Tag's courses, in particular Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1 and Grade 2. The Grade 1 will cost € 380 for 2 days, Grade 2 is priced at € 870 for 3 days.

Her further services are:
Crystal Skull Activations for humans, animals, and plants – one-on-one session € 100, remote session € 50.
Energetisizing of Rooms with my Crystal Skull Kandrur
Building of places/rooms of power with the help of the Serpent of Light, one-on-one session € 50

Since Tag shows some affinity to persons promoting right-wing conspiracy theories etc, her student Kurth links to sites promoting „New Free Energy“, and to Alpenparlament. This is a Swiss internet TV project which means to offer a platform for new and alternative healing methods. They also promote the issues of AIDS denial, anti-vax issues, various pseudo-scientific products. They have also done interviews and articles on pseudo-historic issues (300 fake additional years in the Middle Ages, Atlantis and Spaceships), on chemtrails etc. Kurth also links an interview with Michael König, who worked for Alpenparlament as an anchor, has considerable contacts to the extreme right and is involved with extremist right projects.

Beate Martina Klug, Sünzhausen

Another reseller of Grade 1 and 2 courses.
Klug is also an alternative practician selling several pseudo-medical methods and also applies methods of „mental healing“ like readings of the Akasha chronicle, angel therapy, shamanism, Sai Shakti Healing, and Russian healing methods. She is further selling seminars on Merkaba, Reiki, and a Metamorphic method.

According to her CV, Klug was born 1957, first studied nutrition technology and held several jobs in this field. She became an alternative practitioner in 1994.
Her „qualifications“ to teach the Grade 1 and 2 seminars is her training as a Crystal Skull Guardian Grad 1, 2, and 3.

Ellen Piai
Apart from being part of a Maya scam, Piai also did seminars with Tag. She was born 1970 and did several trainings in the field of pseudo-medicine, then became a Sun Priestess in the Maya Sun tradition of Venerable Mother Nah Kin with an initiation into the four elemants fire, water, air, and earth, and a shaman and mother of the New Era.

With Tag, she became a „Master Crystal Skull Guardian“, ordained at the Khufu pyramid and at Stonehenge as a mouthpiece for mother earth. She further claims to have been ordained into the Atlantean Crystal Library and to have been made a Mediator Grade 1 and Grade 2 by Tag to be a mediator between cosmos and earth.

Piai is also reselling the Crystal Skull Guardian seminars and does activations of places of power, sessions with a mediation crystal and a mediation amulet.

Ilka Mara'Rian aka Ilka Schneider, Herdecke

Schneider seems to have done a multitude of „trainings“, among them meditation, astrology, channeling, Reiki, core-shamanism with Paul Uccusic, „Flower of Life“ and Merkaba with Drunvalo Melchizedek, Kryon School, a „Christus Avatar Schooling“, was ordained as an embassador of Altair, had a coming out as a Lightworker, and then did the Crystal Skull Guardian School.

Gudrun Hiegel aka Gudrun Ana Hiegel, Sinzheim

Hiegel is an alternative practician offering a range of pseudo-medical resp pseudo-psychological treatments like e.g. kinesiology, psycho-kinesiology, Hellinger's family constellations, Matrix transformation; she cleanses houses, bureaus etc, does hypnosis, is a trained energy healer, and a Crystal Skull Guardian.

Jan Denker of „Gesundheitshof“ (~ Health Farm)

On the premises Denker runs with his wife, they are selling various pseudo-medical treatments and operate a bed&breakfast.

According to his CV, Denker initially became a mechanic for farm machines, then obtained an engineer's title in Economics. Apart from Taekwon-Do, he did Reiki, energy healing methods, he did a training to become an alternative healer without taking the exam, opened a Taekwon-Do school, then went into Magnified Healing, sold Spiritual Management Coaching, had contacts to the beyond with Gordon Smith, and did Feng Shui and Geomancy. His latest fad seems to be inedia, as he did a seminar on Light Nourishment in 2013.

He further did a Shamanic Workshop with „Hopi Indian Ruben Saufki“, was trained by Karin Tag and Crystal Skull Corazon de Luz in 2010, and did „Awakening the Illuminated Hearth“ with Drunvalo Melchizedek in 2012. (Saufkie was a member of Tag's CoWE, while Melchizedek is on the CoWE Board of Advisors.)

Nicole Denker says she has been a holistic spiritual healer since 1996 and mentions Prana Healing, Magnified Healing, Prana Feng Shui, crystalwork, angel energies, working with ascended masters, dissolving of alien energies, channeling, clairvoyance, Feng Shui and Geomancy.

Judith Braun, Obertshausen

According to her CV, Braun was born in 1961 and first worked as a Medical-Technical Assistant, but in 1995 became an alternative healer and opened up shop in 1996.

Among the trainings she mentions are homoeopathy, Kirlian diagnostics, Shiatsu, Spine Therapy according to Dorn, authorised as a seminar leader for autogenous training, Systemic-phenomenologic constellations, NLP practitioner, NLP master practitioner, Multidimensional Coach, hypnotherapy, Matrix Energetics, and last not least a Mediator of the Atlantean Crystal Library with Karin Tag.

Yi-Jiun Lin, Lahnstein and Berlin

According to her CV, Lin worked with „her spiritual teacher Gurdijeff“ in her homeland Taiwan, then moved to Germany at the age of 24 and did various trainings in Western spiritual knowledge. For a living, she seems to have worked with handicapped persons with whom she did sound massage, aquatic work and musical therapies. At the same time, she went into retrieval and channeling, and later did Merkaba meditation and learned shamanic healing methods.

Following her course of studies (apparently she studied to become a teacher for children with handicaps...), she did a training as a Waldorf teacher and taught Chinese. Later on, she did a training as a spiritual healer with Dr Brenda Davies and as a Crystal Skull Guardian with Karin Tag. Lin is also into Quantum Healing, Lightgrids, Hawaiian massage.

Elke Solve Maurer, Babenhausen

Maurer runs a Kryon School. Among the qualifications she is listing are: Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1, 2, and 3, presently training to become an Avalonic Crystal Guardian and in herbal lore.

Further qualifications: Priestess of the golden priesthood, pioneer of the golden-blue frequency, master of bio-energy, bio-energy therapist, trainer of Kryon school, Raftan trainer, Magician of the New Era, Earth Healer of the New Era, healer of the synchronic frequency, grandmaster Reiki etc.

She claims she is doing seminars with Tag since 2010.

Irene Selina Simon, Deggendorf

In her CV, Simon states she was a student of Metatron School and is a Healer of the New Era, she is a Bio-Energy therapist and claims to have studied shamanic healing techniques.

She furthermore says she is an „Earth Healer according to Little Grandmother Keisha Crowther“! Simon also does Holistic Pulsing, Matrix Healing, Quantum Healing, Ho'oponopono, Animal Communication.

With Karin Tag, she became a Crystal Skull Guardian and a Mediator of the Lightworld.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2013, 11:45:41 pm »


Edith Fuhrer-Huber, Auslikon

Fuhrer claims to do coaching, light therapies, mental training, mental healing, and Reiki which she sells at CHF 90 per hour. She also does crystal skull energy transmissions at CHF 30 per hour excluding and CHF 90 including a talk.

She claims:
Through the training and initiation as a teacher for Crystal Skull Guardians at the School of Crystal Skull Guardians of the Seraphim Institute of Karin Tag, I am authorised to train and initiate future Crystal Skull Guardians Grade 1 and 2 with my crystal skull Anamnur.

Rita Cortesi

According to her CV, Cortesi was born 1956 and first worked as a switchboard operator and shop assistant. She did various medial trainings, so e.g. with a Medial Centre Zurich, with PSI Centre Basel, with Energetic Mental Healer Graziella Schmidt etc, and seems to have started in 2005.

With Karin Tag, Cortesi did „Shamanic Rituals with Crystal Skull Corazon de Luz“ in 2009 and also visited „several places of power in Yucatan“ the same year. In 2010, she did Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1, in 2011 „Atlantean Crystal Library“, in 2012 „Opening of Portals of the Moon Table with Karin Tag“.

Karin Bosshard, Ramsen

Bosshard has been an alternative practician since 2003, offering several pseudo-medical treatments, e.g. kinesiology, Biological Medicine, Holistic Healing according to Mauro Ambat, and she did seminars at the Arthur Findley College.
From 2012, Bosshard became a mediator at Seraphim Institute, an Avalonic Crystal Guardian of Earth, and did a seminar titled „Wirak Wayrak – The White Wind“ in 2013, which she specifies as a „Shaman seminar“. Bosshard presently is in training to become a Medicine Wheel Healer with Tag.

Her online shop is hilarious – Bosshard sells energy stones, colloidal silver, and „Water of the new energies“ --- a tiny bottle of 200 ml (about a glass) at CHF 30 (= USD 33), and an even tinier bottle of "crop circle essence with 15 ml at CHF 25 (= USD 27).

And this is rich. And disgusting:

Maria Elisabeth Meyer, Chur

Meyer runs a company offering „learning guidance“ for children, youths, and adults.... She is a teacher by profession and a Learning Facilitator with a diploma (or so she says), and is recognised by Swiss authorities to treat dyslexia as well as dyscalculia, ADHS, school refusal, exam stress, she gives educational guidance and guidance for parents.

At the same time, Meyer boasts her trainings with Karin Tag's Seraphim Institute and being authorised to train Crystal SkullGuardians Grade 1 and 2; she also owns a crystal skull going by the name of Man Lar Sum which she translates as „Gate to One-Being“.

In her ad for the Grade 1 training, Meyer states:
In order to work for world peace and the healing of earth, you will connect to the morphogenetic field of Earth.
You will learn to practice a sacred, traditional crystal skull ritual.

Meyer also advertises she is selling Aura-Soma products, Fostac products [a pseudo-scientific water cleansing system], aroma therapy products; she is also a salesperson for Crystal Water. She further sells crystal skulls at CHF 1 per gramme, generator crystals, and does energetising and programming of crystals.

According to her site, Meyer was a Primary School teacher and learned to apply NLP in school. Her latest addition to her professional qualifications is the „Mediator“, and this most probably does not have its usual meaning but refers to the fake mediator title handed out by Tag's Seraphim Institute.

Meyer also claims further trainings in aroma knowledge, anatomy/physiology, Aura-Soma Level 2+, work with crystals, meditation, Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1, 2, and 3, Mediator Grade 1, 2, and 3 by „Seraphim Institute, Frankfurt, Karin Tag“, and Avalonic Training with the same institute.

Philipp Kupferschmid

Kupferschmid does „shamanic healing work“ with humans and animals. He seems to have started out as a mere dog trainer, though.

In his CV, he mentions he is presently in a training to become a shaman with Healing the Light Body School of Dr Alberto Villoldo.

For 2012, he lists eight trainings ranging from „The White Path – Ceremonies for Peace, journey to the pyramids of Yucatan“ to a day seminar with Master Shaman Shairy Quimbo „The Flight of the Condor“, „Colours in Shamanism“, and Aura-Soma.
For 2011, there are 5 seminars, among them Munay Ki Initiation and Initiation into the Line of Laika Shamans, a journey with Villoldo, another seminar with Angaangaq (we've got a thread on him, he is a plastic shaman, legal name Jens Lyberth, from Greenland).
For 2010, there are further 14 seminars, e.g. Ho'Opoponopono, shamanic soul singing, Aura-Soma, Family constellation, drum making. However, he also did five seminars with Karin Tag: Druidic Initiation in Stonehenge, Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1, „Corazon de Luz and Maya priests from Mexico“, and „Ceremony for the peaceful activation of Europe, with Karin Tag & Hunbatz Men at Seraphim Institute“.

There are further trainings listed for 2009, 2007, and 2006, while in 2008, Kupferschmid claims to have done a nine-months-trip to Australia and New Zealand to *discover* the cultures of the „Aboriginis“[sic] and Maoris.

The only non-Newage seminars are listed for 2004, when he did 4 seminars on dog training (agility, companion dog, puppy school, school for young dogs).

Anja Kottenrodt-Grüter, Olten

Kottenrodt seems to be running a massage therapy practice she named „Joy“. She claims to have passed Secondary Grammar school and then did a course in Esalen massage and started a professional training as an Esalen massager in 1997. According to her CV, she started doing seminars with Karin Tag in 2012, in particular Mediator 1-3. In 2013, she finished a two-year-course in Trance Healing a the Aura-Mystica-School and now is in a position to offer Lomi-Lomi.

Zita Gfeller, Wil

Gfeller claims to be a Health Kinesiologist and did several additional trainings, e.g. in Quantum Entrainment, and as an Energetic Mediator with Karin Tag.

Nima Nicole-Maria Torri-Fricker,  Mümliswil (Solothurn)

Torri-Fricker does counseling. According to her CV, she started with Reiki in 1996, then did NLP Coaching (2002/2003), Hypno-Coaching (2003/4), Systemic Constellations (2003-5), Mental Healing (2005/6), Shamanism (Ayahuasca rituals in France) from 2005, Shamanic-Ayurvedic Massage 2006, autodidactic learning of drumming and soul singing from 2006, Energy Healing in 2007. In 2010, she did the Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1 and 2, and from 2010 on, she is a student of the Healing the light body school of Villoldo.


Manuela Müller, Hof/Salzburg

According to her CV, Müller was born 1961 in Switzerland. She claims trainings in Reiki, Prana Healing, and Remote Healing. She has been working with healing stones since 2006.

Müller claims a training as a Crystal Skull Guardian with Karin Tag for Crystal Skull Energy Transmissions.

She is furthermore trained in Starcon Method, in Maya astrology, dowsing, and reading cards.

Michael Rupprich, Vienna

Rupprich, born 1964, claims various trainings: e.g. Reiki 1, 2, 3, Aura-Soma, EMF Balancing Technique, Channeling, he is a Magenta Healer, did Starseed Workshops, is a Regression Coach, did Matrix Energetics Level 1 and Matrix Harmonics Level 1-3. He is also a Crystal Skull Guardian Grade 1 and 2.