General > Frauds
Arthur Sonier/Medicine Eagle
Closing one of his groups because it's dead, nothing happening in it. I'd call this a win for us and groups like ICARE and AIM. He's pretty isolated now.
From: "Arthur Medicine Eagle/Sonier" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:52:59 -0000
Subject: [Arthurs_Group] Closing Group
The groups I suggest relocating to are as follows.
I have been watching Eagles_Fly for a while and these are the recent posts...
This was the first.......................
> I promised to tell you some about the lecture I attended in a
neighbour city on Sunday June 12th.
> Time is flying... and during some days now I have not had enough
of time for the PC and the Internet. So, instead of postponing this
by waiting for the right time to come to be able to tell
you "properly", I am writing now and writing only a little. Hope
you agree with that. :-)
> The Native American who gave this lecture was Dr. Al Carroll,
Mescalero Apache. He will be touring Europe for some 2 months. He
started out in England, and then arrived in Sweden.
> I think he was a really nice guy, and he had very interesting
things to tell us about the ways of the Native Americans - and the
Native American way of seeing some things. And about "fraude
shamans, and similar "things".
> It would be really great if he would be able to come back here, to
Sweden, next year - then I hope to be in better health myself, and
be able to arrange for him to give a lecture in my hometown too.
We'll see about that.
> Al gave us these URLs, to sites that are his or that he
is "involved" in. Unfortunately I have not yet had the time to
visit them, so I can't tell you very much about the contents. :-)
Maybe you could visit and check them out yourselves? I'll do it
myself as soon as I can focus enough to go through them. :-)
> For me it was also great to get out of my apartment and see
something else!! I am still not well enough to drive my car very
much. I am too mentally fatigue, for one thing.
> I hope you will find the websites interesting!
> Peace & Light,
> Marie
Arthur replied.................
The links you posted at the end of this article have named me as a
fraud and phoney. I asked them to prove what they claim and to this
date they cannot.What miffs some people off is I get things done and
they sit on their butts letting the day pass. If anyone is a fraud
it is those who choose to do witch hunting and claim they are more
Indian than others. They also make the rules as they go. Keep an
open mind and do not believe all you see on those links. The person
who did the links resides in Europe and has no idea who she is
speaking about except by hearsay and gossip!.
This has generated the following.....................
Hi Arthur i agree with your words i have seen that about you months ago
and I know they were wrong then in what they said. So much bad gossip i
know i have gone through that myself we that are pushed on can look up
to the Creator and say "The Creator Knows" :-)
Love ~~~> Jeanne ~Butterfly Dancer~
Oh, dear... I feel stupid... I did not know. One reason is that I have
not yet gone through those websites. Another reason is that I would never
have expected to find your name in such a matter. I am sorry about this,
and I hope that I have not offended you by sending my message and the links.
What I felt was important with that lecture was to be told about "real"
fraudes that are travelling in Sweden as well as in other European
ountries - claiming to be Indians, shamans, or what they might call
themselves, and having people pay a lot of money for fraud healing,
incorrect and dangerous sweat lodges, deluding people to be naked, deluding
people into sex, and more. That was one part of the lecture, and I was
upset to hear about that.
With respect,
Hi Marie not your fault if you knew this you would of not posted it i am
sure Arthur knows this.Arthur just wanted to make it clear that this is
not true.
Love ~~~~~> Jeanne ~Butterfly Dancer~
When you are not the real thing you have to attack the real thing...happens everywhere all the time. They are afraid of Arthur because he is everything he claims to be and they feel threatened by him...Men like Arthur make them inferior no matter how hard they try to not be. They are only harming their own people when they attack him....You had no idea, so please don't feel bad. I know Arthur personally and he a true Indian...His heart is good and he works very hard for the people, all these people have done is make it harder for him to help...Don't worry Marie, we know you had no idea what was there.
Love and Hugs,
Strong Heart aka Melinda
I'll keep people posted of any new mail
^. .^
That's so funny! Thanks for sharing that with us, as they say.
Al is giving out a needlessly complex URL for this forum. All you need to get here is
the latest postings... i.e. the saga continues
Put your heart to rest Marie, and know all is alright.
I agree with Strong Heart Woman, these kind of peoples attack another when they are not real themselves, always making it hard for another who is true, to do the work they intend to do for the people. I have seen other good men, and women attacked in this way. It is sad that it happens. I have been around here for a long time, not always speaking, but from what I hear through words, and what I see happening...I know that Arthur has a good heart.
Love to you Marie,
Whispering Tears
I know you as a Sister and not a stupid person. You posted in
innocence and your heart is in a good place. I am not upset at you
nor anyone else. That stuff is floating around all over the place.
Yet it surprises people when they meet me because they always
apologize saying they had no idea. I am not a tyrant I just posted a
reply so people could keep an open mind. There are many people
across the great nation, canada, central and south america who know
and respect me and what i do. I used to fight with the people on the
links but Elders kept telling me to fight the jerks is a waste of
precious time. I let the dogs bark and one day maybe they will
realize that the parade goes on with or without them.
^. .^
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