Author Topic: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya  (Read 37777 times)

Offline Litsehimmel

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Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:58:54 pm »
Autumn ...

Do you have any idea who the "Mayan" is who presented with her in the Crystal Ceremony?

YES!!! Found her *grin* The woman goes by the name Devatma Amaya, real name Lucia Amaya. Currently lives in the same province I do. I found her via a Dutch spiritual blog which described the Febr. 12 event in Zeist. Here's a vimeo of her  On Nov 11th 2011 she decided to meditate 11 days for 11 hours in a yurt in the Dutch province of Groningen. The same day she "decided" to become a buddhist monk, shaved her head and started wearing a white robe. Her personal motto is "The Earth is my witness". The story goes that, as a child she was found in the jungles of South America, more dead than alive, and therefor has a strong connection with nature. She has had several other near-death experiences and *drum roffle* is "a personal and close friend of Kiesha Crowther".

She's involved with Earth Matters and organizes a 4 day "survival course" this coming May. Is on FB and I found an old page where she still has hair. Seems she grew up in an orphanage in Bogota (Colombia).

I'll do some more research, but from what I've seen so far she is harmless and wishes nothing but good for mankind :-)



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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2013, 06:00:42 pm »
Thank you so much, Litsehimmel.  In trying to identify "the Mayan" myself, I thought she looked familiar to a dark-haired woman pictured in some photos with LG at one of her other Holland events, but she looked shorter, so I didn't want to make any assumptions.  I guess it was her after all.

Pretty harmless?  I don't know.  Since LG said she was a "Mayan" who had been protecting the crystal that she presented to LG at the Crystal Ceremony, there seems to be a lot of script writing (or lying) going on.  Maybe the "script" could go like this:  "As she was wandering in the jungles of South America, she found a crystal lying around and she knew she had to protect it.  When they found her more dead than alive, she hung onto the crystal for dear life and they put her in an orphanage in Colombia.  After she got out of the orphanage, still clinging to the crystal, she moved to Holland, where she met LG at one of her events and knew she had been protecting the crystal for her.  It was then that she changed her appearance by shaving her head and donning white robes so that she could appear as a "Mayan" and bow low to LG to present a HUGE crystal to LG at her Crystal Ceremony (i.e., the crystal that they had purchased at a local Walmart or some such store as Holland has, maybe even an Aldi's)."

(Not sure where the Mayan heritage comes in.  I, no doubt, am demonstrating my ignorance here, but aren't most Mayans in "Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, the southern part of Mexico and eastern parts of El Salvador" (according to Wikipedia)?  Maybe someone else can help me writing a better script, or I can just wait for the next installment from LG.

I really appreciate all of your research, Litsehimmel.  Sorry about all the "twinkies" that are your neighbors, though.

Kathryn, would you please split off all of this information and put it into the LG thread?  Thanks!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 06:02:27 pm by Autumn »


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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 06:46:12 pm »
Could the info on Lucia Amaya also be given its own Research Needed thread - Autumn or Litsehimmel could either of you start one? Thanks! I think she is worthy of her own thread too.

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 07:24:07 pm »

I'm starting to have the feeling that this Lucia Amaya might be fraudulent by sheer companionship, i.o.w. is lured along by the people she hangs out with. As - sadly - is the case with most of these Dutch twinkies. As for my remark earlier that I thought I remembered she had made the news: she did. She was both the subject of a X-mas special in the Leeuwarder Courant (our 'national' Frisian newspaper; clarification: the Frisians are like the Basque people, meaning they're very different both culturally and even genetically from the Dutch) and part of a tv-program on people who voluntarily live a life without materialism. For example: she started several websites and a Hyves where stuff is simply donated to poor or needy people, without expecting anything in return.

Otoh, she has some other people following in her wake that seem, well, 'less' harmless. One example is 'Dancing Cloud' Steggerda, who seems to be - what I presume - an Indonesian woman who claims to have been taught by Twylah Nitsch, subject of one of your other topics :;topicseen#msg5675
This Dancing Cloud woman gives 2-day workshops on working with medicine wheels based on Nitsche's Wolf Clan teachings, which she ends with a 'chanupa' ceremony. Pretty strange, ending so-called Seneca based teachings with a Lakota ceremony, but then again, what do I know ...  Her facebook links to some interesting people as well. White Spirit healing offers medicine wheel readings as well.

I could go on and on. This country if rife with - often misguided - people who have been taught during a weekend by someone who has been taught during a weekend by someone who was ... etc etc etc more.



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Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 09:50:11 pm »
Close and personal friend of Kiesha Crowther/Little Grandmother.  Also known as "The Mayan".


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 10:58:19 pm »
Christmas Special LC: Lucia lives in the woods
Published on December 21, 2012, 14:43 Last updated on 21 December 2012, 14:55
"I feel love for the people who beat me"

HEERENVEEN - She gets up with the sun and go to sleep with the animals in the forest. Buddhist nun and nomad Lucia Amaya lives in nature.

Saturday in the Leeuwarder Courant:

Here and there, including in Heerenveen, she has hidden huts. Since she gave most of her possessions, Lucia feels himself richer and more complete than ever.

But her path to enlightenment is a foundation of starvation and cruelty in her youth: she grew up in the orphanage in Bogota.

Compassionate: 'I feel love for the people who beat me.''


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 01:08:20 am »
Ooo, Ooo, Ooo, I've got it!  LG didn't mean to say "a Mayan" (which she did), when she introduced Devatma Amaya during the Crystal Ceremony.  She meant to say Amaya!  That crazy girl is always getting things mixed up!

But Ms. Amaya didn't straighten her out because she just played along, so I am not sure if that makes her a fraud or not, but it sure looks like "guilt by association". 

Looks like she changes the color of her Buddhist nun robes, because they are white sometimes and rust-colored other times.  Not sure what that means, if indeed it means anything at all.  Does any of this stuff mean anything??

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 04:12:13 pm »
White in buddhist clothing indicates a novice, or postulant. The color of the yellow/orange robes was chosen because dirt wouldn't show on it. As far as I have gathered from various sites, that is.

And I would like to stress again that I think she has been pulled along in the wake of LG, without any harmful intentions. Here's what she writes in an article on Earth Matters (

The time that we had to follow gurus and masters has passed. Be your own master, your own shaman, be that powerful tree which nurtures and provides oxygen and love from your own beautiful love energy. Knowledge of fibonacci, sacred geometry, polar shifts, Atlantean awareness is all fine and good, but more importantly is "what we do with that knowledge". We have to do it NOW, right at this moment.  A true spiritual being is somebody who grabs a toilet scrubber and cleans his neighbours toilet when he is unable to do so himself due to illness. That is something which all the books ever written just can't beat.

In my opinion she works purely from the heart, with all the right intentions. I usually have a fantastic BS-o-meter, but in this case the thing remains absolutely silent! She might not have corrected LG in what she said, but that also might have been out of pure consideration and not wanting to embarrass a friend in public. And we really don't know what she might have said in private.

I'll look further into her and her actions, but I really doubt anything will come up. So far she seems a generous, caring individual. Then again, I just could be wrong  :o


Offline earthw7

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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 05:39:43 pm »
She is working with a fraud that should be enough
i wonder why people are so needy they want to believe
all people who put on a show/education workshop are doing this
from the goodness of their heart.
A really buddist would not be out in workshop
In Spirit


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2013, 06:23:25 pm »
Amaya might be a survivor of past violence. If so, being anywhere near Kiesha Crowther isn't going to help her recovery at all, in fact she will be victimized further. Personally, I think Kiesha is a predator, Kiesha might be driven mostly by delusion, maybe mostly by con artistry (or both) but no matter what, she is bad news.

She is working with a fraud that should be enough
i wonder why people are so needy they want to believe
all people who put on a show/education workshop are doing this
from the goodness of their heart.
A really buddist would not be out in workshop

I learn from Earth's quote here, and agree.

I believe ultimately people need to be held accountable for their actions.

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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2013, 06:31:53 pm »
White in buddhist clothing indicates a novice, or postulant. The color of the yellow/orange robes was chosen because dirt wouldn't show on it. As far as I have gathered from various sites, that is.

In most Hindu sects renunciate women and widows wear white, while male renunciates wear saffron (pale orange, but sometimes shades that veer to yellow or rust). Married men usually wear white.

Buddhism is not Hinduism, but we've seen Crowther vulture from Hinduism before and twist those beliefs to suit her scams.

What is perhaps most relevant is that in Hinduism "Maya" means "Illusion."  It is seen as the degraded condition of the material world that spiritual people aim to become free of ;)


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 12:43:27 am »
This is what Lucia looked like on 9-4-11 (September 4, 2011) at one of LG's Holland events.  She favored white even before she became a Buddhist nun.


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 01:27:28 am »
Is wearing white the norm for devotees of Kiesha Crowther? Especially at "ceremonies"?


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 04:07:26 pm »
Is wearing white the norm for devotees of Kiesha Crowther? Especially at "ceremonies"?


This is a teachable moment, although it will not cost you anything.  Why is it that KC/LG always seems to be asking for donations at her seminars (school, Buddhist nun, etc.)?

There was also another special special woman who was guiding Kiesha when she came in. I forgot her name but will find her name again eventually. > Drome remembered: Devatma Amaya. This woman survived as little child in the rainforests of a land I also forgot and came then to Holland for her living. She cares here for the poorest of the poorest people that life here and she herself had nothing but a car. She was clothed as a white nun and has no home here but a car. Maybe this was the reason Kiesha was so emotional because she organized promptly a donation for this woman. For the money donated she can sleep in a luxury hotel for many weeks as I saw the result. Very nice.

And this was the result:


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Re: Lucia Amaya / Devatma Amaya
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2013, 06:14:15 pm »
Whoa, that bowl of cash says it all.

This photo of KC and Amaya reminds me of trading cards, or dolls - as if Kiesha and crew are presenting their versions of stereotypical spiritual "types". Collect each type and then you will be extra legit.

I wonder who this woman in black is, is she KC's manager, or just the presenter for this specific event?

Back to that bowl of cash - wonder what would happen if a donor wanted a receipt? What if a donor wanted to see KC's books?